Chapter 1 - um...
Submitted January 2, 2004 Updated January 2, 2004 Status Incomplete | Eggman takes over Christmas, and more craziness.. orginally done at, so I can't take characters for u guys!
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 1 - um...
Chapter 1 - um...
5 Days of Sonic Christmas
NIHAO! I just felt like making this story ^^
Sonic: *wakes up* 5 days till Christmas!
Tails: Yay!
Sonic: Let's get Knuckles!
*Angel Island*
Knuckles: *sleeping* I love you Mr. Hippo.
Sonic WAKE UP!
Knuckles: *wakes up* NOOO Mr. Hippo!
Sonic: O_O Anyway. it's 5 days until Christmas!
Amy: But you know that Eggman is in charge of Christmas this year.
All: O_O *Mall* Santa: *giving presents* Here's a hug for you.
Shadow: O_O Eggman!!! *attacks Santa*
Santa: I'm just doing my job!
Rouge: Shadow??? What are you doing to Santa?
Shadow: Who's Santa?
Shadow: Who's Santa?
Rouge: *falls anime style* You don't know who he is??? What kind of ultimate life form are you?
Shadow: A sexy one.
Rouge: -_-
Shadow: Sorry.
Rouge: Santa is a fat guy.
Shadow: IT'S EGGMAN!!!
Rouge: No, Santa is a fat guy who gives presents to people.
Shadow: Are these presents evil?
Rouge: You ASK for them and he gives them to you.
Shadow: . I don't get it.
*3 hours later*
Shadow: I still don't.
Amy: *magically appears* Shadow's alive?
(I forgot to tell ya this is during Sonic Heroes)
Shadow: Who is Santa?
Amy: O_O Santa is a magical Fairy who.
Rouge: .
Amy: I'm kidding. OK, I'll teach you! Let's sing!
Shadow: Santa Claus is coming to townnnnn
Amy: You better not pout-
Shadow: You better not cry,
Amy: Ya better not shout, I'm telling you why.
*After 3 minutes*
Shadow: I can't believe I did that.
Amy: Me either.
*Angel Island*
Sonic: ^_^ So Knuckles? Got presents for us?
Knuckles: Urr it's called- GET OFF MY ISLAND!
Tails: Where's your Christmas spirit?
Knuckles: At home.
Sonic/Tails: DUMMY SMACK! You are home! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Knuckles: STOP!!!
Sonic: 20 smacks! *hits Knuckles 10 times*
Tails: *Does same*
Knuckles: *passes out*
Tails: . OK.
OK, I'll take characters but only if I like him/her. Leave
Name, Species, Age, Bio, Christmas present to give someone. (The Christmas present if for who you give it to) and who ya going to give the present to. I hope this works.
Tails/ Sonic: *dragging Knuckles to their house*
Knuckles: X-X
Sonic: Man he's heavy.
Tails: Let's search him for presents!
Amy, Rouge and Shadow are talking to Santa.
Amy: *sparkles in eyes* Santa, can I have Sonic?
Shadow: I wanna be sexier.
Rouge: I want the world.
Santa: Hohoho! No.
All: *glare*
Santa: HO???
They start beating up Santa.
Santa: That's it!
(Boss letters appear that say S-A-N-T-A)
Biolizard music plays
Santa: *throws Rouge, Amy and Shadow out*
Amy: We will kill the reindeer!
Rouge: Thanks a lot.
Amy: You beat him up too.
Kauzi: *shopping for stuff*
Omega: Mrs. Shadow's sister, what is Christmas?
Kauzi: *falls anime style* When you get presents.
Omega: Oh.
Kauzi: Hey, where's Santa?
Omega: Santa is making Kauzi mad. Must destroy subject- Santa. Locating. found. Must kill Santa.
Santa: *falls over dead*
Eggman: I guess now I'm Santa! Hohoho!
Kauzi: Omega..
Omega: I am sorry.
Kauzi: *sigh* This is gonna be a long Christmas.
Omega: Affirmative.
Kauzi: Ya know, someone ougtta tell us when this is gonna happen.
Omega: Yes.
Both: *sigh*
Kauzi Thanks a lot Omega.
Omega: I AM SORRY!
Kauzi: Whatever.
Santa: X_X X_X X_X X_X
Eggman: *gets a Santa outfit* Hahahaha!
