Chapter 5 - "Burn It"
Submitted February 18, 2008 Updated February 22, 2008 Status Complete | This is a story I decided to turn it into a manga because it would be so much better as one. I will be putting my character's pictures on my page as soon as possible. But, the story will have to do for now. Please leave comments and be kind.
Anime/Manga |
Chapter 5 - "Burn It"
Chapter 5 - "Burn It"
Sixth Chapter
What have I done? I whimpered. I just& killed. What am I going to do? Im so scared. I did the unthinkable!
Christophers soft hand caressed my arm as he washed away the fresh blood. The water from the pump in the middle of the yard of the old house was quite warm, making it even more soothing as he lovingly rubbed at my arm.
So, you really did do it? Ashton asked as he watched me with a perplexed expression. He stood beside Candace and Meg, who were sitting in the grass while Chris was kneeled down to me on the ground. Ashton chuckled deeply. You really did hit the jackpot Rings!
Shut up Chip! Chris whispered, anger soaking his tone. You guys better be glad our sorry butts arent in that cop car right now, on our way to jail. Michelle did us all a favor and we should respect her for what a brave move she made. That was pretty ballsy.
I had my head tilted to the earth, watching the dirt absorb my tears of anguish. He brought my head upwards and ran his thumb under my eye, swiping a falling tear away from my cheek.
Dont cry. I thank you for what you did. His lips slightly curled into a reassuring grin, giving me a boost of comfort and self-esteem. Then, he looked over his shoulder at the three behind him. And you three better be happy that Im not kicking your sorry asses to some God-forsaken place. What were you guys thinking leaving us behind? I heard him grumble and mutter under his breath in anger.
He pushed the pumps handle down. The water stopped running over my arm and dripped into the soil. Chris took his black shirt and rubbed it over my wet arm, drying it off. He then stood and faced the others while I still sat, pouring tear drops onto the barren ground.
Now, he said with command in his voice, Luke deserves to be buried. I say we all-
No! Candace said as she tapped her cigarette. Hes your dead friend. Not ours!
Chris squinted his eyes.
How can you say that? He was a friend to all of us. I dont understand how you can just sit there and say he had no part in your life. Especially since he was your ex!
I saw Candaces lip slightly quiver and saw a glimmer in the corner of her eye. She bent her head in her hands and all I heard was a soft whimper.
Chris expression softened and he moved closer to his sister. He bent to the ground and embraced her in a caring hug. She buried her face in his shirt and whined. After a minute, he pulled away and looked into her blurry eyes.
Im sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. But, none of us can deny the role he played in our lives. He was our best friend. We cant just leave him out here. He deserves more respect even after all the crap he put us through.
He stood again and walked back over to my side again.
Lets think of something to do. He held his chin in the nook between his thumb and index finger, deep in concentration.
We burn it.
His eyes grew wide as he turned his head and looked at me questioningly. Ashton, Meg, and Candace also watched me intently.
What? Chris asked.
We bury your friend, drive the cop car through the house, and burn all the evidence.
Who was I? This other side of me was taking over again. I was looking at them with an evil grin on my face and my eyes were burning. My tears didnt grace the dry ground any longer. Running through all of me in that instant was pure evil.
Everyone stood silent. Ashton was staring at me with lust, Candace and Meg were looking at each other and Christopher held his chin in his hand again.
Okay. Lets do it! His eyes were sparkling with pride, as if he came up with the idea himself.
Hit it Ash! Meg yelled.
The cars engine revved and there was a loud crashing. We coughed and wheezed as the blinding dust settled slowly on the ground.
Once all was still, Chris yelled, You okay Ash?
All our eyes were on the car. The roof of the old shack had caved in on the cruiser while the front wall of the house had collapsed to the ground.
Everything was silent. Finally, we heard loud coughing and saw Ashtons shape move in the drivers seat.
The car door opened and he set his foot down on the ground. Then, he stuck out his hand, his thumb up giving us the thumbs up sign.
Im good, he said weakly and then continued to cough.
He pushed himself out of the seat and stood among the rubble. Once he was stable, he shook his head and rubbed out as much dust as he could. Then he came over and joined us.
Okay, now that thats taken care of& how are we going to torch it? Meg asked.
Well, I have my lighter. We could just use that. Chris pulled out a small lighter from the back pocket of his baggy pants.
