Chapter 24 - Washed Away
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 24 - Washed Away
Chapter 24 - Washed Away
(Are you ready for this one.....? This one will be heart wrenching! ...............Wait, is that even a word?)
All Oogway saw was a great wall of water, bigger then the Jade Palace. (Only by a little bit though), hurtling towards them! The top of the wave was creased down the water with foam crashing menacingly and drenching the land as it swept up the mountain.
"Master!!" Shifu finally snapped out of his gaze and turned towards the old tortoise with horrorified eyes. "What do we do?!!"
Oogway's mouth gaped continuously. "I-I don't know, we need to find safety!"
Shifu was frantic. "How?! The wave is huge!! It'll drown us all!!"
Oogway looked around desperately, a huge wave was pulsating up the mountain at high speed, and there was no way out except for the window. The old tortoise got down on his knees. "Shifu, get on my back."
"Just do it!"
Shifu took a flying leap and landed on his master's hard shell, he gripped on. "What are you doing?!"
Ignoring the cub, Oogway climbed through the window as quickly as he could. The wind roared and tried to suck them up. Oogway planted his feet firmly in the ground, he dragged his feet in the thick mud trying to keep from blowing away. "Sh-Shifu..!" He strained to speak against the rage of the storm. "We need to get to the palace's basement, it-it's the only thing that has any hope of saving us. We have a-bout th-three minutes..!" The old tortoise ran up towards the palace and kicked straight through the window. He gave a small cry of pain as glass shards stuck in his legs and feet. "Augh.."
"Master! Are you okay?!"
"F-fine..!" Oogway ran into the middle of the palace. "Shifu, there's the door leading to the basement, I'll open round everyone up."
"Alright!" The cub ran to the front of the palace. "Everyone!! There's a giant wave coming, get into the basement!"
Immidiately the young cub's announcements were followed by horrified screams.
"What?! A giant wave?!"
"A tsunami?!"
"We're going to diiiiiiieee!!!!!!!!!!"
"GET INTO THE BASEMENT!!" Shifu screamed.
In a thunderous stampede, a desperate attempt for safety, the residents hurried towards the enterance of the basement. The thunderous rumble became louder, waves crashed against the mountains. Everyone quickly disapeared into the basement.
Oogway began to panic. "Hurry...hurry..!" Once all the residents filled the basement the old tortoise beckoned Shifu over. "Hurry little one."
Shifu ran towards the opening, Oogway tried to pull him in...but the cub's tunic got caught on the door hinges. "No..! Master!! I-I'm stuck!!"
Oogway pulled on Shifu's arms, the rumbling deafened them. "Come on! Arghhhh!" He was frantic, yanking and pulling On Shifu's arm. He tried untangling the fabric. He yanked so hard, it hurt the cub's arms. The tsunami was only moments away. "Let go..!" At last with a loud rip Shifu was free. The dog inprint from his tunic also tore off and hung from the hinge. Oogway pulled the cub inside, moments before the tsunami. A loud gasp was heard.
Ming Yang gave a horrorified shreik. "LI!! SHE'S STILL OUT THERE!!" The young bunny pushed her way through the startled crowd, some tried to pull her back, her mother screamed for her. "MING YANG!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ming Yang threw open the door and hurried up the ladder. Oogway caught her by the bottom of her kimono. "Ming Yang, get in here!!"
Ming Yang snarled like a wild animal. "NO!!" She screamed, kicked Oogway hard in the face, and ran towards the kitten on the other side of the palace.
"MINGY!!!!" Shifu screamed. He lunged out the opening.
"Shifu!!" Oogway yelled. "Stop!" He swiped for the cub, but Shifu dodged it, and ran towards the young bunny. All of a sudden the deadly roar of the wave ripped through the palace halls.
Oogway gasped loudly and began pulling himself up the ladder, ten other arms pulled him back inside.
"No, Master Oogway!!"
"Are you crazy?! You'll die!!"
"Stay in here!!"
The old tortoise was strong, but with ten other arms pulling him back, he didn't have much of a chance. "Stop..!" He pleaded. "My student...he's going to drown!" Before he could even finish his sentence, the thunderous rumble tore up the walls, and came hurtling towards the children.
Ming Yang gazed up, frozen in terror. "...AaaaaAAAUUGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A huge wave engullfed Shifu and threw him up the walls, if this didn't have a chance to result sending him to a watery grave, the cub would have been screaming with laughter.....for it was a pretty amazing waterslide. The only problem was that this was a rollercoaster of horror. The huge wall of water swallowed the children up and tossed them through the palace. The children were slammed every which way, up and down the palace walls. Oogway could tell Ming Yang had become unconcious, and shifu was close to losing conciousness as well. Shifu and Ming Yang were flushed down the mountain with the rest of the water.
