Chapter 3 - Christopher Carlyle
Submitted February 18, 2008 Updated February 22, 2008 Status Complete | This is a story I decided to turn it into a manga because it would be so much better as one. I will be putting my character's pictures on my page as soon as possible. But, the story will have to do for now. Please leave comments and be kind.
Anime/Manga |
Chapter 3 - Christopher Carlyle
Chapter 3 - Christopher Carlyle
Fourth Chapter
Its already the second day of spring break and Im already beginning to tire of Brooklyn. Everyone thinks of New York as an exciting place to be. But, in all truth, its just as boring as any other state.
Of course, it was pretty exciting having to take a twenty minute ride to the city, then taking a ten minute subway ride to get to the library. But, now that Im here, Im tired of looking up research on the French Revolution.
Really, this report isnt due until three weeks. But, its taken me a whole school year to build up the trust of my History teacher and Im not about to let spring break get in the way of that.
As I scanned over book spines, trying to devote my full attention to this report, I noticed a dark shape in the corner of the library. Christopher Carlyle, one of the most notorious school rejects. But, it was odd how only I seemed to understand him. It was odd that I was probably the only one who didnt judge him by being in the library, which in no way was his scene.
He raised his hand and slightly twitched his fingers, his own sultry way of saying hello to me. It gave me a strange sensation of delight but I was reluctant to show it. I didnt say hello. I didnt even smile. I only continued thumbing through books and cradling them delicately in the nook of my arm.
For the next five minutes, I continued this pattern, only to prove to him that I had no interest in him. But, soon, I had books gathered that had noting to do with The French Revolution. Three of them were just random subjects such as mythology, science, and even flowers!
After gathering enough of some of the most ridiculous topics, I sat at the nearest, smallest, most desolate table. I gently set down my books, put down my backpack in the chair beside me, and flopped down in the comfy chair in front of my pile of books.
I gave a sigh of hopelessness.
What am I doing? Ive got nothing to show this guy.
Before beginning this endless research, I quickly glanced out of the corner of my eye. I looked at the shadowy corner of the library where HE had been standing. But, I saw no tall mysterious shadow. Only& nothing.
I closed my eyes and sighed again. Then I realized I was& disappointed.
I pulled my backpack up out of the chair and set it on my lap. I took out my three ring binder and a ball point pen, then set the entirely too heavy backpack on the floor. I divided up my books, setting aside the important books and separated the unnecessary books from among them.
Soon after I had cracked open my first French Revolution book I heard the soft pat of combat boots against the tile on the floor. I darted a look across the table and saw Christopher pull out the chair directly in front of me.
I didnt pay anymore attention to him but did my best to concentrate on this burden. But, all I could do was smell cigarette smoke on his clothes and feel his eyes stare right through me.
Before I could react, he pulled a book off the top of my research books and one off the top of my random stack. He held the two close together, observing the two very different covers.
You know, he said quietly, I know Mr. Darren can be @$$ about reports but, he held the book on flowers in front of my face, arent you being a little far-fetched?
I was beginning to get irritated. I didnt look at him but continued to jot down information from the books.
Realizing I wasnt exceptionally happy by his intrusion, he fell back into his chair, lazily sitting there. He took out his phone and pressed buttons, making a light sound with each button he pressed.
Then, he stopped. I picked up the next book, paying no attention to him. But, as I did so, he set the phone down on the table and passed it over to me. I reluctantly reached out and took the phone before he could snatch it up again.
On the screen of the open phone were the words, Do you know who I am?
My eyes grew wide as I looked at it stupidly. I knew then that this no one had sent me the text from the other night!
I slowly looked up at him, my eyes wide with surprise. He already had his ghostly blue eyes set on me and for the next couple of seconds; we just looked at each other dumbly.
He then sighed, picked up his phone and closed it. He pushed his chair out and rose to a height of 62.
Once he was standing, he dropped the phone into the pocket of his baggy pants.
