Chapter 33 - Autumn Storm
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 33 - Autumn Storm
Chapter 33 - Autumn Storm
(Shifu tries to compromise with Akimi, but will it go out as planned? Or will Shifu end up losing a week worth of melon buns?)
Sunlight poured into Shifu's room, he tried to make sense of what had happened the other day. "I don't take any orders from a damn turtle! I only take them from mother!! I'm not staying here, and that's for sure!!" ...Why had she said that? What was wrong with her?! Who wouldn't like Oogway? ......Who wouldn't love Oogway? He was the most loved person in all of China! Shifu sighed and flopped back down on his bed. The red panda peered through the window and up at the sun. Oogway had taught the cub how to tell time simply by where the sun was in the air, it was 6:20. The red panda rubbed his eyes and made his way to the steps, from his step he could see Oogway sitting atop one of the small hills. A tiny smirk tugged at Shifu's lips, his tail twitched mischeviously. Perhaps he could sneak up on the old tortoise and surprise him for once. Shifu got on all fours, his tail was wagging like mad. The cub took one step forward and leaped up on Oogway's back, clinging on. “Boo!”
Oogway laughed. “I see someone is awake.” He turned his head to smile at his student. “Hello Shifu...”
Shifu held on tighter. “I got ya!”
Oogway smirked slightly and tickled the cub under the arm. “Oh, we'll see about that.”
“Ahahahaha! Let go! Nooo! Ahaha! Not under my ahaharms!” Shifu laughed and slid of Oogway's shell. “No fair, you cheated, and you have a shell, hehe I can't get you!”
The old tortoise laughed. “Precisely why I love my shell, protects me from any attack.”
“Wow, so're invincible?”
Oogway chuckled. “I wouldn't exactly say that dear one..”
Shifu giggled. “You're still lucky!” He paused for a moment and tapped his chin. “Wanna play with me Master?”
Oogway smiled. “Alright, what would you like to play?”
“.....Hmmmmmmmmmm....hide and seek!”
The old tortoise chuckled. “Probably the best game to play in such a huge area. four”
Shifu quickly go to his feet and ran towards the garden, he hid behind a large grape vine.
“! Ready or not, here I come.” Oogway called and began searching.
“Master Oogway, Master Oogway, he's by the garden!” Ming Yang shouted as she jumped up and down.
“Mingy!” Shifu hissed. “Shut up!”
Oogway laughed. “Oh, we have a squealer.” He walked up to the great vines and pulled Shifu out by the scruff of the neck. “Success.”
“No fair!” Shifu yelled as he thrashed angrily. “She tattled!”
“Ming Yang.” Risu said sleepily. “The point of hide and seek is to hide..secretly.”
Oogway grinned. “That's true.”
Shifu giggled, but It quickly quieted. He went back to thinking of Akimi. I don't understand what her problem is! He thought angrily, and then peered up at Oogway. Ming Yang was hanging her arms around his neck and climbing up his head. Who would think so horribly of him? I mean:,just look at him...
“Something on your mind, Shifu?”
The cub snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh! Umm..n-no! Hehe! Perfectly fine!”
Oogway didn't seem convinced but he didn't protest against Shifu's obvious lie. “Just checking...”
“Hehehe!” Ming Yang squealed as she hugged Oogway tightly around the neck. “Master Oogway!”
The old tortoise gently set the bunny on the ground. “Shifu, will you help me get pancakes ready?”
“PANCAKES!!” All the children suddenly screamed. “PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES!”
Oogway was nearly run over by all five children as they continued to the kitchen, their tiny feet sounded like a herd of elephants.
Oogway turned down to Shifu. “I was thinking of making some fresh applesauce, could you pick some apples from the Forest Of Tranquility?”
“Why not our orchard?”
“According to Leona, the apples in the forest beat our orchard any day.”
“Okie-dokie master! I'm on it!” Shifu retrieved a basket from the kitchen and made his way to the forest. Oh, I hope I don't run into that bratty little dog again! Of course with Shifu's luck...
