Chapter 3 - Past revealed
Submitted July 16, 2007 Updated June 10, 2008 Status Incomplete | Years after the last battle between Naruto and Sasuke. The village has moved on. No one would forget the two. New teams have started their quest to become the best ninja. And three of them seem to be taking after the last team 7. more info inside
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Chapter 3 - Past revealed
Chapter 3 - Past revealed
Chapter 3
Past revealed
Deiya walked into the Akatsuki hideout with a grin on his face. “You’ll never guess what I found” he sang as he came in front of the group. Able looked up from his fire he had in his hand. He like to watch it burn. Kuro looked up from cleaning his sword. Chase stopped playing with his living dead guards for a moment to look to Deiya. Yuri just kept drinking his drink. He didn’t care at the moment. Lilly came over hugging Deiya tightly. “That you found the perfect place for our wedding?” she asked. Deiya looked horrified at her as he pulled her off and edged away from her.
“I found the Uchiha heir. It’s Sasuke’s son, and if we get him then we can blow up Sasuke. Because he has to come save his son” Deiya laughed. “Is that it?” Kuro grumbled as he looked back at his sword. Seeing a spot he missed. Deiya made a face.
“Hey that’s a good thing. Dammit would you quit making out with your sword for a moment and listen to me!” Deiya yelled. Deiya may have been one of the youngest Akatsuki, but he was also the loudest of them. Well other then Lilly. She could be heard a mile away. Kuro glared at Deiya.
“Hey! Hey! Deiya! Can I set him on fire first?!” Able asked, as he put out the fire in his hand. Deiya eyebrow twitched. He wasn’t going to fight with the pyromaniac. “Yeah sure whatever, you can do that to Naruto. But leave Sasuke for me” Deiya answered. Chase smirked, he had a good idea. “How about this. Kill Naruto. Make him the living dead and have him kill his friend Sasuke. Then we can burn him and then Deiya can blow them up afterwards” Chase said. The others looked at him. “Hey I like that idea” Yuri said as he finally sat up, finished with his drink.
“I think you’re all forgetting something” A voice said from the dark. They looked back to their leader, Pein. “And what would that be, oh wise one?” Kuro said in a mocking tone. “You have to get them first” the leader stated. Lilly nodded. “Yeah. But can I have the son before you guys kill him. I’d like to play with him” Lilly asked. Looking to her father, the leader. “Anything you want” was the answer she got back. “Yay!!!” she stopped abruptly and went and hugged Deiya. “Oh don’t worry you’re my number one” she said. Deiya sighed. “I don’t care” he groaned. Tobi took hold of the other side of Deiya causing a tug war between them. Deiya made a dull face as they did it. “Hey I’m not a pull toy!” Deiya yelled as he tried to free himself from the two.
“Tobi, be a good boy and let go of me. Lilly, if you want anything to do with this LET GO!!!” Deiya yelled. Tobi didn’t let go until Lilly did. Deiya moved away from them. “Tell me again why I’m teamed up with them!” Deiya yelled. “Because Tobi raised you. And Lilly wouldn’t stop screaming until she was teamed with you” Yuri answered, he made a face as Deiya glared. “Wanna trade?” he said finally. Yuri let out a laugh. “Hell no you’re no fun. You blow up everything and don’t leave anything for me to do” Yuri said calmly. Deiya sighed. “Fine whatever. I don’t want to be with blood obsessed psycho anyway. Chase is fun but he wouldn’t let me destroy the bodies afterwards.” Deiya complained as he walked off. Tobi tailing behind him.
“What wrong with being blood obsessed!” Kuro yelled. “You’re always taking your partners blood dumbass” was the answer Kuro got back. Kuro smirked. “Well it’s easier. You just don’t want me to try any of my other jutsu out on you.” Kuro added.
Kuro and Chase were a team. The fact that Kuro’s blood could kill a person within 5 minutes or less made it ideal for Chase because he could bring them back with his reanimation jutsu. Anything he used the jutsu on would come alive. Even if it was never alive in the first place. So most of the time around the hideout, little toys were doing all the work. Kuro’s blood clones were one of his favorites even though he mostly used his deadly blood on someone else. If he touched any wound that had new blood. He could turn someone’s blood black and cause their body to collapse from the inside out, effectively killing them.
