Chapter 1 - The new mellennia
Submitted September 12, 2004 Updated September 12, 2004 Status Incomplete |
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Chapter 1 - The new mellennia
Chapter 1 - The new mellennia
michael walked through the woods to the crek to fish some food and get some water. he was walking by a cave gathering grass and ivy when he heard a roar from inside a cave. he yelledin the cave
"hello? whos in there?" no reply.
"i said, WHOS IN THERE?" and a large human approached the entrance. he was 20 times as tall as any nboirmal human, he attacked michael and michael retalliated with his sword, he jammed it deep into the thigh of the beast, the beast howled in pain as blood spurted from the wound as the beast began to flounder aropund, at last he climbed a tree and tried to hide but the tree fell over with his weight and impaled him on another tree. he set the beast on fire.
"good riddance" he said as he walked over to the creek and set up his nets. a half-hour later he withdrew the net and it was full of fish like crayfish and salmon. he started back to the cave.
"iris? iris where are you?" he asked as he heard a reply from inside the smithy, michael had mined her some iron earlier.
"hi! look i'm making pots! are they any good?" iris asked as she pulled up some perfectly crafted iron pots and pans.
"wow.. i guess you always were a great smith!" michael smiled, "hey i have some remedy for blindness here!"
"but the grass herb an short millions of years back!" iris' expression was that of extreme excitement.
"the world restarted, remember?" he smiled and iris laughed happily. iris walked into the cave and laid down on the cotton bed michael had made the two. michael got the mortar and pestle and ground up the ingredients, and after adding a little water and crab dust, he stirred it up and got some on his finger, he applied it gently to the temple and the eyes, it made iris look more beautiful, as this herbal mixture was also used as eye liner and make up.
"beautiful, simply beautiful," he said as she opened her eyes wide and he gazed into them.
"its so good to see you again!" iris said as she began to kiss him. michael was just getting into the mood when a squeal was heard from outside.
"oh no" michael said as he knew the squeal to be the pigs dying.
"prepare for battle?" iris said as she rolled off the bed and onto her feet. she picked up an axe she had made and tossed a spear to michael. he poisoned the tip by dipping it in lye then he went outside and iris followed. they immediately saw the problem. a fence had caught a pigs leg and the pig had squealed. they went over to the pig, freed it then began to turn around when they saw a huge black bird sitting up on thecave roof.
"is that a lockjaw?" iris asked as she readied her axe.
"lets find out" michael said as he flung his spear up into the animals head, it went strait through the animals throat, leaving behind an acidic sizzle thanks to the lye.
"it couldnt shut its mouth.." iris said suspiciously.
"well they are called lockjaws" michael said "but this one was black.. sort of foreign looking.. maybe came from a cave.. wyvernized lockjaws" michael said with a sigh, he had always hated those damn birds. they had attempted to kill him as a child and had taken his dog.. he had personally ended that race while in the old world. he suddenly shook with rage, then calmed down. apparently he was thinking.
"wanna go lockjaw hunting babe?" iris asked with a sly smile.
"hell yes." michael said with the same attitude. he went into the smithy and made some ranging armour from the lockjaw hide, thick and leathery yet light and nimble. he made some bows with nearly 1000 arows with iris' assistance. iris stopped michael in the middle of their work, it had become dark yet it was near 4:00 in the afternoon.
"why is it so dark michael? why cant i see the sky?" iris asked
"ive seen this before. when i was hunting them this happened when the lockjaws came in great numbers, quickly hun, to the watchtower!" michael said as they finished the last few arrows and went to the camoflouged watchtower. they climbed up and got under the protective leather blanket that not many could see. they began their attack.
"die bastards.." michael said as iris clutched him, she was looking behind them with wide eyed fear. michael looked back and saw that it was a man there, a nbormal human being. michael sprung up and stringed an arrow, he then aimed it at the man's forehead.
"who thy be" michael said with malice in his tone. the arrow snapped in half as the man snapped his fingers. michael backed up and put iris behind him.
"what is it you want?"michael asked.
