Chapter 4 - disobaying
Submitted September 25, 2007 Updated December 2, 2007 Status Complete | Sakura has a secret Ino and Hinata know, but sasuke doesn't what is the secret? and how will he act? read to find out!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings » Sakura/Sasuke |
Chapter 4 - disobaying
Chapter 4 - disobaying
* 8 ½ months pregnant*
Sakura woke up that morning around 5:30 and looked at the empty side of the bed, Sasuke had gotten up already. Sakura had heard someone in the kitchen and only assumed it was Sasuke. Sakura had took awhile trying to get up from the bed because she had gotten really big in the past few months, but after a little bit she made it on her feet, she started tip-toeing out of the room toward the kitchen. Sasuke was making some food until he noticed that someone had gotten got out of bed.
“Sakura what are you doing up out of bed?” Sasuke asked still continuing whatever he was doing. Sakura stood still in the dark hallway and she thought to herself had she really been THAT noticeable?!?! Anyways she continued walking until she was next to her husband.
“Sakura what are you doing out of bed?” Sasuke asked again this time turning his head towards her
“I wanted to see what you were doing this early in the morning” Sakura said shyly trying not to look into his eyes
“Sakura you know your supposed to be resting now, the doctor told you to stay in bed” Sasuke said
“yeah but you try staying in a bed for who knows how long, why can‘t I go out? why do I have to stay in bed?!?!?!” Sakura pouted
“uhhhhhhhhh well Sakura that’s why they call it bed rest” Sasuke said
“yeah but-” Sakura said getting cut off
“no but’s, it’s for you and the kids now go back to bed now!” Sasuke commanded. Sakura looked at him in defeat she didn’t want to stay in bed, but it was for the sake of there own children. Although she wouldn’t miss this kind of fun and give up on getting on his nerves.
“and what if I don’t go to bed what’ll you do?” Sakura asked crossing her arms and turning her head the other way from Sasuke. He quickly grabbed her and turned her around and had her face him.
“well if you don’t go to bed I’ll take you myself! I wouldn’t care if that means going unconscious for awhile as long as you stay in bed for our kids” he said caringly but with a strong voice. His obsidian orbs looked into her emerald orbs they stayed like that for a little looking in each others eyes.
“ow” Sakura winced a little and put a hand over her swollen belly. Sasuke quickly put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her
“are you okay?” he asked worried, Sakura looked into his eyes, and she saw a look of worry. Sakura knew what would calm him down a bit. She grabbed Sasuke’s hand and placed it on her belly she looked at him and he’s eyes went wide a little and the worried look faded away she saw that look of worry gradually turn into happiness. Sakura smiled at this
“I’m okay-” Sakura said answering his question
“can you feel them?” Sakura asked. Sasuke just smiled he looked at Sakura still keeping his hand in place.
“yeah I can feel them” he said with a dazed smile
“oww” Sakura winced again
“my goodness what’s going on with those two in there? They’ve been kicking a lot lately” Sakura
“hn” Sasuke said with a smirk
“well I know one definite thing, they sure do kick hard like you Sasuke! Guess they are Uchiha’s then!”
Sakura said teasingly
“of coarse it’s in the genes” Sasuke said back to her with a smirk
“well anyways go to bed now! That’s probably why there kicking so much, now go! Bed now!” he said to her. With that she started walking to the bedroom with Sasuke following behind her making sure she’d go to bed. Sakura went right to the bed and sat down and turned to the night stand right by the bed opened it and searched though, Sasuke looked at her with a funny face what was she looking for? Whatever she was looking for she grabbed it and quickly put it under her pillow.
“Sakura what did you grab?” Sasuke asked curiously his eyes jumping from the pillow back to his wife
“oh nothing! Your so noisy Sasuke” She replied
“yes, yes I am especially because you my wife, and well I’m curious” he said bashfully
“awwwwwww you want to make sure I wasn’t doing anything stupid because of the babies and my sake!” she said with a big smile giggling a bit
“huh? What are you giggling about?” he asked
“oh nothing but just the thought of you thinking I’d do something stupid and at the sake of our kids it’s just kinda funny!” Sakura replied to him. He looked at her with a surprised face how did she know that he was thinking something like that?!?