Omega: 'Hahaha' is not in the main dictionary. 'Hohoho' is. Incorrect.
Kauzi: O_---
Omega: Sorry.
Knuckles: *wakes up* nO oNe ToUChEs the MaStEr EmErAlD!
Sonic: ^-^ Hey Knux.
Knuckles: Wha? The Master Emerald is mine only!!!
Tails: ?_?
Knuckles: Sorry.
Tails: Ok!
Knuckles: So...
Tails/Sonic: Merry Christmas! *holds out present that says Open at Xmas*
Knuckles: :(
Rouge: This is the worst Christmas of my life! First Shadow doesn't know who Santa is, then I have to say it for 3 HOURS, then Amy comes and kills me with her singing, then we attack Santa abd he puts us on his bad list, now we're having no Christmas cause Santa's DEAD
Amy: It's not our fault, Rouge.
Shadow: What's Christmas?
Flyte: *magically appears* Christmas is the funnest time around!
Shadow: Yay!
Flyte: ness!
*Shadows house*
Shadow: *watching TV*
>TV people: The lord will...
Shadow: O_O save me?
>TV people: ^_^ Absolutely right!
Shadow: yay!
Sonic: Hey Shads, we're going shopping.
Shadow: Me too... I guess.
Sonic: ^^ Ok, we'll meet in an hour, BYE! *runs off to Gamespot (or is it Gamestop... I forget...) I havfta get a present for...
Akaii-sama: Hey Sonic!
Sonic: O_O Wer'nt you with your parents?
Akaii-sama: Nah... they kicked me out since I killed some frog...
Big: *magically appears* I will avenge Froggy!
Akaii: O_O Damn... gotta go!
*uhh some random place*
Blue: *looking around* Where to get a good prank for that dumb cat...
Akaii: *rushes through* Sorry!
Big: *chasing Akaii* Will avenge!
*another random place*
Flyte: *looking through a flower shop*
Amy: *pops out of nowhere* Watcha looking for???
Flyte: O_O
Amy: Oooh, your Christmas present to someone is flowers!
Flyte: No...
Amy: Lemme guess... me?
Flyte: No...
Amy: Rouge?
Flyte: No...
Amy: Kauzi?
Flyte: ...
Amy: *runs around* I KNEW IT!!! *hits her face smack dab in a wall* O_O X_X
Manager: Another dead body to bury...
Flyte: I think I'll just get some roses...
Silver: ^^ What to get for somebody...
Omachao: *magically appears* One plus one is an angry chicken!
Silver: O_O
Omachao: *gets all squinty eyed* e_e Don't. Deny. It.
Silver: ...
Omachao: No! She's denying it! Self destruct in.... 5...
Silver: *runs*
Omachao: *flying after her* Dude, where's my car?
Silver: SHUT UP!
Omachao: The movie?
Silver: -_-;;;
Omachao: We can all be friends!
Silver: ... I thought you were gonna blow up?
Omachao: ... No, it was just the burritos.
Silver: O_O
*Back to Akaii and Big*
Big: Froggy!
Akaii: O_O Nooooo!
Big: Will... avenge...
*Cut to Flyte*
Flyte: Ok, I got the roses for Kauzi.
Kauzi/Omega: *fall out of nowhere* Did you just say my name?
Flyte: ... No?
Omega: *twitch* Not correct. You said specimen 'Kauzi.' My sensors heard correctly. They do not lie.
Flyte: ... *hides the roses*
Omega: *turns demonic and starts shooting people*
Kauzi: O_O
Omega: ^-^ Hi! Welcome to the base of doom!
Kauzi: ... Hi?
Omega: I must destroy you! *starts shooting like crazy*
Kauzi: O_O Crap! *runs*
Omega: I'm not done destroying you! *gets a level up and shoots even more crazy* Level up, level up!!!
Omega: Destroy the target of evil.
Kauzi: O_O
Omega: Destroy the target that loves Eggman.
Kauzi: O_O :( Did you just say 'loves' Eggman...
Omega: O_O Uh oh...
Kauzi: ^-^ I won't kill you on one condition. If you become my slave.
Omega: OK.
*End of Flashback*
Kauzi: I shouldn't have said that...
Flyte:.. Is he always that way?
Kauzi: More than you wanna know.
*Cut to Silver*
Silver: ^-^ I think I'll just get a present foe Shadow and Knuckles.
