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Chapter 31 - Final Trial

This is the story of my OC Ash Chi and her twin sister Echo...
WARNING: If you can't stand the intense action...don't read this story!!
no the story!!!

Chapter 31 - Final Trial

Chapter 31 - Final Trial
She ran up and up, don’t stopping once to rest. She knew if she did she would be dead. She reached the top of the building and kept running towards the end of it. She heard Aero and his minion come running out the door and at her fast.
“Get her!” he yelled.
Ash looked back quickly and saw his minion getting ready to through a thermal detonator at her. She turned back around and got ready to jump from this building to the next.
“Why does this always happen to me?” she whispered to herself.
She ran to the ledge and jumped. It was a good 10 meter opening and she had to use the Force to carry her some of the way. Behind her the detonator went off. It pushed her farther across the gap and slammed her to the ground. She screamed.
Aero and his minion were catching up quick. His minion was already firing more darts at her. She managed to roll out of the way then get back up on her feet. By then they were already about to jump over the gap too. She was running out of time. She found the door into the building and burst into it. Further down she felt her sister’s presence. If they could meet in the middle they might be able to stop Aero. She ran down the stairs with Aero close behind. She burst into a floor where she felt her sister’s presence. She ran around the corner and at the end of the hall she saw her friends getting out of the turbolift.
“Get back in the turbolift!” she yelled, running closer. They all started to turn around but then the door closed in front of them.
Stang, she thought to herself. She kept running so fast that she barely had time to stop herself. She ran into Broze and he had to stop her. She just realized that she was extremely out of breath. She looked down at her arms and legs. They were covered in blood and dirt.
“Who’s chasing you?!” Echo demanded, grabbing her by the shoulder.
“Aero and his deranged apprentice!” Ash replied.
Echo looked behind her. Ash didn’t have to look back to know who it was. She turned around and saw Aero and Kya. She didn’t know until just now that it had been Kya behind the hood.
“What are you doing Kya?” Kali asked. “How can you be bad? You had such a good taste in clothes!”
“What? A villain can’t have style?” Kya replied with a smile on her face.
Echo was the first to ignite her lightsaber. Everyone else followed. Ash’s bright golden blade shined bright in front of her. As quick as lightning, Kya brought up her dart gun and shot 5 shots at each of them. Ash and Echo managed to block but her friends didn’t. They all took darts in the chest and collapsed to the floor.
Ash charged. The anger inside of her burned. Kya threw her dart gun to the ground and ignited her double-bladed lightsaber. She charged at Ash as well. They both met blades but then Ash turned and slipped under Kya’s lightsaber and kicked Kya through the wall and followed her into the room. Kya lay on the floor looking at Ash. As quickly as she had brought up her dart gun, she turned into a spin on the floor and caught Ash as the ankles, sending her down to the ground. Ash rolled away to avoid a lightsaber attack by Kya then pushed herself up. Again she had to dodge Kya’s quick attacks. She wasn’t well trained, but she was fast and it gave her a slight advantage. Ash found her an opening and sliced Kya’s lightsaber in two. She grabbed onto both handles and tried to grab one from her.
Her plan backfired.
Instead, Kya aimed both the lightsaber towards Ash’s shoulders. Ash couldn’t hold it back because she was so tired and both lightsabers graced her shoulders. She screamed and kicked Kya away. Kya stumbled back and dropped one of her lightsabers. Ash used the Force and shattered the lightsaber she dropped.
“Why don’t we even the odds,” Ash said, almost wheezing.
Kya didn’t like that and charged Ash again, this time with only one lightsaber. Kya aimed for her head and Ash blocked and pushed away, landing a hit on Kya’s side. She brought up her foot and kicked Kya’s lightsaber from her hand. Kya then brought up her foot and kicked Ash’s lightsaber from her hand. They stopped for a second, but then went into a frenzy of trying to attack each other hand-to-hand. Ash tried for Kya’s chin, but Kya block and kicked her in the gut. Ash didn’t back down and this time stepped away and landed a kick flip to Kya’s side. She went flying to the other side of the wall. Kya jumped back up and ran at Ash, swinging her left arm around her, spinning it towards Ash’s face. Ash put both arms up to block and then threw a punch of her own. Kya blocked it and ducked low and punched Ash in the stomach. Ash grunted and stumbled back. She grimaced in pain and when she opened her eyes Kya was flying towards her, foot coming extremely close to her face. Ash didn’t have time to move. Kya’s foot sailed into Ash’s face. Ash screamed loud and her nose cracked. She tumbled under Kya and walked to the other side of the room, holding her nose. When she removed her hand it was covered in blood. Kya stood staring at her with an evil grin on her face.
