Chapter 7 - The Arrival
Submitted August 4, 2007 Updated November 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | my first story! this is Naruto OC wonderland, if you have an OC tell me!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 7 - The Arrival
Chapter 7 - The Arrival
Note: I do NOT own Naruto. (Silence)…….Lee has the power of youth which is respectable, but I have the power of pure……PWNAAAAAAAGE!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7
The Arrival
The next day everyone got up, feeling a little tired from the night before. There was still some tension, but overall everyone kept their tempers under control. Rock Lee was the first up and decided to do laps around the ship on his arms until they gave out, then he would eat. He was finished with his 50th lap when Gaara came out of the ship’s cabin. He said not a word, but he walked to Lee, then balanced on his hands and started walking. Lee was slightly stunned that Gaara would do anything that even resembled a group activity.
Gaara turned and asked, “Well, you coming?” Lee suddenly remembered what he was doing and started walking. The next up was Shino, quickly followed minutes later by Temari who, not even paying attention to Gaara and the fact he was walking on his hands. She got right up on her fan and flew up to the crows nest. Dan was lying with his back against the side of the wood, but as she got closer she realized he was singing. She said nothing, but sat on her fan listening to his soothing voice.
(Hey there Delilah)
This is another new thing I’m trying. Just listen to the song and imagine him singing Oh, and at the very last time he it’s supposed to say the song says Delilah, he says Temari instead. If you don’t like it this way please comment and I won’t do it again.
No music
Temari was shocked at the last slight change in the lyrics. She was struggling with what to think of it, when Dan said, “Gotcha.” He looked up from under his hood smiling. Temari’s face went from her confused face to the hateful one she wore when she was angry at someone.
“You little…” she started, and took out her fan getting ready to hit him with her most powerful jutsu. But in her haste she hadn’t realized the fan was the only thing that was holding up and started falling. Dan was up in an instant getting ready to go after her, when he saw that she her fan was underneath her.
(Shut Up! Simple Plan)
She floated right up to his face, and said, “Gotcha.” Now it was Dan’s turn to be shocked. But he didn’t give up that easily. He jumped up out of the crows nest, diving down towards the bottom of the ship. Temari was truly scared knowing that even he did stop him self, when they stopped her neck would probably snap. At the last possible second Dan pulled out of the dive, cradling Temari and landed on his toes and let his legs absorb the impact. It was a difficult technique to learn, dangerous to get wrong, but Dan had mastered it. By letting his legs absorb the impact Temari hadn’t felt a thing, and kept her eyes scrunched waiting for the impact. When it didn’t come, she looked up at Dan, a mischievous look in his eyes.
Temari punched him making him let go, and then she stormed off. He had gone too far, boys were not the only ones without pride. When Dan realized what he had done, he looked down thinking of how he had taken things a little too seriously, how he had had to have the last say. Then his body froze, and his hair turned white with fear when he realized the importance of this last thought. It couldn’t be resurfacing, could it? He thought. The thought chilled him. If this thing happened to return, it would be disastrous for all those around him. Not even Tyrone could stop him in that state.
Dan got his head back together, he had to go apologize to her. Swallowing pride tastes horrible, he thought. He then walked off to find her.
No music
Several more people had gotten up by the time Dan had left to find Temari. Shikamaru had been the next up and saw Shino sitting on the deck smiling. Then he noticed Gaara and Lee both walking around the deck on both hands. I must still be dreaming, he thought. He had been standing in front of the door thinking when it opened suddenly slamming him forward into the railing.
“Good morning everyone,” Ino said, walking out onto the deck.
“Geez Ino, why are you so happy today?” Shikamaru said.
“I had the greatest dream last night! It was as if everything I had always wanted came true,” she said spinning like she didn’t have a care in the world. “You were in it to Shikamaru.”
“What? Why?” he said, shocked but pleased.
“Well you’re my teammate, why shouldn’t you be in there?” she said stopping in front of the door. While Shikamaru looked for an answer Choji opened the door knocking Ino into Shikamaru, and they both fell with Ino on top.
