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Manga Class of 2007

When Ruby moves to a whole new region and a whole new town, he also has to go to a whole new school. He is then put in a class with a buncha weirdos! Will Ruby survive or will he be doomed to live like this forever?!



Chapter 1 - The Not-So-Great First Day
Submitted: January 12, 2007 • Updated: January 12, 2007
Word count: 791 • Size: 4k • Comments: 9 • views: 678

Chapter 2 - I Can Deal With It...For Now
Submitted: January 13, 2007 • Updated: January 13, 2007
Word count: 1129 • Size: 6k • Comments: 9 • views: 519

Chapter 3 - Gifted Kids and Gory Dreams
Submitted: January 14, 2007 • Updated: January 14, 2007
Word count: 1304 • Size: 7k • Comments: 9 • views: 571

Chapter 4 - Candy Canes are Fruits!
Submitted: January 14, 2007 • Updated: January 14, 2007
Word count: 789 • Size: 4k • Comments: 7 • views: 518

Chapter 5 - This Is NOT Good...
Submitted: January 17, 2007 • Updated: January 18, 2007
Word count: 1017 • Size: 5k • Comments: 11 • views: 528

Submitted: January 20, 2007 • Updated: January 20, 2007
Word count: 1108 • Size: 6k • Comments: 8 • views: 584

Chapter 7 - Estoy Enferma
Submitted: January 28, 2007 • Updated: January 28, 2007
Word count: 1283 • Size: 7k • Comments: 5 • views: 609

Chapter 8 - Hey, Hey, Yo!
Submitted: February 12, 2007 • Updated: February 12, 2007
Word count: 532 • Size: 2k • Comments: 5 • views: 590

Chapter 9 - Newbies
Submitted: March 3, 2007 • Updated: March 3, 2007
Word count: 1172 • Size: 7k • Comments: 8 • views: 588

Chapter 10 - Dunkin' Donuts is in Your Neighborhood?!
Submitted: March 18, 2007 • Updated: March 18, 2007
Word count: 846 • Size: 4k • Comments: 5 • views: 598

Chapter 11 - Workin' at the Car Wash, Yeah!
Submitted: April 22, 2007 • Updated: April 22, 2007
Word count: 790 • Size: 4k • Comments: 10 • views: 609

Chapter 12 - Can It Be?!?
Submitted: September 3, 2007 • Updated: September 3, 2007
Word count: 993 • Size: 5k • Comments: 13 • views: 499


Comments (170)

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drakestshadow_x on April 27, 2008, 1:57:17 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 12)
drakestshadow_xeveryone is realy clumsy......

nikki001997 on January 19, 2008, 9:31:58 AM

nikki001997 on (Chapter: 5)

nikki001997 on January 19, 2008, 9:27:07 AM

nikki001997 on (Chapter: 4)

nikki001997 on January 15, 2008, 11:08:43 AM

nikki001997 on (Chapter: 3)
nikki001997Wow...gotta read more.

nikki001997 on January 15, 2008, 11:02:08 AM

nikki001997 on (Chapter: 2)
nikki001997Awesome!I'm going to read more(reading the next chapter).

AnimefanDawn on January 2, 2008, 10:08:10 AM

AnimefanDawn on (Chapter: 12)
AnimefanDawnsapphire is weird if she even talk 2 me i would be running by the time she says hi 2 me i'll be flyin on my skaromory

AnimefanDawn on January 2, 2008, 10:11:20 AM

AnimefanDawn on (Chapter: 12)

crazicat06 on December 31, 2007, 5:20:40 PM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: 12)
crazicat06Youch... Poor Sapph.

swampertgirl0504 on October 29, 2007, 6:39:05 AM

swampertgirl0504 on (Chapter: 12)
Poor sapphire!

kaikat on October 17, 2007, 9:58:40 PM

kaikat on (Chapter: 1)
kaikathow will you describe blue there in the last part? A boy or A Girl?

shinypikachu2608 on September 24, 2007, 1:58:41 AM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608i lov this story.*snivle* its jus so dahm funny.