“so why were you up so early today? You don’t have any missions or training today, so why were you up?” Sakura asked
“nothing, no reason couldn’t fall back to sleep” Sasuke replied back to her. He walked to the other side of the bed and laid down a second later he grabbed Sakura’s hand and pulled her down too. Sakura turned to face him. Sakura had her head on his one arm and the other was wrapped around her. Both closed there eyes and took a nap.
Sakura opened up her eyes and found that Sasuke wasn’t there. She sat up and looked around or just listening for a noise, then she heard someone cuss. From the bed she got up and followed some more cussing. Where it led her to was the nursery and she found Sasuke setting up one of the crib’s or well at least trying to. Sakura giggled and he turned his head to her.
“did I wake you up?” he asked her, he knew that if he had woken her up he would get in trouble
“no I just couldn’t sleep” she replied to him she looked at all the pieces of wooden bars on the floor she found the site very amusing but at the same time she wanted to clean up because she was still nesting. She giggled again.
“hn, what’s so funny?” he asked
“oh nothing it’s just what your doing that’s funny!” Sakura replied to him
“oh yeah how could this possibly be funny?” Sasuke asked he knew what she was going to say but hey he could always predict what his wife was going to say.
“ Oh what I find very funny is that you can’t even put up a crib and yet naruto can!” She said as she started laughing. Sasuke looked a little shocked how in the hell could that idiot put together a crib and yet he can’t do that.
“Sasuke, what you thinking about? That you can’t put together a crib for at least one of your babies”
“hn, yeah looks like i’ll have to get naruto to do this for me, hn he might actually be more useful to us” he remarked. Sakura’s eyes had widened did he just say that naruto would do this for him?
“wait a sec did I just say that the idiot naruto would make my kids cribs?” Sasuke asked shocked
“yeah, yeah you did. AWWWWWWWWWW how nice!” Sakura exclaimed. Sasuke grimaced at the thought of actually giving naruto some credit even thought he was going to be the twins uncle and Hinata there aunt. Sasuke sighed and looked at Sakura.
“sit down if your going to stay here watching me make a fool of myself” he said embarrassed. With a smile she rolled her eyes and walked to the rocking chair in the nursery. A few hours pass by and he still has no clue how to set up the crib.
“DAMNIT!” he exclaimed. Sakura gasped and quickly placed both of her hands on each side of her bulging belly Sasuke quickly turned his head to her.
“what what’s up? Why did you gasp?” he asked. She looked at him
“don’t say those kinds of words in front of me right now!” She exclaimed while keeping her hands in place. Sasuke looked at his wife with a confused face.
“I read that even inside of womb they can heard so don’t say those kinds of words!” she said trying to explain
“right, gotta remember that” he said
“and can’t get the cribs together can you?” Sakura asked with a smirk. He looked at her with a neutral face. Sasuke then crossed his arms with a screwdriver at hand and pouted.
“why am I still trying it’s not like there going to be born tomorrow!” he exclaimed
“well now I wouldn’t say that it should be anytime now Sasuke-kun” she said with a warm smile
“W-W-What are you talking about we still have 2 weeks…. Right?” he said a little nervous.
“yes we do, but you never! know they come out when they come out” she said
“okay lets make a bet if there born this week then once you feel better after you give birth I’ll let you go on a shopping spree, but if they aren’t then, until you have them you have to listen to me!” he said confidently
“hn” she replied with a smirk
“ I’ll take that as a yes” he said smirking back at her
The next day (Saturday)
Sakura woke up and found the spot next to her empty again and heard a noise in the kitchen again. She got out of her bed again and walked to the kitchen only to see Sasuke there just about to leave.