That isnt goin to cut it. Were going to have to use something to feed the flame.
I know! Candaces eyes lit up as she spoke. I have a hose and a bucket in the trunk of the car!
She walked over to the Corvette and popped the trunk open with her car key. She rummaged though various things and set a tall white bucket and a water hose on the ground.
Why do you have this stuff? I asked.
Well, the way I see it, you never know when youll be running low on gas and you find a perfect car with a full tank.
She picked up the supplies and went over to the cruiser. After she had brushed away light debris, she called me over.
Why dont you come help me?
I shyly stepped over the torn wall and went to her side.
She already had the cap off the tank and situated the bucket in a good position. I just sat watching her. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. Then, I realized what gang I had gotten myself involved with.
All I need you to do, Candace said, is to put that end of the hose down in the tank and let me do the rest.
I reluctantly took the water hose and slowly fed it into the gas tank until it wouldnt go in any further.
Without another word, Candace put her lips to the cold metal on the other end of the hose. She sucked and then laid that end of the hose in the bucket.
The smell of gasoline filled the air as it steadily fell into the bucket.
As we stood still and watched the bucket slowly but surely fill I heard Candace whisper,
You have no idea what youve gotten yourself into.
I looked at her in shock. But, she just examined the layout of the plot of land. I then saw her eyes flicker to the patch of fresh dirt which had laying beneath it the body of the guy she once loved.
What do you mean?
She wiped away a tear and looked at me.
Look at what youve done because of us. And, Luke was changed because of this gang. Never once in my twelve years of knowing him had I seen him as such a monster.
We stood quiet for a while.
So, you guys were close, huh?
Yeah. Chris and I had known him since the first day we moved here. We were your average punks but, Luke was a quiet, sensitive kid. And the more he would he hang out with us, the more he would transform. How are we going to tell his parents? He was only nineteen and headed for a great future! They always blamed us for the havoc he caused and now theyre going to blame us for this!
She clenched her jaw and let a tear trickle down her cheek.
I didnt know what to say. All I could do was just stare blankly at the bucket.
I think the buckets full, I said flatly.
She rubbed her nose and eyes and picked up the bucket.
Toss it on the car.
I had the bucket in my arms before I could stop her.
Just throw the gas on the roof of the car.
I got a good grip on the bucket and tossed the potent liquid over the car. It was now covered, the gasoline dripping off the sides.
Very nice, Candace said approvingly. Hey Rings!
Chris walked over to us, lighter in hand.
Do the honors.
He flicked the lighter which emitted a bright flame. I felt his eyes move over to me.
You may want to stand back Michelle.
He tenderly pushed me back, Candace following. After we had stood back quite a few feet, he lightly grazed the car with the flame. Once the car was engulfed, the red and orange flames licking at every flammable thing, he ran back, pulling us with him.
The five of us stood, watching the house burn to a crisp. All of us stood in awe.
Lets go, Christopher said.
He had to pull me away from the sight of it all. I was so intrigued but dumb with fright.
Whats wrong? he asked. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.
I have to go back& for my sisters.
Kirin! Kameryn! Open the door! I banged hard on the door and repeated the words again.
I heard a loud banging and the sound of their small feet pat on the hardwood floor.
The door swung open and there before me stood the twins, each with terror on their faces.
Michelle! they both yelled. They flung their arms around my waist, holding on so hard I could barely breathe.
Where have you been? Kameryn commanded.
Weve been worried sick, Kirin whimpered.
I know. Im sorry. But, right now theres no time to explain. Each of you go pack some clothes. Youre going over to your Aunt Kimmys.
Why? We dont wanna go! We wanna go with you! Kameryn looked up at me, her eyes blurry with tears.
I have to go for a while.
How long?
I dont know. Now go pack! Hurry! We have to leave in five minutes.
They ran up the stairs and to their bedrooms.
My mind was racing, my heart leaping out of my chest as I picked up the house phone. I turned my back to the TV, which was set to the nine oclock news. I quickly dialed the number quickly and waited impatiently for that friendly voice.
Kim. Its Michelle. Look, I need a favor.
She was silent for a second then asked, What have you gotten yourself into Michelle?
I hesitated then answered.
Uhh& nothing.
I should believe you?
She sighed.
Okay. What do you need?
I need you to watch the girls until mom gets back into town.