“I’m hungry has Dan cooked breakfast yet?” he asked, and then he noticed Ino on top of Shikamaru. “Ha, I always knew you two would end up together,” he said smiling.
“What, no it’s not like that Choji,” Ino said, “You’re the one who slammed me into him!”
“Come on friends, it is not youthful to fight,” said Lee, who had come up behind them, “Now who wants to join me and my new friend Gaara!” Gaara face was red, but that was because he had been walking on his hands and all the blood was still in his face.
“Guess I’ll go,” said Shikamaru.
Ino and Choji both stared at their teammate. Choji said, “Wow, it’s not like you to do anything Shikamaru, what’s up?”
“Hey, I may not do things a lot of the time, but am I not allowed to do things at all?”
“Well, I think it’s great you’re doing something,” Ino said, “GO SHIKAMRU!” Shikamaru smirked before walking off with Lee and Gaara. Well at least it impressed her, he thought. He got on his hands immediately feeling the strain. What a drag, he thought, all his happiness gone as he started walking.
Hinata got up the next morning to find Naruto wasn’t there. She got up and assuming he was on deck and changed out of her pajamas not knowing that he had fallen off the bed last night.
He too was just waking up and looking around he saw Hinata. “Hinata what are you doing?” he asked not noticing she was almost stripped down.
Hinata turned, saw Naruto, freaked out, screamed, and then fainted. Naruto rushed over to her kneeling next to her to see if she was alright, as Neji and Sakura rushed in to see what the noise was.
“NARUTO, YOU PERVERT!” Sakura yelled, who advanced upon him her fist held up.
“No, no Sakura it’s not what it looks like,” he said frantically trying to get away from her. He found his back against the wall, and looked at the evil look in Sakura’s eyes as she punched him right through the next wall.
TenTen had also been changing when Naruto came crashing through the wall flying into her room. She was shocked for a moment, but then it was over grabbing a kunai on the table next to her bed.
“Naruto I’m gonna kill you!” TenTen said as Sakura and Neji came into the next room.
“Now it’s my turn Naru-…” Neji said, before realizing it was TenTen’s room and saw her. “T-TenTen?” he said very shocked and he lost all threats he had been aiming at the blonde haired boy.
“Oh my God, Neji!” TenTen said freaking out thinking, Oh God this is so embarrassing!
“Y-You look nice,” Neji said, still staring at her.
By now Sakura was done with Naruto just joining in the conversation.
“Neji you’re as bad as Naruto!” she said dragging both of them out through the hole, leaving a very shocked TenTen. Hinata had just recovered from her experience and saw Sakura coming out of a hole in the wall dragging Neji and Naruto.
“Hinata did he hurt you? Because if he did then I am going to throw him off this ship!” Sakura said nodding her head towards the window.
“N-No Sakura, he didn’t do anything!” Hinata said trying to stop he from carrying out her threat. She explained what had gone on to Sakura, as Naruto was gaining consciousness, too tired to move.
(Every Little Thing, Hawk Nelson)
“Hinata I notice you faint around Naruto a lot, do you have feelings for him?” Sakura asked, a smile rising on her face.
Hinata gulped. “W-Well I m-might…” she mumbled staring down at the floor.
Sakura squealed and said, “Aaawww, that’s so sweet, I’m going to get the other girls together and we’ll plot how to get it through Naruto’s thick head that you guys would be the cutest couple!”
“No th-there’s no need for it Sakura,” she said, but Sakura was already dragging her out of the room.
Naruto tried to sit up, he was hurting all over but he felt better than he had in ages. But how do I tell her? he thought, If I tell Sakura that I overheard it, then she’ll just beat me up again. Maybe I just go up to her and say it. But what do I say? Hey Hinata, how are you, by the way do you wanna go out sometime? Maybe I should ask Ino or someone who’s not mad at me this moment. Naruto just sat there thinking about what he had just heard. She really likes me, he thought sitting there playing those words over and over again in his head.