Violet: *listening to Knuckles theme song and drooling over Knuckles plushies*
Shydin: *smacking people with ham*
Both: O_O *stare*
Silver: I'll get a book how to kill blue dummies and a plushie of me for Shadow...
Violet: ^-^ I'll get a punching bag for Knuckles.
Shydin: ... Ham?
All: O_O
A/N: Final chapter is up! I know it's past Christmas, but who cares???
Sonic: *wakes up* It's Christmas!!!! *falls down the stairs*
Shadow: O_O
Sonic: Anyway...
Akaii: Hey, Sonic.
Sonic: Did you get any presents for me?
Akaii: Yeah, but you gotta wait until everyone wakes up.
Sonic: -_-;;; That rule again?
Akaii: Yeah, last Christmas was kinda crazy...
Sonic: Don't remind me.
Sonic: Merry Christmas!
Eggman: *comes down the chimney* I know all your desires, Sonic the hedgehog!
Sonic: O_O
Akaii: *comes downstairs*
Eggman: You wanna marry her! *points to Akaii*
Akaii: O_O
Eggman: You went to a hotel with her, then you did it with her!
Akaii: Was that all true?
Sonic: I hope not...
uh, so lets say everyone comes down.
Sonic: ^^ Time for my presents! *opens his only present* (poor sonic.... I'll be nicer to you next year) O_O DARK CHAO! AHHHHHH
Akaii: O_O You don't like Dark Chao?
Sonic: *throws the chao out the window*
Akaii: I hate you Sonic!
Sonic: I'm sorry.
Akaii: But you're still cute!
Sonic: ^^
Shadow: Faker...
Knuckles: First, I'll open the weird present I got from Sonic and Tails... O_O *looks at it* GOOD GOD!
Rouge: *smacks Tails and Sonic* Where'd you get a NC-17 picture of me?
Rouge: O_O
Knuckles: *opens his second present* Silver plushie...
Rouge: *stare*
Knuckles: ^^ *opens third* O_o, punching bag, I needed this.
Violet: ^^ Ya welcome!
Big: I got two presents! *opens first one* O_o A nuclear bomb....
Krulin: -_-;;;
Big: *gets blasted somewhere*
Blue: *runs out* I didn't give you mine yet!
Sonic: ... There's always next year, Blue...
Blue: Shut up...
NIHAO! I just felt like making this story ^^
Sonic: *wakes up* 5 days till Christmas!
Tails: Yay!
Sonic: Let's get Knuckles!
*Angel Island*
Knuckles: *sleeping* I love you Mr. Hippo.
Sonic WAKE UP!
Knuckles: *wakes up* NOOO Mr. Hippo!
Sonic: O_O Anyway. it's 5 days until Christmas!
Amy: But you know that Eggman is in charge of Christmas this year.
All: O_O *Mall* Santa: *giving presents* Here's a hug for you.
Shadow: O_O Eggman!!! *attacks Santa*
Santa: I'm just doing my job!
Rouge: Shadow??? What are you doing to Santa?
Shadow: Who's Santa?
Shadow: Who's Santa?
Rouge: *falls anime style* You don't know who he is??? What kind of ultimate life form are you?
Shadow: A sexy one.
Rouge: -_-
Shadow: Sorry.
Rouge: Santa is a fat guy.
Shadow: IT'S EGGMAN!!!
Rouge: No, Santa is a fat guy who gives presents to people.
Shadow: Are these presents evil?
Rouge: You ASK for them and he gives them to you.
Shadow: . I don't get it.
*3 hours later*
Shadow: I still don't.
Amy: *magically appears* Shadow's alive?
(I forgot to tell ya this is during Sonic Heroes)
Shadow: Who is Santa?
Amy: O_O Santa is a magical Fairy who.
Rouge: .
Amy: I'm kidding. OK, I'll teach you! Let's sing!
Shadow: Santa Claus is coming to townnnnn
Amy: You better not pout-
Shadow: You better not cry,
Amy: Ya better not shout, I'm telling you why.
*After 3 minutes*
Shadow: I can't believe I did that.
Amy: Me either.
*Angel Island*
Sonic: ^_^ So Knuckles? Got presents for us?
Knuckles: Urr it's called- GET OFF MY ISLAND!
Tails: Where's your Christmas spirit?
Knuckles: At home.