No. Theyre not my responsibility. Youre the one that should be watching the girls.
I rubbed my forehead in concentration.
I know. But, I have to go to San Diego. My friend is there and shes the only one who can-
I paused, realizing what I was about to say.
Who can what?
Never mind. Can you please watch the girls? This is urgent!
Oh, alright.
Thanks. Well be over soon. Bye.
I hung up and turned to face the television but didnt even look up to watch it. I pressed in another familiar number.
Pick up!
Hey Lea-
This is Leah. Apparently, Im busy right now. But, if youd leave a message, Id be more than happy to get back with you as soon as possible. Ciao!
Great! I muttered and cursed. Come on girls!
I bit my nails in anticipation as I watched the television.
Now for tonights top story. It was reported that Officer Terri Newman is missing. It is believed he is injured by the footage The New York Police received from his car camera. We have been given permission to release it.
I felt my jaw drop as my eyes grew wide.
The screen had the full image of the bulky cop walking inside the shack and disappearing into the darkness of the house. Then, a minute later, there was Chris and I walking out of the house.
Dear God! NO!
Chris had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, his head bent while his eyes scanned the ground. Thankfully, you couldnt distinguish any of his facial features.
But, my face was in full view. I had fear and desperation written all over it. I was starring forward, blankly into space. You could see a thin line of blood run from the back of my hand to my elbow.
If you see these suspects, please call the police. Your name and number will remain anonymous. You
will also receive a two hundred check for your help in this case. The number is&
Oh my god, I whispered.
Michelle, were ready.
I heard the girls jump down each step. I quickly reached for the remote and turned off the news.
Michelle? Are you okay? Kirin asked.
I shivered and turned but didnt meet their eyes.
Yeah. Come on. Lets go!
I snatched both their bags out of their hands and headed for the front door. We stepped out into the night and I locked the door.
Whos that?
Kameryn and Kirin watched Christophers black Ford with curiosity.
A friend of mine. Well be going with him.
We jumped across each stepping stone and once we reached the truck, I swung the back door open and shoved the bags in, the girls following shortly afterward. I crawled into the front seat and heard the girls whisper about the stranger in the drivers seat.
Seat belts, I said as I snapped mine into place.
Where to?
Christopher put a cigarette to his lips, just about to light it.
Not around the girls.
I reached for it and pulled it away from his lips. Suddenly, his hand grabbed my wrist and held it tightly, looking at the cigarette with envy. But, seeing the fear and anger in my eyes, he slowly let go of my wrist and just looked at me. I had to turn away, to tempted to grab him and&
Parker Square.
What? Christopher asked kindly and turned to look at the girls.
I looked back and saw Kirins jaw drop and Kameryns eyes watch him with craving. When Kirin opened her mouth to speak, she stuttered, so overwhelmed by his good looks.
Par-Park-Parker Square.
He turned and looked at me with a prideful grin.
After he had backed out of the driveway, I looked back at them again. The girls were looking at each other with astonishment. Then they turned to me and gave me copious smiles.
Here we are, Christopher said as he pulled into the driveway of the small, cozy house.
When we came to a complete stop, I turned and looked back at the girls. They were fidgeting nervously, each holding each others hands.
Im not going up there with you.
Why not? Kameryn whined.
Because we have to go. Ill come back as soon as possible. I love you guys.
I leaned back and embraced them. Once they got done sobbing, they bid me farewell and climbed out of the truck. We watched them go up on the porch and knock on the solid oak door. When the door opened, Chris swiftly pulled out and peeled onto the road.
You know we were on the news.
I kept my eyes on the road while he looked at me with an astonished expression.
Oh no! Could you see our faces?
Well, fortunately your head was bent. Me on the other hand&
He rubbed his head. I forgot that the feedback from the camera runs to the police station. Even though the tape is destroyed, the images go to the cops. He continued to push hard on his forehead and curse.
What are we going to do?
He bit on his knuckle, obviously thinking of a plan. He reached into his baggy pants and
pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.
Hey sis. Weve got a problem.
He explained the situation and I could hear her screaming and curse loudly.
I need you to run to the store and grab some stuff. Buy some black hair dye and a package of small
hoops. You have black nail polish and a pointy stick, right?
Pointy stick? I wondered to myself.
Well meet you at the house after a while. Bye.