Able and Yuri made a good team because of their jutsu as well as their personalities. Able had a one track mind, that always led to setting something on fire. Even if it was himself. His fire jutsu could become very powerful depending on his mood. He could set himself on fire and be a walking flame himself. Which made it harder for others to fight back. While Yuri could easily manipulate wind. His wind jutsu could always feed the fire. Cause it to grow bigger. Also with his wind he could form a fire sword if he and Able combined their jutsu together. Yuri never did much fighting, he was more about jokes then anything. But if you didn’t fall for his jokes or never got a laugh for it. He would become one person you wouldn’t want to mess with.
Deiya was stuck with Tobi and Lilly. Deiya took after his father with the mouths on his hands. But his was a little bit different. He could change the area where the mouths appeared. He also had a new jutsu that he liked to use a lot. His months like to taste blood and if they got a taste of your blood. Every bomb that Deiya made would come after that person. Also he could blow himself up with out even hurting himself. Lilly was into crushing people with rocks once she was done playing with them. And for some reason this always seemed to scare Tobi. That or drowning you in a bubble. One with a rock hard outside so nothing could break out or in. The only reason Lilly came with Deiya was because of her massive crush she had on him. Deiya seem to be the only person she wouldn’t crush with a rock or drown. And the other seem to be the only ones so far to live though her attacks. Tobi was of course a good boy. He took care of Deiya when Deidara was killed. We just guessed Tobi didn’t want a new partner. So he did his best to make sure Deiya was just like his father. And I do think it worked. A little too well.
Kuro shifted looking back at the others. “Don’t forget our real mission in the first place” he mumble. “We know” the others grumbled. “We’ll get the forbidden jutsu soon” Chase said looking up.
“Hey have you guys seen Kyo?” Kameko asked Toshio Hyuuga and his teammates Cross Nara, and Miki. Toshio looked to Kameko being they had been training. Much like his father Neji Hyuuga, he had the 8 trigram 64 palm strike. Cross yawed as he stood up from where he was sitting. He was lazy doing his shadow jutsu. “Yeah I saw him out on the training ground. Boy he was beating himself in that train.” Cross mumbled. Kameko’s head leant to the side. “I wonder what’s got him in such a bad mood” she grumbled.
“Yeah he didn’t even answer me when I called out to him. Come to think of it. He was like that yesterday. He was going to see the Hokage too” Miki said from where she stood. Her ink creatures next to her. Being that what they were using them to train with.
“That’s weird he would never go see Granny Tsunade willing” Kameko said with a sigh. Something was up if Kyo went to see the Hokage. “Ok thanks guys. See ya” Kameko called back as she walked off to find Kyo. Kakashi and Maiya were waiting back in the village. They had sent Kameko to get Kyo.
Now Team 8 was Toshio Hyuuga, Cross Nara and Miki. Toshio was the son of Neji and Tenten, while Cross was the son of Shikamaru and Temari, Miki was the daughter of Sai and his wife Jm.
Kameko stopped as she found Kyo. Training with his long sword. His shirt was off. He had been fighting ice clones. Kyo cussed as he leant on his knees. “Dammit it can’t be true” Kyo hissed to himself. He had pretty much beat the crap out of himself. His eyes shot up as Kameko walked out.
“What’s wrong Kyo? You normally don’t train like this unless you’re really pissed off.” Kameko mumbled as she came closer. Kyo glared as he put his sword away. “Leave me alone” Kyo grumbled as he went and made another ice clone. Only to have Kameko destroy it. “Hell no I’ve been looking for you all day.” Kameko growled.
“Now dammit, what's wrong?” Kameko grumble as she made Kyo look at her by putting her hands on his shoulder. Kyo glared for a moment before it slowly faded away. His eyes were now hidden under his bangs. “The thing I hate most, I’m now part of.” Kyo grumbled.
“What, ramen?” Kameko asked, she was trying to be funny. Kyo grunt something. “Ok, not funny” Kameko mumbled.
“Tsunade said I’m an Uchiha” Kyo whispers. Kameko shifted. “What?” she whispers. “I’m Sasuke Uchiha’s son. Heir to the Uchiha clan” Kyo grumbled. Kameko stared wide eye at Kyo. “You’re Sasuke’s son? Whoa!” Kameko said. “Boy I never knew my Uchiha wannabe would come true.” Kameko said lightly. “Sorry” she added when Kyo glared.
