Chapter 1 - Hi I'm Kagome
Submitted June 14, 2006 Updated June 14, 2006 Status Incomplete | I have it on a-single-spark so I thought I'd put it here too..
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Kagome + Sesshomaru |
Chapter 1 - Hi I'm Kagome
Chapter 1 - Hi I'm Kagome
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“Go away!! Stay away from me!” Kagome yelled running threw the forest as she was being chased by four figures. Kagome tripped over a rock and fell into a lake she ran by. Kagome fell all the way into the lake and popped her head up for air. She saw the four of them stop by the lake and stare at her with grins on there faces. “What do you want from me?” Kagome asked with a sad face. Oh great I'm all wet. She thought madly. <br>“Why do you run from me my dear?” The voice asked amused. “Because you disgust me!” She yelled making a face at the man. “I disgust you? Well my dear You do not disgust me.” He smiled evilly. The three other figures by him smirked. “Master do you wish for me to get the girl?” The other boy asked with now an emotionless face. “Yes we should take her now or she might try to swim away.” He smirked as she looked shocked. “I'm not going anywhere with you!! She yelled backing away from them. “Well my dear you have no- <br><br>“No, no...If he's evil he wouldn't say something like that.” Kagome thought deleting words from her computer. She typed in more stuff. “Hmm... This is better..”Kagome thought trailing off as she bit into her sandwidge. “Better.” Kagome said to herself as she got up and walked over to the fridge she grabbed a pepsi and walked back over to her computer. She grabbed the remote and turned the t.v. on and turned it to music videos. She then turned back to her computer. “Ok now that I'm done with her being kidnaped.... Now time for the heroic guy to save her.” Kagome said to herself grinning as she typed madly. “Good.. He saved her..”She thought grinning evilly. “Now time for the love scene.” Kagome grinned as she typed down her perverted thought. She took another drink of her soda. <br><br>“Now all of these thoughts of sex makes me want to hang out with someone.” Kagome said to herself as got back up from her chair and walked slowly to her room. “I guess I should get dressed if I'm going out.” Kagome mumbled to herself looking at herself in her mirror. She was wearing green shorts and a white shirt that said: Do not set yourself on fire. It kind of hurts. With a little guy on fire running. Her hair was in a messy half pony. “Oh man do I look hot.” Kagome said smiling as she looked at her nails. “Oh no. My nail polish is chipping.” She said as her black nail was chipping. “Great..I don't have any more...Im gunna go have to buy more.....Yay to the mall!” Kagome said happily to herself. She ran to her dresser and dug threw it. She grabbed dark blue short and a black shirt that said: My special candy. And it showed a bottle of pills spilled out. She combed her hair and left it down . Her hair had blue highlight and she had teddy bear brown eyes. She had little hearts earrings in. She put no makeup on. “Hphmmmm..... I wonder what time it is?” She thought to herself as she walked over to her clock on the end table. She looked at the clock. It was 2:30 in the after noon. <br>She walked over to the phone and called her best friend. <br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ^____^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* <br>“Come on get up! Seriously it's 2:30 in the after noon!” Yelled Miroku shaking his head at his friends behavior. “Mhmmm...No I didn't get..the mhh....cookie..hmmgmg..From the dancing Banana...hmmm..” Mumbled his friend still half asleep. “Dancing banana? What kind of dream are you having? And cookie? Sounds good!” Miroku sang as he ran into the kitchen grabbing a cookie. He looked over at his friend on the couch. When he got here last night I sure was surprised... He had marks all over him.. It looked like he got into a fight... Well he's a big boy..Im sure he kicked there @$$. Miroku thought as he bit into the cookie.. “Mmmmmmmm...I love M&m!” mirkou said out loud taking another bit. His head shoot up. “Huh? Miroku what are you doing?” His friend asked looking at his friend chibi style enjoying his cookie. “What this is good. You said the dancing banana didn't get the cookie or something.. So I wanted one.” Miroku said taking another bit. “Soooo GOOD!” Miroku said licking his fingers. “You loser.” His friend commented. “Soo what are you doing here? What happened last night?” Miroku asked now