He closed the phone and slipped it back into his pocket.
I think I missed something.
Ill tell you this much: You wont be the same person.
That was a big clue, considering I had already changed a lot.
What have I done? I whimpered. I just& killed. What am I going to do? Im so scared. I did the unthinkable!
Christophers soft hand caressed my arm as he washed away the fresh blood. The water from the pump in the middle of the yard of the old house was quite warm, making it even more soothing as he lovingly rubbed at my arm.
So, you really did do it? Ashton asked as he watched me with a perplexed expression. He stood beside Candace and Meg, who were sitting in the grass while Chris was kneeled down to me on the ground. Ashton chuckled deeply. You really did hit the jackpot Rings!
Shut up Chip! Chris whispered, anger soaking his tone. You guys better be glad our sorry butts arent in that cop car right now, on our way to jail. Michelle did us all a favor and we should respect her for what a brave move she made. That was pretty ballsy.
I had my head tilted to the earth, watching the dirt absorb my tears of anguish. He brought my head upwards and ran his thumb under my eye, swiping a falling tear away from my cheek.
Dont cry. I thank you for what you did. His lips slightly curled into a reassuring grin, giving me a boost of comfort and self-esteem. Then, he looked over his shoulder at the three behind him. And you three better be happy that Im not kicking your sorry asses to some God-forsaken place. What were you guys thinking leaving us behind? I heard him grumble and mutter under his breath in anger.
He pushed the pumps handle down. The water stopped running over my arm and dripped into the soil. Chris took his black shirt and rubbed it over my wet arm, drying it off. He then stood and faced the others while I still sat, pouring tear drops onto the barren ground.
Now, he said with command in his voice, Luke deserves to be buried. I say we all-
No! Candace said as she tapped her cigarette. Hes your dead friend. Not ours!
Chris squinted his eyes.
How can you say that? He was a friend to all of us. I dont understand how you can just sit there and say he had no part in your life. Especially since he was your ex!
I saw Candaces lip slightly quiver and saw a glimmer in the corner of her eye. She bent her head in her hands and all I heard was a soft whimper.
Chris expression softened and he moved closer to his sister. He bent to the ground and embraced her in a caring hug. She buried her face in his shirt and whined. After a minute, he pulled away and looked into her blurry eyes.
Im sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. But, none of us can deny the role he played in our lives. He was our best friend. We cant just leave him out here. He deserves more respect even after all the crap he put us through.
He stood again and walked back over to my side again.
Lets think of something to do. He held his chin in the nook between his thumb and index finger, deep in concentration.
We burn it.
His eyes grew wide as he turned his head and looked at me questioningly. Ashton, Meg, and Candace also watched me intently.
What? Chris asked.
We bury your friend, drive the cop car through the house, and burn all the evidence.
Who was I? This other side of me was taking over again. I was looking at them with an evil grin on my face and my eyes were burning. My tears didnt grace the dry ground any longer. Running through all of me in that instant was pure evil.
Everyone stood silent. Ashton was staring at me with lust, Candace and Meg were looking at each other and Christopher held his chin in his hand again.
Okay. Lets do it! His eyes were sparkling with pride, as if he came up with the idea himself.
Hit it Ash! Meg yelled.
The cars engine revved and there was a loud crashing. We coughed and wheezed as the blinding dust settled slowly on the ground.
Once all was still, Chris yelled, You okay Ash?
All our eyes were on the car. The roof of the old shack had caved in on the cruiser while the front wall of the house had collapsed to the ground.
Everything was silent. Finally, we heard loud coughing and saw Ashtons shape move in the drivers seat.
The car door opened and he set his foot down on the ground. Then, he stuck out his hand, his thumb up giving us the thumbs up sign.
Im good, he said weakly and then continued to cough.
He pushed himself out of the seat and stood among the rubble. Once he was stable, he shook his head and rubbed out as much dust as he could. Then he came over and joined us.
Okay, now that thats taken care of& how are we going to torch it? Meg asked.
Well, I have my lighter. We could just use that. Chris pulled out a small lighter from the back pocket of his baggy pants.
That isnt goin to cut it. Were going to have to use something to feed the flame.
I know! Candaces eyes lit up as she spoke. I have a hose and a bucket in the trunk of the car!
She walked over to the Corvette and popped the trunk open with her car key. She rummaged though various things and set a tall white bucket and a water hose on the ground.