"do you not know me? i am ruler of the lockjaw people. skilled in magic and herblore. i come to ask why you insist on killing my disciples." the man said
"because they attempted to kill me, they took ym dog and my middle finger," michael said with a harsh tone.
"well look at your hand now michael my friend." the man said. michael held up his hand and saw that it was fully restored, everything was there.
"how did you-"
"not important, i wish to ask of you a favor."
"uhh what?" michael said tensing up a little more.
"i wish you to join my colony of warlocks and wizards. everyone knows of them, everyone fears them." the man said.
"we arent too skilled in magic sir," iris said coming forward form behind michael.
"do not worry, that will be covered by a training camp."
"well in that case yes" michael said.
"but why honey?" iris said "why the sudden change of heart?"
"well i figure this place could give us better food and water, i mean all large castles have filtered water supplies and fresh king crab and lobster all the time! even venison with honey my dear." michael said he knew the venison with honey was her favorite dish.
"well.. i guess so.. but what shall become of our small abode here?" iris asked. "what of the pigs and other animals?"
"they shall be taken, we neednt kill them, they are so valuable resources." the man said.
"valuable?" michael asked, astonished that a hog could be valuable, "in what way?"
"they create excrement that is essential in some potions that cure sicknesses like gelaserum or amphobiatus" michael and iris looked at each other astonished at what they7d heard.
"yes we shall go" michael and iris said together, they had made a plan.
michael and iris packed their miningt ools and their nice clothes. then they began the journey, the man teleported them to the compound.
"welcome to armane, city of warlocks, wizards, witches, and druids." the old man said as they entered a village with tall slim houses, the houses were not windowed, they had no well, or any source of water anywhere to be seen.
"where are the resources we were promised?" michael said a little abashed.
"we summon what we eat we eat what we summon." the man said sternly as if teaching them something.
"and how do we summon?" iris asked.
"like this" the man said as he snapped his finger and a cooked side of bacon fell onto a platter that appeared in the mans hand.
"we will learn this right?" iris said hopefully.
"not yet, training starts in two days, here are your quarters." he said as he teleported them before they could say anything about the food.
"what a bleak drab house" michael said as he wlaked through the house.
"yes but what about the food? the man said we have three days! thats no food or water." iris said as she sat down on the bed. "and i feel like im being watched." iris shuddered.
"yes me too.. somethings odd about this place.. something different.. everyone is the same, and why were there no villagers in the town square?" it was the middle of the day and no one was out.
"yes something is definitely wrong." iris replied as she shuddered again. michael sat down next to her and rubed her shoulders.
"lets rest dear" michael said as he laid back on the extremely comfortable bed. he sprang up and brought a glass cup down on something under the sheets. he peeled them back and saw a rainbow colored snake., with a triangle head and milk white eyes.
"what the hell?" iris said as she got up and picked up the remains of the snakes bashed body.
"something is definitely odd here. this snake did not get inside with no doors or windows. somebody put it here..." michael said as he began to chop the snake up and remove the organs, it was food nonetheless.
"this is so sweet!" iris aaid as she took a bite. "did you put anything on it?"
"nothing but its own sweat and blood." michael said as he was astonished by the taste as well.
iris coughed as a tarantula came out of her mouth, a baby octopus came out of michael's mouth.
"what in gods name?!" michael yelled as he smashed the spider. they all had rainbow patterns on them like the snake did.
"we must get out of here michael, im scared!" iris said as she began to cry.
"dont you cry my love, ill find a way, a way like this!" he brought a fire poker down on the wall ripping through it after a few blows. they had just gotten out of the house when a billow of spiders and octopi flew from the hole. michael lit a bottle of champagne with a tissue and threw it in. he realized the bottle had come from him snapping his fingers on accident.
"ive learned to summon!" michael said as he snapped his fingers again and a mace came into his hands and a bow and arrow into iris'. hey went around the town and iris suddenly snapped her fingers and a large house appeared in front of them, the same as all the rest.