serious. <br>“Well someone has mood swings.” His friend said boredly. *sigh* “What I got in a fight last night. Some drunk girl was hitting on me and her boyfriend got pissed at me. That dog wouldn't get away from. So that wenches boyfriend tried to kick my @$$ but I kicked his then hell broke loose in there. I got kicked out. And The my room mate kicked me out of the arpartment...So I have no where else to stay... So I came here..” He explained boredly. “Oh I see so kouga finally got sick of you.” Miroku commented grinning. “Well you can stay with me if you want.” he smirked. “So your not gunna make me pay the silly rent are you?” The friend asked hopefully. *Sigh* “I guess not. But I will think of something to make you pay.” He smirked. “So what you staying on the couch?” Miroku asked grabbing an other cookie. “Yup.” He shook his head. “Soo.. Sesshomaru what shall we do today?” Miroku asked. Sesshomaru was gunna comment when the phone rang. “Hello?” Miroku asked as he picked up the phone. “Oh why hello my fair Kagome. Sure I'd love to hang out with you my darling.. Sorry. The mall sure. I have a friend though.... Oh kagome shush he might hear you. Haaha Yeah.. Yeah.. Ok see you in 20 minutes.” Miroku said then hanging up the phone. <br><br>“Well Sesshomaru wanna come to the mall with me and Kagome?” Miroku asked hopefully. “Whatever. Have anything I can wear though?” Sesshomaru asked getting up and yawning. “Sure. Oh and did you know you suck your numb when you sleep?” miroku laughed as he walked past Sesshomaru and entered his room. Sesshomaru smirked and followed his friend. Sesshomaru looked at himself in miroku mirror. He was wearing a black wife beater that said: I'm not mean. Your just a sissy. And he was wearing Dark blue baggy jeans.with a chain hanging from his pocket. Sesshomaru's long sliver hair went down past his butt. His golden amber eyes and two red strips across his check bone. His purple cresent moon. “Ready?” He asked with his deep emotionless voice that made any fan girl squeal.”Yup.” Miroku nodded as he had on a White wife beater and was wearing black baggy pants. His dark brown hair tied into a little pony tail. His violet eyes. Miroku grabbed his wallet and he headed out of his room as Sesshomaru followed. <br><br>They walked out side and headed for miroku's black montey carllo. ( I might of spelled it wrong. That's the kind of car my mom has) They both jumped in and Miroku drove off to the mall to hang out with kagome. <br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ^___^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* <br>Kagome let out a small sigh. She was already at the mall. She was waiting at the entrance. She watched as a bunch of families and friend walked into the mall. Some talked to her. Which she ignored. Must stay on task Im waiting for Miroku and his mystery friend. Kagome thought and chuckled to herself. Kagome noticed as Miroku's car pulled into the parking lot and park by the front. Miroku Noticed Kagome. He jumped out of the car and ran over to her. Sesshomaru just walked after him. “Hey Kagome!” Miroku sang as he rested his arms on her shoulder. “Hey miroku. Who has gave you sugar? Your hyper.” Kagome said laughing at her friend. “And to think I was excited to see you.” He said with a fake frown. “So what up kagome?” miroku asked as he saw Sesshomaru Trail after him. “Hurry up Sesshomaru get the lead out ya pants!” Miroku yelled Before Kagome could answer him. Sesshomaru finally got over to them. “Sorry Kagome for interupting you but this is sesshomaru. My friend I told you about on the phone.” Miroku anwsered as Kagome shifted her eyes over to him. “Hey I'm Kagome.” said Kagome as she then looked at her shoes. Oh hes cute. Kagome thought to herself. “Hey.” He really said to himself. “Well lets go inside.” Miroku said dragging them into the mall Miroku headed stright for the arcade. Kagome shook her head. Miroku got some change. “So kagome wanna play some ddr?” Miroku asked rising a brow. “Sure.” kagome grinned as she stepped onto the game. They started out easy then got hard. They played for about a hour. Sesshomaru leaned on a other game as he watched both of them play. They were both sweaty. They were dancing like crazy. I think miroku spent about 10 dollars already on that game. Sesshomaru thought to himself. He looked at Kagome again. She is pretty. Sesshomaru thought to himself as he sighed. There scores flashed on the screen as they finished there round. Kagome got a b and Miroku got a A. “Hahaha I won!” miroku did the `I