Coolstra on September 14, 2007, 8:53:46 AM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 12)
Coolstraawesomeness! More peese!

drakestshadow_x on September 5, 2007, 6:21:05 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 12)
drakestshadow_xhello this is funny i always get injured

sapphirestar7789 on September 5, 2007, 8:05:48 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 12)
sapphirestar7789no you don't, u behold a lot. lol

shinypikachu2608 on September 4, 2007, 8:27:20 PM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: 12)
shinypikachu2608zicons a stupid name.ill never let that up.
i shall frever call him bronze cuz it suits him.

gemdrop123neo on September 4, 2007, 7:45:39 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 12)
gemdrop123neo*gasps* Ka donk donk!
(People seem to like running into each other and generally getting each other hurt a lot...Violence is not the answer!!

sailoraqua13 on September 3, 2007, 11:12:56 AM

sailoraqua13 on (Chapter: 12)
sailoraqua13Awsome!MORE MORRRREEEE!

Ranson on September 3, 2007, 3:00:54 AM

Ranson on (Chapter: 3) I've had dreams like that.

Ranson on September 3, 2007, 2:53:31 AM

Ranson on (Chapter: 2)
Ransonlol it seems like all the wierd dumb people always have a crush on you. *runs and reads more*

Ranson on September 3, 2007, 2:46:21 AM

Ranson on (Chapter: 1)
RansonPoor Ruby! That's how I felt when I started a new school! *goes and reads the other chapters*

lunagirl13 on August 2, 2007, 11:50:01 AM

lunagirl13 on (Chapter: index)
lunagirl13So cool!

kit_the_nutcase on June 5, 2007, 4:06:48 PM

kit_the_nutcase on (Chapter: index)
kit_the_nutcaseCan I enter, please? I could be Azure and have multiple personalities, and keep my Charmander Yoshi out all the time

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on June 10, 2007, 2:59:16 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on (Chapter: index)
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskshe can't respond to you...-.- she's in CHINA! WAHHH!!!

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on June 1, 2007, 11:37:09 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on (Chapter: index)
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskhmm... Looks cool! Mind if I enter? tell me if/when ya want my Pokemon Profile

shinypikachu2608 on May 6, 2007, 11:40:57 PM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608when ya gonna write the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coolstra on May 4, 2007, 11:57:19 PM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 11)
Coolstralol! Water fights are fun!
Great job!

gemdrop123neo on April 24, 2007, 7:28:01 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 11)
gemdrop123neoW00t! I love it when Aquamarine makes Ruby's life a living *beeping* *beep*

Ashleetheangel312 on April 26, 2007, 11:35:22 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: 11)
Comment Deleted

gemdrop123neo on April 26, 2007, 11:41:07 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)

sapphirestar7789 on April 27, 2007, 7:51:22 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)

shinypikachu2608 on April 24, 2007, 12:20:06 AM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608can you put me in there too?

sapphirestar7789 on April 24, 2007, 12:08:21 PM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789okay, you just need a name that hasn't been taken yet.

shinypikachu2608 on April 27, 2007, 12:24:09 AM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608shold i give you a bio?

shinypikachu2608 on April 27, 2007, 12:03:44 AM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)

Umbreonsrule on April 24, 2007, 3:25:19 AM

Umbreonsrule on (Chapter: 11)
UmbreonsruleThis story's really great, keep it up! I can't wait for the next part. ;)

drakestshadow_x on April 23, 2007, 10:02:02 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 11)
drakestshadow_xyes!!! i heart small fires :D

shinypikachu2608 on April 22, 2007, 8:46:34 PM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608who are you in the story?

sapphirestar7789 on April 23, 2007, 7:32:33 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789diamond. ^_^

wolf-girl-ghost on April 22, 2007, 7:42:10 PM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 11)
wolf-girl-ghostLol awesome!Water fight!Even though I wasn't involved...Am I still in the fic?

shinypikachu2608 on April 22, 2007, 7:32:33 PM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: 11)
shinypikachu2608the teachers will find out

shinypikachu2608 on April 22, 2007, 7:31:43 PM

shinypikachu2608 on (Chapter: index)
shinypikachu2608yayyyyyyyyyy!do the next one soon

fennecfox on April 22, 2007, 1:52:04 PM

fennecfox on (Chapter: 11)
fennecfoxYeah, Silver ACCIDENTALLY started a water fight...

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on March 21, 2007, 11:24:40 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on (Chapter: index)
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskyay!!! I'll give you it ASAP

Coolstra on March 20, 2007, 1:27:21 PM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 10)
Coolstralol! Awesomeness! Can't wait for more!

gemdrop123neo on March 19, 2007, 12:49:21 PM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 10)
Lol...dunkin' donuts part was funny......
I know who the "someone" is! I know! I know! *does immature dance*
And to build the suspense....I shall reveal his...or!

the name of the person who shall be visiting Aquamarine is.........*passing truck covers up voice*

sapphirestar7789 on March 20, 2007, 12:13:16 PM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 10)
sapphirestar7789what's so "eew" about it? Actual things like the events in this story actually happened...actually!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to me, but in my school.