Oogway's eyes widened. "SHIFU!!!" He screamed, for the second time in his life.
Shifu and Ming Yang hurtled down the mountain. "Ming Yang!!" Shifu screamed. He held out his hand. "Grab on!! We can't let the waves separate us!!!"
Weakly opening her eyes a slit, Ming Yang grabbed on to her friend's hand. Her lips moved slowly. "Shi....fu". She fell unconcious, but Shifu would not let go.
The waves plumbeted down the mountain, Shifu and Ming Yang were slammed into a tree. Fianlly, as the water went over his head....Shifu lost conciousness.
The cub blinked, his eyes were blurred, his legs were dried with blood, and his head was pounding violently. He couldn't adjust to the surroundings at all, getting to his feet, the cub dragged his bloodied leg on the ground. Shifu shivered and shook himself off. Trying desperately to get rid of the cold water that had drenched his body. The valley was a disaster. Many homes had been destroyed by the storm. But wait................his wasn't the valley! ...Where was he?! The cub got to his feet. "M-master..?" His voice quavered. "Master..?" "MASTER!!" Shifu ran all about. Screaming his master and best friend's names over and over again. "MASTER!!! MINGY!!! WU LIAN!!!!" He hurried to one side of the small village, then the other. Where was he?!! ...............Would he ever see his beloved master again..? The cub sighed and hugged himself, blinking. Shifu limped up a small slope towards the totaled houses down the lane. He squeezed the water out of his ears. Ouu I'm cold......better find some way to warm up. Then I should probably try to find my way back to the palace........where ever it is. The young cub sighed and rung the water out of his ears. Shifu continued through the small valley, yawning. Exhausted...
Gasp. "Wh-what?!"
Shifu peered down, at a drowned rat at his feet. Her fur was matted to her head, her orange eyes blinked innocently. "Mew..." Shifu's mouth creased, he bent down to pick up the small creature. "'re alive!" He cuddled her, tears in his eyes. The young cub sniffled, then fully opened his eyes. No! Don't you dare cry now!! Master Oogway wouldn't be crying! ......But he couldn't be any more wrong...
True, Oogway did not have tears in his eyes or on his face for he needed to be strong for Wu Lian (who was beside him, searching) but inside his heart he was sobbing. He had promised Shei Lia and Kohaii nothing would ever harm their little one. He had already broken that promise when Giao Xun attacked..........he didn't want to break it again! "Shifuuuu!"
Wu Lian cupped her hands over her mouth. "Ming Yaaaaaaaaanngg!!"
"Ming Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnggg!!!!"
"Shifu..? Shifu!!"
Shifu sighed, and continued through the valley. It was starting to get dark out..and very cold. The cub glanced down at Li, who was licking herself. "Hmmm....Li, we should probably find some shelter for the night, it's freezing."
The cub nodded. "Yeah, I'm hungry too.." He scampered towards a small undestroyed house and peered inside. "Hey..! There's still a little bit of food left!" He gasped. "Even a backpack and blankets!" Shifu beamed down at the kitten. "Li, we're saved! We'll just eat in moderation and pack all the food in the bag, and some blankets too!"
The young kitten gave a small mew of happiness.
Shifu walked up to a (slightly) bent fridge and opened it. It was still very cold, with a few icepacks. In the fridge was some milk, water, bread, cheese, chicken, eggs, onions, apples, butter, cookies, and tofu. The cub breathed a sigh of relief amd smiled at the kitten. "Well, we're definitely not going to run out of food for a while. I just hope the people that live here don't mind us taking some of their stuff."
The red panda noded in agreement. "Yeah.they were probably blown away or smoething.." He shrugged, looking worried. "I hope they don't mind us taking some food."
Shifu poured a little milk in a tiny chipped and dirty dish. "We'll stay here untill morning."
The cub shook his head. "I don't know....I hope Ming Yang is alright..." He knew she had lost conciousness even before they slammed into the tree.
Shifu mustered a small smile. "Right, she's probably fine! After all, she was the brave girl that rescued you from a typhoon!"
Li blinked and looked into the sky "Mew..."
"Well, it's official." Oogway said gavely. "We're not going to find them tonight, it's way to dark now."
Wu Lian nodded. "I wonder how far in China the tsunami took them?"
Oogway sighed. "I'm not sure Wu Lian."