Sonic/Tails: DUMMY SMACK! You are home! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
Knuckles: STOP!!!
Sonic: 20 smacks! *hits Knuckles 10 times*
Tails: *Does same*
Knuckles: *passes out*
Tails: . OK.
OK, I'll take characters but only if I like him/her. Leave
Name, Species, Age, Bio, Christmas present to give someone. (The Christmas present if for who you give it to) and who ya going to give the present to. I hope this works.
Tails/ Sonic: *dragging Knuckles to their house*
Knuckles: X-X
Sonic: Man he's heavy.
Tails: Let's search him for presents!
Amy, Rouge and Shadow are talking to Santa.
Amy: *sparkles in eyes* Santa, can I have Sonic?
Shadow: I wanna be sexier.
Rouge: I want the world.
Santa: Hohoho! No.
All: *glare*
Santa: HO???
They start beating up Santa.
Santa: That's it!
(Boss letters appear that say S-A-N-T-A)
Biolizard music plays
Santa: *throws Rouge, Amy and Shadow out*
Amy: We will kill the reindeer!
Rouge: Thanks a lot.
Amy: You beat him up too.
Kauzi: *shopping for stuff*
Omega: Mrs. Shadow's sister, what is Christmas?
Kauzi: *falls anime style* When you get presents.
Omega: Oh.
Kauzi: Hey, where's Santa?
Omega: Santa is making Kauzi mad. Must destroy subject- Santa. Locating. found. Must kill Santa.
Santa: *falls over dead*
Eggman: I guess now I'm Santa! Hohoho!
Kauzi: Omega..
Omega: I am sorry.
Kauzi: *sigh* This is gonna be a long Christmas.
Omega: Affirmative.
Kauzi: Ya know, someone ougtta tell us when this is gonna happen.
Omega: Yes.
Both: *sigh*
Kauzi Thanks a lot Omega.
Omega: I AM SORRY!
Kauzi: Whatever.
Santa: X_X X_X X_X X_X
Eggman: *gets a Santa outfit* Hahahaha!
Omega: 'Hahaha' is not in the main dictionary. 'Hohoho' is. Incorrect.
Kauzi: O_---
Omega: Sorry.
Knuckles: *wakes up* nO oNe ToUChEs the MaStEr EmErAlD!
Sonic: ^-^ Hey Knux.
Knuckles: Wha? The Master Emerald is mine only!!!
Tails: ?_?
Knuckles: Sorry.
Tails: Ok!
Knuckles: So...
Tails/Sonic: Merry Christmas! *holds out present that says Open at Xmas*
Knuckles: :(
Rouge: This is the worst Christmas of my life! First Shadow doesn't know who Santa is, then I have to say it for 3 HOURS, then Amy comes and kills me with her singing, then we attack Santa abd he puts us on his bad list, now we're having no Christmas cause Santa's DEAD
Amy: It's not our fault, Rouge.
Shadow: What's Christmas?
Flyte: *magically appears* Christmas is the funnest time around!
Shadow: Yay!
Flyte: ness!
*Shadows house*
Shadow: *watching TV*
>TV people: The lord will...
Shadow: O_O save me?
>TV people: ^_^ Absolutely right!
Shadow: yay!
Sonic: Hey Shads, we're going shopping.
Shadow: Me too... I guess.
Sonic: ^^ Ok, we'll meet in an hour, BYE! *runs off to Gamespot (or is it Gamestop... I forget...) I havfta get a present for...
Akaii-sama: Hey Sonic!
Sonic: O_O Wer'nt you with your parents?
Akaii-sama: Nah... they kicked me out since I killed some frog...
Big: *magically appears* I will avenge Froggy!
Akaii: O_O Damn... gotta go!
*uhh some random place*
Blue: *looking around* Where to get a good prank for that dumb cat...
Akaii: *rushes through* Sorry!
Big: *chasing Akaii* Will avenge!
*another random place*
Flyte: *looking through a flower shop*
Amy: *pops out of nowhere* Watcha looking for???
Flyte: O_O
Amy: Oooh, your Christmas present to someone is flowers!
Flyte: No...
Amy: Lemme guess... me?
Flyte: No...
Amy: Rouge?
Flyte: No...
Amy: Kauzi?
Flyte: ...
Amy: *runs around* I KNEW IT!!! *hits her face smack dab in a wall* O_O X_X
Manager: Another dead body to bury...