*passing truck comes by* VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!

gemdrop123neo on March 21, 2007, 11:35:22 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoOh, oops, sorry, I didn't mean the chapter in general, just the parts about Dy and people "liking" him and the person who's gonna visit is a secret lover...

sapphirestar7789 on March 22, 2007, 8:06:47 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789the person coming over is not a secret lover and no one likes Dy (yet).

drakestshadow_x on March 19, 2007, 12:21:40 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 10)
drakestshadow_xlove it
secret lover haha

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on March 17, 2007, 2:32:19 PM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on (Chapter: index)
Tuxedo_Mini_MaskI would Like to join this want my bio?

sapphirestar7789 on March 18, 2007, 12:47:53 PM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789yes, that would be helpful!

Ashleetheangel312 on March 16, 2007, 8:58:41 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

sapphirestar7789 on March 18, 2007, 12:47:38 PM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789ok. can you give me a bio?

Ashleetheangel312 on March 19, 2007, 11:15:46 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

Ashleetheangel312 on March 19, 2007, 11:25:52 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

Ashleetheangel312 on March 7, 2007, 10:17:55 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: 9)
Comment Deleted

sapphirestar7789 on March 7, 2007, 10:48:04 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 9)
sapphirestar7789yes, i love when guys are stupid.

Coolstra on March 6, 2007, 10:10:18 PM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 9)
Coolstramore awesomeness!

sapphirestar7789 on March 3, 2007, 5:21:22 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 9)
sapphirestar7789I have finally updated and added the characters from POkemon Diamond/Pearl!

I actually did have a dream where Absol was an evolved form of Umbreon. Freaky, isn't it?

gemdrop123neo on March 3, 2007, 7:19:39 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 9)
gemdrop123neoYou can't hide from Gemdrop! Your new avvie is....Alex the Necromancer!
P.S. .......I got nothing....but funny chappie anyways!

Ashleetheangel312 on February 19, 2007, 10:56:59 AM

Ashleetheangel312 on (Chapter: 6)
Comment Deleted

sapphirestar7789 on February 20, 2007, 5:43:12 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 6)
sapphirestar7789No, in the manga Emerald is a boy but since I am not using Emerald, wolf-girl-ghost asked if she could be Emerald cuz its her birthstone.

mandy94t on February 18, 2007, 9:16:12 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 8)
EEWWW TUNA!!SHOOT IT SHOOT IT!!*blows tuna snadwiches to Satan's place*Nastynastynasty!!
yay YOU ROCK!!

mandy94t on February 18, 2007, 9:13:39 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 7)
mandy94tooh,battle.Richa VS BelBel...
BelBel?Unusual name for a Metagross.
well I shouldn't talk.I got a Latias named Rashta.*sweatdrop*

mandy94t on February 18, 2007, 9:09:24 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 6)
mandy94tokies....guys ish weird,ne?heh....
eeew,dunked his head in the toilet?eeewww....shoulda gave him a swirly!!^ ^

Coolstra on February 15, 2007, 8:57:29 AM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 8)
Coolstracoolies! More students!

wolf-girl-ghost on February 12, 2007, 5:41:44 PM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 8)
wolf-girl-ghostYay u updated!

gemdrop123neo on February 12, 2007, 7:34:53 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 8)
gemdrop123neoThat's one short chapter, but good anyways! Did ya check out MY new story??

sapphirestar7789 on February 12, 2007, 9:44:53 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 8)
sapphirestar7789i threw it together before karate...hehehe....

Coolstra on February 1, 2007, 10:27:24 AM

Coolstra on (Chapter: 7)
Coolstramore awesomeness!!

drakestshadow_x on January 28, 2007, 8:20:28 PM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 7)
drakestshadow_xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wanna draw nuetrals on gold!

sapphirestar7789 on January 29, 2007, 6:28:11 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 7)
sapphirestar7789You mess with Gold, and I'll hurt you.

drakestshadow_x on January 29, 2007, 8:33:44 PM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)
drakestshadow_xi meant GREEN!