The female red panda was quiet for a moment. "Do you think they're alright..?"
The old tortoise smiled lightly at her. "I'm sure they're fine. Shifu took a nearly fatal blow to the chest and lived it. Ming Yang just went through a typhoon to save a cat."
Wu Lian nodded reluctantly. "Yeaaaah.....but I'm still really worried Master Oogway."
Oogway rested his chin in his hands. "I am too Wu Lian.......I am too.
Shifu tossed and turned, the blankets were scratchy, and the sleeping mat smelled of moth balls. He sighed. He wanted to go home. The cub sat up and closed his eyes. He wanted to be beside his master meditating under the peach tree. He wanted to be breaking his bones in the training hall. He even wanted to be thrashing about in the tub as his master struggled to bathe him. He wanted to be anywhere then here.......absolutely anywhere. He hated this lonely feeling.............hated it!
Li blinked a few times and opened her wide orange eyes, they glowed vibrantly in the darkness. She got up, stretched and walked towards the doorway. "Mew..."
Shifu grunted in sleepy acknolagement. "What is it Li?" He followed her to the doorway. She looked up to see if he was following her, and continued up the hill. The young cub limped after her. "Li...what is it?" He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Li scratched at the ground. "Mew..."
Shifu cocked his head. "Li..?" He peered down, and gasped. With shaky hands the cub retrieved the object from the ground. His lips trembled as he smoothed out the fur on it's body and took out the crusty dirt. His eyes moistened as a sudden sadness overwhelmed him. He gazed at the small object in his hands. Pong. Only then did the cub collapse to his knees in a fit of sobs.
(*hugs Shifu* Poor thing...he's far away from home, he has no idea where he is! Oh! If you've read the chapter "Valentines Day" you'll know who Pong is.)
Chapter Preview!!!
The creature uncurled her tail and blinked up with tear filled eyes. She was a silver vixen with green eyes, her kimono was violet with a light purple seam down holding together the outfit. She had an indigo rose print on the side of her kimono, and white beaded sandals.
Shifu took a step toward her, her bright green eyes filled with tears to the brim. She cringed back. "N-no! It's okay girl. I won't hurt you..." That's when Shifu realized that the vixen was staring over his shoulder, out the mouth of the cave. "They're coming..." She whispered.
All Oogway saw was a great wall of water, bigger then the Jade Palace. (Only by a little bit though), hurtling towards them! The top of the wave was creased down the water with foam crashing menacingly and drenching the land as it swept up the mountain.
"Master!!" Shifu finally snapped out of his gaze and turned towards the old tortoise with horrorified eyes. "What do we do?!!"
Oogway's mouth gaped continuously. "I-I don't know, we need to find safety!"
Shifu was frantic. "How?! The wave is huge!! It'll drown us all!!"
Oogway looked around desperately, a huge wave was pulsating up the mountain at high speed, and there was no way out except for the window. The old tortoise got down on his knees. "Shifu, get on my back."
"Just do it!"
Shifu took a flying leap and landed on his master's hard shell, he gripped on. "What are you doing?!"
Ignoring the cub, Oogway climbed through the window as quickly as he could. The wind roared and tried to suck them up. Oogway planted his feet firmly in the ground, he dragged his feet in the thick mud trying to keep from blowing away. "Sh-Shifu..!" He strained to speak against the rage of the storm. "We need to get to the palace's basement, it-it's the only thing that has any hope of saving us. We have a-bout th-three minutes..!" The old tortoise ran up towards the palace and kicked straight through the window. He gave a small cry of pain as glass shards stuck in his legs and feet. "Augh.."
"Master! Are you okay?!"
"F-fine..!" Oogway ran into the middle of the palace. "Shifu, there's the door leading to the basement, I'll open round everyone up."
"Alright!" The cub ran to the front of the palace. "Everyone!! There's a giant wave coming, get into the basement!"
Immidiately the young cub's announcements were followed by horrified screams.
"What?! A giant wave?!"
"A tsunami?!"
"We're going to diiiiiiieee!!!!!!!!!!"
"GET INTO THE BASEMENT!!" Shifu screamed.
In a thunderous stampede, a desperate attempt for safety, the residents hurried towards the enterance of the basement. The thunderous rumble became louder, waves crashed against the mountains. Everyone quickly disapeared into the basement.
Oogway began to panic. "Hurry...hurry..!" Once all the residents filled the basement the old tortoise beckoned Shifu over. "Hurry little one."
Shifu ran towards the opening, Oogway tried to pull him in...but the cub's tunic got caught on the door hinges. "No..! Master!! I-I'm stuck!!"