“what are you doing out of bed?” he asked
“oh nothing just couldn’t sleep, you know because of your kids” she said smiling. He looked at her and grinned he walked up to Sakura kissed her on her cheek and bent down to her belly put his ear against it and heard them his grin got even wider then took his ear off and kissed her belly. She giggled
“now what’s going on you haven’t done that before!” she said a little shocked
“well remember the bet we made yesterday if they are born today that’ll be the only time you’ll let me do that and rhen I’m going to have to save up money” he gloomly said the last part
“okay well don’t you have to go train it’s already 10:00” she said
“whatever it’s not like kakashi is even on time anyways” he told her
“alright then have fun training!” she said sarcastically to him he rolled his eyes
“hey Sakura” he said
“try not to give birth while I’m out in the middle of the forest today training.” he said with an innocent face
“I’ll try my best now go before Kakashi beats you there” she said.
“fine but try not to go out today I have guards just to tell you” he said to her. She gave him an odd look he quickly went and kissed her on the cheek again and then left there house. Sakura sighed a sigh of relief she had nothing to worry about she already knew who it was and could easily make them agree. Sakura went back to there room and got dressed. She then put on some shoes and went outside and started walking.
“okay so far so good, no one has come out” she whispered to herself
“STOP RIGHT THERE MRS.UCHIHA!!” an annoying voice echoed Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed it was too good to be true anyways.
“what do you want Naruto? Oh and hello Hinata” she said calmly not turning around
“boy I told you Sakura-chan was good Hinata-chan!” he said with a dumb smile
“oh yeah! Sasuke teme told us to keep an eye on you” he said
“ wow you think that the hokage would do more I don’t know hokage things, things that are really important you know” she said
“ oh but this is important! See your pregnant with teme’s kids the next generation and the next generation of Uchiha’s meaning Sharingan holders meaning-”
“yeah naruto just shut-up it sounds like your turning into Sasuke now” she said with an annoyed voice
“what me sound like….. Like- like teme?!?!?!??!?!?!?” he said in horror. Sakura saw his reaction and smiled a sly smile
“yeah just like him, but do you know how not to sound like him?” she said
“HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW SAKURA-CHAN???” he replied panicked
“by letting me go out today” she said with a serious face
“ dang I would let you but what if something happens?” he said a little worried.
“well you do have a point there Naruto, come with us then” Sakura said Naruto looked at his wife (Hinata) and Sakura. He then sighed and nodded his head.
“fine but what am I going to do?” Naruto asked pouting
“well once were done you can do an all you can eat ramen. My treat for not telling Sasuke-kun” Sakura said to him
“Well sounds fair enough to me!” he said in a stupid smile. He grabbed Hinata and Sakura by there wrists and started dragging them to the stores so he can get his all you can eat buffet. The first place they went to was look at baby cloths. Naruto was bored out of his mind while Sakura and Hinata were looking at all the baby cloths blue, green, yellow, pink all these baby clothes were boring him to death. While they saw some cloths they’d ask naruto what he thought the only thing you’d see him do would be nod his head and say “yeah”. finally at the second store they were looking at more things naruto went to the sports section while the girls went to the cloths, shoes and baby section. At the third store there was action alright.
“owwwwwww” Sakura had winced her stomach pains were really starting to hurt.
“are you o-okay sakura-san?” Hinata asked
“yeah seems like you’ve been doing that a lot for the past like hour or so” naruto said looking at his friends wife
“well maybe we should go to my house now” Sakura said cradling her womb.
While waiting for Sasuke to find him, kakashi looked up
‘’Its almost time” he thought to himself
On the way back to her house something happened. Sakura suddenly stopped in her trackes and her eyes widened a little. Hinata turned around and looked at her
“what’s wrong Sakura?” Hinata asked naruto turned around
“ its time” she said. Hinata’s eyes quickly looked down at her feet there was a pile of liquid around Sakuras feet. Her water broke.