gemdrop123neo on January 29, 2007, 6:18:22 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 7)
gemdrop123neoYes, Diamond. WHY THE SELF-QUESTIONING???? LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF! RESPECT YOURSELF, RESPECT THE WORLD!!!!!!! PEACE AND LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don't care for battles that much, to be honest...(just for torturing Ruby..mehehehe)

crazicat06 on January 28, 2007, 8:26:06 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)
crazicat06More! Poor Ruby... He's sick. (Ha! I 'membered!)

sapphirestar7789 on January 28, 2007, 8:28:06 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)

crazicat06 on January 28, 2007, 8:29:57 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)

gemdrop123neo on January 27, 2007, 10:31:05 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)

drakestshadow_x on January 23, 2007, 7:53:39 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)

drakestshadow_x on January 23, 2007, 7:53:39 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)

Coolstra on January 21, 2007, 8:23:10 AM

Coolstra on (Chapter: index)
Coolstrathis is aweome!
more Please!

gemdrop123neo on January 21, 2007, 7:40:27 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 6)

sapphirestar7789 on January 21, 2007, 7:51:06 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 6)
sapphirestar7789I is worthy of your laughter...

drakestshadow_x on January 21, 2007, 6:24:02 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 6)
drakestshadow_xSap sucks rock
you almost died!

crazicat06 on January 20, 2007, 11:44:53 PM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: 6)
crazicat06Thank God! I thought u were gonna kill me! YA FOR DRIVERS WHO PAY ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 20, 2007, 7:49:14 PM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 6)
wolf-girl-ghostYay me!Lol yay Gold thinks I'm cute ^//^

drakestshadow_x on January 19, 2007, 6:11:27 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)
drakestshadow_xMORE!!! PORFAVOR!

mandy94t on January 18, 2007, 8:41:43 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 5)
mandy94tI'm in seventh grade.weird.there's one guy that always says "Sneeze" when the class was all quiet.hehe...If I was there,I woulda yelled and threw a rock at the windshield.

mandy94t on January 18, 2007, 8:31:47 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 4) takes me forever to fall 20 min.but I'm not average so it makes sense.AWESOME JOB!

drakestshadow_x on January 18, 2007, 7:37:28 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: 5)
drakestshadow_xim not there :/ ohh welll still good even though im not in it :/

sapphirestar7789 on January 18, 2007, 8:23:46 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 5)
sapphirestar7789you'll come in the next chap.

drakestshadow_x on January 18, 2007, 8:45:38 PM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)
drakestshadow_xyeah! thank so very much

gemdrop123neo on January 18, 2007, 7:04:10 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 5)
gemdrop123neoOooh....I know who's in the car! It's Darth Vader! Right? Right?
*hopeful look*
Actually, it must be Giovanni...gangsta style!!!!

sapphirestar7789 on January 18, 2007, 7:09:22 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 5)
sapphirestar7789What up with Darth Vader??????!!!!!

gemdrop123neo on January 18, 2007, 7:15:42 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoAHA! You are intentionally misleading me about my Darth Vader and Giovanni theory because it is the truth!

You: Uh...yes. *sarcasm*
Me: Yes. I know. I'm a genius. (But quite mad)

NICKELODEONGIRL on January 18, 2007, 7:25:37 AM

NICKELODEONGIRL on (Chapter: index)
Comment Deleted

gemdrop123neo on January 18, 2007, 7:30:05 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoNo, (not really *cough*) Darth Vader eez just jealous of my mad skillz at being evil.

sapphirestar7789 on January 17, 2007, 10:37:51 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 5)
sapphirestar7789At my school we do eat lunch outside sometimes and once in 7th grade there were these two boys playing with a tennis ball and whenever there was a car some random person would shout CAR!!! Ahhh...good times...good times.....

gemdrop123neo on January 18, 2007, 7:09:11 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 5)
gemdrop123neoI remember....
*eyes go blank and wistful*
You: Ahh! Your eyes! We gotta get you to a doctor!

sapphirestar7789 on January 19, 2007, 11:32:17 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 5)
sapphirestar7789Okay clear!!! BBZZAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 18, 2007, 12:04:47 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 5)
wolf-girl-ghostoh noes i hope they dun die or get badly hurt!Btw will emerald be in the next chapter?

sapphirestar7789 on January 18, 2007, 6:12:13 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 5)

wolf-girl-ghost on January 18, 2007, 6:12:52 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: index)

gemdrop123neo on January 17, 2007, 12:32:52 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoSNOW DAY!!!! MINT MILANOS!!!!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 15, 2007, 5:15:00 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 4)
wolf-girl-ghostlol i luff this story so freakin much i can't wait til emerald appears