I have to show you something.
Surprisingly, he didnt have a real deep voice. It was more soft and sweet. But, with every word, he had a mysterious tone, making everything he said more sexy and delightful.
I just looked at the table, still stunned. I was shocked even more when he lightly put his palm over my hand and said, Youre going to want to see this.
I gazed into his eyes and understood what they were saying. Somehow I could tell just from his eyes that he was scared but, he was telling me not to worry, I could trust him.
Without any question, I left my books on the oak table and put my binder and pen back in
my bag. After zipping my backpack up, I slung it over my shoulder and stood next to Christopher.
I felt so inferior standing up beside him. He was like a towering tree while I was only the growing sapling! He was taller than Tommy by quite a few inches, but, he wasnt so tall that he was gangly.
We didnt exchange words. We only walked out of the library, followed by a couple pairs of scrutinizing eyes.
Whats going on? I asked Christopher as soon as we stepped through the double doors, leading to the crowded streets of New York City.
He said nothing in answer to my question. He stepped briskly off each step to another.
Answer me! I yelled as we reached the second to last landing. I stepped in front of him, blocking his next move to the sidewalk.
He didnt look at me but, just watched the pavement. I cant explain. I just really need your help& okay?
He really did look scared. His bottom lip slightly quivered and his eyes held even more fear.
Alright. Ill help as much as possible.
His lips curled at the corners, transforming his mouth from a frown to the cutest crooked grin Id ever seen.
Thank you. Now, follow me.
Again, Christopher took the lead down the steps while I tried to trail as close as possible without stepping on his heels. We weaved through people, crossed the street, darted around more people, and then reached the garage on Bleaker.
A couple minutes later, we came to his vehicle. I expected it to be an old broken down car. But, to my surprise, it was a nice, newly painted and polished black Ford.
This is yours? I asked astonished as I stood in front of it and observed.
Why do you sound so surprised?
I just-
He raised his eyebrows and had a cute, mischievous expression. Yes& this is MY truck. But, let me clear a spot for you to sit.
He opened up the passenger door and pushed things around.
I watched him as he silently cleared a spot for me to sit. As he did so, there was a soft tinkling of his earrings as they touched each other when his head moved.
He wasnt the buffest guy I knew but, he wouldnt be as attractive if he was. He had a nice lean body and a well proportioned and chiseled face. His jaw was strong, his cheeks somewhat hollow. His eyes were big and luscious, the tint of pale blue making him even more tempting.
Do you find me strange?
Christopher stood upright, resting his arm across the roof of the truck and peeked over the door.
Why do you ask? Youre always watching me. But, you know what I dont get? Why dont you talk about me behind my back like all of your other friends?
Well, I& I& th-th-think& I stuttered.
Just get in the truck.
Christopher sat at the wheel, softly tapping his fingertips to the beat of the music. His long fingers rested on the steering wheel, each twitching with delight as the deep, dry voice of the metal singer blared from the radio.
I looked outside at the setting sun. The bright orange and pink that streaked and swirled through clouds gave a kind of comfort to my restless heart.
It was obvious the poor guy was anxious by the way his hands shook.
Where exactly are we going? I asked with as much confidence as possible.
I already told you! Youll understand everything once we get there!
Youre really starting to freak me out, Chris.
He sighed and put his head in the palm of his left hand. Im sorry. Just dont ask anymore questions til we get there. Youll have to see for yourself.
Five minutes seemed to drag on as we drove down the highway, which wasnt as busy as usual.
So why arent you in San Diego with your friends?
I looked at him. How did-
Im more observant than you think.
Maybe a little too observant, I muttered as I looked away.
He slightly chuckled. So? Come on! Dish it out, he said playfully.
Well, Im I guess what youd call grounded.
YOU? Grounded? Hows that possible? I didnt even know that word was in your vocabulary.
Yeah, well, my mom thinks spending an extra ten minutes on the phone too much.
