Chapter 1 - porkywhat?
Submitted February 3, 2007 Updated February 6, 2007 Status Complete | Inuyasha gets pricked by a porkylotous! And his feelings for Kagome double! He finds himself confessing his love for Kagome!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Chapter 1 - porkywhat?
Chapter 1 - porkywhat?
Inuyasha and Kagome
By siesie137
Inuyasha! cried Kagome.
What? he snapped.
Its time for breakfast, Kagome said as she glanced at Inuyasha who was perched in a very high tree. Its only been a few months and yet he still seems to hate me, thought Kagome.
Inuyasha jumped down and almost squished Shippo.
Hey! Shippo yelled. But Inuyasha ignored him. Then sat down and started to eat the scrambled eggs that Kagome had prepared.
Wheres Sango and Miroku? He asked.
Sangos bathing in the stream, Kagome pointed, and I guess Miroku followed her& again.
Pervert, Inuyasha and Shippo muttered.
Then suddenly they heard a scream and a slap.
Yep, Kagome said, He followed her again.
Sango walked toward them (in her clothes) looking very flushed.
Pervert, she muttered under her breath.
Then came Miroku who had a very red hand mark on his face.
Cant you two get along? asked Shippo.
Miroku and Sango looked at each other.
I would be able to if he would stop trying to look at me while I was naked! said Sango.
I cant help that your beauty is so captivating, Miroku said with a twinkle in his eye. If only you would share the same feelings that I have about you.
Not in this lifetime buster!
Oh so in the next lifetime then?
Sango sat down and started to eat her eggs, and Miroku did too. After everyone was full, they packed up their things and started walking. With Inuyasha and Kagome leading.
After a couple of hours they took a break and rested next to the nearest stream. Miroku, Inuyasha, and Shippo did natures calling while Kagome and Sango filled up their water supply.
Suddenly a loud yelp grabbed their attention. And Inuyasha came out from behind a couple of trees with a thorn stuck in his foot.
Oww! he cried, Owwww!
What did you do? asked Sango.
A stupid porkipine crawled right in front of me while I was walking!
Thats what you get for going around barefoot Inuyasha, said Kagome.
He gave her a hard look then limped over to the nearest big rock. He sat down while Kagome fetched her first aid box. Sango took a look at the thorn then yanked it out.
Aargg! said Inuyasha.
While Sango looked at the thorn, Kagome put a bandage around Inuyashas foot.
Wait a minute& said Sango.
What is it? asked Kagome.
Look at this.
Kagome inspected the thorn and saw that it was dripping with a green slim.
Hey Inuyasha can you take us to where you saw that porkipine? asked Sango.
Sure, he grumbled, but dont expect me to step on it again.
They walked to a little clearing and Inuyasha pointed.
Thats it, he said.
There was indeed an animal, but it was not a porkypine.
Oh no! cried Sango.
What? asked Kagome and Inuyasha.
Thats no porkypine. Its a emotion porkylotous! she said her voice rising.
Huh? asked Inuyasha.
When you get one of its thorns into your skin it releases a venom that causes your love emotion to go out of control.
So, that means whoever you love is going to be getting a lot of attention from you.
What? asked Inuyasha, So Im going to be going after Kikyo?
Whoever you love. Sango repeated.
Hmmm. said Inuyasha.
I hope he doesnt go too crazy, thought Kagome.
They all turned around and went back to camp, where Miroku and Shippo were sitting.
What happened? Where did you go? asked Shippo.
Sango explained what had happened.
Woah, said Miroku, Arent you glad I didnt step on it Sango?
Sango took her boomarang and hit him in the head with it.
Yes, she said simply.
Well Im not glad, said Inuyasha, How am I supposed to flirt with Kikyo when I dont even know where she is?
No one said anything.
Then Shippo yawned and said, Im hungry can we have dinner now?
Sure, everyone said.
Inuyasha and Miroku fetched firewood while Sango and Kilala went to catch fish. Kagome and Shippo set up camp for the night.
Later a fire was blazing and everyone was warm. They ate their fish in silence. Untill Kilala yawned, curled up into a circle, and fell asleep. Everyone else fallowed suit.
The snapping of twigs made Kagome sit up. She rubbed her eyes and looked around only to see blackness. The fire embers were faintly glowing and made her tired again, so she laid back down. Then something stepped on her foot.