Umbreonsrule on January 15, 2007, 3:14:44 AM

Umbreonsrule on (Chapter: 2)
UmbreonsruleI've read the first two chapters of your story now, and they're great! I can't wait to find out what happens next - I'll read the next two chapters now!

gemdrop123neo on January 14, 2007, 10:58:41 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 4)
10% of 180 is 3.

crazicat06 on January 14, 2007, 10:41:27 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: 4)
crazicat06More! (and quick question: When's Kiri gonna show up?)

sapphirestar7789 on January 14, 2007, 10:47:10 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 4)
sapphirestar7789probably the next chappie!

crazicat06 on January 14, 2007, 10:52:46 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)
crazicat06Yay!!!! ^.^/Miya!

crazicat06 on January 14, 2007, 4:12:48 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)

gemdrop123neo on January 14, 2007, 3:53:20 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 3)
gemdrop123neoHahahahahaha! MORE!!!!!

gemdrop123neo on January 14, 2007, 3:04:03 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 3)
gemdrop123neoHahaha! I love this chapter. Uh...did I fav this story yet? Because I don't remember so good since the axe wielder and his army came after me....
[Axe Wielder charges at me]
Me: This seems like a perfect time to use....THE HOLY HAND GRENADE OF ANTIOCH!! *throws it at him*
Axe Dude: ......*BOOM*
Ruby: .....*faints*
Diamond: I saw this one before......

sapphirestar7789 on January 14, 2007, 3:12:49 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 3)
sapphirestar7789yes you have faved it already.

mandy94t on January 14, 2007, 2:51:47 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 3)
mandy94tAquamarine ish scary,ne?Jacob says I'm a demon from h*ll.
and Bradly says I'm the best duelist(well he told the new kid that smells like raw onions that.even though I ain't!!)
yeah,I'm kinda into YGO.Scary,eh?

sapphirestar7789 on January 14, 2007, 2:59:44 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 3)

mandy94t on January 14, 2007, 2:41:53 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 1)
mandy94tI'm guessin' Rapidash.
no,wait,Rapidash only go 150 I feel dumb.
Is Ruby dead?eh?just wonderin'.

sapphirestar7789 on January 14, 2007, 2:55:14 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 1)
sapphirestar7789no, ruby is not dead

mandy94t on January 14, 2007, 2:45:53 AM

mandy94t on (Chapter: 2)
mandy94tweird?my school is weird.Wayne pokes his cafeteria food to see if it's time the hamburger mooed.eeew...

gemdrop123neo on January 13, 2007, 6:23:54 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 2)
Aquamarine: No one's smarter than moi!
Sapphire: ....Moi? Is that Spanish?
Aquamarine: NO. IT'S ITALIAN.
Sapphire: I thought Italian was another word for Spanish????

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 10:23:12 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 2)
sapphirestar7789in that comment is sapphire me or the one in the story?

gemdrop123neo on January 13, 2007, 10:41:09 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoOne in the story.

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 10:43:08 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)

wolf-girl-ghost on January 13, 2007, 5:06:36 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: index)
wolf-girl-ghostCan I be in this as emerald!?dats my birthstone^^

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 5:07:13 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789okay, I'm not adding the weird guy Emerald from the Pokemon Manga so you can be Emerald.

wolf-girl-ghost on January 13, 2007, 5:11:16 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: index)
wolf-girl-ghostdo you need my characters bio?

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 5:13:02 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789iz it the same as before? if not, give me the bio!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 13, 2007, 5:51:49 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: index)
wolf-girl-ghostno i've changed it and i'll have it in the same style as crazicat06's
Name: Emerald
Age: 13
Gender: Girl duh
D.O.B: 7th May
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: emerald
Accesories: A emerald necklace, 2 gold sleepers and a blue braclet
clothes: A sleevless purple top, a pair of frayed jean shorts and a pokeball belt(the same as may's)
Emerald is a co-ordinator.Her first pokemon was "Hina", her female torchic.The rest of her team is:
"Neon"-Shiny Bagon(male)
Need any more info lemme know thx again^^

sapphirestar7789 on January 20, 2007, 11:39:47 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789what are sleepers?

wolf-girl-ghost on January 13, 2007, 5:07:48 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: index)
wolf-girl-ghostYAY THANK YOU!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 13, 2007, 5:05:10 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 2)
wolf-girl-ghostlol i'm loving this fanfic

crazicat06 on January 13, 2007, 5:01:10 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: 2)
crazicat06Haha! Yup. She is gonna have a weird year.