“You’ll change the Uchiha fate. It wouldn’t end up like them” Kameko whispers as she made Kyo look at her. "At least you got a clue to who you belong to." Kameko whispers. Kyo looked up at her. "I'm still alone. I keep wondering if my parents are going to appear. Your life's missing parts are finally coming together. I'm still lost" Kameko whispered. Kyo shifted. "Kameko you’re not lost, you just have a longer path then the rest of us. You’re not alone, you got your aunt and your team along with the Hokage and most of the village." Kyo reassured her.
"But you don't know what it’s like to have a demon sealed inside your body" Kameko said. Kyo blinked looking to her. Kameko shook her head. "Don't ask about it" she mumbled as she turned. "Come on, Kakashi-sensei is waiting for us. We got another mission." Kameko mumble. Kyo watched her walk off. He picked up his shirt and followed after making the ice clone disappear. "She’s getting stranger" Kyo said to himself as he soon followed.
Tsunade looked to Jiraiya from her chair. "So there’s a new Akatsuki. I knew it was too quiet" she mumbled. "Well we don't have to worry about Kameko or any other demon being hunted down like Naruto or Gaara was." Jiraiya said as he leant on the window. "Instead they want to obtain something far more dangerous than the Tailed Beasts!" Tsunade said in a concerned tone. "The 8 forbidden jutsu. Even the leaders of the hidden villages don't know where they are." She added. "And there’s still no sign of Naruto and Sasuke. We know they didn't kill each other, because Naruto wouldn't find it in his heart to kill Sasuke. And the fact Kyo and Kameko wouldn't be here" she said lightly. "So Kyo figured out who he is. Has Kameko?" Jiraiya asked. Tsunade shook her head.
"She’s getting the idea but not yet. You’re the one that bought Kameko here as a baby. You were the last to see Naruto. Are you sure you just can't remember what our knuckle head was up to?" Tsunade asked her fellow sannin. Jiraiya looked to her before looking back out the window. "Nope all he said was there was something he still had to do. And to take care of Kameko. The wolf had already been sealed in her to save her life. It was a different jutsu then what the 4th and 3rd Hokage used, the 4th used a sealing jutsu that killed him after he used it and the 3rd sealed part of Orochimaru’s soul inside himself before it killed him" Jiraiya answered with a small explanation. "Trust me I tried to get him to answer me before he walked away. But he disappeared before I could get anything from him." Jiraiya said quietly.
"It’s funny, the new Team 7 is just about the same as the first one. The only second team to ever past Kakashi’s test. I hope their paths don't end the same." Jiraiya said quietly. "I hate living past my students." Jiraiya whispers. He had lost the 4th Hokage Minato and now Naruto he didn't want to lose another. He had trained Kameko when she was little. And he plans to train her more later on. Tsunade sadly looked at Jiraiya. "I really hoped my necklace had chosen Naruto. He was going to make a great Hokage." She whispers as she folded her hands and rested her forehead on them. Jiraiya really hoped Tsunade’s necklace didn't claim another life. He hoped Naruto would appear and tell them what he had been doing. Jiraiya sighed as he thought back to the last day he saw Naruto.
***flash back**
Jiraiya stared at Naruto. They have been looking for him for a couple months now. "Hey pervy sage" Naruto said with a small laugh. "Naruto! Where the hell you been? The whole damn village has been looking for you." Jiraiya said quickly. Naruto made a face. "Gee and here I thought know one would notice I was gone" he said with a smile. "Naruto you know it's different. You've proven to them that you’re a great ninja. You’ve gained so much control over the nine tailed fox. You have so much chakra of your own." Jiraiya said. Naruto looked at one of his sensei. "Thanks, that means a lot Jiraiya" Naruto said lightly. "But I can't come home just yet. Nether can Sasuke, but I need you to do to something for me?" Naruto said lightly.
Jiraiya shifted. "And what’s that?" Jiraiya asked as he stood there. Naruto moved pulling a carrier off his back. A baby let out a small cry from being awaken. "Shh little one it's ok" Naruto whispered as he took the baby out of the carrier and rocked her. "I need you to take her home. she can't stay with me and her mother died during birth. Almost lost her if the wolf demon sprit didn't help" Naruto said as the little baby girl cooed quietly as she held on to Naruto finger. Jiraiya eyes were on the infant. "Naruto..." Jiraiya whispered.
