Chapter 35 - Always Eat Your Veggies!
Submitted September 18, 2008 Updated January 21, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is mainly a story of how Shifu met Oogway when he was a tiny cub. (If you haven't watched Kung Fu Panda then there's no point in even reading this....)
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Chapter 35 - Always Eat Your Veggies!
Chapter 35 - Always Eat Your Veggies!
(Sorry it took so long everyone, but I can only do my stories from school now...-__-)
Akimi gave a satisfied smirk as she wedged the lemon in her mouth. "Ta-daa!" Although, with the fruit in her mouth it sounded more like "Fla-flaa!" "There, I ate a lemon without making a face." She held out her furry paw to Shifu. "I believe you owe me one melon bun."
Grumbling angrily, Shifu plopped his bun in her outstretched hand. "It wasn't that impressive.."
Akimi chuckled. "Aww, what's the matter? Little squirrel boy doesn't like to lose?" She taunted.
Shifu's ears went back. "Well...whatever! I don't care!" He grabbed another bun. "I still have five left for me! He threw his head back and was about to drop the bun in his mouth, but someone snatched it up right when he dropped it. Shifu glared up at the melon bun thief. "Hey!"
Oogway glared right back at him. "I was wondering where those buns went too. You know you're not supposed to eat buns before dinner, young man." He said sternly. "I'm putting these back in the pantry."
Shifu sulked and slumped down in his seat.
The old tortoise sighed. "Now, why can't you be like Akimi and don't snack between meals?"
The cub gasped and stared wide eyed at a smug Shiba Inu, who sat there innocently, clutching on to a cupcake behind her back. "But she-"
Akimi grabbed his ear and twisted it. "Squeal and DIE!" She snarled.
Shifu got the message.
Oogway sauted some broccoli in the pan and flipped the vegetables up into the air. "Wu Lian, Leona, Ming Yang, Risu, come eat!" He called.
Pitter-patters were heard, as the children scurried into the room, eyes wide and hungry. "What are we eating, master?"
"Vegetables, chow mein and noodles. The veggies come first."
The children's smiles immediately vanished. "...Veggies?" They whined, but no one protested.
"Yes." Oogway said simply. "Veggies." He chuckled and scooped up some vegetables into each of the children's bowls.
All of the kids quickly gulped down the putrid greens as fast as they could, they didn't want to be disrespectful to Oogway by not eating them, so they finished them as fast as they could. ...With the exception of Shifu. He just sort of glared at the bowl of steaming green slimy pieces of mold. (At least in his eyes, they were.)
Oogway chewed slowly, keeping an eye on Shifu. "Shifu, those vegetables aren't going to eat them self."
"I know."
"So, eat them."
"No." The cub glared defiantly at his master. "They look like mold!"
Oogway rubbed his temples, tiredly. "Shifu, don't start with me. Eat your vegetables."
The old tortoise glared at his stubborn pupil. "Shifu, eat your food."
"Shifu, eat them!"
"Right now."
"Don't make this difficult, just eat!"
"Come on."
"Eat your food!"
Oogway sighed and set his chop sticks to the side. "Eat your vegetables, or you don't get any melon buns for dessert."
Shifu eyed the tiny green trees, skeptically. If the price of buns was to have those disgusting, moldy, foul green blods squishing around in his intetines all night...then he'd pass. "Pass."
Oogway stared at him as if he had lose his mind. "Excuse me?"
"I said pass."
The old tortoise just stared at his student as he began making his way to the door. "Shifu, if you don't eat those vegetables..." He paused, thinking of a threat. "I'll take your melon buns away for a month!"
Shifu stopped dead in his tracks, then he walked calmly over to the table, gulped down the gross green trees and walked ot of the room without another word.
The children just stared at Oogway, questionably.
Oogway smirked and took a bite of his dinner. "I always win."
