Chapter 5 - Regrouping
Submitted November 25, 2005 Updated February 26, 2006 Status Complete | Gohan, Videl, Bolma and Vegeta go to New-Namic in search of the purple star dragon balls to restore the planet after it is poisoned. But when they get there they find out the namics have been mutated and are deadly. But what will happen when vegeta is bit
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Chapter 5 - Regrouping
Chapter 5 - Regrouping
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Chapter five:
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Chapter five: Regrouping
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6:00 pm Nov 22
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“Look at the sunset.” Gohan said as they flew forward.
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“Yea.” Videl agreed. There hands where already clasped between them and she moved even closer so there shoulders where touching. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her.
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“Love you.” He whispered in her ear, happy with the sound. He had wanted to say that for countless weeks and now he could, whenever he wanted.
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“Love you too Gohan.” She said, turning and kissing him lightly as they flew. “Oh!” she exclaimed and pulled away as the dragon radar in her hand started beeping. “Look Gohan! There's one right up ahead!”
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They flew towards it and once they reached it Gohan frowned. “I guess it's under the water.”
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“Suppose so.” The shore was only five meters away so they landed there and Gohan took off his shoes, not wanting them to get wet. He looked over to Videl but found her not there.
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“Back hear.” Her voice came from behind a rock. A minute later she came out in a purple and blue one piece. “Ta-da!” She said, spinning. “Hey, where's your suit?”
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“I um, didn't think to bring one.” Gohan said, letting his eyes go up and down her small frame.
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“Well you've got to at least have shorts. I mean, you can't go swimming in jeans.”
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“Yea. I've got shorts. He located them than went back behind the rock. “Ta-da!” He said, spinning in an imitation of her.
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“Ha ha. Very funny, now lets go.” She dove into the water and Gohan followed. As they swam out to where the radar he held said it would be they played and splashed at one another. After about a an hour they had found it, got out, changed back into there regular cloths and took off again.
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6:01 pm Nov 22
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Bolma stared at the creature. He had just said that he was Tantalu, the Namic responsible for destroying the planet. Vegeta frowned, well frowned more than normal anyways.
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“Ok <i>Tantalu </i>what you want us for?”
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“wht are you doin on my planit?”
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Bolma answered that one “Were collecting the dragon balls. So we can restore it.”
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“Wht if I don want it fixed? I like it beter thiz way!”
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“But your all zombies!” That was the best word she could think of. Zombies are dead that start walking right? That very dead Namic was up and staring at her along with the rest of the freak show. “Don't you want to be normal again?”
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“No an I think you shoud join uz. Join Tantalu's army.”
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“What? Where not Namicks! How could you-”
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He gnashed his teeth in a frightening jester. “Only take one lil bite thn youd change tell your just like uz.”
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As he said this Vegeta looked down at his arm. It hadn't stopped burning yet in fact it was feeling worse and now an ugly bruise had begin to form around it. “How long would it take for a bite to change us?” he asked.
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Tantalu grinned wider, having followed Vegeta's gaze to the wound. “Ah. So fer one it haz alredy begun. Day, mabey two.”
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“What do you mean? Whats begun?” Bolma said. Vegeta moved towards Bolma slightly as she talked. He grabbed her hand and in an instant they had disappeared and reappeared in the space ship.
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“Wh-howed you do that?” Bolma asked.
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“Kakerot dose it all the time. He lost a bet and had to show me once.” He turned to walk away. “We need to call the two brats and warn them.”
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“ Wait.” She grabbed his hand on the injured arm. “What happened hear?! It looks disgusting!!” The skin around the bite had turned an ugly black, purple blue.
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“Nothing!” He said, defensively pulling it away. “I'm fine!”
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“Your not fine Vegeta! What happened to it?”
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“One of the mutant Namics bit me.”
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“Oh! But- did you hear what he said! What if you change in to one of them?”
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“Saiyan blood can fight of any disease. This'll be no different.”
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She frowned, somehow not totally trusting his words. “At least let me clean it.”
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She led him to the med lab on the ship, carefully taking her time washing and sanitizing and dressing the wound. “Feel better?”
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“I said I was fine before.” He grumbled.
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She smiled and kissed her prince. “Maybe you where Vegeta but this way <i>I'm</i> less worried.”
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“We need to find the two brats and warn them.” Vegeta said. They took off towards their energy signals, leaving the ball they had brought with them safely in the locked cockpit.
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6:53 pm Nov 22
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“Got it!” Gohan said, holding up an algae covered ball.
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“Great Gohan! That's our third one!” They both made a dash for the shore, happy to be out of the smelling, stagnate water.
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“Gohan! Videl!” Bolma's voice called as Vegeta and her landed in front of them. “There's these creatures on the planet-Ugh you stink! I'll explain while we fly home than you two can bathe.”
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“It's not our fault!” Gohan said defensively. “The ball was in the middle of a swamp!”