No music
By now everyone was on deck, Shikamaru struggling to keep up with Lee and Gaara, Choji and Naruto stuffing their face, Ino watching Shikamaru, Sakura (with Hinata shyly standing behind her) explaining to Temari what was going on with Naruto and Hinata, Kankuro and Shino just sitting there thinking, Neji listening intently to TenTen who was explaining correct timing to hit a target perfectly, Kiba playing with Akamaru, Tyrone at the ship’s wheel laughing silently to himself because none of them noticed that they were quickly approaching the shore.
All of a sudden the ship stopped as it hit land, the shock knocking everyone over. Tyrone laughed and said, “All right everyone come here, we have something to give you.”
Everyone gathered around him looking at a chest he was holding. He opened it up to reveal lots of cloaks all colors.
“But why do we need these?” Kankuro asked, “I mean it’s pretty hot here.” Tyrone smiled and just said, “Trust me we won’t be here long.”
*I’m lazy so I’ll list the colors of the coats they picked*
Rock Lee- Green
Hinata-Sky Blue
Ino-Light Purple
Shikamaru-Dark Green
Kankuro-Dark Purple
“Now that that’s decided, we’ll go inland some and find Dan,” Tyrone said, jumping off the ship.
“Wait, how did he get there already?” Naruto asked, jumping down after him.
As the rest of the group got off the ship Tyrone said, “He left earlier today, he had to prepare for the jutsu he’s going to use.” Tyrone led everyone into a forest where about 200 feet in, was a circular clearing. They all looked amazed; there in the clearing was Dan, who was sitting in the middle of runes that had been written on the ground. There were fifteen points on the circle and each ninja sat on the points Tyrone told them to. When Tyrone gave Dan the signal he started making hand signs. And kept making hand signs. For three minutes he made hand signs before finally he made a weird sign none of them had ever seen before. He said, “Transportation Jutsu!” and each ninja felt like they had been stretched like a rubber band before they stopped.
“Well everyone, welcome to the Land of Snow,” said Dan.
Chapter 7
The Arrival
The next day everyone got up, feeling a little tired from the night before. There was still some tension, but overall everyone kept their tempers under control. Rock Lee was the first up and decided to do laps around the ship on his arms until they gave out, then he would eat. He was finished with his 50th lap when Gaara came out of the ship’s cabin. He said not a word, but he walked to Lee, then balanced on his hands and started walking. Lee was slightly stunned that Gaara would do anything that even resembled a group activity.
Gaara turned and asked, “Well, you coming?” Lee suddenly remembered what he was doing and started walking. The next up was Shino, quickly followed minutes later by Temari who, not even paying attention to Gaara and the fact he was walking on his hands. She got right up on her fan and flew up to the crows nest. Dan was lying with his back against the side of the wood, but as she got closer she realized he was singing. She said nothing, but sat on her fan listening to his soothing voice.
(Hey there Delilah)
This is another new thing I’m trying. Just listen to the song and imagine him singing Oh, and at the very last time he it’s supposed to say the song says Delilah, he says Temari instead. If you don’t like it this way please comment and I won’t do it again.
No music
Temari was shocked at the last slight change in the lyrics. She was struggling with what to think of it, when Dan said, “Gotcha.” He looked up from under his hood smiling. Temari’s face went from her confused face to the hateful one she wore when she was angry at someone.
“You little…” she started, and took out her fan getting ready to hit him with her most powerful jutsu. But in her haste she hadn’t realized the fan was the only thing that was holding up and started falling. Dan was up in an instant getting ready to go after her, when he saw that she her fan was underneath her.
(Shut Up! Simple Plan)
She floated right up to his face, and said, “Gotcha.” Now it was Dan’s turn to be shocked. But he didn’t give up that easily. He jumped up out of the crows nest, diving down towards the bottom of the ship. Temari was truly scared knowing that even he did stop him self, when they stopped her neck would probably snap. At the last possible second Dan pulled out of the dive, cradling Temari and landed on his toes and let his legs absorb the impact. It was a difficult technique to learn, dangerous to get wrong, but Dan had mastered it. By letting his legs absorb the impact Temari hadn’t felt a thing, and kept her eyes scrunched waiting for the impact. When it didn’t come, she looked up at Dan, a mischievous look in his eyes.