Later on, as cub Shifu sat on one of the top branches on the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, he stared at the sky curiously. The mountain air was crisp and cool...but it was negative. EXTREMELY negative. Shifu could feel that something was about to happen, and he was a little nervous, none the less, the cub took a deep breath and began speaking to his parents. "Hi mama, baba, how are you up in heaven? It's been years since we've have you been?" Of course, there was no answer, but Shifu still sensed that his parents were around. "Are you mad that I put up a fight about eating my veggies? You know me, I've always hated broccoli!" Dark clouds began gathering into the sky, as little Shifu sat on the branch. The wind was rough, not at all as pleasant as it once was. A low rumbling was heard from the distance. Shifu's ears shot up in fright as the distant clouds tinted an eerie green. "Umm..okaaay, I guess you are mad at me, then. I'm sorry I didn't eat them." The rumbling began to get progressively louder and closer. "Umm, I'll eat them next time, I promise." The rumbling did not cease. "Okay, you made your point, you can stop the thunder now!" The thunder shook the earth. Oh yeah, a big storm was coming indeed. The cub sighed and turned himself around on the branch. "I better get back to the palace..." All of a sudden, there was a huge blinding chain of lightning that flashed right behind the cub. He gave a startled yelp and collapsed on the branch. "Augh..augh! Okay okay! You made your point, I'm sorry! Stop it!" The lightning was so close that Shifu could have sworn he felt the radiation coming from the sky..but then, it could have been his imagination. The cub began hurriedly scampering across the long branch and dismounting from the great tree. As he prepared to jump, the branch grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back. He gagged and squirmed about in the air, trying to wriggle out of the tree's grip. The thunder overpowered his screams for help. Acid rain pelted his from above and blended with his tears of fright. "Augh! No-! I-I'm sory! Stop it mama, baba-! Help! Somebody help!" He took a deep breath. "MASTERRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
To Shifu's great relief, a giant jade pair of hands untangled his collar from the branch and set him gently in the protective arms of....
"Master Oogway!"
The old tortoise struggled to see through the blinding rain. "Shifu! Come on, let's get inside!" Oogway had to dig his feet deep in the mud to keep from being blown back by the strong gusts of wind.
Shifu bent his head down low to keep the rain out of his eyes.
The old tortoise managed to slip in through the Jade Palace's doors, as he closed them securely to protect his students.
Ming Yang ran up and threw her arms around Oogway and Shifu. "You're both alright!"
Wu Lian peered out the window. "Wow, what a storm!"
Risu frowned. "I haven't seen a storm this big since the day of the typhoon!" He shuddered at the memory, Akimi did as well.
Shifu's ears drooped. "It's my fault."
Oogway frowned, greatly confused. "Whatever do you mean, Shifu?"
"I asked mama and baba if they were mad at me for putting up a fight of eating veggies...and they started a storm!"
Oogway laughed. "Shifu, I highly doubt you had anything to do with such a massive storm."
"It's mama and baba's punishment! ...This is worse then when they spanked me!"
The old tortoise simply chuckled. "Shifu, don't be ridiculous. You did not cause the storm, it was just......a coincidence."
The cub didn't look convinced, he looked frightened. "I don't know..."
Oogway smiled. "Tell you what, how about I go get us all some hot chocolate and uhh....board games!"
"You mean like mahjong?"
"Indeed, it's been a while since we've played that."
The cub smiled blissfully as Oogway scratched him affectionately between the ears.
Akimi's eyes were wide with horror. "Oh no!"
Oogway turned to her. "What is it, Akimi?"
The Shiba Inu rocked back and forth on her feet, nervously. "Umm...I forgot something!"
Oogway frowned. "What did you forget?"
"My watering can! It'll be blown away by the storm! My mom got that for me..." She teared up.
"Do not fret, dear one. I'm sure the winds won't be that strong..." He smiled at the rest of his students. "Who wants hot chocolate?"
"Me!" They shouted.
Akimi wasn't listening, she was to worried about her watering can. "...I have to go get it.." She whispered to herself.
Shifu could see the look on her face and knew what she was thinking. He sent a mental message to her. Akimi, don't do it! Master Oogway will punish you!
Akimi sent him a helpless look. Oogway is wrong, my can will blow away! I have to save it!
Yes! Akimi waited untill Oogway left for the kitchen, then she pulled one of the loose tiles away from the wall and slipped out.
Shifu gave a low moan. "Where is her head?" He looked around cautiously, before sliding underneath the opening and out into the raging storm. "Akimi!" His voice could hardly be heard over the howling of the wind outside. "AKIMI!"
"What?" She turned, looking irritated.
"You have to get inside!" Shifu urged. "If not, then the wind will blow YOU away!"
"Relax!" Akimi rolled her eyes. "It's not that strong!"
Shifu grabbed the bottom of her kimono and pulled back.
"Let-go-of-me!" Akimi snarled, every word emphasized with annoyance. "If you're scared of a little wind..then GO!" She scratched Shifu's cheek.
The cub relished back quickly, groaning and holding his head. "No! I'm scared for YOU!"
"For what?!"
"Do you have any idea what that storm could do to you?! The lightning, it could kill you! If that doesn't kill you, then Oogway will!"
"I'm not scared of him." She said defiantly. "So, what's the worse he would do? Ground me?"
"Exactly! Or...take away yur buns for MONTHS!"
"..............I don't eat melon buns, YOU do!"