Meanwhile, Oogway was busy cooking up pancakes for his impatient, hungry students. The old tortoise rarely gave them sweet food for breakfast, believing that all breakfast food had to be healthy and nutritious. However on some occasions if the children were behaving..
“Master, are the pancakes ready yet?” Wu Lian asked impatiently.
Oogway chuckled. “You'll have to hold on a minute Wu Lian, I need to make Leona's strawberry ones, Risu's blueberry ones, Ming Yang's.....cheese ones, and Shifu's chocolate chip ones.”
“Is Shifu back with the apples yet?!”
Sigh. “Just be patient Wu Lian!” Oogway said, beginning to lose patience himself. “Shifu will be back momentarily.”
Wu Lian smirked. “I bet he's lost... “
Oogway laughed. “I highly doubt that Wu Lian, everyone at the palace knows the forest from the back of their heads...”
Little did he know... it left? ...Right?...Did I go to far? Shifu wondered. “Leona told Master Oogway about our secret apple tree, but she never showed us where it is!” He sighed. If only I had someone hear to help me out...
“Li!?” Shifu exclaimed, eyes wide. “What-what are you doing here?”
“Mew!” The kitten rubbed against his legs. “Mewww...”
Shifu laughed, scooped up Li and nuzzled her. “Can you help me find the apple tree?”
“Mew!” Hopping out of the cub's arms, Li ran as fast as she could through the brush, under the trees, and led them to a.........pumpkin patch.
Shifu groaned. “Oh no, that bratty Shibi whats-her-name lives in this patch!”
Li hopped up on one of the pumpkins and started rolling around on it.
Shifu covered his mouth to stifle his giggles. “Pfft-hehehe!”
Li continued running on the rolling pumpkin, and the pumpkin continued rolling.
Right onto Akimi's foot.
“Augh-?! Wh-what are you doing on my pumpkin you dumb kitty? You'll hurt yourself!”
Shifu narrowed his eyes. “Don't you call my cat dumb!”
Akimi rose her head up to him. “Oh it's the oddly colored racoon.”
“Red panda!” Shifu growled as he stomped up to Akimi, snatched Li, and stomped back to his original spot. “We were just leaving.....” The cub said in a low tone, regarding Akimi with cool eyes.
The Shiba Inu glared at him, “Yeah well, stay off my property!”
The red panda gave a double take, he could not believe what he had just heard. “Excuse me..? Your property?! Your property?!!” He completely lost his temper. “All the Forest Of Tranquility, all these green hills, and this stupid pumpkin patch belongs to the residents of the Jade Palace! If you're going to be a major brat like you were to my godfather..then you aren't even permitted to be here!”
Akimi boiled over like a teapot as well. “Your pumpkin patch?! I grew this!! These are all my pumpkins! I've lived here for a while now, no one has even noticed! I'm not leaving, especially if these pointless orders are given to me by a squirrel!”
Gasp. “RED PANDA!!”
“I don't care what the hell you are! Or What the hell you want! Get your stupid red-squirrel-@$$ out of here!”
Shifu gasped again, if Oogway ever caught him speaking like that...
“I don't care if your master requests it either, I don't take orders from a stupid,old,wrinkly reptile! THAT MOVES AS SLOW AS MOLASSES!”
Shifu gasped. “HOW DARE YOU!?........How do you even know that?”
“Gee, I wonder!” Akimi said sarcastically. “He's a turtle! Pretty self explanatory!”
Shifu took a deep breath, he recalled to some things Oogway had told him previously. “Everyone has a good heart, sometimes it is shrouded in a black cloud, that they very rarely even realize it's there.” So the red panda decided on a new approach. “Look Akimi, I'm trying to help you, we all are. Can't you us half way?”
“Wha-what?! Do you want to die here?! We're trying to help you! Master Oogway wants you to come to the palace!
"I don't trust any stupid turtle!" The Shiba Inu snarled.
"Don't you dare talk about my godfather like that! He is not stupid, you don't even know him!!!" Shifu shouted, fur bristling with rage.