won' Dance. <br>They were done with that so they headed for the food court. They got some pizza. “Thanks for paying Miroku.” Kagome said as they got a table. Kagome lunged into the food. She got all Chibi style and ate about 5 pieces. “Whoa oinkie save some for us?” Miroku commented smirking as Kagome glared at him. “Sorry it's good.” Kagome said working on her 6th piece. Miroku grabbed a piece. “So seeshomaru was it? Your being quiet. So what's up with you?” Kagome asked eating some cheese off the yummy piece. “Yes. And Im just thinking. And nothing is up with me.” Sesshomaru said looking at Miroku as he took a drink of his Dr.Peper. “Oh I see. Miroku give me some.” Kagome said snatching the pop from Miroku and took a big slurp of it. Miroku got all chibi style. “Kagome!! I was drinking that!” He faked cried. <br>“Oh suck it up.” Kagome said handing it back to him. “Well love you to.” He smirked as he slurped it now. “Well jezz drink all of it.” He frowned. “There's no more? Sad, I'm still thristy.” Kagome commented frowning. Sesshomaru looked at his. He took a drink. And then handed it to Kagome.”You can have mine?” He said looking to the side as she took it. “Thanks.” She smiled as she took a big drink. “Yummmm.. My fav! I love coke!” Kagome said then drinking all of it. Kagome got big eyed. “Be right back.” She said as she got up and ran to the bath room. Miroku laughed. “Well that was nice of you.” Miroku said looking at Sesshomaru. “Well I'm just that kind of person.” Sesshomaru smirked. <br><br>Kagome came back. “Oh I feel much better.” Kagome smiled as she got back to the table. “Well now that your done talking about me lets go.” Kagome smirked. “Mind reader today are we?” Miroku laughed getting up. “Oh was I right?” Kagome said looking at him. “Umm.....If I told you would you give me a cookie?” Miroku smirked clinging to her side as sesshomaru walked beside her. <br><br>“Well if you come to my house sure.” Kagome said laughing now. “Sure I don't mind. And I bet Sesshomaru doesn't either.” Miroku said looking at sesshomaru with puppy eyes. “What you're my ride home.” Sesshomaru said smirking. “Oh I feel the love. Ok Lets go.” Mirou said dragging them. “Not yet I got to get some more nail polish.” Kagome said running. Oh I bet where going to some girly store. Sesshomaru thought to himself then seeing her run into hottopic. Or not. He thought again. <br><br>Kagome walked out of the store happily with two bags. She ended up getting the nail polish and four new shirts and a pair of pants and some shoes. They walked out to the door entrance again. “So who's car?” kagome asked looking at Miroku. “I'll drive my car and you drive yours. And will just see you at your house when you get there.” Miroku said running to his car with sesshomaru after him. Kagome shook her head and walked to her car and got in. <br><br>About 10 minutes later she got home and beat them. She got out of car and saw Miroku pull up by the curb. He got out and saw sesshomaru do the same they walked to her door. Kagome opened it. “Ok welcome to my wonderful house!” Kagome said as she walked in. Miroku walked in and sat on the couch. Sesshomaru sat by him.”Nice house..” He said really to himself. “Thanks.” She said as she walked into the kitchen. Miroku smirked and walked over to the computer and read what kagome wrote. He got big eyed.. “well that's hot”. Miroku said out loud. “What is?” Sesshomaru asked walking over to him. He got big eyed. “Oh wow.” He commented. Kagome walked back out to the living room. Her jaw fell to the floor. They were reading the story she wrote eariler today!! Kagome thought as she whimpered. “What the hell are you doing!?” Kagome Barked out. “Kagome I didn't know you thought like that. And so well deteled” miroku said grinning getting off the car. <br>“You have a dirty mind.” Miroku said said laughing. “Yeah And a dirty sex life. Stop digging into my stuff.” Kaogme said blushing. Sesshomaru stood by Miroku smirking. “Stop thinking about it!” Kagome yelled as she pushed Miroku. “I can't help it. Now the thought of you naked passes through my mind.” Mirkou said laughing. Sesshomaru was thinking the same thing but would never admit it. Hey he just met her a few hours ago. __________________________________________________ <br><br>Sesshylover: So how do you like it so far? My other story got deleted so I'm now writing this. I have no idea what to write next so thats why this is sooo long.. Im not sure the next chapter will be so long or if there even will be a next chapter... Well Enjoy! Please rate and review! And please no flames it will make me cry. <br><br>PeAce OuT <br><br>~SeSsHyLoVeR