“huh the time oh it’s 6:00” naruto said looking at his watch
“no, not that naruto-kun what she means is that her water broke she’s going to have the babies” Hinata said in both a nervous tone and happy.
“oh. OH! What should we do then Hinata?!?!” naruto said a little worried. Hinata took a bit but finally looked at naruto
“take her to the hospital then came back and help me pack her some cloths” she said
“alright!” he said he was excited now. He walked to sakura picked her up and carried her in his arms to the hospital.
*at the hospital*
Naruto quickly comes into the emergency room and goes to the reception desk to sign her in.
“excuse me miss-” he was cut off by sakura
“Shizune” she moaned
“yes?” Shizune turned around and saw her next to naruto breathing in deeply and a little flustered. Shizune quickly ran to Sakura
“what happened to you?!?” shizune asked
“well we were on our way back from a walk then all of a sudden what do you know were here! Heh?” naruto said trying to lighten the mood
“naruto-kun go tell Tsunade- sama that Sakura-chan is here I’ll take her to a room” Shizune said
“alright!” naruto then left with a poof of smoke
“huh? What is it naruto?” Tsunade asked
“sakura-chan!” he said
*hours later with Sakura*
“OWWWWWWWWWWW” sakura moaned as she gritted her teeth
“breath in…. and out” Hinata said in a calm voice. It calmed her down a little bit until the next contraction happened in like 6 minutes.
“AHHH DAMMIT….. How could he do this to me? Sakura gritted
*hours after sakura was emitted*
“Oi Sasuke” kakashi yelled out
Its about time I tell him now it’s almost been 4 hours
“your training is done for today now go home” Kakashi said
“what’s up with you, you okay right now?” Sasuke asked annoyed
“I am, but go check on Sakura” he said in a neutral tone
“wait what are you talking about?” Sasuke asked
“what are you talking about kakashi? What do you know that I don’t about Sakura?” he asked in a very demanding tone
“you know what going on Sasuke” kakashi said and with a poof he disappeared
“DAMMIT kakashi why didn’t you tell me earlier?!?!?!?” he cursed to himself. Sasuke went as quickly as he could and made it into konoha in less then 10 minutes. He looked around and breathed in while looking.
“OI SASUKE TEME!” Naruto called out. Sasuke quickly turned his head.
“where’s sakura?” he asked worried
“don’t sweat it she’s in the hospital with Tsunade Baa-chan almost giving birth to your kids, you know you took long enough” naruto said in an annoyed voice. Sasuke just ignored him and quickly sprinted past him to the hospital to the reception desk.
“excuse me but were is Sakura Uchiha’s room?” he asked
“ room 214, just go straight down and it will be on your left” the receptionist said. Sasuke quickly sped through the hall way into her room. He was right outside her room when he heard her yelling, dang did he feel bad for her. He took a deep breath and walked into the room he saw her sweating and messy hair with her teeth gritting.
“hi Sakura” he said calmly and softly. She looked at him in his eyes and said so many things he wasn’t expecting for her to say but shortly afterwards she would be crying and saying sorry for what she said. A few minutes later and it was time for her to push.
“alright Sakura now push” Tsunade said. Sasuke was right by Sakura holding her hand, he himself was trying not to shed any tears from her monstrous strength. Over 25 minutes of pushing they finally had two babies the eldest being a boy named Ichi because being the first born and the second being a girl named Miyuki being as a beautiful fortune. Sakura held there son while Sasuke held there daughter. They both looked at each other and smiled.
“Sasuke-kun how does it feel like to be a father now?” she asked. He looked down at his two kids and smiled
“if feels pretty good now” he said
“Sasuke-kun one more thing” Sakura said
“hmmmm?” he said
“hope you saved up because I won the bet” she said all giggly on morphine. Sasuke just chuckled. Now on there lives were going to change but for the better.
tell me what you think!