Temari punched him making him let go, and then she stormed off. He had gone too far, boys were not the only ones without pride. When Dan realized what he had done, he looked down thinking of how he had taken things a little too seriously, how he had had to have the last say. Then his body froze, and his hair turned white with fear when he realized the importance of this last thought. It couldn’t be resurfacing, could it? He thought. The thought chilled him. If this thing happened to return, it would be disastrous for all those around him. Not even Tyrone could stop him in that state.
Dan got his head back together, he had to go apologize to her. Swallowing pride tastes horrible, he thought. He then walked off to find her.
No music
Several more people had gotten up by the time Dan had left to find Temari. Shikamaru had been the next up and saw Shino sitting on the deck smiling. Then he noticed Gaara and Lee both walking around the deck on both hands. I must still be dreaming, he thought. He had been standing in front of the door thinking when it opened suddenly slamming him forward into the railing.
“Good morning everyone,” Ino said, walking out onto the deck.
“Geez Ino, why are you so happy today?” Shikamaru said.
“I had the greatest dream last night! It was as if everything I had always wanted came true,” she said spinning like she didn’t have a care in the world. “You were in it to Shikamaru.”
“What? Why?” he said, shocked but pleased.
“Well you’re my teammate, why shouldn’t you be in there?” she said stopping in front of the door. While Shikamaru looked for an answer Choji opened the door knocking Ino into Shikamaru, and they both fell with Ino on top.
“I’m hungry has Dan cooked breakfast yet?” he asked, and then he noticed Ino on top of Shikamaru. “Ha, I always knew you two would end up together,” he said smiling.
“What, no it’s not like that Choji,” Ino said, “You’re the one who slammed me into him!”
“Come on friends, it is not youthful to fight,” said Lee, who had come up behind them, “Now who wants to join me and my new friend Gaara!” Gaara face was red, but that was because he had been walking on his hands and all the blood was still in his face.
“Guess I’ll go,” said Shikamaru.
Ino and Choji both stared at their teammate. Choji said, “Wow, it’s not like you to do anything Shikamaru, what’s up?”
“Hey, I may not do things a lot of the time, but am I not allowed to do things at all?”
“Well, I think it’s great you’re doing something,” Ino said, “GO SHIKAMRU!” Shikamaru smirked before walking off with Lee and Gaara. Well at least it impressed her, he thought. He got on his hands immediately feeling the strain. What a drag, he thought, all his happiness gone as he started walking.
Hinata got up the next morning to find Naruto wasn’t there. She got up and assuming he was on deck and changed out of her pajamas not knowing that he had fallen off the bed last night.
He too was just waking up and looking around he saw Hinata. “Hinata what are you doing?” he asked not noticing she was almost stripped down.
Hinata turned, saw Naruto, freaked out, screamed, and then fainted. Naruto rushed over to her kneeling next to her to see if she was alright, as Neji and Sakura rushed in to see what the noise was.
“NARUTO, YOU PERVERT!” Sakura yelled, who advanced upon him her fist held up.
“No, no Sakura it’s not what it looks like,” he said frantically trying to get away from her. He found his back against the wall, and looked at the evil look in Sakura’s eyes as she punched him right through the next wall.
TenTen had also been changing when Naruto came crashing through the wall flying into her room. She was shocked for a moment, but then it was over grabbing a kunai on the table next to her bed.
“Naruto I’m gonna kill you!” TenTen said as Sakura and Neji came into the next room.
“Now it’s my turn Naru-…” Neji said, before realizing it was TenTen’s room and saw her. “T-TenTen?” he said very shocked and he lost all threats he had been aiming at the blonde haired boy.
“Oh my God, Neji!” TenTen said freaking out thinking, Oh God this is so embarrassing!
“Y-You look nice,” Neji said, still staring at her.