"I know him enough to realize that I don't-and never will want to be trained by him!" the pup shouted.
"How exactly do you know him?!" The cub demanded sharply. "The only thing you said to him was: "I don't take any orders from a damn turtle! " Probably the most insulting thing you could ever say to him!"
"I know him enough to know he is not my mother!!!!" Akimi screamed at the top of her lungs. "The only thing care about is my pumpkins, and mother! ........B-but I don't have her anymore!" The pup sobbed.
Shifu (not even seeming to realize her anger was coming from hurt) shook with anger. "You love pumpkins so much?! Don't you care about yourself at all?! There is no way you'll survive on your own! I'm trying to save you from certain death!!"
"I don't care!" Akimi shouted, stamping her foot. "I love my pumpkins!"
Shifu's eyes were tiny slits. "Pumpkins?!" He spat.. "Pumpkins?!! You care more about pumpkins then your well being?!" He crouched down. "Well here is what I think about your pumpkins.." He whispered in a menacingly low tone.[/i] With that the red panda was off.
Akimi slapped her hands to her face in horror. “M-my pumpkins! No-STOP!!” She jumped high into the air and slashed her claws over his face.
The air filled with a sickening riiiiiiiiiiiip!
“Augh!” Shifu cried as he held his bleeding face. “What do you think you're doing?!”
Akimi narrowed her eyes. “The same thing you did to my pumpkins you arrogant scum!” She seethed and kicked him hard against the tree.
Shifu cried out and delivered a hard punch to the face.
Crack! Did he just crack her jaw..?
The cub didn't care at this point. He was going to kill this pup! He got to his feet and started running, Shifu struck out his leg and was about to deliver a devastating blow when-
“Shifu, STOP.”
The cub gave a startled yelp as someone seized him by the scruff of his neck. Oogway stood there glaring him down. “Get to the palace.” He ordered in a stern tone.
Shifu cringed. “I was just-”
“O-okay-!” Shifu knew that when Oogway gave a direct not protest. He quickly snatched up Li and ran a fast as he could, through the trees, bushes and to the palace.
(Ouuuuuuuuuu....Shifu is going to get BUSTED. Akimi does not seem to fond of either of them! BTW, sorry it took so long everyone! ^^; Managing two fanfics is hard! )
Preview of the next......ya know!
“I know how you feel Akimi.” Oogway said sadly as he sat down on the log beside her. “I've lost ones I love too..”
Akimi looked up at him. “Really? Who?”
Oogway smiled. “Close family members of my own...” He sighed sadly, pain piercing his heart.
“................So I guess you and I are on the same boat then, huh?”
“Indeed.” The old tortoise smiled at her. “When Shifu became my pupil. He was grieving over the loss of his students. So I told him if we grieve together, and get through it together that it would be much easier.” He looked hopeful. “Perhaps, you and I could get through it together? It is what your mother wished...”
“What do you say, will you be my student?”
Sunlight poured into Shifu's room, he tried to make sense of what had happened the other day. "I don't take any orders from a damn turtle! I only take them from mother!! I'm not staying here, and that's for sure!!" ...Why had she said that? What was wrong with her?! Who wouldn't like Oogway? ......Who wouldn't love Oogway? He was the most loved person in all of China! Shifu sighed and flopped back down on his bed. The red panda peered through the window and up at the sun. Oogway had taught the cub how to tell time simply by where the sun was in the air, it was 6:20. The red panda rubbed his eyes and made his way to the steps, from his step he could see Oogway sitting atop one of the small hills. A tiny smirk tugged at Shifu's lips, his tail twitched mischeviously. Perhaps he could sneak up on the old tortoise and surprise him for once. Shifu got on all fours, his tail was wagging like mad. The cub took one step forward and leaped up on Oogway's back, clinging on. “Boo!”
Oogway laughed. “I see someone is awake.” He turned his head to smile at his student. “Hello Shifu...”
Shifu held on tighter. “I got ya!”