Thats all?
Yup! You know, sometimes I just wish& Wait. Why am I telling you all this? I barely know you.
Well, babbling a little bit is virtually painless. Besides, it cant be bad enough that you cant tell me. We all wish our parents would go to hell some point in our lives.
Yeah, but& still! I dont know you that well and Im already talking about my feelings.
Well, hey! What can I say? You could call me a conversational wizard.
He looked over at me. A cute grin played on his lips as he gave me a sly wink. It startled me at first but, then I smiled and said, Yeah, I guess you are.
He looked back at the highway and turned onto a very small gravel road. There was only one abandoned house on the road. The roof of the small shack was caved, a couple windows busted, graffiti strewn all over one side of it. But, to my surprise, there was a nice looking Corvette parked outside with a guy leaning on the roof of it, a girl sitting on the trunk, and another girl standing with a cigarette to her lips.
Well, here we are, Chris said as he made an abrupt stop beside the blood red Corvette.
There you are! I heard one of the girls say as I slid out of the truck.
Wheres the help? the guy asked.
Michelle! Come here! Christopher yelled to me like I was a dog.
I slowly slinked around the truck. When I looked up sheepishly, the smiles had faded from their faces and turned into scowls.
Okay, said the girl with the cigarette, I thought you said you were bringing help, not trouble. She dropped the smoldering cigarette and stomped on it.
I knew this girl. And I recognized the other girl too! These were the two girls that had gotten me into all that trouble at the beginning of the year. And, of course, they had changed one bit.
Guys, this is Michelle. Michelle, thats Ashton, he said pointing to the guy.
Sup? Ashton nodded his head up.
Thats Meg sitting there on there on the trunk.
Meg had the unique blond black tipped hair.
And thats my sis, Candace.
There was a definite family resemblance. Her hair was as black as Christophers, her eyes the same stunning blue. But, she didnt look at me as kindly as Chris did.
Hey man, Ashton said. You got any weed?
Dude, cut it out. You know I quit that stuff months ago.
Ashton gave a small grumble. Of course! Leave it to you to get a clean conscience when youre in need of the necessities.
Chill out, Chippy, Meg said.
My thoughts were interrupted when Meg said, So, whats little Ms. Preppy doing here? Her tone was filled with hatred. Why is she of all people here?
She can really help us.
That may be so. But, how do we know she wont rat out on us? Meg asked, eyeing me with disgust.
Right! For all we know, she may just tag along to get the dirt, Ashton said as he walked closer to me.
This Ashton was a couple inches shorter than Chris and almost as good looking as him. He had light brown hair, which was highlighted with a dark red tint, obviously professionally
done. His eyes were a deep, metallic brown, swirled with a couple other shades of brown. They were eerie and looked almost electric. In the middle of his bottom lip was a ring and through the middle of nose, between his nostrils was another ring, too.
In my defense, I said strongly in reply to his last comment, Im not that kind of person.
Thats what you say, he muttered under his breath.
Back off man! Christopher said angrily.
Enough you two! Meg interjected.
Well, Candace said quickly, breaking up the argument, you came to see the main event. You ready? She stepped in front of me.
I nodded yes. Although, I had no clue what I was saying yes to.
Be my guest. She pointed the open front door that was barely hanging by its hinges.
I looked back at Christopher. He didnt have to say a word. I knew just from his eyes that he was saying, Go on. Ill be right behind you.
I grinned, still uneasy. But, I finally got the guts to move I put one foot in front of the other, with Chris a step behind me.
What does he think hes doing? Ashton sighed.
I dont know. I dont even know how were related.
I stepped onto the porch and gagged. An awful stench had just made itself known. I tried to peek around the door frame to see what I was about to witness.
Youre going to have to go inside. Dont worry. Im right here.
I gulped, and then sighed. I closed my eyes and stepped through the open door. I reluctantly opened my eyes again and gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.
