Chapter 1 - Golfing
Submitted May 13, 2005 Updated October 14, 2005 Status Incomplete | This is what happens when you go golfing with Hiei and Kurama and a weirdo.
Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho |
Chapter 1 - Golfing
Chapter 1 - Golfing
The Random Golfing Story
Kaorii: Hey guy's lets go golfing.
Naomii: oooo ok I wanna drive the golf cart! *grabs baby teething keys* Lets go!!!!
Kurama: Grab your aspirin Hiei, this is going to be a long day.
Hiei: *rolls around on floor* I get the pretty pink putter!!!
Kurama: It's ok. I'll get the aspirin.
In The Car
Kaorii & Naomii in unison: Golfing! Golfing! Golfing!
Kurama: *interrupts* Shut up!! Damnit! I'm trying to drive!!! *shoves aspirin down throat*
Hiei: Let's turn on Hillary Duff
Kaorii: Yay! *cranks up volume* *singing* Let the rain fall down!
Naomii: NOOOOO!!!
Kurama: *with a mouthful of aspirin* AHHHHHH!!! *aspirin fly's out of mouth*
Kaorii: Awwww Rama you are no fun. *puts arm around Kurama's neck*
Naomii: No! Mine! My muffin! *starts to choke Kaorii*
Kaorii: gasp…hack…choke
Kurama: Girls please
*car starts to shake*
Pedestrian: ummm…*stares at car* ummmm…meep?
At Golf Course
Kurama: ok now girls. Don't get carried away.
*fan girls run up to Kurama*
Fan Girls: Can we have your autograph!? Please!!!
Kurama: Woa ladies. Slow down. One at a time.
Fan Girl: heh heh heh. Thanks Kurama.
Kurama: Awww, its no biggie. Anything for you sweetie.
Fan Girl: *Touches Kurama's cheek*
Naomii: Mine! My muffin! *lunges at fan girl*
Hiei: *stops Naomii* Ummm…Naomii, lets go get that golf cart of yours huh?
Naomii: Yay!!!
Kaorii: Not a good idea.
Hiei: I know. Bad Hiei. *gives self a Doby*
Naomii: I want a pink car Yay! *runs away*
Hiei: No!!! Come back!!!
Naomii: *comes back with big pink golf cart* Weeeee!!!
Kaorii: Lets go. *hops on golf cart*
Hiei: ummm…Naomii….I think I should drive.
Naomii: HISSSSS!!!!
Hiei: Ok! Ok! *hops on golf cart* let's go find Kurama.
Kaorii: Step on it!!!
Naomii: OK!!! *steps really hard on gas pedal* Weeeee!!! *jurks car around corner* Muahahahaha!!!
Hiei: There went my lunch.
Kaorii: Ha Ha! Hiei puked!
Hiei: Ohhhh….moan…
Naomii: *jerks car around another corner* Look! There is my muffin!
Kurama: There you go Sarah. Next!
Naomii: Grab him Kaorii! Grab him!
Kaorii: *reaches out of golf cart and grabs Kurama* Hi Kurama!
Manager: Hey! Keep all limbs inside the golf cart at all times!
Naomii: Shut your face!
Hiei: Don't get carried away huh Kurama. *laughs*
Kurama: Heh heh….Naomii don't!
Naomii: *running over fan girls* Die! Die! Die! That is what you get for hitting on my muffin!!! Muahahaha!
On The Golf Course
Kaorii: *singing clocks* Lights go out and I can't be saved!
Naomii: Ahhh! No! Shut up! *waves golf club in Kaorii's face*
Hiei: Hey! I wanted the pink putter.
Naomii: No! Mine! My pinkie! *waves pink putter in Hiei's face* Hahaha!
Kaorii: *still singing* Youuuuu! Areeeee!
Naomii: Shut up! *runs away*
Hiei: Get back here with my pinkie putter! *runs after Naomii*
Naomii: No! Mine! *throws muffin at Hiei*
Kaorii: *still singing* Youuuuuu! Areeeee!
Kurama: Need Aspirin… *shakes aspirin bottle upside down* Huh? Empty? Nooo!
Naomii: *comes back and collapses* let's…golf…now…
Kaorii: *still singing* Youuuuu… ok.
Hiei: *running around in circles* I'll get you Naomii!
Kurama: sigh…
When They Finally Decide To Golf
Kaorii: Ladies first. And that means you Hiei.
Naomii: *giggles*
Kurama: Yeah go on Hiei.
Hiei: Grrrr…. *steps up to tee* Four! *whacks ball.* Ball sails into sky*
Ball: They don't pay me enough. *lands three inches from hole*
Hiei: Yes! Not so bad for a “girl” huh?
Kurama: Grrrr. I'll be next. *walks up to tee and swings* Four! Wow look at that baby go.
Hiei: uh…Rama…look down…
Kurama: *looks down at tee and sees ball* Grrrr! Stupid ball! *whacks ball*
Ball: One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, go me go!!! *lands in hole*
All: Yay Rama!
Kurama: *blush* what can I say. I am good at everything.
Kaorii: Right. *rolls eyes* My turn. *walks up to tee and whacks ball* Four!
Ball: No! No! Not the trees!
Kaorii: No! No! Not the trees! No! *ball hits trees*
Kurama: awww. To bad.
Naomii: My turn. *walks up to tee* Here we go.
Ball: Three…Two…One…Geronimooooo! Er… Hey. Hello! I'm still here!
Naomii: Wow. Look at my ball go. *hears voice and looks down at tee* Oh hi ball. You sure are going far…wait. If my ball is here then…
Hiei: Look! The pretty pink putter if flying! *stares in awe*
*putter falls and hits someone on the head*
The Some one: Owwww! *falls on ground*
All: *get in golf cart and drives to the some one*
Kurama: Gosh Naomii cant you do anything right?
Naomii: *tears in eyes* Waaaaaa! Sorry! I didn't mean to!
Kaorii: *puts arm around Naomii* It's ok. It's not like you hit anyone famous.
Kurama: *pulls car over*
All: *get out and walk to the some one who got clubbed*
Kaorii: See, like I told you, it's not anyone….Oh my god it's Sammy Sosa!!!
All: *stares in awe*
Hiei: I thought he was a baseball player.
Kurama: *digs in pocket* Huh? Oh yeah, my aspirin is gone.
Naomii: Oh god oh god what have I done? What do we do? *mini light bulb in her head flashes on* I know….Run away!!! Ahhhhh! Run away!
Kaorii: *grabs Hiei and Kurama and throws them in golf cart* Step on it!
Naomii: Hang on! *steps on it* Weeeee! *crazily starts to drive*
Hiei and Kurama: Ahhhhhh!! Slow down! Stop! *gets thrown out of golf cart and lands next to Sammy Sosa*
Hiei: *in sexy voice* Hi Rama.
Kurama: Get off me! This just goes to show you never golf with idiots.
Hiei and Kurama: *gets up and runs after girls* Wait! Stop! You forgot us!
Naomii: *laughs maniacally*
Kaorii: Nya nya nya nya nya!
All: Ahhhhhh! *now out of sight*
Sammy Sosa: *wakes up and sees the golf club that hit him* Cool! A pretty pink putter! I think I'll name it….Pinkie! *walks away with pinkie*
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