Oogway smirked slightly and tickled the cub under the arm. “Oh, we'll see about that.”
“Ahahahaha! Let go! Nooo! Ahaha! Not under my ahaharms!” Shifu laughed and slid of Oogway's shell. “No fair, you cheated, and you have a shell, hehe I can't get you!”
The old tortoise laughed. “Precisely why I love my shell, protects me from any attack.”
“Wow, so're invincible?”
Oogway chuckled. “I wouldn't exactly say that dear one..”
Shifu giggled. “You're still lucky!” He paused for a moment and tapped his chin. “Wanna play with me Master?”
Oogway smiled. “Alright, what would you like to play?”
“.....Hmmmmmmmmmm....hide and seek!”
The old tortoise chuckled. “Probably the best game to play in such a huge area. four”
Shifu quickly go to his feet and ran towards the garden, he hid behind a large grape vine.
“! Ready or not, here I come.” Oogway called and began searching.
“Master Oogway, Master Oogway, he's by the garden!” Ming Yang shouted as she jumped up and down.
“Mingy!” Shifu hissed. “Shut up!”
Oogway laughed. “Oh, we have a squealer.” He walked up to the great vines and pulled Shifu out by the scruff of the neck. “Success.”
“No fair!” Shifu yelled as he thrashed angrily. “She tattled!”
“Ming Yang.” Risu said sleepily. “The point of hide and seek is to hide..secretly.”
Oogway grinned. “That's true.”
Shifu giggled, but It quickly quieted. He went back to thinking of Akimi. I don't understand what her problem is! He thought angrily, and then peered up at Oogway. Ming Yang was hanging her arms around his neck and climbing up his head. Who would think so horribly of him? I mean:,just look at him...
“Something on your mind, Shifu?”
The cub snapped out of his thoughts. “Oh! Umm..n-no! Hehe! Perfectly fine!”
Oogway didn't seem convinced but he didn't protest against Shifu's obvious lie. “Just checking...”
“Hehehe!” Ming Yang squealed as she hugged Oogway tightly around the neck. “Master Oogway!”
The old tortoise gently set the bunny on the ground. “Shifu, will you help me get pancakes ready?”
“PANCAKES!!” All the children suddenly screamed. “PANCAKES! PANCAKES! PANCAKES!”
Oogway was nearly run over by all five children as they continued to the kitchen, their tiny feet sounded like a herd of elephants.
Oogway turned down to Shifu. “I was thinking of making some fresh applesauce, could you pick some apples from the Forest Of Tranquility?”
“Why not our orchard?”
“According to Leona, the apples in the forest beat our orchard any day.”
“Okie-dokie master! I'm on it!” Shifu retrieved a basket from the kitchen and made his way to the forest. Oh, I hope I don't run into that bratty little dog again! Of course with Shifu's luck...
Meanwhile, Oogway was busy cooking up pancakes for his impatient, hungry students. The old tortoise rarely gave them sweet food for breakfast, believing that all breakfast food had to be healthy and nutritious. However on some occasions if the children were behaving..
“Master, are the pancakes ready yet?” Wu Lian asked impatiently.
Oogway chuckled. “You'll have to hold on a minute Wu Lian, I need to make Leona's strawberry ones, Risu's blueberry ones, Ming Yang's.....cheese ones, and Shifu's chocolate chip ones.”
“Is Shifu back with the apples yet?!”
Sigh. “Just be patient Wu Lian!” Oogway said, beginning to lose patience himself. “Shifu will be back momentarily.”
Wu Lian smirked. “I bet he's lost... “
Oogway laughed. “I highly doubt that Wu Lian, everyone at the palace knows the forest from the back of their heads...”
Little did he know... it left? ...Right?...Did I go to far? Shifu wondered. “Leona told Master Oogway about our secret apple tree, but she never showed us where it is!” He sighed. If only I had someone hear to help me out...
“Li!?” Shifu exclaimed, eyes wide. “What-what are you doing here?”
“Mew!” The kitten rubbed against his legs. “Mewww...”