".........Oh yeah.."
Angrily, Akimi stalked off for the forest.
"Nononono! Master Oogway will be maaaaaaaad!" The cub called.
"I don't caaaare!" Akimi called back. She broke into a run. "The sooner I get my watering can, the sooner I can get back without Oogway noticing!" All of a sudden, she bumped into a pair of scaly jade feet. Uh-oh. Akimi's eyes scrolled up slowly, she stared into the displeased eyes of Oogway.
"It's a bit to late for me to have not noticed, wouldn't you say so young lady?" He asked sternly. "Get inside, I'll retrieve your watering can." He narrowed his eyes at the frozen cub far behind Akimi. "And you! Get in the palace RIGHT now, Shifu!" He growled.
Shifu quickly scurried off, grabbing Akimi's hand and dragging her into the palace.
The old tortoise sighed and began walking into the forest. The rain pelted the trees hard, Oogway was thankful he had a shell. A certain little Shiba Inu had tried to sneak out through the storm to get one of her most precious possesions: her watering can. The old tortoise refused her to go out in such dangerous weather, so he had went himself to find the watering can.
“Nnn...” Came a whimper from underneath the bushes.
Oogway frowned. What was that? He peered underneath the bushes and gasped. A young raccoon was laying limply on her side. Her purple dress was stained with blood.
(FINALLY! I FINALLY GOT LIN LIN IN!!! I hope you're happy Moana, cause if not...*voice becomes menacing* I shall see to it that you suffer a slow and PAINFUL death...)
Preview of the next chapter!
"Lin Lin!" Shifu exclaimed. His eyes were wide with horror. "What happened to her, master?"
"Hard to say, Shifu.." Oogway said with a sigh. "It looks like she was attacked...."
"Attacked?! Is she going to be alright?" Tears quivered in the cub's eyes.
Oogway hesitated, then got down on one knee and hugged him. "I don't know Shifu, I'm doing all I can, but she's really hurt."
Shifu sniffled and prayed to the heavens that he wouldn't lose Lin Lin.
Akimi gave a satisfied smirk as she wedged the lemon in her mouth. "Ta-daa!" Although, with the fruit in her mouth it sounded more like "Fla-flaa!" "There, I ate a lemon without making a face." She held out her furry paw to Shifu. "I believe you owe me one melon bun."
Grumbling angrily, Shifu plopped his bun in her outstretched hand. "It wasn't that impressive.."
Akimi chuckled. "Aww, what's the matter? Little squirrel boy doesn't like to lose?" She taunted.
Shifu's ears went back. "Well...whatever! I don't care!" He grabbed another bun. "I still have five left for me! He threw his head back and was about to drop the bun in his mouth, but someone snatched it up right when he dropped it. Shifu glared up at the melon bun thief. "Hey!"
Oogway glared right back at him. "I was wondering where those buns went too. You know you're not supposed to eat buns before dinner, young man." He said sternly. "I'm putting these back in the pantry."
Shifu sulked and slumped down in his seat.
The old tortoise sighed. "Now, why can't you be like Akimi and don't snack between meals?"
The cub gasped and stared wide eyed at a smug Shiba Inu, who sat there innocently, clutching on to a cupcake behind her back. "But she-"
Akimi grabbed his ear and twisted it. "Squeal and DIE!" She snarled.
Shifu got the message.
Oogway sauted some broccoli in the pan and flipped the vegetables up into the air. "Wu Lian, Leona, Ming Yang, Risu, come eat!" He called.
Pitter-patters were heard, as the children scurried into the room, eyes wide and hungry. "What are we eating, master?"
"Vegetables, chow mein and noodles. The veggies come first."
The children's smiles immediately vanished. "...Veggies?" They whined, but no one protested.
"Yes." Oogway said simply. "Veggies." He chuckled and scooped up some vegetables into each of the children's bowls.
All of the kids quickly gulped down the putrid greens as fast as they could, they didn't want to be disrespectful to Oogway by not eating them, so they finished them as fast as they could. ...With the exception of Shifu. He just sort of glared at the bowl of steaming green slimy pieces of mold. (At least in his eyes, they were.)
Oogway chewed slowly, keeping an eye on Shifu. "Shifu, those vegetables aren't going to eat them self."
"I know."
"So, eat them."
"No." The cub glared defiantly at his master. "They look like mold!"
Oogway rubbed his temples, tiredly. "Shifu, don't start with me. Eat your vegetables."
The old tortoise glared at his stubborn pupil. "Shifu, eat your food."
"Shifu, eat them!"
"Right now."
"Don't make this difficult, just eat!"
"Come on."
"Eat your food!"