"Yeah haha long story short, I have a daughter." Naruto answer as he shifted the baby. "Sasuke has a son. Orochimaru’s big idea I guess." Naruto said lightly. Jiraiya was shocked not at just the fact of Naruto having a child. But how calm he was. "Her name is Kameko. But I think it would be a good idea if she didn't know who I was." Naruto whispers. Jiraiya shifted as he looked to Naruto again. The little kid he once knew was grown up. The 17 year old Naruto was now an adult, not just an adult but a father now. Naruto looked to the baby in his arms.
"It’s not goodbye.
We’ll meet again.
Somewhere in the hidden leaves.
So this is not our last lullaby" Naruto whispered gently before handing the baby to Jiraiya.
"Take good care of her, she’s the next hero of this village" Naruto whispers as he kissed Kameko’s forehead. "We’ll meet again Kameko, I swear" Naruto whispered before turning and walking off. "Naruto wait.... where are you going?" Jiraiya called out. Naruto looked back but faded away before he said anything. Only a smile on his face. Jiraiya stood there before looking at the little girl in his arms. She had Naruto’s bright blue eyes. she coos at Jiraiya. "Well kid I guess it's me and you until we get back to Konoha" Jiraiya said quietly.
***end of flash back**
Jiraiya looked up as the door opened and the new Team 7 walked in. "Pervy sage what are you doing here" Kameko said loudly. "Oh just checking in on you and the village. Got your headband. I'm proud of you Kameko." Jiraiya said lightly. Kameko grinned. "One step closer to becoming Hokage" Kameko said with a smirk. "And I’m two steps ahead of you" Kyo grumble from behind. Kameko turn to glare at Kyo.
"How are you doing Kyo?" Tsunade asked. Kyo looked at her with an evil look. "Ok, not so well" Tsunade mumbled. "Mother won't talk about it. so I'm pissed off at just about everyone that’s been lying" Kyo grumble. "Sasuke jr, behave" Kameko grumbled only to get her own death glare. "Don't make me kick your @$$" Kyo threatened. Kameko moved. "Bring it on" Kameko said. "Kids!" Tsunade said, a bit annoyed. "You’re here for your next mission" she added. They nodded Kakashi sweatdropped a bit.
Chase looked to his partner as they stood at the gates of a small village. Kuro was bent down on his knees. "You really think we’ll find some damn clues here?" he asked. "Yeah something about an old guy being one that put one of the forbidden scrolls away." Chase answered. Kuro grinned. "If anything we can kill him and you’ll get the answer when you bring him back" Kuro said as he stood up. "That’s your answer to everything. If we do that I don't want the body torn to pieces. It’s much easier if the body is more intact." Chase mumble as they headed into the village. Chase’s headband was wrapped around his left arm. While Kuro’s was wrapped around his leg. He didn't care if anyone saw it or not. But he wore just because it showed that he betrayed his village. The leaf village didn't like his way of doing jutsu, so he used blood, so what?
"So how do we tell who he is?" Kuro asked as they looked around. Chase looked to Kuro "Our leader, Pein said that each member that hides the jutsu scrolls has a tattoo on their back. Of each element that they hide" Chase said lightly as he looked around. He grinned as he saw a toy shop. "Oooo wait Kuro" Chase said stopping Kuro he went over picking out some dolls which he bought, he didn't care much for money. Chase set the dolls down and did a hand sign. "Life Animation Jutsu" Chase whispers. Soon the little dolls stood up on their own. "Ok my little friends, help us find the old man!" Chase said. 5 dolls set off in search of the old guy.
Kango sat in his hut. He had a bad feeling. His tattoo burned on his back. Someone was looking for the scrolls. The one that would bring death to all the villages. If only they could just destroy the scrolls other then hiding them. But the person that created them had said. It would be best to keep them around. And only a couple people could destroy the jutsu too.
Kango wished he was already gone. But then he would of had to pass on the information. Meaning a young person that barely started life would be stuck with the fact of being hunted down all their life. Kango stood up walking over to his window and looking out. He quickly turned, grabbing his bag and started to throw things into it. He stopped though when something moved out of the corner of his eye. He slowly picked up the sheet that moved to find a doll staring at him. "What the hell is that?" he whispered as the doll stood up.
Chase grinned as he saw through his doll’s eyes. "I think we found him" Chase said with a grin as he looked at Kuro. "Good it’s about time" Kuro grumbled as he picked up his sword and rested it on his shoulders. "It’s about time I get to spill some blood" Kuro smirked as he went the way Chase had headed.
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hflp on June 10, 2008, 1:57:18 PM
hflp on