Chapter 2 - Destiny Islands: Day One
Submitted April 5, 2008 Updated April 10, 2008 Status Incomplete | This story includes my KH oc Ichigo who is Sora's older sister by one year. Kitty, I don't think that your oc will be in this because I'm following the script of the game so if she isn't in here, don't get mad! :3
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 2 - Destiny Islands: Day One
Chapter 2 - Destiny Islands: Day One
We see Sora and Ichigo alseep on the beach. Sora is wearing a strange outfit that consists of the colors red, black, yellow, and white and it's a surprise that his spikey brown hair isn't messed up. And Ichigo for once is wearing her black hair that falls to her knees is pulled up in a bun on the back of her head with her bangs framing her face and her tank top barely hanging on her sides as her blue skirt billows around her legs and she has her black boots laying beside her to let her feet relax. They both wake up and Sora sits up and yawns as Ichigo sits up and stretches. They both lay back down and see a girl with red hair and purple eyes smiling and hovering over them. "Whoa!"The siblings cried, jumping to their knees as she started laughing. "Give us a break Kairi."Sora said to her. "Sora, Ichigo, you lazy bums. I knew I'd find you two snoozing down here. "No! This huge black THING swallowed us up! We couldn't breath, we couldn't-"Ichigo started frantically explaining but Kairi hitting her in the head to stop her. "Ow!"Ichigo said, rubbing where Kairi hit. "Are you two still dreaming?"Kairi asked, getting down to eye level with them. "It wasn't a dream! Or was it? I don't know."Sora said. "Me either."Ichigo said, looking out to the ocean. "What was that place? So bizarre..."Ichigo said. "Yeah and kind of creppy..."Sora said. "Yeah, sure."Kairi said, obviously not believing them. "Say, Kairi, what was your hometown like? You know where you grew up."Sora asked as Kairi walked over to the ocean line. "Yeah tell us!"Ichigo said. "I've told you before, I don't remember."Kairi replied. "Nothing at all?"Ichigo asked. "Nothing."Kairi replied. "You ever want to go back?"Sora asked. "Well, I'm happy here."Kairi replied. "Really."Ichigo said. "But you know...I wouldn't mind going to see it."Kairi said. "I'd like to see it too."Sora said. "Along with any other worlds out there! I wanna see 'em all!"Ichigo said, jumping up. "Me too!"Sora said. "So what're we waiting for?"Kairi asked. "Hey! Aren't you guys forgetting anout me? So. I guess I'm the only one working on the raft."A kid with silver hair wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants holding a log said. "Shut up Riku!"Ichigo cried. Riku threw the log on top of Sora causing Kairi to laugh. "And your just as lazy as they are!"Riku said, looking at Kairi. "Heheh, so you noticed. Okay, we'll finish it together! I'll race you!"Kairi replied as Riku sat down between Sora and Ichigo on the ground. "Huh?"Sora said. "What, are you kidding?"Riku said. "No way!"Ichigo said. "Ready? Go!"Kairi cried, causing the three kids to look at each other then start racing as she followed behind. After a day of the four kids working on the raft that they were planning on using to get off the island they were all sitting at their favorite tree watching the sun set. Sora and Ichigo were sitting by each other on the tree, Kairi was by Ichigo, and Riku was leaning against it. "So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere right?"Sora asked. "Yeah, I bet it's really pretty!"Ichigo said. "Could be. We'll never know by staying here."Riku said. "But how far could a raft take us?"Sora asked. "Who knows?"Ichigo said. "If we have to, we'll think of something else."Riku said, finishing Ichigo's thought for her. "So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?"Kairi asked. "Well, I haven't really thought about it."Riku replied. "It's just...I've always wondered why we're here on this island, if there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one?"Riku said. "And suppose there are other worlds...Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else right?"Ichigo said, finishing Riku's thought. "I don't know."Sora said, leaning back on the tree. "Exactly. That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go."Riku replied. "You two've been thinking a lot about this lately, haven't you?"Kairi said. "Thank to you!"Ichigo said, smiling at Kairi. "If you hadn't come here, we probably would've never thought of any of this. Kairi, thanks."Riku said. "Your welcome."Kairi replied. As the kids started walking to the peir where their boats were moored Kairi and Ichigo got ahead of Sora and Riku and started talking about who knows what. "Sora."Riku said, tossing him some kind of yellow fruit shaped like a star with three leaves on it. "You wanted one, didn't you?"Riku asked. "A paopu fruit..."Sora said, looking at it. "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it."Riku explained, joking on the last part. "What are you talking-"Sora started. "Hahahahah!"Riku laughed as he ran off. Sora just threw the Paupo Fruit into the ocean and ran after his friends and sister. We fade out and then see Disney Castle. Then, we see Donald, the magic mage of the castle, walking through the halls and walk into the King's Throne Room. "Good morning, Your Majesty."Donald said. "It's nice to see you this morn-What?!"Donald said, ending in a screech noticing the King was missing. Then, the King's faithful dog, Pluto, comes from behind the throne with a letter in his mouth. We see Donald slowly read it then stop. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"Donald screamed, running outside. He ran into the garden to find the Captian of the Guard, Goofy, sleeping there. "Wake up, Goofy, wake up! This is serious!"Donald cried, trying to wake up Goofy but only getting a snore out of him. "Thunder!"Donald cried, launching a thunderbolt into Goofy's stomach that woke him up. "Hey there, Donald, G'Morning."Goofy said. "We've got a problem Goofy! But don't tell anyone..."Donald said. "Queen Minnie?"Goofy asked. "Not even the queen!"Donald replied. "Daisy?"Goofy asked. "No, it's top secret!"Donald cried. "Oh, G'Morning ladies."Goofy said, looking around Donald at the entrance to the garden. "What?"Donald said, turning to where Goofy was looking to see Queen Minnie and Daisy. "Eh hem."Daisy said, lightly stomping her foot. "Heheheheheh."Donald laughed nervously.
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swampertgirl0504 on April 5, 2008, 6:47:44 PM

sailoraqua13 on April 5, 2008, 1:19:12 PM
sailoraqua13 on