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Chapter 2 - Text of unfamiliarity

This is a story I decided to turn it into a manga because it would be so much better as one. I will be putting my character's pictures on my page as soon as possible. But, the story will have to do for now. Please leave comments and be kind.

Chapter 2 - Text of unfamiliarity

Chapter 2 - Text of unfamiliarity
Second Chapter
Leah turned the steering wheel and let the car glide around the corner. Her red Mustang turned onto a street called Henderson. Rows of beautiful houses on each side of the boulevard were the first thing that met your attention.
Thanks for the ride Leah.
No prob. Just let me know as soon as youre not grounded.
I will. I cant wait to get my car back!
After completing the sentence, my phone began to quiver and quietly hum. I pushed myself up off the leather seat and reached into my back pocket, removing her small, delicate phone.
Oh, great! Its a text from Tommy! I exclaimed, turning to Leah.
The guys crazy about you, M.
Gee, couldnt tell, I said sarcastically.
I flipped open my phone and read the text:
Can I come over 4 a
real good-bye b4 I
have to leave 2morrow?
U know u want me!
What a jerk!
Whatd he say?
Put hormones and desperation together and youll figure it out.
Leah cringed but, then turned and grinned at me saying, Oh, I know deep down inside every girl, even you, wants a part of him. Youve got to give it to him: hes one FINE
Leah& bite me!
Okay, whatever.
There was a silence but then I interjected saying, Slow down Leah! My house is right here!
She slammed on the breaks. Sorry.
The car eased slowly into the paved driveway and parked in front of a big two story house. The outside was covered with white siding all around. There were stepping stones leading from the driveway to four small steps onto the porch. Towering pillars held up the next level of the house.
When Leah had come to a complete stop behind the baby blue BMW convertible, I began to swing the car door open.
Well have fun in San Diego. Ill see you in two weeks. I stepped out of the Mustang and closed the door.
Bye, M, Leah replied sadly through the open window. Love ya, babe!
Ditto, I said back.
I waved as the red Mustang slowly and cautiously backed out of the driveway. Once Leah had driven a block away, I turned and sighed sadly as I looked at the BMW.
These two weeks are going to be an absolute nightmare, I muttered to myself.
I made my way lightly across each stone then walked up each step to the maroon door.
Mommy! Ms home, Kameryn yelled.
I rolled my eyes, awaiting the worst.
The other twin, Kirin, walked through the living room doorway. She moved her lips,
mouthing the words, Moms not happy. She pointed to her small wrist which had wrapped around it a watch. With that gesture, I knew I was in for a rude awakening.
Kameryn jumped to her sisters side. When they stood there together, you could see a huge resemblance. Their faces were shaped and chiseled the same way, the tint of brown in each strand of their hair was the same, the way they stood and held themselves was also similar. The only way you could tell a difference between them was their personalities. Kameryn was loud, slap-happy, could be a little ditsy, and not exactly what youd call polite. But, that wasnt the same for Kirin. She was much more mature. Although she was a little reserved, she was smart and thought before she spoke.
Shes in one of her moods, Kameryn whispered quietly.
Oh, thats just great!
M, please come here to the kitchen, our mother yelled.
Kirin and Kameryn frowned at me, then walked back to the living room to resume their games.
I walked to the stairs and set down my books on the first step. Then, I walked through the next doorway, across from the living room.
Mom stood slouched over the sink. She was breathing deeply. Without even looking at her, I could tell she was heated about God knows what.
Yes? I asked flatly.
Do you know what time it is?
A quarter til five.
Mmmhmm. And what time did I say I wanted you to get home? She continued, waiting for no response, Four thirty is what I said.
Oh! Big deal Mom! I got home fifteen minutes late, so?
So? What do you mean So? I said four thirty! She turned her back to the sink and looked at me. When I say four thirty I mean it!
Calm down mom.
No! Why dont you listen to me anymore?
Dont you play the pity party on me! I havent broken anymore of your stupid rules! I didnt miss anything by being fifteen minutes late!
Youre still questioning MY authority! mom yelled back.
What authority? Ever since dad died you take everything out on everyone else! Why dont YOU listen? Why cant you figure out that this is all so hard on us too?
My throat began to cramp as the urge to cry became worse. I quieted my tone and said, We all miss him.
Moms eyes became cloudy. She stroked my cheek and whispered, You look just like him.
A tear ran down each of our cheeks.
Please& Mom choked and turned her back to me, facing the sink. Please& go to your room.
Mom, I-
I stood for a moment, helplessly watching my mother sob in her hands. Then, I walked out of the kitchen, tears pouring out of my eyes as well. Without picking up my books, I ran up the stairs, my feet pounding on each step.
Michelle? Kameryn yelled. Michelle!
Are you okay? Kirin asked worriedly.
When I reached the landing, I ran to the door in the far corner of the hallway. I opened the door and ran into my room, then slammed it shut and collapsed onto my bed. The comforter soaked my fresh tears as they fell from my face.
My curly brown hair spilled over my shoulders and onto my purple comforter. My rich brown eyes looked at the ceiling for help and support.
I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand when I heard my phone hum and felt it quiver in my back pocket. I popped the cell phone open and read the text aloud, Do you know who I am?
I studied the number for a couple of seconds, scrambling to recall whose number it was. But, I didnt remember any of my friends who had that number.
Do you know who I am?
A couple seconds later, a picture that had been taken of me from afar came on the screen. I looked at in surprise, then pressed in, Do you know who you are?
After a couple seconds, no picture came back in reply but only the text, If I told you& lets just say you wouldnt be happy. Goodbye& M.
I waited for a couple seconds, and then knew they wouldnt be texting back. I closed my phone and laid it beside me on the bed.
Okay& that was weird.


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