Sakura woke up that morning around 5:30 and looked at the empty side of the bed, Sasuke had gotten up already. Sakura had heard someone in the kitchen and only assumed it was Sasuke. Sakura had took awhile trying to get up from the bed because she had gotten really big in the past few months, but after a little bit she made it on her feet, she started tip-toeing out of the room toward the kitchen. Sasuke was making some food until he noticed that someone had gotten got out of bed.
“Sakura what are you doing up out of bed?” Sasuke asked still continuing whatever he was doing. Sakura stood still in the dark hallway and she thought to herself had she really been THAT noticeable?!?! Anyways she continued walking until she was next to her husband.
“Sakura what are you doing out of bed?” Sasuke asked again this time turning his head towards her
“I wanted to see what you were doing this early in the morning” Sakura said shyly trying not to look into his eyes
“Sakura you know your supposed to be resting now, the doctor told you to stay in bed” Sasuke said
“yeah but you try staying in a bed for who knows how long, why can‘t I go out? why do I have to stay in bed?!?!?!” Sakura pouted
“uhhhhhhhhh well Sakura that’s why they call it bed rest” Sasuke said
“yeah but-” Sakura said getting cut off
“no but’s, it’s for you and the kids now go back to bed now!” Sasuke commanded. Sakura looked at him in defeat she didn’t want to stay in bed, but it was for the sake of there own children. Although she wouldn’t miss this kind of fun and give up on getting on his nerves.
“and what if I don’t go to bed what’ll you do?” Sakura asked crossing her arms and turning her head the other way from Sasuke. He quickly grabbed her and turned her around and had her face him.
“well if you don’t go to bed I’ll take you myself! I wouldn’t care if that means going unconscious for awhile as long as you stay in bed for our kids” he said caringly but with a strong voice. His obsidian orbs looked into her emerald orbs they stayed like that for a little looking in each others eyes.
“ow” Sakura winced a little and put a hand over her swollen belly. Sasuke quickly put his hand on her shoulder and looked at her
“are you okay?” he asked worried, Sakura looked into his eyes, and she saw a look of worry. Sakura knew what would calm him down a bit. She grabbed Sasuke’s hand and placed it on her belly she looked at him and he’s eyes went wide a little and the worried look faded away she saw that look of worry gradually turn into happiness. Sakura smiled at this
“I’m okay-” Sakura said answering his question
“can you feel them?” Sakura asked. Sasuke just smiled he looked at Sakura still keeping his hand in place.
“yeah I can feel them” he said with a dazed smile
“oww” Sakura winced again
“my goodness what’s going on with those two in there? They’ve been kicking a lot lately” Sakura
“hn” Sasuke said with a smirk
“well I know one definite thing, they sure do kick hard like you Sasuke! Guess they are Uchiha’s then!”
Sakura said teasingly
“of coarse it’s in the genes” Sasuke said back to her with a smirk
“well anyways go to bed now! That’s probably why there kicking so much, now go! Bed now!” he said to her. With that she started walking to the bedroom with Sasuke following behind her making sure she’d go to bed. Sakura went right to the bed and sat down and turned to the night stand right by the bed opened it and searched though, Sasuke looked at her with a funny face what was she looking for? Whatever she was looking for she grabbed it and quickly put it under her pillow.
“Sakura what did you grab?” Sasuke asked curiously his eyes jumping from the pillow back to his wife
“oh nothing! Your so noisy Sasuke” She replied
“yes, yes I am especially because you my wife, and well I’m curious” he said bashfully
“awwwwwww you want to make sure I wasn’t doing anything stupid because of the babies and my sake!” she said with a big smile giggling a bit
“huh? What are you giggling about?” he asked
“oh nothing but just the thought of you thinking I’d do something stupid and at the sake of our kids it’s just kinda funny!” Sakura replied to him. He looked at her with a surprised face how did she know that he was thinking something like that?!?