Ow! she yelped only to be silenced by Inuyashas hand. He put his finger over his lips to show that she should be very quiet. Kagome nodded and wondered why Inuyasha woke her up in the first place. Inuyasha, with his hand still over her mouth, wispered to Kagome, Follow me.
He removed his hand and started to walk toward the stream. Kagome sat still for a moment then silently followed him making sure not to wake anyone up.
This had better be important, thought Kagome, or else Im going back to bed.
She came up to the stream and looked around, not seeing Inuyasha.
Mabie I imagined it she thought, but then saw Inuyasha come out of the shadows of the trees.
This way, he wispered.
Then took of walking again, with Kagome right behind him.
Suddenly he stopped and turned around. They were cacooned in the darkness of the trees. Inuyasha, thought Kagome.
He walked toward her very slowly, his eyes focased only on her.
Umm, said Kagome.
I lied,
Kikyo isnt who I love, its you.
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! thought Kagome, its true!
Is it ok? asked Inuyasha eyes wide.
What am I supposed to say, thought Kagome, I love him too but is it me he truly loves or is it that porkything that made him love me?
Can I kiss you?
Inuyashas eyes were open, and scared that she would say no.
Yes& Kagome answered.
Inuyasha leaned in and kissed her lightly, teasingly. Then pulled back. Then leaned in for another. They kissed, each one longer and more loving than the last. Then Inuyasha stopped and took Kagomes hand, together they walked back to camp.
The next day Inuyasha acted as if nothing had happened. Kagome made breakfast then pulled Sango over for a private conversation.
Sango, how long does the porkythings venom last?
Only a day, dont worry Inuyashas back to normal.
Back to normal, thought Kagome, great, now Ill never know if he really ment what he said about last night.
Once everyone was full, they packed up and started walking. With Inuyasha and Kagome leading, only this time Inuyasha held Kagomes hand.
huh, thought Kagome, this is new.
Miroku noticed this and tried to reach for Sangos hand. Sango pulled back her and and hit him in the head with her boomerang. Miroku looked hurt and ran up ahead to join Kagome and Inuyasha. Shippo rolled his eyes when he saw Mirokus hurt head.
Everyone made camp for the night. Ate. Then went to bed.
I wonder if Inuyasha will see me tonight too, thought Kagome before she went to sleep.
By siesie137
Inuyasha! cried Kagome.
What? he snapped.
Its time for breakfast, Kagome said as she glanced at Inuyasha who was perched in a very high tree. Its only been a few months and yet he still seems to hate me, thought Kagome.
Inuyasha jumped down and almost squished Shippo.
Hey! Shippo yelled. But Inuyasha ignored him. Then sat down and started to eat the scrambled eggs that Kagome had prepared.
Wheres Sango and Miroku? He asked.
Sangos bathing in the stream, Kagome pointed, and I guess Miroku followed her& again.
Pervert, Inuyasha and Shippo muttered.
Then suddenly they heard a scream and a slap.
Yep, Kagome said, He followed her again.
Sango walked toward them (in her clothes) looking very flushed.
Pervert, she muttered under her breath.
Then came Miroku who had a very red hand mark on his face.
Cant you two get along? asked Shippo.
Miroku and Sango looked at each other.
I would be able to if he would stop trying to look at me while I was naked! said Sango.
I cant help that your beauty is so captivating, Miroku said with a twinkle in his eye. If only you would share the same feelings that I have about you.
Not in this lifetime buster!
Oh so in the next lifetime then?
Sango sat down and started to eat her eggs, and Miroku did too. After everyone was full, they packed up their things and started walking. With Inuyasha and Kagome leading.
After a couple of hours they took a break and rested next to the nearest stream. Miroku, Inuyasha, and Shippo did natures calling while Kagome and Sango filled up their water supply.
Suddenly a loud yelp grabbed their attention. And Inuyasha came out from behind a couple of trees with a thorn stuck in his foot.
Oww! he cried, Owwww!
What did you do? asked Sango.
A stupid porkipine crawled right in front of me while I was walking!
Thats what you get for going around barefoot Inuyasha, said Kagome.
He gave her a hard look then limped over to the nearest big rock. He sat down while Kagome fetched her first aid box. Sango took a look at the thorn then yanked it out.
Aargg! said Inuyasha.
While Sango looked at the thorn, Kagome put a bandage around Inuyashas foot.
Wait a minute& said Sango.
What is it? asked Kagome.
