Chapter 1 - Generation Ed
Submitted February 8, 2004 Updated February 8, 2004 Status Incomplete | An Ed Edd n Eddy fanscript.
Cartoons » Ed, Edd, and Eddy |
Chapter 1 - Generation Ed
Chapter 1 - Generation Ed
(Opening scene) (Edd sat on park bench watching Eddy pacing)
(Eddy with angry face pacing and looking at floor)
Edd: You know Eddy, it wouldn't hurt to sit down and stop scuffing up the grass
Eddy: If you're gonna complain, do it somewhere else!
Edd: (angry look) he's so stubborn..... >:-(
Eddy: He should have been here over an hour ago!!
Edd: Well his parents took him into town about 3 hours ago so according to my calculations he should arrive home right about....... Now!
(Ed gets out of car and runs in usual style toward the park wearing headphones)
Eddy: It's about time! What took ya?
(Ed completely ignores and dances around)
Eddy: Hey lumpy I'm talkin to you!
Edd: Oh for heavens sake Eddy (walks over to Ed and takes headphones off)
Ed: Quack...
(Edd puts headphones on, then has a disgusted look on his face, then quickly takes them off)
Edd: What in heavens name is this???
Ed: Oo oo! It's the many stylings of Ted the Reaper! Feeder of souls and hunter of green mutants!
(Edd looking shocked and Eddy looking annoyed)
Eddy: OK OK enough with the music already...
Edd: (muttering) as if that filth can be classed as music....
Eddy: Hey, shut up!
(Edd mumbles angrily)
Eddy: Good! Now then, you guys ready to bear witness to the greatest scam in the history of mankind?
Ed: Do tell!
Edd: Oh please!
Eddy: Now then sock-head... Get some tin-foil and lots of tape!
(Edd walks off with Eddy following and Ed also)
Edd: The amount we spend on tape we could've bought a mountain of jawbreakers right now.....
Ed: (with headphones on) Shine ur shoes mister??
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (The usual cul de sac setting with a stall set up by the eds ready to rip the kids off)
Eddy: Come one come all and get your very own robot!
(Eddy points to Edd and Ed who are wrapped in tin foil)
Edd: (looking around) This is so humiliating!
Ed: Boop boop!
(Kevin goes past on bike listening to music. Rolf, Jonny and Nazz also pass by with music playing on headphones)
Eddy: What's with that?
Edd: Seems that hideous music has become rather popular....
Ed: (singing) Squeeze the brain with chains!
(Edd looks scared)
Eddy: So it's music they want is it? (evil grin)
(Eddy runs into his house while Ed is chewing Edds arm)
Edd: Eddyyyy!!!!
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Kids are in the park dancing to the music on headphones)
Rolf: Come! Boogaloo with Rolf!
Kevin: Intense!
Jonny: Woohoo! Feel the rhythm Plank!
Nazz: Awesome!.... Huh?
(Nazz spots something coming over from the lane)
(Everyone else spots it too. Hundreds of pieces of paper floating in their direction)
Kevin: What is this?
(Kids are submerged in small posters)
(Jonny emerges from pile of paper)
Jonny: Right on!
Kevin: (reading the papers) Rock concert? Choice! The dorks came up with something rad for a change.
Nazz: (also reading papers) Starts in one hour down the lane.....
(Kids go off to lane)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Kids are sat in front of big tacky looking stage set up in the cul de sac. Not that only Rolf, Jonny, Kevin and Nazz are present)
Eddy: (voice over loudspeaker) And now! Ladies and gerbils! Give it up for.... The Electric Eeeeeds!!!!!
(From behind curtain, Eddy comes out playing his brothers guitar badly, Edd plays his strange annoying instrument and Ed is head-butting a drum)
(altogether an awful sound)
(Kids look disgusted)
Kevin: Oo maaaan :-S
Nazz: You're giving me a headache dude!!