Oogway pulled on Shifu's arms, the rumbling deafened them. "Come on! Arghhhh!" He was frantic, yanking and pulling On Shifu's arm. He tried untangling the fabric. He yanked so hard, it hurt the cub's arms. The tsunami was only moments away. "Let go..!" At last with a loud rip Shifu was free. The dog inprint from his tunic also tore off and hung from the hinge. Oogway pulled the cub inside, moments before the tsunami. A loud gasp was heard.
Ming Yang gave a horrorified shreik. "LI!! SHE'S STILL OUT THERE!!" The young bunny pushed her way through the startled crowd, some tried to pull her back, her mother screamed for her. "MING YANG!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ming Yang threw open the door and hurried up the ladder. Oogway caught her by the bottom of her kimono. "Ming Yang, get in here!!"
Ming Yang snarled like a wild animal. "NO!!" She screamed, kicked Oogway hard in the face, and ran towards the kitten on the other side of the palace.
"MINGY!!!!" Shifu screamed. He lunged out the opening.
"Shifu!!" Oogway yelled. "Stop!" He swiped for the cub, but Shifu dodged it, and ran towards the young bunny. All of a sudden the deadly roar of the wave ripped through the palace halls.
Oogway gasped loudly and began pulling himself up the ladder, ten other arms pulled him back inside.
"No, Master Oogway!!"
"Are you crazy?! You'll die!!"
"Stay in here!!"
The old tortoise was strong, but with ten other arms pulling him back, he didn't have much of a chance. "Stop..!" He pleaded. "My student...he's going to drown!" Before he could even finish his sentence, the thunderous rumble tore up the walls, and came hurtling towards the children.
Ming Yang gazed up, frozen in terror. "...AaaaaAAAUUGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A huge wave engullfed Shifu and threw him up the walls, if this didn't have a chance to result sending him to a watery grave, the cub would have been screaming with laughter.....for it was a pretty amazing waterslide. The only problem was that this was a rollercoaster of horror. The huge wall of water swallowed the children up and tossed them through the palace. The children were slammed every which way, up and down the palace walls. Oogway could tell Ming Yang had become unconcious, and shifu was close to losing conciousness as well. Shifu and Ming Yang were flushed down the mountain with the rest of the water.
Oogway's eyes widened. "SHIFU!!!" He screamed, for the second time in his life.
Shifu and Ming Yang hurtled down the mountain. "Ming Yang!!" Shifu screamed. He held out his hand. "Grab on!! We can't let the waves separate us!!!"
Weakly opening her eyes a slit, Ming Yang grabbed on to her friend's hand. Her lips moved slowly. "Shi....fu". She fell unconcious, but Shifu would not let go.
The waves plumbeted down the mountain, Shifu and Ming Yang were slammed into a tree. Fianlly, as the water went over his head....Shifu lost conciousness.
The cub blinked, his eyes were blurred, his legs were dried with blood, and his head was pounding violently. He couldn't adjust to the surroundings at all, getting to his feet, the cub dragged his bloodied leg on the ground. Shifu shivered and shook himself off. Trying desperately to get rid of the cold water that had drenched his body. The valley was a disaster. Many homes had been destroyed by the storm. But wait................his wasn't the valley! ...Where was he?! The cub got to his feet. "M-master..?" His voice quavered. "Master..?" "MASTER!!" Shifu ran all about. Screaming his master and best friend's names over and over again. "MASTER!!! MINGY!!! WU LIAN!!!!" He hurried to one side of the small village, then the other. Where was he?!! ...............Would he ever see his beloved master again..? The cub sighed and hugged himself, blinking. Shifu limped up a small slope towards the totaled houses down the lane. He squeezed the water out of his ears. Ouu I'm cold......better find some way to warm up. Then I should probably try to find my way back to the palace........where ever it is. The young cub sighed and rung the water out of his ears. Shifu continued through the small valley, yawning. Exhausted...
Gasp. "Wh-what?!"
Shifu peered down, at a drowned rat at his feet. Her fur was matted to her head, her orange eyes blinked innocently. "Mew..." Shifu's mouth creased, he bent down to pick up the small creature. "'re alive!" He cuddled her, tears in his eyes. The young cub sniffled, then fully opened his eyes. No! Don't you dare cry now!! Master Oogway wouldn't be crying! ......But he couldn't be any more wrong...
True, Oogway did not have tears in his eyes or on his face for he needed to be strong for Wu Lian (who was beside him, searching) but inside his heart he was sobbing. He had promised Shei Lia and Kohaii nothing would ever harm their little one. He had already broken that promise when Giao Xun attacked..........he didn't want to break it again! "Shifuuuu!"