By now Sakura was done with Naruto just joining in the conversation.
“Neji you’re as bad as Naruto!” she said dragging both of them out through the hole, leaving a very shocked TenTen. Hinata had just recovered from her experience and saw Sakura coming out of a hole in the wall dragging Neji and Naruto.
“Hinata did he hurt you? Because if he did then I am going to throw him off this ship!” Sakura said nodding her head towards the window.
“N-No Sakura, he didn’t do anything!” Hinata said trying to stop he from carrying out her threat. She explained what had gone on to Sakura, as Naruto was gaining consciousness, too tired to move.
(Every Little Thing, Hawk Nelson)
“Hinata I notice you faint around Naruto a lot, do you have feelings for him?” Sakura asked, a smile rising on her face.
Hinata gulped. “W-Well I m-might…” she mumbled staring down at the floor.
Sakura squealed and said, “Aaawww, that’s so sweet, I’m going to get the other girls together and we’ll plot how to get it through Naruto’s thick head that you guys would be the cutest couple!”
“No th-there’s no need for it Sakura,” she said, but Sakura was already dragging her out of the room.
Naruto tried to sit up, he was hurting all over but he felt better than he had in ages. But how do I tell her? he thought, If I tell Sakura that I overheard it, then she’ll just beat me up again. Maybe I just go up to her and say it. But what do I say? Hey Hinata, how are you, by the way do you wanna go out sometime? Maybe I should ask Ino or someone who’s not mad at me this moment. Naruto just sat there thinking about what he had just heard. She really likes me, he thought sitting there playing those words over and over again in his head.
No music
By now everyone was on deck, Shikamaru struggling to keep up with Lee and Gaara, Choji and Naruto stuffing their face, Ino watching Shikamaru, Sakura (with Hinata shyly standing behind her) explaining to Temari what was going on with Naruto and Hinata, Kankuro and Shino just sitting there thinking, Neji listening intently to TenTen who was explaining correct timing to hit a target perfectly, Kiba playing with Akamaru, Tyrone at the ship’s wheel laughing silently to himself because none of them noticed that they were quickly approaching the shore.
All of a sudden the ship stopped as it hit land, the shock knocking everyone over. Tyrone laughed and said, “All right everyone come here, we have something to give you.”
Everyone gathered around him looking at a chest he was holding. He opened it up to reveal lots of cloaks all colors.
“But why do we need these?” Kankuro asked, “I mean it’s pretty hot here.” Tyrone smiled and just said, “Trust me we won’t be here long.”
*I’m lazy so I’ll list the colors of the coats they picked*
Rock Lee- Green
Hinata-Sky Blue
Ino-Light Purple
Shikamaru-Dark Green
Kankuro-Dark Purple
“Now that that’s decided, we’ll go inland some and find Dan,” Tyrone said, jumping off the ship.
“Wait, how did he get there already?” Naruto asked, jumping down after him.
As the rest of the group got off the ship Tyrone said, “He left earlier today, he had to prepare for the jutsu he’s going to use.” Tyrone led everyone into a forest where about 200 feet in, was a circular clearing. They all looked amazed; there in the clearing was Dan, who was sitting in the middle of runes that had been written on the ground. There were fifteen points on the circle and each ninja sat on the points Tyrone told them to. When Tyrone gave Dan the signal he started making hand signs. And kept making hand signs. For three minutes he made hand signs before finally he made a weird sign none of them had ever seen before. He said, “Transportation Jutsu!” and each ninja felt like they had been stretched like a rubber band before they stopped.
“Well everyone, welcome to the Land of Snow,” said Dan.
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GreyPichu on December 6, 2007, 10:04:48 AM
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rffraff05 on December 6, 2007, 10:59:44 AM
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SharinganKakashi on August 24, 2007, 3:35:24 AM
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winxgirl21 on August 21, 2007, 11:15:38 AM
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rffraff05 on November 24, 2007, 10:27:51 PM
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rffraff05 on August 21, 2007, 10:30:13 AM
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