The first thing I noticed about the dead man lying on the floor was that his eyes were wide open. These eyes had once begged for mercy but, now they held no expression. Only death. They were pale and lifeless, each a cold gray.
Flies swarmed around the body and buzzed with delight at the taste of the young mans blood, which was crusted around his throat. Beneath all the dry blood was a deep slash, slicing halfway through his neck.
Now you know, Christopher said sadly.
My stomach heaved. I couldnt hold it in. I ran past Christopher and out of the house, and weaved quickly around Candace. I remembered the ditch across the road and ran to it.
Watch out! Shes gonna barf! Ashton yelled.
I dashed across the road, almost not making it. I got down on my hands and knees, craned my neck over the edge of the ditch and held my aching stomach.
I threw up for the next minute, losing every ounce of my strength.
You okay? Christopher asked. He placed his hand softly on my shoulder.
I spit, trying to get rid of the taste of vomit.
Whyd you choose me? You shouldve gone to the police.
Youve got the brains. I know youll come up with some better options than going to the slammer. First, well get nailed for trespassing on private property. Second, the four of us are know for making trouble around town. The instant we go to the cops, theyll be foamin at the mouth, thinkin were the ones that killed the guy.
Yes, but, Im not the one you want. I could think of quite a few well-respected lawyers you could go to who are better than me.
Those dogs are no better than the black suits! Look, Im sorry we got you involved. You said youd help as much as possible. We really need it, all we can get; not criticism.
I could feel the pressure rising, and it was pushing on the walls of my emotions.
We knew this guy well, Michelle. A couple hours before we found him, he had called me and asked us to meet him out here. That was two days ago, too long. Now, we have to get this straightened out before people start pointing fingers.
How could I say no?
Ive seen stuff like this on TV and read about it in books. I just never expected it to really be like this. I always thought I would seize the day. I guess I was wrong.
I was so ashamed.
We all want to be the heroes. Just turns out to be harder job than we expect. He laid his hand on my shoulder again. I know you can do this.
I turned my head and looked at him with a weak grin.
You know, youre a lot sweeter than you look.
I may look like a hard headed punk, but, its in my nature to be kind and considerate.
Its already the second day of spring break and Im already beginning to tire of Brooklyn. Everyone thinks of New York as an exciting place to be. But, in all truth, its just as boring as any other state.
Of course, it was pretty exciting having to take a twenty minute ride to the city, then taking a ten minute subway ride to get to the library. But, now that Im here, Im tired of looking up research on the French Revolution.
Really, this report isnt due until three weeks. But, its taken me a whole school year to build up the trust of my History teacher and Im not about to let spring break get in the way of that.
As I scanned over book spines, trying to devote my full attention to this report, I noticed a dark shape in the corner of the library. Christopher Carlyle, one of the most notorious school rejects. But, it was odd how only I seemed to understand him. It was odd that I was probably the only one who didnt judge him by being in the library, which in no way was his scene.
He raised his hand and slightly twitched his fingers, his own sultry way of saying hello to me. It gave me a strange sensation of delight but I was reluctant to show it. I didnt say hello. I didnt even smile. I only continued thumbing through books and cradling them delicately in the nook of my arm.
For the next five minutes, I continued this pattern, only to prove to him that I had no interest in him. But, soon, I had books gathered that had noting to do with The French Revolution. Three of them were just random subjects such as mythology, science, and even flowers!
After gathering enough of some of the most ridiculous topics, I sat at the nearest, smallest, most desolate table. I gently set down my books, put down my backpack in the chair beside me, and flopped down in the comfy chair in front of my pile of books.
I gave a sigh of hopelessness.
What am I doing? Ive got nothing to show this guy.
Before beginning this endless research, I quickly glanced out of the corner of my eye. I looked at the shadowy corner of the library where HE had been standing. But, I saw no tall mysterious shadow. Only& nothing.
I closed my eyes and sighed again. Then I realized I was& disappointed.