Wu Lian cupped her hands over her mouth. "Ming Yaaaaaaaaanngg!!"
"Ming Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnggg!!!!"
"Shifu..? Shifu!!"
Shifu sighed, and continued through the valley. It was starting to get dark out..and very cold. The cub glanced down at Li, who was licking herself. "Hmmm....Li, we should probably find some shelter for the night, it's freezing."
The cub nodded. "Yeah, I'm hungry too.." He scampered towards a small undestroyed house and peered inside. "Hey..! There's still a little bit of food left!" He gasped. "Even a backpack and blankets!" Shifu beamed down at the kitten. "Li, we're saved! We'll just eat in moderation and pack all the food in the bag, and some blankets too!"
The young kitten gave a small mew of happiness.
Shifu walked up to a (slightly) bent fridge and opened it. It was still very cold, with a few icepacks. In the fridge was some milk, water, bread, cheese, chicken, eggs, onions, apples, butter, cookies, and tofu. The cub breathed a sigh of relief amd smiled at the kitten. "Well, we're definitely not going to run out of food for a while. I just hope the people that live here don't mind us taking some of their stuff."
The red panda noded in agreement. "Yeah.they were probably blown away or smoething.." He shrugged, looking worried. "I hope they don't mind us taking some food."
Shifu poured a little milk in a tiny chipped and dirty dish. "We'll stay here untill morning."
The cub shook his head. "I don't know....I hope Ming Yang is alright..." He knew she had lost conciousness even before they slammed into the tree.
Shifu mustered a small smile. "Right, she's probably fine! After all, she was the brave girl that rescued you from a typhoon!"
Li blinked and looked into the sky "Mew..."
"Well, it's official." Oogway said gavely. "We're not going to find them tonight, it's way to dark now."
Wu Lian nodded. "I wonder how far in China the tsunami took them?"
Oogway sighed. "I'm not sure Wu Lian."
The female red panda was quiet for a moment. "Do you think they're alright..?"
The old tortoise smiled lightly at her. "I'm sure they're fine. Shifu took a nearly fatal blow to the chest and lived it. Ming Yang just went through a typhoon to save a cat."
Wu Lian nodded reluctantly. "Yeaaaah.....but I'm still really worried Master Oogway."
Oogway rested his chin in his hands. "I am too Wu Lian.......I am too.
Shifu tossed and turned, the blankets were scratchy, and the sleeping mat smelled of moth balls. He sighed. He wanted to go home. The cub sat up and closed his eyes. He wanted to be beside his master meditating under the peach tree. He wanted to be breaking his bones in the training hall. He even wanted to be thrashing about in the tub as his master struggled to bathe him. He wanted to be anywhere then here.......absolutely anywhere. He hated this lonely feeling.............hated it!
Li blinked a few times and opened her wide orange eyes, they glowed vibrantly in the darkness. She got up, stretched and walked towards the doorway. "Mew..."
Shifu grunted in sleepy acknolagement. "What is it Li?" He followed her to the doorway. She looked up to see if he was following her, and continued up the hill. The young cub limped after her. "Li...what is it?" He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Li scratched at the ground. "Mew..."
Shifu cocked his head. "Li..?" He peered down, and gasped. With shaky hands the cub retrieved the object from the ground. His lips trembled as he smoothed out the fur on it's body and took out the crusty dirt. His eyes moistened as a sudden sadness overwhelmed him. He gazed at the small object in his hands. Pong. Only then did the cub collapse to his knees in a fit of sobs.
(*hugs Shifu* Poor thing...he's far away from home, he has no idea where he is! Oh! If you've read the chapter "Valentines Day" you'll know who Pong is.)
Chapter Preview!!!
The creature uncurled her tail and blinked up with tear filled eyes. She was a silver vixen with green eyes, her kimono was violet with a light purple seam down holding together the outfit. She had an indigo rose print on the side of her kimono, and white beaded sandals.
Shifu took a step toward her, her bright green eyes filled with tears to the brim. She cringed back. "N-no! It's okay girl. I won't hurt you..." That's when Shifu realized that the vixen was staring over his shoulder, out the mouth of the cave. "They're coming..." She whispered.
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pixiebell on October 26, 2008, 8:02:29 AM
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kaptainkitty on October 25, 2008, 2:23:04 PM
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caden17 on October 23, 2008, 6:12:12 AM
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pixiepumpkin on October 23, 2008, 6:15:22 AM
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