“so why were you up so early today? You don’t have any missions or training today, so why were you up?” Sakura asked
“nothing, no reason couldn’t fall back to sleep” Sasuke replied back to her. He walked to the other side of the bed and laid down a second later he grabbed Sakura’s hand and pulled her down too. Sakura turned to face him. Sakura had her head on his one arm and the other was wrapped around her. Both closed there eyes and took a nap.
Sakura opened up her eyes and found that Sasuke wasn’t there. She sat up and looked around or just listening for a noise, then she heard someone cuss. From the bed she got up and followed some more cussing. Where it led her to was the nursery and she found Sasuke setting up one of the crib’s or well at least trying to. Sakura giggled and he turned his head to her.
“did I wake you up?” he asked her, he knew that if he had woken her up he would get in trouble
“no I just couldn’t sleep” she replied to him she looked at all the pieces of wooden bars on the floor she found the site very amusing but at the same time she wanted to clean up because she was still nesting. She giggled again.
“hn, what’s so funny?” he asked
“oh nothing it’s just what your doing that’s funny!” Sakura replied to him
“oh yeah how could this possibly be funny?” Sasuke asked he knew what she was going to say but hey he could always predict what his wife was going to say.
“ Oh what I find very funny is that you can’t even put up a crib and yet naruto can!” She said as she started laughing. Sasuke looked a little shocked how in the hell could that idiot put together a crib and yet he can’t do that.
“Sasuke, what you thinking about? That you can’t put together a crib for at least one of your babies”
“hn, yeah looks like i’ll have to get naruto to do this for me, hn he might actually be more useful to us” he remarked. Sakura’s eyes had widened did he just say that naruto would do this for him?
“wait a sec did I just say that the idiot naruto would make my kids cribs?” Sasuke asked shocked
“yeah, yeah you did. AWWWWWWWWWW how nice!” Sakura exclaimed. Sasuke grimaced at the thought of actually giving naruto some credit even thought he was going to be the twins uncle and Hinata there aunt. Sasuke sighed and looked at Sakura.
“sit down if your going to stay here watching me make a fool of myself” he said embarrassed. With a smile she rolled her eyes and walked to the rocking chair in the nursery. A few hours pass by and he still has no clue how to set up the crib.
“DAMNIT!” he exclaimed. Sakura gasped and quickly placed both of her hands on each side of her bulging belly Sasuke quickly turned his head to her.
“what what’s up? Why did you gasp?” he asked. She looked at him
“don’t say those kinds of words in front of me right now!” She exclaimed while keeping her hands in place. Sasuke looked at his wife with a confused face.
“I read that even inside of womb they can heard so don’t say those kinds of words!” she said trying to explain
“right, gotta remember that” he said
“and can’t get the cribs together can you?” Sakura asked with a smirk. He looked at her with a neutral face. Sasuke then crossed his arms with a screwdriver at hand and pouted.
“why am I still trying it’s not like there going to be born tomorrow!” he exclaimed
“well now I wouldn’t say that it should be anytime now Sasuke-kun” she said with a warm smile
“W-W-What are you talking about we still have 2 weeks…. Right?” he said a little nervous.
“yes we do, but you never! know they come out when they come out” she said
“okay lets make a bet if there born this week then once you feel better after you give birth I’ll let you go on a shopping spree, but if they aren’t then, until you have them you have to listen to me!” he said confidently
“hn” she replied with a smirk
“ I’ll take that as a yes” he said smirking back at her
The next day (Saturday)
Sakura woke up and found the spot next to her empty again and heard a noise in the kitchen again. She got out of her bed again and walked to the kitchen only to see Sasuke there just about to leave.