I pulled my backpack up out of the chair and set it on my lap. I took out my three ring binder and a ball point pen, then set the entirely too heavy backpack on the floor. I divided up my books, setting aside the important books and separated the unnecessary books from among them.
Soon after I had cracked open my first French Revolution book I heard the soft pat of combat boots against the tile on the floor. I darted a look across the table and saw Christopher pull out the chair directly in front of me.
I didnt pay anymore attention to him but did my best to concentrate on this burden. But, all I could do was smell cigarette smoke on his clothes and feel his eyes stare right through me.
Before I could react, he pulled a book off the top of my research books and one off the top of my random stack. He held the two close together, observing the two very different covers.
You know, he said quietly, I know Mr. Darren can be @$$ about reports but, he held the book on flowers in front of my face, arent you being a little far-fetched?
I was beginning to get irritated. I didnt look at him but continued to jot down information from the books.
Realizing I wasnt exceptionally happy by his intrusion, he fell back into his chair, lazily sitting there. He took out his phone and pressed buttons, making a light sound with each button he pressed.
Then, he stopped. I picked up the next book, paying no attention to him. But, as I did so, he set the phone down on the table and passed it over to me. I reluctantly reached out and took the phone before he could snatch it up again.
On the screen of the open phone were the words, Do you know who I am?
My eyes grew wide as I looked at it stupidly. I knew then that this no one had sent me the text from the other night!
I slowly looked up at him, my eyes wide with surprise. He already had his ghostly blue eyes set on me and for the next couple of seconds; we just looked at each other dumbly.
He then sighed, picked up his phone and closed it. He pushed his chair out and rose to a height of 62.
Once he was standing, he dropped the phone into the pocket of his baggy pants.
I have to show you something.
Surprisingly, he didnt have a real deep voice. It was more soft and sweet. But, with every word, he had a mysterious tone, making everything he said more sexy and delightful.
I just looked at the table, still stunned. I was shocked even more when he lightly put his palm over my hand and said, Youre going to want to see this.
I gazed into his eyes and understood what they were saying. Somehow I could tell just from his eyes that he was scared but, he was telling me not to worry, I could trust him.
Without any question, I left my books on the oak table and put my binder and pen back in
my bag. After zipping my backpack up, I slung it over my shoulder and stood next to Christopher.
I felt so inferior standing up beside him. He was like a towering tree while I was only the growing sapling! He was taller than Tommy by quite a few inches, but, he wasnt so tall that he was gangly.
We didnt exchange words. We only walked out of the library, followed by a couple pairs of scrutinizing eyes.
Whats going on? I asked Christopher as soon as we stepped through the double doors, leading to the crowded streets of New York City.
He said nothing in answer to my question. He stepped briskly off each step to another.
Answer me! I yelled as we reached the second to last landing. I stepped in front of him, blocking his next move to the sidewalk.
He didnt look at me but, just watched the pavement. I cant explain. I just really need your help& okay?
He really did look scared. His bottom lip slightly quivered and his eyes held even more fear.
Alright. Ill help as much as possible.
His lips curled at the corners, transforming his mouth from a frown to the cutest crooked grin Id ever seen.
Thank you. Now, follow me.
Again, Christopher took the lead down the steps while I tried to trail as close as possible without stepping on his heels. We weaved through people, crossed the street, darted around more people, and then reached the garage on Bleaker.
A couple minutes later, we came to his vehicle. I expected it to be an old broken down car. But, to my surprise, it was a nice, newly painted and polished black Ford.
This is yours? I asked astonished as I stood in front of it and observed.
Why do you sound so surprised?
I just-
He raised his eyebrows and had a cute, mischievous expression. Yes& this is MY truck. But, let me clear a spot for you to sit.
He opened up the passenger door and pushed things around.
I watched him as he silently cleared a spot for me to sit. As he did so, there was a soft tinkling of his earrings as they touched each other when his head moved.