Why do you have this stuff? I asked.
Well, the way I see it, you never know when youll be running low on gas and you find a perfect car with a full tank.
She picked up the supplies and went over to the cruiser. After she had brushed away light debris, she called me over.
Why dont you come help me?
I shyly stepped over the torn wall and went to her side.
She already had the cap off the tank and situated the bucket in a good position. I just sat watching her. I had no clue what I was supposed to do. Then, I realized what gang I had gotten myself involved with.
All I need you to do, Candace said, is to put that end of the hose down in the tank and let me do the rest.
I reluctantly took the water hose and slowly fed it into the gas tank until it wouldnt go in any further.
Without another word, Candace put her lips to the cold metal on the other end of the hose. She sucked and then laid that end of the hose in the bucket.
The smell of gasoline filled the air as it steadily fell into the bucket.
As we stood still and watched the bucket slowly but surely fill I heard Candace whisper,
You have no idea what youve gotten yourself into.
I looked at her in shock. But, she just examined the layout of the plot of land. I then saw her eyes flicker to the patch of fresh dirt which had laying beneath it the body of the guy she once loved.
What do you mean?
She wiped away a tear and looked at me.
Look at what youve done because of us. And, Luke was changed because of this gang. Never once in my twelve years of knowing him had I seen him as such a monster.
We stood quiet for a while.
So, you guys were close, huh?
Yeah. Chris and I had known him since the first day we moved here. We were your average punks but, Luke was a quiet, sensitive kid. And the more he would he hang out with us, the more he would transform. How are we going to tell his parents? He was only nineteen and headed for a great future! They always blamed us for the havoc he caused and now theyre going to blame us for this!
She clenched her jaw and let a tear trickle down her cheek.
I didnt know what to say. All I could do was just stare blankly at the bucket.
I think the buckets full, I said flatly.
She rubbed her nose and eyes and picked up the bucket.
Toss it on the car.
I had the bucket in my arms before I could stop her.
Just throw the gas on the roof of the car.
I got a good grip on the bucket and tossed the potent liquid over the car. It was now covered, the gasoline dripping off the sides.
Very nice, Candace said approvingly. Hey Rings!
Chris walked over to us, lighter in hand.
Do the honors.
He flicked the lighter which emitted a bright flame. I felt his eyes move over to me.
You may want to stand back Michelle.
He tenderly pushed me back, Candace following. After we had stood back quite a few feet, he lightly grazed the car with the flame. Once the car was engulfed, the red and orange flames licking at every flammable thing, he ran back, pulling us with him.
The five of us stood, watching the house burn to a crisp. All of us stood in awe.
Lets go, Christopher said.
He had to pull me away from the sight of it all. I was so intrigued but dumb with fright.
Whats wrong? he asked. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.
I have to go back& for my sisters.
Kirin! Kameryn! Open the door! I banged hard on the door and repeated the words again.
I heard a loud banging and the sound of their small feet pat on the hardwood floor.
The door swung open and there before me stood the twins, each with terror on their faces.
Michelle! they both yelled. They flung their arms around my waist, holding on so hard I could barely breathe.
Where have you been? Kameryn commanded.
Weve been worried sick, Kirin whimpered.
I know. Im sorry. But, right now theres no time to explain. Each of you go pack some clothes. Youre going over to your Aunt Kimmys.
Why? We dont wanna go! We wanna go with you! Kameryn looked up at me, her eyes blurry with tears.
I have to go for a while.
How long?
I dont know. Now go pack! Hurry! We have to leave in five minutes.
They ran up the stairs and to their bedrooms.
My mind was racing, my heart leaping out of my chest as I picked up the house phone. I turned my back to the TV, which was set to the nine oclock news. I quickly dialed the number quickly and waited impatiently for that friendly voice.
Kim. Its Michelle. Look, I need a favor.
She was silent for a second then asked, What have you gotten yourself into Michelle?
I hesitated then answered.
Uhh& nothing.
I should believe you?
She sighed.
Okay. What do you need?
I need you to watch the girls until mom gets back into town.
No. Theyre not my responsibility. Youre the one that should be watching the girls.
I rubbed my forehead in concentration.
I know. But, I have to go to San Diego. My friend is there and shes the only one who can-
I paused, realizing what I was about to say.
