Chapter 8 - chap 8
Submitted November 2, 2007 Updated November 2, 2007 Status Incomplete | Kagome and Inuyasha has another fight and Kagome goes back to her time and goes to sleep. She wakes up and suddenly finds herself in her future life "Whats going on" I nope the summary stinks but the story doesnt
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Chapter 8 - chap 8
Chapter 8 - chap 8
When at last the two stumbled out of the hut, Kagome was blushing disgracefully and Miroku was stumbling around dizzily, holding his head. Sango took one look at the two of them and pulled out a spoon without a single word, clouting Miroku several times anywhere she could reach. The monk made a desperate attempt at running to escape the blows while Sango chased at his heals, taking every chance she had to hit him with the utensil. All the children had sat to watch, looking mildly interest with the air of someone checking homework.
After a while, Miroku collapsed and Sango was satisfied, coming back to stand beside Kagome with an annoyed expression on her face. “Shame on you, Miroku! Taking advantage of your friend when she came to you for help!”
“Shame, shame, tousan,” chorused the children together, shaking their heads in a practiced movement.
“I’m sorry,” Sango finally, shaking her head, apparently embarrassed. “And he is, too. Aren’t you?” She glared at her husband sharply.
“Yes, sweetheart,” he answered, cowering as the spoon waved threateningly in the air once more. “Forgive me, Kagome-sama. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Kagome smiled and nodded, thinking of what would’ve happened if Inuyasha had been standing there with them. She was certain his response to such things wouldn’t have changed any more than Sango’s had. But thinking of that also brought something back to her mind: Inuyasha was bound to come after her soon, and he would be furious. That was not a reunion she was looking forward to. It must’ve shown on her face because Sango looked worried.
“Don’t worry, Kagome-chan. I’m sure Inuyasha won’t be that mad at you. Not for long, anyway.”
“That’s right,” Miroku chimed in, coming to stand at Sango’s shoulders. “His resentment never lasts long. All that yelling is just his way of telling you that he was worried.”
“It’s really pretty cute,” Sango added, and Kagome blushed again.
“Yeah, well......all that aside.......I think I’m going to go for a walk now.”
“But’s dark, and you don’t know your way around here.” Sango said. It was true. The last pink tinges had faded away from the horizon, and she had never been to this place before—at least, that she remembered. But a walk could do wonders to clear a troubled mind, and she REALLY didn’t want to be there when Inuyasha first got back........
“It’ll be okay, mommy.” Sango stuck her tongue out in reply, and they might’ve had a friendly little bicker, except that Miroku intervened.
“All right, you two. Break it up.” He moved between them with hands outstretched, looking very much like one of the referees at a soccer game. “Don’t worry, Sango. I think Kagome can find her way back as long as she doesn’t go too far.” He glanced at the girl in question. “Isn’t that right?”
“Uh-huh,” Kagome answered on cue, nodding her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be a good girl and stay close.”
“Well......all right. But be careful, you,” Sango said at last, smacking her friend playfully on the shoulder. “Dinner’ll be ready when you get back.”
“’Kay,” Kagome called, disappearing into the forest quickly. See you guys later!” ***
*** Once out of sight, Kagome let out a little sigh. The forest was alive with the sound of crickets’ and night-birds’ cheerful conversations. The moon, a sparkling silver crescent, was high in the velvety night sky, surrounded with sparkling stars to match. It truly was a beautiful night—peaceful, and all in all everything she could’ve hoped for after such a day as that one.
The green summer grass was soft and green, and knee-deep around the edges of the trail. It had undoubtedly taken many days of Miroku and Sango bustling about with clumsy scythes to cut away all the plants that had grown up there over the years.
But then, with Sango’s cheerfulness and Miroku’s monk-like patience, it had probably not seemed a job at all. It was perfectly picturable: the two of them, together, sweeping away weeds and overgrowth. Miroku’d probably tried a few things, and Sango’d probably whacked him with a wooden spoon, and then they’d gone on as though nothing unusual had happened. In a way, they were a lot like herself and Inuyasha.
Why did all of her thoughts always lead back to him? The moon had reminded her, and the sunset, and even her musings about Sango and Miroku. He was probably worried sick about her, and on his way at that very moment, to yell and make a holy event out of it. But eventually he would quiet and say something sweet that made her forget her anger, and his expression would soften and she’d think that if the whole world could just stop then, it would be okay.
When he was around everything was okay, always. And why was that? It was a mixture of things, because everything about the hanyou was complex and complicated.
Well, maybe not everything........
She knew he loved her, despite all his mocking, despite all his yelling, despite how he was fickle sometimes and downright ridiculous sometimes. She knew he cared, no matter how many times he had denied it and scorned the very idea and made her feel like an idiot for trying to get closer to him. Because he was a friend and always had been. He protected her—and everyone else, for that matter—when even the slightest hint of danger reached his ears. Because whenever Kouga came around he was really and truly defensive, even jealous. Because no matter how many times she sat him, no matter how many times she went home after an argument, he came back. Always, without fail.