He wasnt the buffest guy I knew but, he wouldnt be as attractive if he was. He had a nice lean body and a well proportioned and chiseled face. His jaw was strong, his cheeks somewhat hollow. His eyes were big and luscious, the tint of pale blue making him even more tempting.
Do you find me strange?
Christopher stood upright, resting his arm across the roof of the truck and peeked over the door.
Why do you ask? Youre always watching me. But, you know what I dont get? Why dont you talk about me behind my back like all of your other friends?
Well, I& I& th-th-think& I stuttered.
Just get in the truck.
Christopher sat at the wheel, softly tapping his fingertips to the beat of the music. His long fingers rested on the steering wheel, each twitching with delight as the deep, dry voice of the metal singer blared from the radio.
I looked outside at the setting sun. The bright orange and pink that streaked and swirled through clouds gave a kind of comfort to my restless heart.
It was obvious the poor guy was anxious by the way his hands shook.
Where exactly are we going? I asked with as much confidence as possible.
I already told you! Youll understand everything once we get there!
Youre really starting to freak me out, Chris.
He sighed and put his head in the palm of his left hand. Im sorry. Just dont ask anymore questions til we get there. Youll have to see for yourself.
Five minutes seemed to drag on as we drove down the highway, which wasnt as busy as usual.
So why arent you in San Diego with your friends?
I looked at him. How did-
Im more observant than you think.
Maybe a little too observant, I muttered as I looked away.
He slightly chuckled. So? Come on! Dish it out, he said playfully.
Well, Im I guess what youd call grounded.
YOU? Grounded? Hows that possible? I didnt even know that word was in your vocabulary.
Yeah, well, my mom thinks spending an extra ten minutes on the phone too much.
Thats all?
Yup! You know, sometimes I just wish& Wait. Why am I telling you all this? I barely know you.
Well, babbling a little bit is virtually painless. Besides, it cant be bad enough that you cant tell me. We all wish our parents would go to hell some point in our lives.
Yeah, but& still! I dont know you that well and Im already talking about my feelings.
Well, hey! What can I say? You could call me a conversational wizard.
He looked over at me. A cute grin played on his lips as he gave me a sly wink. It startled me at first but, then I smiled and said, Yeah, I guess you are.
He looked back at the highway and turned onto a very small gravel road. There was only one abandoned house on the road. The roof of the small shack was caved, a couple windows busted, graffiti strewn all over one side of it. But, to my surprise, there was a nice looking Corvette parked outside with a guy leaning on the roof of it, a girl sitting on the trunk, and another girl standing with a cigarette to her lips.
Well, here we are, Chris said as he made an abrupt stop beside the blood red Corvette.
There you are! I heard one of the girls say as I slid out of the truck.
Wheres the help? the guy asked.
Michelle! Come here! Christopher yelled to me like I was a dog.
I slowly slinked around the truck. When I looked up sheepishly, the smiles had faded from their faces and turned into scowls.
Okay, said the girl with the cigarette, I thought you said you were bringing help, not trouble. She dropped the smoldering cigarette and stomped on it.
I knew this girl. And I recognized the other girl too! These were the two girls that had gotten me into all that trouble at the beginning of the year. And, of course, they had changed one bit.
Guys, this is Michelle. Michelle, thats Ashton, he said pointing to the guy.
Sup? Ashton nodded his head up.
Thats Meg sitting there on there on the trunk.
Meg had the unique blond black tipped hair.
And thats my sis, Candace.
There was a definite family resemblance. Her hair was as black as Christophers, her eyes the same stunning blue. But, she didnt look at me as kindly as Chris did.
Hey man, Ashton said. You got any weed?
Dude, cut it out. You know I quit that stuff months ago.
Ashton gave a small grumble. Of course! Leave it to you to get a clean conscience when youre in need of the necessities.
Chill out, Chippy, Meg said.