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“Go away!! Stay away from me!” Kagome yelled running threw the forest as she was being chased by four figures. Kagome tripped over a rock and fell into a lake she ran by. Kagome fell all the way into the lake and popped her head up for air. She saw the four of them stop by the lake and stare at her with grins on there faces. “What do you want from me?” Kagome asked with a sad face. Oh great I'm all wet. She thought madly. <br>“Why do you run from me my dear?” The voice asked amused. “Because you disgust me!” She yelled making a face at the man. “I disgust you? Well my dear You do not disgust me.” He smiled evilly. The three other figures by him smirked. “Master do you wish for me to get the girl?” The other boy asked with now an emotionless face. “Yes we should take her now or she might try to swim away.” He smirked as she looked shocked. “I'm not going anywhere with you!! She yelled backing away from them. “Well my dear you have no- <br><br>“No, no...If he's evil he wouldn't say something like that.” Kagome thought deleting words from her computer. She typed in more stuff. “Hmm... This is better..”Kagome thought trailing off as she bit into her sandwidge. “Better.” Kagome said to herself as she got up and walked over to the fridge she grabbed a pepsi and walked back over to her computer. She grabbed the remote and turned the t.v. on and turned it to music videos. She then turned back to her computer. “Ok now that I'm done with her being kidnaped.... Now time for the heroic guy to save her.” Kagome said to herself grinning as she typed madly. “Good.. He saved her..”She thought grinning evilly. “Now time for the love scene.” Kagome grinned as she typed down her perverted thought. She took another drink of her soda. <br><br>“Now all of these thoughts of sex makes me want to hang out with someone.” Kagome said to herself as got back up from her chair and walked slowly to her room. “I guess I should get dressed if I'm going out.” Kagome mumbled to herself looking at herself in her mirror. She was wearing green shorts and a white shirt that said: Do not set yourself on fire. It kind of hurts. With a little guy on fire running. Her hair was in a messy half pony. “Oh man do I look hot.” Kagome said smiling as she looked at her nails. “Oh no. My nail polish is chipping.” She said as her black nail was chipping. “Great..I don't have any more...Im gunna go have to buy more.....Yay to the mall!” Kagome said happily to herself. She ran to her dresser and dug threw it. She grabbed dark blue short and a black shirt that said: My special candy. And it showed a bottle of pills spilled out. She combed her hair and left it down . Her hair had blue highlight and she had teddy bear brown eyes. She had little hearts earrings in. She put no makeup on. “Hphmmmm..... I wonder what time it is?” She thought to herself as she walked over to her clock on the end table. She looked at the clock. It was 2:30 in the after noon. <br>She walked over to the phone and called her best friend. <br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ^____^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* <br>“Come on get up! Seriously it's 2:30 in the after noon!” Yelled Miroku shaking his head at his friends behavior. “Mhmmm...No I didn't get..the mhh....cookie..hmmgmg..From the dancing Banana...hmmm..” Mumbled his friend still half asleep. “Dancing banana? What kind of dream are you having? And cookie? Sounds good!” Miroku sang as he ran into the kitchen grabbing a cookie. He looked over at his friend on the couch. When he got here last night I sure was surprised... He had marks all over him.. It looked like he got into a fight... Well he's a big boy..Im sure he kicked there @$$. Miroku thought as he bit into the cookie.. “Mmmmmmmm...I love M&m!” mirkou said out loud taking another bit. His head shoot up. “Huh? Miroku what are you doing?” His friend asked looking at his friend chibi style enjoying his cookie. “What this is good. You said the dancing banana didn't get the cookie or something.. So I wanted one.” Miroku said taking another bit. “Soooo GOOD!” Miroku said licking his fingers. “You loser.” His friend commented. “Soo what are you doing here? What happened last night?” Miroku asked now serious. <br>“Well someone has mood swings.” His friend said boredly. *sigh* “What I got in a fight last night. Some drunk girl was hitting on me and her boyfriend got pissed at me. That dog wouldn't