Oogway sighed and set his chop sticks to the side. "Eat your vegetables, or you don't get any melon buns for dessert."
Shifu eyed the tiny green trees, skeptically. If the price of buns was to have those disgusting, moldy, foul green blods squishing around in his intetines all night...then he'd pass. "Pass."
Oogway stared at him as if he had lose his mind. "Excuse me?"
"I said pass."
The old tortoise just stared at his student as he began making his way to the door. "Shifu, if you don't eat those vegetables..." He paused, thinking of a threat. "I'll take your melon buns away for a month!"
Shifu stopped dead in his tracks, then he walked calmly over to the table, gulped down the gross green trees and walked ot of the room without another word.
The children just stared at Oogway, questionably.
Oogway smirked and took a bite of his dinner. "I always win."
Later on, as cub Shifu sat on one of the top branches on the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, he stared at the sky curiously. The mountain air was crisp and cool...but it was negative. EXTREMELY negative. Shifu could feel that something was about to happen, and he was a little nervous, none the less, the cub took a deep breath and began speaking to his parents. "Hi mama, baba, how are you up in heaven? It's been years since we've have you been?" Of course, there was no answer, but Shifu still sensed that his parents were around. "Are you mad that I put up a fight about eating my veggies? You know me, I've always hated broccoli!" Dark clouds began gathering into the sky, as little Shifu sat on the branch. The wind was rough, not at all as pleasant as it once was. A low rumbling was heard from the distance. Shifu's ears shot up in fright as the distant clouds tinted an eerie green. "Umm..okaaay, I guess you are mad at me, then. I'm sorry I didn't eat them." The rumbling began to get progressively louder and closer. "Umm, I'll eat them next time, I promise." The rumbling did not cease. "Okay, you made your point, you can stop the thunder now!" The thunder shook the earth. Oh yeah, a big storm was coming indeed. The cub sighed and turned himself around on the branch. "I better get back to the palace..." All of a sudden, there was a huge blinding chain of lightning that flashed right behind the cub. He gave a startled yelp and collapsed on the branch. "Augh..augh! Okay okay! You made your point, I'm sorry! Stop it!" The lightning was so close that Shifu could have sworn he felt the radiation coming from the sky..but then, it could have been his imagination. The cub began hurriedly scampering across the long branch and dismounting from the great tree. As he prepared to jump, the branch grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back. He gagged and squirmed about in the air, trying to wriggle out of the tree's grip. The thunder overpowered his screams for help. Acid rain pelted his from above and blended with his tears of fright. "Augh! No-! I-I'm sory! Stop it mama, baba-! Help! Somebody help!" He took a deep breath. "MASTERRRRRRRRR!!!!!"
To Shifu's great relief, a giant jade pair of hands untangled his collar from the branch and set him gently in the protective arms of....
"Master Oogway!"
The old tortoise struggled to see through the blinding rain. "Shifu! Come on, let's get inside!" Oogway had to dig his feet deep in the mud to keep from being blown back by the strong gusts of wind.
Shifu bent his head down low to keep the rain out of his eyes.
The old tortoise managed to slip in through the Jade Palace's doors, as he closed them securely to protect his students.
Ming Yang ran up and threw her arms around Oogway and Shifu. "You're both alright!"
Wu Lian peered out the window. "Wow, what a storm!"
Risu frowned. "I haven't seen a storm this big since the day of the typhoon!" He shuddered at the memory, Akimi did as well.
Shifu's ears drooped. "It's my fault."
Oogway frowned, greatly confused. "Whatever do you mean, Shifu?"
"I asked mama and baba if they were mad at me for putting up a fight of eating veggies...and they started a storm!"
Oogway laughed. "Shifu, I highly doubt you had anything to do with such a massive storm."
"It's mama and baba's punishment! ...This is worse then when they spanked me!"
The old tortoise simply chuckled. "Shifu, don't be ridiculous. You did not cause the storm, it was just......a coincidence."
The cub didn't look convinced, he looked frightened. "I don't know..."
Oogway smiled. "Tell you what, how about I go get us all some hot chocolate and uhh....board games!"
"You mean like mahjong?"
"Indeed, it's been a while since we've played that."
The cub smiled blissfully as Oogway scratched him affectionately between the ears.
Akimi's eyes were wide with horror. "Oh no!"
Oogway turned to her. "What is it, Akimi?"
The Shiba Inu rocked back and forth on her feet, nervously. "Umm...I forgot something!"
Oogway frowned. "What did you forget?"
"My watering can! It'll be blown away by the storm! My mom got that for me..." She teared up.