“what are you doing out of bed?” he asked
“oh nothing just couldn’t sleep, you know because of your kids” she said smiling. He looked at her and grinned he walked up to Sakura kissed her on her cheek and bent down to her belly put his ear against it and heard them his grin got even wider then took his ear off and kissed her belly. She giggled
“now what’s going on you haven’t done that before!” she said a little shocked
“well remember the bet we made yesterday if they are born today that’ll be the only time you’ll let me do that and rhen I’m going to have to save up money” he gloomly said the last part
“okay well don’t you have to go train it’s already 10:00” she said
“whatever it’s not like kakashi is even on time anyways” he told her
“alright then have fun training!” she said sarcastically to him he rolled his eyes
“hey Sakura” he said
“try not to give birth while I’m out in the middle of the forest today training.” he said with an innocent face
“I’ll try my best now go before Kakashi beats you there” she said.
“fine but try not to go out today I have guards just to tell you” he said to her. She gave him an odd look he quickly went and kissed her on the cheek again and then left there house. Sakura sighed a sigh of relief she had nothing to worry about she already knew who it was and could easily make them agree. Sakura went back to there room and got dressed. She then put on some shoes and went outside and started walking.
“okay so far so good, no one has come out” she whispered to herself
“STOP RIGHT THERE MRS.UCHIHA!!” an annoying voice echoed Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed it was too good to be true anyways.
“what do you want Naruto? Oh and hello Hinata” she said calmly not turning around
“boy I told you Sakura-chan was good Hinata-chan!” he said with a dumb smile
“oh yeah! Sasuke teme told us to keep an eye on you” he said
“ wow you think that the hokage would do more I don’t know hokage things, things that are really important you know” she said
“ oh but this is important! See your pregnant with teme’s kids the next generation and the next generation of Uchiha’s meaning Sharingan holders meaning-”
“yeah naruto just shut-up it sounds like your turning into Sasuke now” she said with an annoyed voice
“what me sound like….. Like- like teme?!?!?!??!?!?!?” he said in horror. Sakura saw his reaction and smiled a sly smile
“yeah just like him, but do you know how not to sound like him?” she said
“HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW SAKURA-CHAN???” he replied panicked
“by letting me go out today” she said with a serious face
“ dang I would let you but what if something happens?” he said a little worried.
“well you do have a point there Naruto, come with us then” Sakura said Naruto looked at his wife (Hinata) and Sakura. He then sighed and nodded his head.
“fine but what am I going to do?” Naruto asked pouting
“well once were done you can do an all you can eat ramen. My treat for not telling Sasuke-kun” Sakura said to him
“Well sounds fair enough to me!” he said in a stupid smile. He grabbed Hinata and Sakura by there wrists and started dragging them to the stores so he can get his all you can eat buffet. The first place they went to was look at baby cloths. Naruto was bored out of his mind while Sakura and Hinata were looking at all the baby cloths blue, green, yellow, pink all these baby clothes were boring him to death. While they saw some cloths they’d ask naruto what he thought the only thing you’d see him do would be nod his head and say “yeah”. finally at the second store they were looking at more things naruto went to the sports section while the girls went to the cloths, shoes and baby section. At the third store there was action alright.
“owwwwwww” Sakura had winced her stomach pains were really starting to hurt.
“are you o-okay sakura-san?” Hinata asked
“yeah seems like you’ve been doing that a lot for the past like hour or so” naruto said looking at his friends wife
“well maybe we should go to my house now” Sakura said cradling her womb.
While waiting for Sasuke to find him, kakashi looked up
‘’Its almost time” he thought to himself
On the way back to her house something happened. Sakura suddenly stopped in her trackes and her eyes widened a little. Hinata turned around and looked at her
“what’s wrong Sakura?” Hinata asked naruto turned around
“ its time” she said. Hinata’s eyes quickly looked down at her feet there was a pile of liquid around Sakuras feet. Her water broke.
“huh the time oh it’s 6:00” naruto said looking at his watch
“no, not that naruto-kun what she means is that her water broke she’s going to have the babies” Hinata said in both a nervous tone and happy.
“oh. OH! What should we do then Hinata?!?!” naruto said a little worried. Hinata took a bit but finally looked at naruto
“take her to the hospital then came back and help me pack her some cloths” she said
“alright!” he said he was excited now. He walked to sakura picked her up and carried her in his arms to the hospital.