"what is this?" michael said as he walked up to the house and saw that there was a door. he motioned for iris to get on the other side of the door. michael slammed the door down and got out of the way in time to see a large demon come out into the open and cast a horrible spell that ended up hitting a shrew in the empty market stalls.
"FIRE IRIS! NOW NOW NOW!" michael yelled as he bashed the demon's horns off and took them into his pouch. iris shot through the dmeons eyes and it died immediately, it fell into ashes and blew away with the wind. then the old man came out.
"so i see you have discovered the error of my ways?" he said as his skin fell off forming a large glump on the ground, the remains of the man formed a large demonic dark figure. the dark one.
"so you are th king." michael said as iris poisoned an arrow with dmeon blood and shot it into the dark ones back. the dark one howled in pain and grasped at its back, michael struck him hard on the forehead, relieving the dark one of his magic. the dark one spit acid at michael, it hit him in the fore arm and he dropped his mace with a hiss.
"bastard! you bastard you dare touch my husband!!!!" iris yelled as she poisoned five arrows and shot one in the right arm, one in the left, one in the left leg and one in the right leg, but before she could shoot the head she was smacked down by a lockjaw. michael kneeled down and form deep inside he released all the hate of the world upon the dark one. the dark one sgtaggered and turned bright yellow, then it threw up a lung, coughed, then sizzled into a fine powder. all that was left wasd the head, and the head could still speak after it was dead, unless shot with a dmeonic arrow which iris possesed. she pulled back the string and let go. she had ended the dark species of creatures. all that remained were normal sound creatures. the lockjaws fell from the sky with a screech. the shadow wraiths in hell were sent to heaven and purified. michael pulled out the demon horns and groun d them into a powder, then he filled a vial and put in the powder, he then stirred it and poured half of it into a cup nearby, he drank it all and felt his soul rejuvenated. iris drank the other half and felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
"iris" michael said
"yes?" iris replied.
"i love you." michael said as he scooped her over and made love to her. the two traveled back to their farming cave and lived for now unharmed. but they were forever bouynd by the bliss of love. these two would forever be together, they would always be pure and holy, and now that demons were released form hell, they were official demonslayers. michael kissed iris as they went inside their cave,
"iris, i love you."
"i love you too michael."
"hello? whos in there?" no reply.
"i said, WHOS IN THERE?" and a large human approached the entrance. he was 20 times as tall as any nboirmal human, he attacked michael and michael retalliated with his sword, he jammed it deep into the thigh of the beast, the beast howled in pain as blood spurted from the wound as the beast began to flounder aropund, at last he climbed a tree and tried to hide but the tree fell over with his weight and impaled him on another tree. he set the beast on fire.
"good riddance" he said as he walked over to the creek and set up his nets. a half-hour later he withdrew the net and it was full of fish like crayfish and salmon. he started back to the cave.
"iris? iris where are you?" he asked as he heard a reply from inside the smithy, michael had mined her some iron earlier.
"hi! look i'm making pots! are they any good?" iris asked as she pulled up some perfectly crafted iron pots and pans.
"wow.. i guess you always were a great smith!" michael smiled, "hey i have some remedy for blindness here!"
"but the grass herb an short millions of years back!" iris' expression was that of extreme excitement.
"the world restarted, remember?" he smiled and iris laughed happily. iris walked into the cave and laid down on the cotton bed michael had made the two. michael got the mortar and pestle and ground up the ingredients, and after adding a little water and crab dust, he stirred it up and got some on his finger, he applied it gently to the temple and the eyes, it made iris look more beautiful, as this herbal mixture was also used as eye liner and make up.
"beautiful, simply beautiful," he said as she opened her eyes wide and he gazed into them.
"its so good to see you again!" iris said as she began to kiss him. michael was just getting into the mood when a squeal was heard from outside.
"oh no" michael said as he knew the squeal to be the pigs dying.
"prepare for battle?" iris said as she rolled off the bed and onto her feet. she picked up an axe she had made and tossed a spear to michael. he poisoned the tip by dipping it in lye then he went outside and iris followed. they immediately saw the problem. a fence had caught a pigs leg and the pig had squealed. they went over to the pig, freed it then began to turn around when they saw a huge black bird sitting up on thecave roof.