Flyte: I think I'll just get some roses...
Silver: ^^ What to get for somebody...
Omachao: *magically appears* One plus one is an angry chicken!
Silver: O_O
Omachao: *gets all squinty eyed* e_e Don't. Deny. It.
Silver: ...
Omachao: No! She's denying it! Self destruct in.... 5...
Silver: *runs*
Omachao: *flying after her* Dude, where's my car?
Silver: SHUT UP!
Omachao: The movie?
Silver: -_-;;;
Omachao: We can all be friends!
Silver: ... I thought you were gonna blow up?
Omachao: ... No, it was just the burritos.
Silver: O_O
*Back to Akaii and Big*
Big: Froggy!
Akaii: O_O Nooooo!
Big: Will... avenge...
*Cut to Flyte*
Flyte: Ok, I got the roses for Kauzi.
Kauzi/Omega: *fall out of nowhere* Did you just say my name?
Flyte: ... No?
Omega: *twitch* Not correct. You said specimen 'Kauzi.' My sensors heard correctly. They do not lie.
Flyte: ... *hides the roses*
Omega: *turns demonic and starts shooting people*
Kauzi: O_O
Omega: ^-^ Hi! Welcome to the base of doom!
Kauzi: ... Hi?
Omega: I must destroy you! *starts shooting like crazy*
Kauzi: O_O Crap! *runs*
Omega: I'm not done destroying you! *gets a level up and shoots even more crazy* Level up, level up!!!
Omega: Destroy the target of evil.
Kauzi: O_O
Omega: Destroy the target that loves Eggman.
Kauzi: O_O :( Did you just say 'loves' Eggman...
Omega: O_O Uh oh...
Kauzi: ^-^ I won't kill you on one condition. If you become my slave.
Omega: OK.
*End of Flashback*
Kauzi: I shouldn't have said that...
Flyte:.. Is he always that way?
Kauzi: More than you wanna know.
*Cut to Silver*
Silver: ^-^ I think I'll just get a present foe Shadow and Knuckles.
Violet: *listening to Knuckles theme song and drooling over Knuckles plushies*
Shydin: *smacking people with ham*
Both: O_O *stare*
Silver: I'll get a book how to kill blue dummies and a plushie of me for Shadow...
Violet: ^-^ I'll get a punching bag for Knuckles.
Shydin: ... Ham?
All: O_O
A/N: Final chapter is up! I know it's past Christmas, but who cares???
Sonic: *wakes up* It's Christmas!!!! *falls down the stairs*
Shadow: O_O
Sonic: Anyway...
Akaii: Hey, Sonic.
Sonic: Did you get any presents for me?
Akaii: Yeah, but you gotta wait until everyone wakes up.
Sonic: -_-;;; That rule again?
Akaii: Yeah, last Christmas was kinda crazy...
Sonic: Don't remind me.
Sonic: Merry Christmas!
Eggman: *comes down the chimney* I know all your desires, Sonic the hedgehog!
Sonic: O_O
Akaii: *comes downstairs*
Eggman: You wanna marry her! *points to Akaii*
Akaii: O_O
Eggman: You went to a hotel with her, then you did it with her!
Akaii: Was that all true?
Sonic: I hope not...
uh, so lets say everyone comes down.
Sonic: ^^ Time for my presents! *opens his only present* (poor sonic.... I'll be nicer to you next year) O_O DARK CHAO! AHHHHHH
Akaii: O_O You don't like Dark Chao?
Sonic: *throws the chao out the window*
Akaii: I hate you Sonic!
Sonic: I'm sorry.
Akaii: But you're still cute!
Sonic: ^^
Shadow: Faker...
Knuckles: First, I'll open the weird present I got from Sonic and Tails... O_O *looks at it* GOOD GOD!
Rouge: *smacks Tails and Sonic* Where'd you get a NC-17 picture of me?
Rouge: O_O
Knuckles: *opens his second present* Silver plushie...
Rouge: *stare*
Knuckles: ^^ *opens third* O_o, punching bag, I needed this.
Violet: ^^ Ya welcome!
Big: I got two presents! *opens first one* O_o A nuclear bomb....
Krulin: -_-;;;
Big: *gets blasted somewhere*
Blue: *runs out* I didn't give you mine yet!
Sonic: ... There's always next year, Blue...
Blue: Shut up...
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