It really was dog-like, how loyal that hanyou was. It was loyalty that bound him to her, in a mixture with other things, and loyalty that had bound him once to Kikyou, despite her murder-attempts and all else.
Kagome stumbled along, completely lost in thought of her beloved friend with a dazed expression. She didn’t realize just how far away she was getting from Miroku and Sango’s home, nor that it was getting increasingly darker as the moon and stars were covered in cloud....... ****
After a while, Miroku collapsed and Sango was satisfied, coming back to stand beside Kagome with an annoyed expression on her face. “Shame on you, Miroku! Taking advantage of your friend when she came to you for help!”
“Shame, shame, tousan,” chorused the children together, shaking their heads in a practiced movement.
“I’m sorry,” Sango finally, shaking her head, apparently embarrassed. “And he is, too. Aren’t you?” She glared at her husband sharply.
“Yes, sweetheart,” he answered, cowering as the spoon waved threateningly in the air once more. “Forgive me, Kagome-sama. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Kagome smiled and nodded, thinking of what would’ve happened if Inuyasha had been standing there with them. She was certain his response to such things wouldn’t have changed any more than Sango’s had. But thinking of that also brought something back to her mind: Inuyasha was bound to come after her soon, and he would be furious. That was not a reunion she was looking forward to. It must’ve shown on her face because Sango looked worried.
“Don’t worry, Kagome-chan. I’m sure Inuyasha won’t be that mad at you. Not for long, anyway.”
“That’s right,” Miroku chimed in, coming to stand at Sango’s shoulders. “His resentment never lasts long. All that yelling is just his way of telling you that he was worried.”
“It’s really pretty cute,” Sango added, and Kagome blushed again.
“Yeah, well......all that aside.......I think I’m going to go for a walk now.”
“But’s dark, and you don’t know your way around here.” Sango said. It was true. The last pink tinges had faded away from the horizon, and she had never been to this place before—at least, that she remembered. But a walk could do wonders to clear a troubled mind, and she REALLY didn’t want to be there when Inuyasha first got back........
“It’ll be okay, mommy.” Sango stuck her tongue out in reply, and they might’ve had a friendly little bicker, except that Miroku intervened.
“All right, you two. Break it up.” He moved between them with hands outstretched, looking very much like one of the referees at a soccer game. “Don’t worry, Sango. I think Kagome can find her way back as long as she doesn’t go too far.” He glanced at the girl in question. “Isn’t that right?”
“Uh-huh,” Kagome answered on cue, nodding her head. “Don’t worry, I’ll be a good girl and stay close.”
“Well......all right. But be careful, you,” Sango said at last, smacking her friend playfully on the shoulder. “Dinner’ll be ready when you get back.”
“’Kay,” Kagome called, disappearing into the forest quickly. See you guys later!” ***
*** Once out of sight, Kagome let out a little sigh. The forest was alive with the sound of crickets’ and night-birds’ cheerful conversations. The moon, a sparkling silver crescent, was high in the velvety night sky, surrounded with sparkling stars to match. It truly was a beautiful night—peaceful, and all in all everything she could’ve hoped for after such a day as that one.
The green summer grass was soft and green, and knee-deep around the edges of the trail. It had undoubtedly taken many days of Miroku and Sango bustling about with clumsy scythes to cut away all the plants that had grown up there over the years.
But then, with Sango’s cheerfulness and Miroku’s monk-like patience, it had probably not seemed a job at all. It was perfectly picturable: the two of them, together, sweeping away weeds and overgrowth. Miroku’d probably tried a few things, and Sango’d probably whacked him with a wooden spoon, and then they’d gone on as though nothing unusual had happened. In a way, they were a lot like herself and Inuyasha.
Why did all of her thoughts always lead back to him? The moon had reminded her, and the sunset, and even her musings about Sango and Miroku. He was probably worried sick about her, and on his way at that very moment, to yell and make a holy event out of it. But eventually he would quiet and say something sweet that made her forget her anger, and his expression would soften and she’d think that if the whole world could just stop then, it would be okay.
When he was around everything was okay, always. And why was that? It was a mixture of things, because everything about the hanyou was complex and complicated.
Well, maybe not everything........
She knew he loved her, despite all his mocking, despite all his yelling, despite how he was fickle sometimes and downright ridiculous sometimes. She knew he cared, no matter how many times he had denied it and scorned the very idea and made her feel like an idiot for trying to get closer to him. Because he was a friend and always had been. He protected her—and everyone else, for that matter—when even the slightest hint of danger reached his ears. Because whenever Kouga came around he was really and truly defensive, even jealous. Because no matter how many times she sat him, no matter how many times she went home after an argument, he came back. Always, without fail.
It really was dog-like, how loyal that hanyou was. It was loyalty that bound him to her, in a mixture with other things, and loyalty that had bound him once to Kikyou, despite her murder-attempts and all else.
Kagome stumbled along, completely lost in thought of her beloved friend with a dazed expression. She didn’t realize just how far away she was getting from Miroku and Sango’s home, nor that it was getting increasingly darker as the moon and stars were covered in cloud....... ****
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kogalover2013 on May 6, 2008, 12:42:11 PM