Shifu laughed, scooped up Li and nuzzled her. “Can you help me find the apple tree?”
“Mew!” Hopping out of the cub's arms, Li ran as fast as she could through the brush, under the trees, and led them to a.........pumpkin patch.
Shifu groaned. “Oh no, that bratty Shibi whats-her-name lives in this patch!”
Li hopped up on one of the pumpkins and started rolling around on it.
Shifu covered his mouth to stifle his giggles. “Pfft-hehehe!”
Li continued running on the rolling pumpkin, and the pumpkin continued rolling.
Right onto Akimi's foot.
“Augh-?! Wh-what are you doing on my pumpkin you dumb kitty? You'll hurt yourself!”
Shifu narrowed his eyes. “Don't you call my cat dumb!”
Akimi rose her head up to him. “Oh it's the oddly colored racoon.”
“Red panda!” Shifu growled as he stomped up to Akimi, snatched Li, and stomped back to his original spot. “We were just leaving.....” The cub said in a low tone, regarding Akimi with cool eyes.
The Shiba Inu glared at him, “Yeah well, stay off my property!”
The red panda gave a double take, he could not believe what he had just heard. “Excuse me..? Your property?! Your property?!!” He completely lost his temper. “All the Forest Of Tranquility, all these green hills, and this stupid pumpkin patch belongs to the residents of the Jade Palace! If you're going to be a major brat like you were to my godfather..then you aren't even permitted to be here!”
Akimi boiled over like a teapot as well. “Your pumpkin patch?! I grew this!! These are all my pumpkins! I've lived here for a while now, no one has even noticed! I'm not leaving, especially if these pointless orders are given to me by a squirrel!”
Gasp. “RED PANDA!!”
“I don't care what the hell you are! Or What the hell you want! Get your stupid red-squirrel-@$$ out of here!”
Shifu gasped again, if Oogway ever caught him speaking like that...
“I don't care if your master requests it either, I don't take orders from a stupid,old,wrinkly reptile! THAT MOVES AS SLOW AS MOLASSES!”
Shifu gasped. “HOW DARE YOU!?........How do you even know that?”
“Gee, I wonder!” Akimi said sarcastically. “He's a turtle! Pretty self explanatory!”
Shifu took a deep breath, he recalled to some things Oogway had told him previously. “Everyone has a good heart, sometimes it is shrouded in a black cloud, that they very rarely even realize it's there.” So the red panda decided on a new approach. “Look Akimi, I'm trying to help you, we all are. Can't you us half way?”
“Wha-what?! Do you want to die here?! We're trying to help you! Master Oogway wants you to come to the palace!
"I don't trust any stupid turtle!" The Shiba Inu snarled.
"Don't you dare talk about my godfather like that! He is not stupid, you don't even know him!!!" Shifu shouted, fur bristling with rage.
"I know him enough to realize that I don't-and never will want to be trained by him!" the pup shouted.
"How exactly do you know him?!" The cub demanded sharply. "The only thing you said to him was: "I don't take any orders from a damn turtle! " Probably the most insulting thing you could ever say to him!"
"I know him enough to know he is not my mother!!!!" Akimi screamed at the top of her lungs. "The only thing care about is my pumpkins, and mother! ........B-but I don't have her anymore!" The pup sobbed.
Shifu (not even seeming to realize her anger was coming from hurt) shook with anger. "You love pumpkins so much?! Don't you care about yourself at all?! There is no way you'll survive on your own! I'm trying to save you from certain death!!"
"I don't care!" Akimi shouted, stamping her foot. "I love my pumpkins!"
Shifu's eyes were tiny slits. "Pumpkins?!" He spat.. "Pumpkins?!! You care more about pumpkins then your well being?!" He crouched down. "Well here is what I think about your pumpkins.." He whispered in a menacingly low tone.[/i] With that the red panda was off.
Akimi slapped her hands to her face in horror. “M-my pumpkins! No-STOP!!” She jumped high into the air and slashed her claws over his face.
The air filled with a sickening riiiiiiiiiiiip!