*at the hospital*
Naruto quickly comes into the emergency room and goes to the reception desk to sign her in.
“excuse me miss-” he was cut off by sakura
“Shizune” she moaned
“yes?” Shizune turned around and saw her next to naruto breathing in deeply and a little flustered. Shizune quickly ran to Sakura
“what happened to you?!?” shizune asked
“well we were on our way back from a walk then all of a sudden what do you know were here! Heh?” naruto said trying to lighten the mood
“naruto-kun go tell Tsunade- sama that Sakura-chan is here I’ll take her to a room” Shizune said
“alright!” naruto then left with a poof of smoke
“huh? What is it naruto?” Tsunade asked
“sakura-chan!” he said
*hours later with Sakura*
“OWWWWWWWWWWW” sakura moaned as she gritted her teeth
“breath in…. and out” Hinata said in a calm voice. It calmed her down a little bit until the next contraction happened in like 6 minutes.
“AHHH DAMMIT….. How could he do this to me? Sakura gritted
*hours after sakura was emitted*
“Oi Sasuke” kakashi yelled out
Its about time I tell him now it’s almost been 4 hours
“your training is done for today now go home” Kakashi said
“what’s up with you, you okay right now?” Sasuke asked annoyed
“I am, but go check on Sakura” he said in a neutral tone
“wait what are you talking about?” Sasuke asked
“what are you talking about kakashi? What do you know that I don’t about Sakura?” he asked in a very demanding tone
“you know what going on Sasuke” kakashi said and with a poof he disappeared
“DAMMIT kakashi why didn’t you tell me earlier?!?!?!?” he cursed to himself. Sasuke went as quickly as he could and made it into konoha in less then 10 minutes. He looked around and breathed in while looking.
“OI SASUKE TEME!” Naruto called out. Sasuke quickly turned his head.
“where’s sakura?” he asked worried
“don’t sweat it she’s in the hospital with Tsunade Baa-chan almost giving birth to your kids, you know you took long enough” naruto said in an annoyed voice. Sasuke just ignored him and quickly sprinted past him to the hospital to the reception desk.
“excuse me but were is Sakura Uchiha’s room?” he asked
“ room 214, just go straight down and it will be on your left” the receptionist said. Sasuke quickly sped through the hall way into her room. He was right outside her room when he heard her yelling, dang did he feel bad for her. He took a deep breath and walked into the room he saw her sweating and messy hair with her teeth gritting.
“hi Sakura” he said calmly and softly. She looked at him in his eyes and said so many things he wasn’t expecting for her to say but shortly afterwards she would be crying and saying sorry for what she said. A few minutes later and it was time for her to push.
“alright Sakura now push” Tsunade said. Sasuke was right by Sakura holding her hand, he himself was trying not to shed any tears from her monstrous strength. Over 25 minutes of pushing they finally had two babies the eldest being a boy named Ichi because being the first born and the second being a girl named Miyuki being as a beautiful fortune. Sakura held there son while Sasuke held there daughter. They both looked at each other and smiled.
“Sasuke-kun how does it feel like to be a father now?” she asked. He looked down at his two kids and smiled
“if feels pretty good now” he said
“Sasuke-kun one more thing” Sakura said
“hmmmm?” he said
“hope you saved up because I won the bet” she said all giggly on morphine. Sasuke just chuckled. Now on there lives were going to change but for the better.
tell me what you think!
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Kohakucrazy on October 23, 2008, 11:22:11 AM
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Kwazi on December 18, 2007, 12:34:53 PM
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hflp on December 14, 2007, 6:50:47 AM
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xEmotional on December 4, 2007, 7:31:40 AM
xEmotional on
cloudaeris on December 3, 2007, 9:23:48 AM
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stellabird87 on December 2, 2007, 11:28:54 PM
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