My thoughts were interrupted when Meg said, So, whats little Ms. Preppy doing here? Her tone was filled with hatred. Why is she of all people here?
She can really help us.
That may be so. But, how do we know she wont rat out on us? Meg asked, eyeing me with disgust.
Right! For all we know, she may just tag along to get the dirt, Ashton said as he walked closer to me.
This Ashton was a couple inches shorter than Chris and almost as good looking as him. He had light brown hair, which was highlighted with a dark red tint, obviously professionally
done. His eyes were a deep, metallic brown, swirled with a couple other shades of brown. They were eerie and looked almost electric. In the middle of his bottom lip was a ring and through the middle of nose, between his nostrils was another ring, too.
In my defense, I said strongly in reply to his last comment, Im not that kind of person.
Thats what you say, he muttered under his breath.
Back off man! Christopher said angrily.
Enough you two! Meg interjected.
Well, Candace said quickly, breaking up the argument, you came to see the main event. You ready? She stepped in front of me.
I nodded yes. Although, I had no clue what I was saying yes to.
Be my guest. She pointed the open front door that was barely hanging by its hinges.
I looked back at Christopher. He didnt have to say a word. I knew just from his eyes that he was saying, Go on. Ill be right behind you.
I grinned, still uneasy. But, I finally got the guts to move I put one foot in front of the other, with Chris a step behind me.
What does he think hes doing? Ashton sighed.
I dont know. I dont even know how were related.
I stepped onto the porch and gagged. An awful stench had just made itself known. I tried to peek around the door frame to see what I was about to witness.
Youre going to have to go inside. Dont worry. Im right here.
I gulped, and then sighed. I closed my eyes and stepped through the open door. I reluctantly opened my eyes again and gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.
The first thing I noticed about the dead man lying on the floor was that his eyes were wide open. These eyes had once begged for mercy but, now they held no expression. Only death. They were pale and lifeless, each a cold gray.
Flies swarmed around the body and buzzed with delight at the taste of the young mans blood, which was crusted around his throat. Beneath all the dry blood was a deep slash, slicing halfway through his neck.
Now you know, Christopher said sadly.
My stomach heaved. I couldnt hold it in. I ran past Christopher and out of the house, and weaved quickly around Candace. I remembered the ditch across the road and ran to it.
Watch out! Shes gonna barf! Ashton yelled.
I dashed across the road, almost not making it. I got down on my hands and knees, craned my neck over the edge of the ditch and held my aching stomach.
I threw up for the next minute, losing every ounce of my strength.
You okay? Christopher asked. He placed his hand softly on my shoulder.
I spit, trying to get rid of the taste of vomit.
Whyd you choose me? You shouldve gone to the police.
Youve got the brains. I know youll come up with some better options than going to the slammer. First, well get nailed for trespassing on private property. Second, the four of us are know for making trouble around town. The instant we go to the cops, theyll be foamin at the mouth, thinkin were the ones that killed the guy.
Yes, but, Im not the one you want. I could think of quite a few well-respected lawyers you could go to who are better than me.
Those dogs are no better than the black suits! Look, Im sorry we got you involved. You said youd help as much as possible. We really need it, all we can get; not criticism.
I could feel the pressure rising, and it was pushing on the walls of my emotions.
We knew this guy well, Michelle. A couple hours before we found him, he had called me and asked us to meet him out here. That was two days ago, too long. Now, we have to get this straightened out before people start pointing fingers.
How could I say no?
Ive seen stuff like this on TV and read about it in books. I just never expected it to really be like this. I always thought I would seize the day. I guess I was wrong.
I was so ashamed.
We all want to be the heroes. Just turns out to be harder job than we expect. He laid his hand on my shoulder again. I know you can do this.
I turned my head and looked at him with a weak grin.
You know, youre a lot sweeter than you look.
I may look like a hard headed punk, but, its in my nature to be kind and considerate.
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hakutheblindedsoul on February 22, 2008, 2:58:25 AM