“Augh!” Shifu cried as he held his bleeding face. “What do you think you're doing?!”
Akimi narrowed her eyes. “The same thing you did to my pumpkins you arrogant scum!” She seethed and kicked him hard against the tree.
Shifu cried out and delivered a hard punch to the face.
Crack! Did he just crack her jaw..?
The cub didn't care at this point. He was going to kill this pup! He got to his feet and started running, Shifu struck out his leg and was about to deliver a devastating blow when-
“Shifu, STOP.”
The cub gave a startled yelp as someone seized him by the scruff of his neck. Oogway stood there glaring him down. “Get to the palace.” He ordered in a stern tone.
Shifu cringed. “I was just-”
“O-okay-!” Shifu knew that when Oogway gave a direct not protest. He quickly snatched up Li and ran a fast as he could, through the trees, bushes and to the palace.
(Ouuuuuuuuuu....Shifu is going to get BUSTED. Akimi does not seem to fond of either of them! BTW, sorry it took so long everyone! ^^; Managing two fanfics is hard! )
Preview of the next......ya know!
“I know how you feel Akimi.” Oogway said sadly as he sat down on the log beside her. “I've lost ones I love too..”
Akimi looked up at him. “Really? Who?”
Oogway smiled. “Close family members of my own...” He sighed sadly, pain piercing his heart.
“................So I guess you and I are on the same boat then, huh?”
“Indeed.” The old tortoise smiled at her. “When Shifu became my pupil. He was grieving over the loss of his students. So I told him if we grieve together, and get through it together that it would be much easier.” He looked hopeful. “Perhaps, you and I could get through it together? It is what your mother wished...”
“What do you say, will you be my student?”
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chaos_kitten8 on December 11, 2008, 4:09:06 AM
Comment Deleted
pixiepumpkin on December 15, 2008, 8:31:43 PM
pixiepumpkin on
pixiebell on December 6, 2008, 7:00:37 AM
pixiebell on
caden17 on December 4, 2008, 8:26:08 PM
caden17 on
kaptainkitty on December 4, 2008, 2:22:56 PM
kaptainkitty on

Great. Now I'm hungry.
This is such a good chapter! The part when Shifu pounced on Oogway and shouted "I got you!" was so adorable! And then that little sequence between Shifu and Akimi... oh boy. What a turn around. I never knew Shifu could be so violent. I can't wait to see how Oogway will deal with it this time. Whew...
pixiepumpkin on December 4, 2008, 8:20:22 PM
pixiepumpkin on

*giggle* You liked that part, huh? Hehehe, I had a feeling you would. That little scene was meant to emphasis the childness cuteness with little Shifu! ^^
Oogway will obviously handle it all with wisdom, sympathy, compassion. I's Oogway!
kaptainkitty on December 5, 2008, 8:34:01 AM
kaptainkitty on

Ah, but you have to marvel at Oogway's abilities to remain calm and compassionate through even the most trying times. It seems as though that fuse of patience will never burn out ^^.
pixiepumpkin on December 11, 2008, 2:09:59 AM
pixiepumpkin on
EscribirZeichnenRever on December 4, 2008, 9:07:20 AM

I love this chap! :) I loved that you had a scene just between Oogway and his students. It was so easy to imagine him with them hanging from his neck and such. :D
Yeeeep, I knew Shifu was gonna blow it. Hard to believe this cub is the same guy who's so masterly and deep guy in the movie. :)
pixiepumpkin on December 4, 2008, 9:16:15 AM
pixiepumpkin on

Heehee, of course! What else would young children do to their poor unfortunate master?
Shifu ALWAYS blows it. In "Wisdom From Heaven" Kurisu sort of says that Shifu is a goodie-too-shoes (not sure how to spell it), then both him and Oogway reflect on allllll the times where Shiuf was.........not so good! :D XD
EscribirZeichnenRever on December 4, 2008, 9:19:24 AM
pixiepumpkin on December 4, 2008, 9:25:13 AM
pixiepumpkin on