"is that a lockjaw?" iris asked as she readied her axe.
"lets find out" michael said as he flung his spear up into the animals head, it went strait through the animals throat, leaving behind an acidic sizzle thanks to the lye.
"it couldnt shut its mouth.." iris said suspiciously.
"well they are called lockjaws" michael said "but this one was black.. sort of foreign looking.. maybe came from a cave.. wyvernized lockjaws" michael said with a sigh, he had always hated those damn birds. they had attempted to kill him as a child and had taken his dog.. he had personally ended that race while in the old world. he suddenly shook with rage, then calmed down. apparently he was thinking.
"wanna go lockjaw hunting babe?" iris asked with a sly smile.
"hell yes." michael said with the same attitude. he went into the smithy and made some ranging armour from the lockjaw hide, thick and leathery yet light and nimble. he made some bows with nearly 1000 arows with iris' assistance. iris stopped michael in the middle of their work, it had become dark yet it was near 4:00 in the afternoon.
"why is it so dark michael? why cant i see the sky?" iris asked
"ive seen this before. when i was hunting them this happened when the lockjaws came in great numbers, quickly hun, to the watchtower!" michael said as they finished the last few arrows and went to the camoflouged watchtower. they climbed up and got under the protective leather blanket that not many could see. they began their attack.
"die bastards.." michael said as iris clutched him, she was looking behind them with wide eyed fear. michael looked back and saw that it was a man there, a nbormal human being. michael sprung up and stringed an arrow, he then aimed it at the man's forehead.
"who thy be" michael said with malice in his tone. the arrow snapped in half as the man snapped his fingers. michael backed up and put iris behind him.
"what is it you want?"michael asked.
"do you not know me? i am ruler of the lockjaw people. skilled in magic and herblore. i come to ask why you insist on killing my disciples." the man said
"because they attempted to kill me, they took ym dog and my middle finger," michael said with a harsh tone.
"well look at your hand now michael my friend." the man said. michael held up his hand and saw that it was fully restored, everything was there.
"how did you-"
"not important, i wish to ask of you a favor."
"uhh what?" michael said tensing up a little more.
"i wish you to join my colony of warlocks and wizards. everyone knows of them, everyone fears them." the man said.
"we arent too skilled in magic sir," iris said coming forward form behind michael.
"do not worry, that will be covered by a training camp."
"well in that case yes" michael said.
"but why honey?" iris said "why the sudden change of heart?"
"well i figure this place could give us better food and water, i mean all large castles have filtered water supplies and fresh king crab and lobster all the time! even venison with honey my dear." michael said he knew the venison with honey was her favorite dish.
"well.. i guess so.. but what shall become of our small abode here?" iris asked. "what of the pigs and other animals?"
"they shall be taken, we neednt kill them, they are so valuable resources." the man said.
"valuable?" michael asked, astonished that a hog could be valuable, "in what way?"
"they create excrement that is essential in some potions that cure sicknesses like gelaserum or amphobiatus" michael and iris looked at each other astonished at what they7d heard.
"yes we shall go" michael and iris said together, they had made a plan.
michael and iris packed their miningt ools and their nice clothes. then they began the journey, the man teleported them to the compound.
"welcome to armane, city of warlocks, wizards, witches, and druids." the old man said as they entered a village with tall slim houses, the houses were not windowed, they had no well, or any source of water anywhere to be seen.
"where are the resources we were promised?" michael said a little abashed.
"we summon what we eat we eat what we summon." the man said sternly as if teaching them something.
"and how do we summon?" iris asked.
"like this" the man said as he snapped his finger and a cooked side of bacon fell onto a platter that appeared in the mans hand.
"we will learn this right?" iris said hopefully.
"not yet, training starts in two days, here are your quarters." he said as he teleported them before they could say anything about the food.
"what a bleak drab house" michael said as he wlaked through the house.