Who can what?
Never mind. Can you please watch the girls? This is urgent!
Oh, alright.
Thanks. Well be over soon. Bye.
I hung up and turned to face the television but didnt even look up to watch it. I pressed in another familiar number.
Pick up!
Hey Lea-
This is Leah. Apparently, Im busy right now. But, if youd leave a message, Id be more than happy to get back with you as soon as possible. Ciao!
Great! I muttered and cursed. Come on girls!
I bit my nails in anticipation as I watched the television.
Now for tonights top story. It was reported that Officer Terri Newman is missing. It is believed he is injured by the footage The New York Police received from his car camera. We have been given permission to release it.
I felt my jaw drop as my eyes grew wide.
The screen had the full image of the bulky cop walking inside the shack and disappearing into the darkness of the house. Then, a minute later, there was Chris and I walking out of the house.
Dear God! NO!
Chris had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, his head bent while his eyes scanned the ground. Thankfully, you couldnt distinguish any of his facial features.
But, my face was in full view. I had fear and desperation written all over it. I was starring forward, blankly into space. You could see a thin line of blood run from the back of my hand to my elbow.
If you see these suspects, please call the police. Your name and number will remain anonymous. You
will also receive a two hundred check for your help in this case. The number is&
Oh my god, I whispered.
Michelle, were ready.
I heard the girls jump down each step. I quickly reached for the remote and turned off the news.
Michelle? Are you okay? Kirin asked.
I shivered and turned but didnt meet their eyes.
Yeah. Come on. Lets go!
I snatched both their bags out of their hands and headed for the front door. We stepped out into the night and I locked the door.
Whos that?
Kameryn and Kirin watched Christophers black Ford with curiosity.
A friend of mine. Well be going with him.
We jumped across each stepping stone and once we reached the truck, I swung the back door open and shoved the bags in, the girls following shortly afterward. I crawled into the front seat and heard the girls whisper about the stranger in the drivers seat.
Seat belts, I said as I snapped mine into place.
Where to?
Christopher put a cigarette to his lips, just about to light it.
Not around the girls.
I reached for it and pulled it away from his lips. Suddenly, his hand grabbed my wrist and held it tightly, looking at the cigarette with envy. But, seeing the fear and anger in my eyes, he slowly let go of my wrist and just looked at me. I had to turn away, to tempted to grab him and&
Parker Square.
What? Christopher asked kindly and turned to look at the girls.
I looked back and saw Kirins jaw drop and Kameryns eyes watch him with craving. When Kirin opened her mouth to speak, she stuttered, so overwhelmed by his good looks.
Par-Park-Parker Square.
He turned and looked at me with a prideful grin.
After he had backed out of the driveway, I looked back at them again. The girls were looking at each other with astonishment. Then they turned to me and gave me copious smiles.
Here we are, Christopher said as he pulled into the driveway of the small, cozy house.
When we came to a complete stop, I turned and looked back at the girls. They were fidgeting nervously, each holding each others hands.
Im not going up there with you.
Why not? Kameryn whined.
Because we have to go. Ill come back as soon as possible. I love you guys.
I leaned back and embraced them. Once they got done sobbing, they bid me farewell and climbed out of the truck. We watched them go up on the porch and knock on the solid oak door. When the door opened, Chris swiftly pulled out and peeled onto the road.
You know we were on the news.
I kept my eyes on the road while he looked at me with an astonished expression.
Oh no! Could you see our faces?
Well, fortunately your head was bent. Me on the other hand&
He rubbed his head. I forgot that the feedback from the camera runs to the police station. Even though the tape is destroyed, the images go to the cops. He continued to push hard on his forehead and curse.
What are we going to do?
He bit on his knuckle, obviously thinking of a plan. He reached into his baggy pants and
pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.
Hey sis. Weve got a problem.
He explained the situation and I could hear her screaming and curse loudly.
I need you to run to the store and grab some stuff. Buy some black hair dye and a package of small
hoops. You have black nail polish and a pointy stick, right?
Pointy stick? I wondered to myself.
Well meet you at the house after a while. Bye.
He closed the phone and slipped it back into his pocket.
I think I missed something.
Ill tell you this much: You wont be the same person.
That was a big clue, considering I had already changed a lot.
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hakutheblindedsoul on February 22, 2008, 3:15:33 AM