get away from. So that wenches boyfriend tried to kick my @$$ but I kicked his then hell broke loose in there. I got kicked out. And The my room mate kicked me out of the arpartment...So I have no where else to stay... So I came here..” He explained boredly. “Oh I see so kouga finally got sick of you.” Miroku commented grinning. “Well you can stay with me if you want.” he smirked. “So your not gunna make me pay the silly rent are you?” The friend asked hopefully. *Sigh* “I guess not. But I will think of something to make you pay.” He smirked. “So what you staying on the couch?” Miroku asked grabbing an other cookie. “Yup.” He shook his head. “Soo.. Sesshomaru what shall we do today?” Miroku asked. Sesshomaru was gunna comment when the phone rang. “Hello?” Miroku asked as he picked up the phone. “Oh why hello my fair Kagome. Sure I'd love to hang out with you my darling.. Sorry. The mall sure. I have a friend though.... Oh kagome shush he might hear you. Haaha Yeah.. Yeah.. Ok see you in 20 minutes.” Miroku said then hanging up the phone. <br><br>“Well Sesshomaru wanna come to the mall with me and Kagome?” Miroku asked hopefully. “Whatever. Have anything I can wear though?” Sesshomaru asked getting up and yawning. “Sure. Oh and did you know you suck your numb when you sleep?” miroku laughed as he walked past Sesshomaru and entered his room. Sesshomaru smirked and followed his friend. Sesshomaru looked at himself in miroku mirror. He was wearing a black wife beater that said: I'm not mean. Your just a sissy. And he was wearing Dark blue baggy jeans.with a chain hanging from his pocket. Sesshomaru's long sliver hair went down past his butt. His golden amber eyes and two red strips across his check bone. His purple cresent moon. “Ready?” He asked with his deep emotionless voice that made any fan girl squeal.”Yup.” Miroku nodded as he had on a White wife beater and was wearing black baggy pants. His dark brown hair tied into a little pony tail. His violet eyes. Miroku grabbed his wallet and he headed out of his room as Sesshomaru followed. <br><br>They walked out side and headed for miroku's black montey carllo. ( I might of spelled it wrong. That's the kind of car my mom has) They both jumped in and Miroku drove off to the mall to hang out with kagome. <br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ^___^ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* <br>Kagome let out a small sigh. She was already at the mall. She was waiting at the entrance. She watched as a bunch of families and friend walked into the mall. Some talked to her. Which she ignored. Must stay on task Im waiting for Miroku and his mystery friend. Kagome thought and chuckled to herself. Kagome noticed as Miroku's car pulled into the parking lot and park by the front. Miroku Noticed Kagome. He jumped out of the car and ran over to her. Sesshomaru just walked after him. “Hey Kagome!” Miroku sang as he rested his arms on her shoulder. “Hey miroku. Who has gave you sugar? Your hyper.” Kagome said laughing at her friend. “And to think I was excited to see you.” He said with a fake frown. “So what up kagome?” miroku asked as he saw Sesshomaru Trail after him. “Hurry up Sesshomaru get the lead out ya pants!” Miroku yelled Before Kagome could answer him. Sesshomaru finally got over to them. “Sorry Kagome for interupting you but this is sesshomaru. My friend I told you about on the phone.” Miroku anwsered as Kagome shifted her eyes over to him. “Hey I'm Kagome.” said Kagome as she then looked at her shoes. Oh hes cute. Kagome thought to herself. “Hey.” He really said to himself. “Well lets go inside.” Miroku said dragging them into the mall Miroku headed stright for the arcade. Kagome shook her head. Miroku got some change. “So kagome wanna play some ddr?” Miroku asked rising a brow. “Sure.” kagome grinned as she stepped onto the game. They started out easy then got hard. They played for about a hour. Sesshomaru leaned on a other game as he watched both of them play. They were both sweaty. They were dancing like crazy. I think miroku spent about 10 dollars already on that game. Sesshomaru thought to himself. He looked at Kagome again. She is pretty. Sesshomaru thought to himself as he sighed. There scores flashed on the screen as they finished there round. Kagome got a b and Miroku got a A. “Hahaha I won!” miroku did the `I won' Dance. <br>They were done with that so they headed for the food court. They got some pizza. “Thanks for paying Miroku.” Kagome said as they got a table. Kagome lunged into the food. She got all