"yes but what about the food? the man said we have three days! thats no food or water." iris said as she sat down on the bed. "and i feel like im being watched." iris shuddered.
"yes me too.. somethings odd about this place.. something different.. everyone is the same, and why were there no villagers in the town square?" it was the middle of the day and no one was out.
"yes something is definitely wrong." iris replied as she shuddered again. michael sat down next to her and rubed her shoulders.
"lets rest dear" michael said as he laid back on the extremely comfortable bed. he sprang up and brought a glass cup down on something under the sheets. he peeled them back and saw a rainbow colored snake., with a triangle head and milk white eyes.
"what the hell?" iris said as she got up and picked up the remains of the snakes bashed body.
"something is definitely odd here. this snake did not get inside with no doors or windows. somebody put it here..." michael said as he began to chop the snake up and remove the organs, it was food nonetheless.
"this is so sweet!" iris aaid as she took a bite. "did you put anything on it?"
"nothing but its own sweat and blood." michael said as he was astonished by the taste as well.
iris coughed as a tarantula came out of her mouth, a baby octopus came out of michael's mouth.
"what in gods name?!" michael yelled as he smashed the spider. they all had rainbow patterns on them like the snake did.
"we must get out of here michael, im scared!" iris said as she began to cry.
"dont you cry my love, ill find a way, a way like this!" he brought a fire poker down on the wall ripping through it after a few blows. they had just gotten out of the house when a billow of spiders and octopi flew from the hole. michael lit a bottle of champagne with a tissue and threw it in. he realized the bottle had come from him snapping his fingers on accident.
"ive learned to summon!" michael said as he snapped his fingers again and a mace came into his hands and a bow and arrow into iris'. hey went around the town and iris suddenly snapped her fingers and a large house appeared in front of them, the same as all the rest.
"what is this?" michael said as he walked up to the house and saw that there was a door. he motioned for iris to get on the other side of the door. michael slammed the door down and got out of the way in time to see a large demon come out into the open and cast a horrible spell that ended up hitting a shrew in the empty market stalls.
"FIRE IRIS! NOW NOW NOW!" michael yelled as he bashed the demon's horns off and took them into his pouch. iris shot through the dmeons eyes and it died immediately, it fell into ashes and blew away with the wind. then the old man came out.
"so i see you have discovered the error of my ways?" he said as his skin fell off forming a large glump on the ground, the remains of the man formed a large demonic dark figure. the dark one.
"so you are th king." michael said as iris poisoned an arrow with dmeon blood and shot it into the dark ones back. the dark one howled in pain and grasped at its back, michael struck him hard on the forehead, relieving the dark one of his magic. the dark one spit acid at michael, it hit him in the fore arm and he dropped his mace with a hiss.
"bastard! you bastard you dare touch my husband!!!!" iris yelled as she poisoned five arrows and shot one in the right arm, one in the left, one in the left leg and one in the right leg, but before she could shoot the head she was smacked down by a lockjaw. michael kneeled down and form deep inside he released all the hate of the world upon the dark one. the dark one sgtaggered and turned bright yellow, then it threw up a lung, coughed, then sizzled into a fine powder. all that was left wasd the head, and the head could still speak after it was dead, unless shot with a dmeonic arrow which iris possesed. she pulled back the string and let go. she had ended the dark species of creatures. all that remained were normal sound creatures. the lockjaws fell from the sky with a screech. the shadow wraiths in hell were sent to heaven and purified. michael pulled out the demon horns and groun d them into a powder, then he filled a vial and put in the powder, he then stirred it and poured half of it into a cup nearby, he drank it all and felt his soul rejuvenated. iris drank the other half and felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
"iris" michael said
"yes?" iris replied.
"i love you." michael said as he scooped her over and made love to her. the two traveled back to their farming cave and lived for now unharmed. but they were forever bouynd by the bliss of love. these two would forever be together, they would always be pure and holy, and now that demons were released form hell, they were official demonslayers. michael kissed iris as they went inside their cave,
"iris, i love you."
"i love you too michael."
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Darkmasterbabe on May 8, 2005, 2:54:57 AM