"Do not fret, dear one. I'm sure the winds won't be that strong..." He smiled at the rest of his students. "Who wants hot chocolate?"
"Me!" They shouted.
Akimi wasn't listening, she was to worried about her watering can. "...I have to go get it.." She whispered to herself.
Shifu could see the look on her face and knew what she was thinking. He sent a mental message to her. Akimi, don't do it! Master Oogway will punish you!
Akimi sent him a helpless look. Oogway is wrong, my can will blow away! I have to save it!
Yes! Akimi waited untill Oogway left for the kitchen, then she pulled one of the loose tiles away from the wall and slipped out.
Shifu gave a low moan. "Where is her head?" He looked around cautiously, before sliding underneath the opening and out into the raging storm. "Akimi!" His voice could hardly be heard over the howling of the wind outside. "AKIMI!"
"What?" She turned, looking irritated.
"You have to get inside!" Shifu urged. "If not, then the wind will blow YOU away!"
"Relax!" Akimi rolled her eyes. "It's not that strong!"
Shifu grabbed the bottom of her kimono and pulled back.
"Let-go-of-me!" Akimi snarled, every word emphasized with annoyance. "If you're scared of a little wind..then GO!" She scratched Shifu's cheek.
The cub relished back quickly, groaning and holding his head. "No! I'm scared for YOU!"
"For what?!"
"Do you have any idea what that storm could do to you?! The lightning, it could kill you! If that doesn't kill you, then Oogway will!"
"I'm not scared of him." She said defiantly. "So, what's the worse he would do? Ground me?"
"Exactly! Or...take away yur buns for MONTHS!"
"..............I don't eat melon buns, YOU do!"
".........Oh yeah.."
Angrily, Akimi stalked off for the forest.
"Nononono! Master Oogway will be maaaaaaaad!" The cub called.
"I don't caaaare!" Akimi called back. She broke into a run. "The sooner I get my watering can, the sooner I can get back without Oogway noticing!" All of a sudden, she bumped into a pair of scaly jade feet. Uh-oh. Akimi's eyes scrolled up slowly, she stared into the displeased eyes of Oogway.
"It's a bit to late for me to have not noticed, wouldn't you say so young lady?" He asked sternly. "Get inside, I'll retrieve your watering can." He narrowed his eyes at the frozen cub far behind Akimi. "And you! Get in the palace RIGHT now, Shifu!" He growled.
Shifu quickly scurried off, grabbing Akimi's hand and dragging her into the palace.
The old tortoise sighed and began walking into the forest. The rain pelted the trees hard, Oogway was thankful he had a shell. A certain little Shiba Inu had tried to sneak out through the storm to get one of her most precious possesions: her watering can. The old tortoise refused her to go out in such dangerous weather, so he had went himself to find the watering can.
“Nnn...” Came a whimper from underneath the bushes.
Oogway frowned. What was that? He peered underneath the bushes and gasped. A young raccoon was laying limply on her side. Her purple dress was stained with blood.
(FINALLY! I FINALLY GOT LIN LIN IN!!! I hope you're happy Moana, cause if not...*voice becomes menacing* I shall see to it that you suffer a slow and PAINFUL death...)
Preview of the next chapter!
"Lin Lin!" Shifu exclaimed. His eyes were wide with horror. "What happened to her, master?"
"Hard to say, Shifu.." Oogway said with a sigh. "It looks like she was attacked...."
"Attacked?! Is she going to be alright?" Tears quivered in the cub's eyes.
Oogway hesitated, then got down on one knee and hugged him. "I don't know Shifu, I'm doing all I can, but she's really hurt."
Shifu sniffled and prayed to the heavens that he wouldn't lose Lin Lin.
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kaptainkitty on February 1, 2009, 9:34:01 AM
kaptainkitty on
pixiebell on January 26, 2009, 3:02:34 AM
pixiebell on
Comment Deleted
pixiebell on January 26, 2009, 3:03:08 AM
pixiebell on

And yes, I'm VERY happy you got Lin Lin in!! :) I can't wait to see the next chapter!!! I'm not kidding, either. I CAN NOT WAIT. :D yeah thats amazing too sis thats a very amazing chapter you made...
your loving sister gemasis dimond
I must say, I was greatly interested near the end of the chapter when Akimi and Shifu ventured out into acid rain *shudders*. Good thing Oogway showed up when he did. That was most epic... and rather terrifying.
You have done an excellent job with this chapter. Good job with balancing out a horrific scene with a humorous one. I honestly do not know what all Shifu's fuss is about. Broccoli's good!!! He's just such a typical child teehee.
I can't wait for the next chapter! I wan't to know what will happen to poor little Lin Lin.