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“What ever. Look there's these creatures here, the Namics, only there transformed…” She explained the whole story as they flew. By the time they had heard it all and bathed it was dark out side. They all agreed to wait until morning to continue the hunt
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2 b continued
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Chapter five:
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Chapter five: Regrouping
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6:00 pm Nov 22
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“Look at the sunset.” Gohan said as they flew forward.
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“Yea.” Videl agreed. There hands where already clasped between them and she moved even closer so there shoulders where touching. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her.
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“Love you.” He whispered in her ear, happy with the sound. He had wanted to say that for countless weeks and now he could, whenever he wanted.
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“Love you too Gohan.” She said, turning and kissing him lightly as they flew. “Oh!” she exclaimed and pulled away as the dragon radar in her hand started beeping. “Look Gohan! There's one right up ahead!”
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They flew towards it and once they reached it Gohan frowned. “I guess it's under the water.”
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“Suppose so.” The shore was only five meters away so they landed there and Gohan took off his shoes, not wanting them to get wet. He looked over to Videl but found her not there.
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“Back hear.” Her voice came from behind a rock. A minute later she came out in a purple and blue one piece. “Ta-da!” She said, spinning. “Hey, where's your suit?”
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“I um, didn't think to bring one.” Gohan said, letting his eyes go up and down her small frame.
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“Well you've got to at least have shorts. I mean, you can't go swimming in jeans.”
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“Yea. I've got shorts. He located them than went back behind the rock. “Ta-da!” He said, spinning in an imitation of her.
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“Ha ha. Very funny, now lets go.” She dove into the water and Gohan followed. As they swam out to where the radar he held said it would be they played and splashed at one another. After about a an hour they had found it, got out, changed back into there regular cloths and took off again.
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6:01 pm Nov 22
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Bolma stared at the creature. He had just said that he was Tantalu, the Namic responsible for destroying the planet. Vegeta frowned, well frowned more than normal anyways.
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“Ok <i>Tantalu </i>what you want us for?”
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“wht are you doin on my planit?”
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Bolma answered that one “Were collecting the dragon balls. So we can restore it.”
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“Wht if I don want it fixed? I like it beter thiz way!”
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“But your all zombies!” That was the best word she could think of. Zombies are dead that start walking right? That very dead Namic was up and staring at her along with the rest of the freak show. “Don't you want to be normal again?”
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“No an I think you shoud join uz. Join Tantalu's army.”
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“What? Where not Namicks! How could you-”
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He gnashed his teeth in a frightening jester. “Only take one lil bite thn youd change tell your just like uz.”
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As he said this Vegeta looked down at his arm. It hadn't stopped burning yet in fact it was feeling worse and now an ugly bruise had begin to form around it. “How long would it take for a bite to change us?” he asked.
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Tantalu grinned wider, having followed Vegeta's gaze to the wound. “Ah. So fer one it haz alredy begun. Day, mabey two.”
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“What do you mean? Whats begun?” Bolma said. Vegeta moved towards Bolma slightly as she talked. He grabbed her hand and in an instant they had disappeared and reappeared in the space ship.
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“Wh-howed you do that?” Bolma asked.
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“Kakerot dose it all the time. He lost a bet and had to show me once.” He turned to walk away. “We need to call the two brats and warn them.”
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“ Wait.” She grabbed his hand on the injured arm. “What happened hear?! It looks disgusting!!” The skin around the bite had turned an ugly black, purple blue.
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“Nothing!” He said, defensively pulling it away. “I'm fine!”
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“Your not fine Vegeta! What happened to it?”
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“One of the mutant Namics bit me.”
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“Oh! But- did you hear what he said! What if you change in to one of them?”
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“Saiyan blood can fight of any disease. This'll be no different.”
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She frowned, somehow not totally trusting his words. “At least let me clean it.”
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She led him to the med lab on the ship, carefully taking her time washing and sanitizing and dressing the wound. “Feel better?”
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“I said I was fine before.” He grumbled.
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She smiled and kissed her prince. “Maybe you where Vegeta but this way <i>I'm</i> less worried.”
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“We need to find the two brats and warn them.” Vegeta said. They took off towards their energy signals, leaving the ball they had brought with them safely in the locked cockpit.
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6:53 pm Nov 22
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“Got it!” Gohan said, holding up an algae covered ball.
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“Great Gohan! That's our third one!” They both made a dash for the shore, happy to be out of the smelling, stagnate water.
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“Gohan! Videl!” Bolma's voice called as Vegeta and her landed in front of them. “There's these creatures on the planet-Ugh you stink! I'll explain while we fly home than you two can bathe.”
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“It's not our fault!” Gohan said defensively. “The ball was in the middle of a swamp!”
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“What ever. Look there's these creatures here, the Namics, only there transformed…” She explained the whole story as they flew. By the time they had heard it all and bathed it was dark out side. They all agreed to wait until morning to continue the hunt
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2 b continued
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tainted_truffle on June 5, 2006, 8:50:56 AM