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 5:02:51 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 2)
sapphirestar7789He. Hahahaha, is that a habit calling Ruby a "she"? It does sound like a girl's name though....

crazicat06 on January 13, 2007, 5:06:31 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)
crazicat06Gah!!! I did it again *baps own head* God, I need to get this through my head. Ruby is a guy, Ruby is a guy! Yeah... his name does sound like a girl's.....

drakestshadow_x on January 12, 2007, 9:14:58 AM

drakestshadow_x on (Chapter: index)
drakestshadow_xyou said every ones in it well am i?

sapphirestar7789 on January 13, 2007, 3:09:22 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789what's your birthstone? if it's not taken yet, it'll be your name. Unlike mine, Ruby is taken, so I replaced it with Diamond.

gemdrop123neo on January 12, 2007, 7:28:23 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: 1)
gemdrop123neoCan Rhia come in the stwory????
Pwease? With a chwerry won twop?

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:32:37 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 1)
sapphirestar7789No , but Aquamarine is in the story. It's MANGA class of 2007. So is Diamond, Dy, and Pearl. Y'all will be in there! Don't you worry!

gemdrop123neo on January 12, 2007, 7:37:30 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neo*hits cancel button*
Oh....(I suddenly remember Aquamarine now)
Make her punch Ruby 10 billion times...per day!
And also Green (the dude)
And also Red (The loser)
And also (uh..make that everyone)

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:38:34 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789Red's cool, don't dis Red. He's my second favorite character!

gemdrop123neo on January 12, 2007, 7:47:37 AM

gemdrop123neo on (Chapter: index)
gemdrop123neoRED IS NOT COOL!!!!
He's the classic stereotype for a hero. AND (my sis said this) he has horrible fashion sense. AND he's intellectually inferior.

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:53:57 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789So, when did fashion sense apply to you? And who cares, people who are intelluctally inferior (like Cosmo) are usually the best characters! Ya feelin' me?
You: No
Me: I thought so.

crazicat06 on January 12, 2007, 7:29:48 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: 1)
crazicat06Oh god! She got hit! Trying to figure out by what though.... lotsa Pokemon can go at 180 mph..... if it was a car, yeah... dead Ruby.... Pokemon.... maaaaaybeee......

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:31:08 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: 1)
sapphirestar7789not to be mean but ruby is a boy. Just wanted you to know! ^_^

crazicat06 on January 12, 2007, 7:33:36 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)
crazicat06O.o My bad!!!! Well still.... HE GOT HIT!!!! God..... update soon!

Oh! Can Kiri join in? She's my Pokemon OC.... Pwease? Wid a cherwy on toop?

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:37:52 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789How old is she and what does she look like?

crazicat06 on January 12, 2007, 9:02:13 AM

crazicat06 on (Chapter: index)
crazicat06Okay. Bio!!!

Name: Kiri Sancho
Age: 14
Gender: Girl duh
D.O.B: October 18
Hair color: Light blue ^.^ She wears it in a ponytail with a dratini hair scrunchie
Eye color: Purple
Poke'mon: An Espeon named Daisy and a Dratini named Amber
Backpack (I know it's not a whole lot important, but whatever): Dratini style
Accesories: A necklace with a large opal stone in it. Not the glittery kind, the milky kind.

Kiri is a Poke'mon cordenator(sp?) and a trainer. She uses Espeon for contests and Amber for gym battles. She only has her Dratini and Espeon. Daisy was her first poke'mon. Kiri makes friends easily because of her cheery personality and will take on any challenge thrown at her, whether or not it's a poke battle. She is training up for the Kanto League so that she wont lose to Lance, or his Dragonite.

And that's Kiri Sancho!

wolf-girl-ghost on January 12, 2007, 7:24:46 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 1)
wolf-girl-ghostoh noes ruby's dead!lol jk i luff this story can't wait for more

sapphirestar7789 on January 12, 2007, 7:23:36 AM

sapphirestar7789 on (Chapter: index)
sapphirestar7789Like it? Me and my sister got the idea by getting these manga character pictures offa the internet and making them look like yearbook pictures. Some of the people are way beyond their regular personalities if ya know what I mean....For ex. Sapphire's a girly girl and Red is an emo. Ruby is the only regular person in the class. How I feel sorry for him bein' with a buncha weird peeps and a teacher that talks too much...

Comment or die! BWAHAHAHA!