Look at this.
Kagome inspected the thorn and saw that it was dripping with a green slim.
Hey Inuyasha can you take us to where you saw that porkipine? asked Sango.
Sure, he grumbled, but dont expect me to step on it again.
They walked to a little clearing and Inuyasha pointed.
Thats it, he said.
There was indeed an animal, but it was not a porkypine.
Oh no! cried Sango.
What? asked Kagome and Inuyasha.
Thats no porkypine. Its a emotion porkylotous! she said her voice rising.
Huh? asked Inuyasha.
When you get one of its thorns into your skin it releases a venom that causes your love emotion to go out of control.
So, that means whoever you love is going to be getting a lot of attention from you.
What? asked Inuyasha, So Im going to be going after Kikyo?
Whoever you love. Sango repeated.
Hmmm. said Inuyasha.
I hope he doesnt go too crazy, thought Kagome.
They all turned around and went back to camp, where Miroku and Shippo were sitting.
What happened? Where did you go? asked Shippo.
Sango explained what had happened.
Woah, said Miroku, Arent you glad I didnt step on it Sango?
Sango took her boomarang and hit him in the head with it.
Yes, she said simply.
Well Im not glad, said Inuyasha, How am I supposed to flirt with Kikyo when I dont even know where she is?
No one said anything.
Then Shippo yawned and said, Im hungry can we have dinner now?
Sure, everyone said.
Inuyasha and Miroku fetched firewood while Sango and Kilala went to catch fish. Kagome and Shippo set up camp for the night.
Later a fire was blazing and everyone was warm. They ate their fish in silence. Untill Kilala yawned, curled up into a circle, and fell asleep. Everyone else fallowed suit.
The snapping of twigs made Kagome sit up. She rubbed her eyes and looked around only to see blackness. The fire embers were faintly glowing and made her tired again, so she laid back down. Then something stepped on her foot.
Ow! she yelped only to be silenced by Inuyashas hand. He put his finger over his lips to show that she should be very quiet. Kagome nodded and wondered why Inuyasha woke her up in the first place. Inuyasha, with his hand still over her mouth, wispered to Kagome, Follow me.
He removed his hand and started to walk toward the stream. Kagome sat still for a moment then silently followed him making sure not to wake anyone up.
This had better be important, thought Kagome, or else Im going back to bed.
She came up to the stream and looked around, not seeing Inuyasha.
Mabie I imagined it she thought, but then saw Inuyasha come out of the shadows of the trees.
This way, he wispered.
Then took of walking again, with Kagome right behind him.
Suddenly he stopped and turned around. They were cacooned in the darkness of the trees. Inuyasha, thought Kagome.
He walked toward her very slowly, his eyes focased only on her.
Umm, said Kagome.
I lied,
Kikyo isnt who I love, its you.
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! thought Kagome, its true!
Is it ok? asked Inuyasha eyes wide.
What am I supposed to say, thought Kagome, I love him too but is it me he truly loves or is it that porkything that made him love me?
Can I kiss you?
Inuyashas eyes were open, and scared that she would say no.
Yes& Kagome answered.
Inuyasha leaned in and kissed her lightly, teasingly. Then pulled back. Then leaned in for another. They kissed, each one longer and more loving than the last. Then Inuyasha stopped and took Kagomes hand, together they walked back to camp.
The next day Inuyasha acted as if nothing had happened. Kagome made breakfast then pulled Sango over for a private conversation.
Sango, how long does the porkythings venom last?
Only a day, dont worry Inuyashas back to normal.
Back to normal, thought Kagome, great, now Ill never know if he really ment what he said about last night.
Once everyone was full, they packed up and started walking. With Inuyasha and Kagome leading, only this time Inuyasha held Kagomes hand.
huh, thought Kagome, this is new.
Miroku noticed this and tried to reach for Sangos hand. Sango pulled back her and and hit him in the head with her boomerang. Miroku looked hurt and ran up ahead to join Kagome and Inuyasha. Shippo rolled his eyes when he saw Mirokus hurt head.
Everyone made camp for the night. Ate. Then went to bed.
I wonder if Inuyasha will see me tonight too, thought Kagome before she went to sleep.
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princesskagome100 on October 20, 2007, 1:46:49 AM

sonicbabe5 on February 6, 2007, 5:16:49 AM
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siesie137 on February 3, 2007, 9:00:27 AM
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