“Oops,” Kya said sarcastically. “Did I hit your face? I’m so sorry. But I’m afraid there’s more where that came from. Unless you want to surrender?”
Ash looked at her and spit a glob of blood out of her mouth.
“You kidding me? We’re just getting started,” Ash said, almost wheezing. Kya laughed. Big mistake.
Ash reached out with the Force and closed Kya’s throat shut. She choked and seemed caught off guard. Ash didn’t keep it closed long. She didn’t want to kill her. As long as she could disable her without killing her, Ash would try. She didn’t want to kill in anger.
She kept a grip on Kya and held her there with her throat closed. Ash jumped in the air and came down spinning, landing a direct kick to Kya’s face and then spun around and kneed her in the gut. Once she landed Ash let go of Kya’s throat and the girl gasp for breath and fell to her knees. Ash stood in front of her, waiting.
She should’ve moved away, but she didn’t figure that out until it was too late.
Kya reached a hand forward, and with the help of the Force, grabbed Ash’s leg and threw her over Kya and to the other side of the room. There was no way Kya could’ve done that with out using the Force because when Ash hit the wall it shook and pieces from the ceiling fell down.
She slid down to the ground and stood up and shaky legs and looked over to Kya. She was trying to stand up as well. Ash had almost taken her out, but she tried to hang on as long as she could.
“Enough is enough, Ash. Game over,” Kya said and took out a silver sphere from her pocket.
A thermal detonator.
“Nice meeting you.”
Kya threw it at Ash as the red indicator light was blinking, meaning it was going to explode any second.
Ash felt a wave of panic flow over her. She reached out with the Force and tried to send it back to Kya but Kya was already pushing back as well. The detonator hovered in the middle of the room, both people trying to get the detonator to explode closer to the other one. The red light began to blink faster and faster the longer it stayed in the middle of the room. Then, a danger sense went up Ash’s spine. The detonator was going to explode any second. With all her might she Force–pushed the detonator as hard as she could and jumped out of the room. The detonator exploded and Ash was caught mostly in it. It slammed her into a wall. She could feel her back burning and sizzling from were the ash and fire had hit her. It stung incredibly badly and she could barely stand up. She looked back into the room to see a fire burning where Kya should’ve been. Kya was gone. Ash hadn’t meant to kill her. In a way it was completely self-defense. Kya had been trying to kill her, and it had almost succeeded.
Now the pain really washed over her from all her wounds. She could barely stand straight. Suddenly she was washed over by a anger and rage so powerful from Echo that she almost forgot about her wounds.
Good. He needs to feel this, Echo thought.
Ash stood up straight, or at least as straight as she could, and looked for her sister. She found her in a room a few doors down with her lightsaber pointed at Aero’s neck, just as she had many, many years ago.
“ECHO! How dare you think those thoughts?!” Ask said, stumbling in. “You need to stop! You’re heading down a dark path right now. Look deep inside yourself. This isn’t the normal you! Use your brain you bantha head!”
Ash could tell her words hit Echo hard.
“Ash, look at him! He needs to pay for what he’s done!” Echo replied.
Ash felt the conflict inside Echo. She was debating whether or not to kill him. It was a dark thought to start with, but Echo wanted revenge. Ash knew if her sister went through with this she would lose her forever.
Echo disengaged her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt.
“Your right. I can’t do this,” Echo said, then paused. “But can I…” Echo started too said, but Ash had already read her thoughts.
“Of course,” Ash agreed.
Echo walked up to Aero and punched him out. At least she didn’t kill him.
Then Ash got an idea. She left the room and came back with Kya’s dart gun. She walked in and shot Aero with it. He immediately was knocked out.
“ASH! That could kill him!” Echo said.
“Oh relax! Keep your nerf’s in a herd! It’s just a tranquilizer gun,” Ash replied.
Echo just laughed.
“What happened to Kya? You look really torn up,” Echo asked, walking over to her and looking at all her wounds. Ash just stood there and let her.
“You don’t need to know,” Ash said, waving her hand and pretending to use a Jedi mind trick on her sister.
“Dude, I’m not weak-minded like Kali. That won’t work on me,” Echo said laughing. Ash giggled and dropped her hand.
“Okay, come on, we need to get the others and get out of here. Aero’s going to be quite cranky when he wakes up so I suggest we get us all onto the ship soon.”
Echo looked at her.
“What ship? Either your memory is worse than I thought, or you’re talking about a new ship,” Echo said suspiciously.
“Oh, it’s a new ship. A BRAND new ship! I bought it myself, just for you,” Ash said, trying to act cute.
“You’re not good at acting cute, you know that right?” Echo said laughing.
“Yes, I know.”


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Crystalgirl29 on July 8, 2009, 2:05:42 AM

Crystalgirl29 on
Crystalgirl29wow!!! Packed full of jamXD...if u watch sg-1 ull get that...if not, im a nerd-and thats all u need to know!!!

-haha cute at the end!-great work!