Chibi style and ate about 5 pieces. “Whoa oinkie save some for us?” Miroku commented smirking as Kagome glared at him. “Sorry it's good.” Kagome said working on her 6th piece. Miroku grabbed a piece. “So seeshomaru was it? Your being quiet. So what's up with you?” Kagome asked eating some cheese off the yummy piece. “Yes. And Im just thinking. And nothing is up with me.” Sesshomaru said looking at Miroku as he took a drink of his Dr.Peper. “Oh I see. Miroku give me some.” Kagome said snatching the pop from Miroku and took a big slurp of it. Miroku got all chibi style. “Kagome!! I was drinking that!” He faked cried. <br>“Oh suck it up.” Kagome said handing it back to him. “Well love you to.” He smirked as he slurped it now. “Well jezz drink all of it.” He frowned. “There's no more? Sad, I'm still thristy.” Kagome commented frowning. Sesshomaru looked at his. He took a drink. And then handed it to Kagome.”You can have mine?” He said looking to the side as she took it. “Thanks.” She smiled as she took a big drink. “Yummmm.. My fav! I love coke!” Kagome said then drinking all of it. Kagome got big eyed. “Be right back.” She said as she got up and ran to the bath room. Miroku laughed. “Well that was nice of you.” Miroku said looking at Sesshomaru. “Well I'm just that kind of person.” Sesshomaru smirked. <br><br>Kagome came back. “Oh I feel much better.” Kagome smiled as she got back to the table. “Well now that your done talking about me lets go.” Kagome smirked. “Mind reader today are we?” Miroku laughed getting up. “Oh was I right?” Kagome said looking at him. “Umm.....If I told you would you give me a cookie?” Miroku smirked clinging to her side as sesshomaru walked beside her. <br><br>“Well if you come to my house sure.” Kagome said laughing now. “Sure I don't mind. And I bet Sesshomaru doesn't either.” Miroku said looking at sesshomaru with puppy eyes. “What you're my ride home.” Sesshomaru said smirking. “Oh I feel the love. Ok Lets go.” Mirou said dragging them. “Not yet I got to get some more nail polish.” Kagome said running. Oh I bet where going to some girly store. Sesshomaru thought to himself then seeing her run into hottopic. Or not. He thought again. <br><br>Kagome walked out of the store happily with two bags. She ended up getting the nail polish and four new shirts and a pair of pants and some shoes. They walked out to the door entrance again. “So who's car?” kagome asked looking at Miroku. “I'll drive my car and you drive yours. And will just see you at your house when you get there.” Miroku said running to his car with sesshomaru after him. Kagome shook her head and walked to her car and got in. <br><br>About 10 minutes later she got home and beat them. She got out of car and saw Miroku pull up by the curb. He got out and saw sesshomaru do the same they walked to her door. Kagome opened it. “Ok welcome to my wonderful house!” Kagome said as she walked in. Miroku walked in and sat on the couch. Sesshomaru sat by him.”Nice house..” He said really to himself. “Thanks.” She said as she walked into the kitchen. Miroku smirked and walked over to the computer and read what kagome wrote. He got big eyed.. “well that's hot”. Miroku said out loud. “What is?” Sesshomaru asked walking over to him. He got big eyed. “Oh wow.” He commented. Kagome walked back out to the living room. Her jaw fell to the floor. They were reading the story she wrote eariler today!! Kagome thought as she whimpered. “What the hell are you doing!?” Kagome Barked out. “Kagome I didn't know you thought like that. And so well deteled” miroku said grinning getting off the car. <br>“You have a dirty mind.” Miroku said said laughing. “Yeah And a dirty sex life. Stop digging into my stuff.” Kaogme said blushing. Sesshomaru stood by Miroku smirking. “Stop thinking about it!” Kagome yelled as she pushed Miroku. “I can't help it. Now the thought of you naked passes through my mind.” Mirkou said laughing. Sesshomaru was thinking the same thing but would never admit it. Hey he just met her a few hours ago. __________________________________________________ <br><br>Sesshylover: So how do you like it so far? My other story got deleted so I'm now writing this. I have no idea what to write next so thats why this is sooo long.. Im not sure the next chapter will be so long or if there even will be a next chapter... Well Enjoy! Please rate and review! And please no flames it will make me cry. <br><br>PeAce OuT <br><br>~SeSsHyLoVeR
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sasukeluver on June 14, 2006, 6:00:37 AM
sasukeluver on