Rolf: Aaaaah!! Eeeee!!! (staggering around with fingers in ears)
(Kids run off in panic)
Eddy: (still singing and playing with eyes closed) Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah!!!! (opens eyes)
(Eds look left to right puzzled)
Eddy: Where'd they go??
Ed: To sprinkle the fixins'!!! (dumb laugh)
Eddy: (looking angry smacks Ed round the head with guitar)
(Eddy sits and mopes on the edge of the stage. Edd comes over)
Edd: It's hardly surprising this shenanigan failed! How anyone could enjoy this repulsive insult to the art of music is beyond me!
Eddy: (shouting) So fix it already!!!!
Edd: How in the world am I supposed to try and give this hideous musical a new life??
Eddy: Use that big pink mushy thing under that sock of yours!
(Edd sits and starts thinking. Eddy impatiently watches while Ed dances to his music on his CD player)
Eddy: Well??
(Edd runs off back to his house. Eddy follows and Ed is running and singing strange twisted lyrics from the strange twisted song)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Ed and Eddy are stood outside Edds house waiting for him to come out)
Eddy: What the hecks he doin?
Ed: Whatever it is that he does Eddy! ^_^
Eddy: What?
Ed: Organise his books, feed his ant farm and not to mention his sticky notes.... major bore.....
Eddy: Do you ever shut up?
(Edd bursts out of door)
Edd: Subliminal messaging!!!! :-D
Ed: Yes I am!
Eddy: What you talkin about now?
Edd: Subliminal messaging Eddy! Advertisers use this to pursuade their customers to buy only their product!
(Eddy looks unimpressed)...... So?
Edd: We use subliminal messaging in our song which tells the kids that they have to enjoy it!
Ed: Yup! Sure set him straight!
Eddy: No foolin'? Come on! I gotta see this ^_^
(Eddy runs back to the lane. Ed and Edd follow)
Ed: Has anyone seen my orange?
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Behind the stage, Ed, Edd n Eddy standing in front of a huge machine)
Edd: Behold! The audio pitch transmogrifier!!
Eddy: Say what? :-S
Edd: (sighs) The machine that is going to get our music popular Eddy!
Eddy: Sweet! So, how's it work? (looks machine over)
Edd: If I were to tell you how the device works, I'd be here all day (chuckles). All you have to do, is enter the message into this box here. The song will be combined with the message and sent to the ears of the audience! The message cleverly disguised within the song.
Ed: Look at all the buttons! (reaches out to press one)
Edd: Stop right there mister!!! (slaps Eds hand away from machine). Never touch the machine! Why, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, people will be told to do things that are too awful to imagine!
Eddy: Yeah yeah yeah, let's get this show on the road. Ed! Lift!
Ed: Oki Doki Smokey! (Ed lifts the entire stage)
Eddy: To the park!
Ed: Hup hup hup.
Edd: Oh my!
(Ed carries the stage with Edd, Eddy and the machine away to the park)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Jonny, Rolf, Kevin and Nazz are playing in park)
Kevin: (Notices the stage heading towards the park) What the? 0.0
(Ed drops the stage in front of the kids)
Ed: Come again!
Eddy: We're gonna be so popular and rich (drools)
Edd: (wipes Eddy's mouth with a tissue) Now now Eddy, first we need to set up the machine.
Eddy: Right right (walks over to the machine). Let's see... (types in on the keyboard "enjoy this song")
(Eddy laughs evilly)
Eddy: Let's get this show on the road boys.
(Kids watch)
Nazz: Um...
Rolf: Not again!!!
(The Eds come out on stage like last time)
Eddy: Now we got a song we think you're going to love!
Kevin: Would that happen to be the sound of silence?
Eddy: (Irritated) Grrrrr.....
Ed: (walks over to Eddy) Is it my turn to play the loud strings Eddy??
Eddy: Make yourself useful and stand over there ready to take out earnings >:-)
Ed: (sulks and walks to the back of the stage)
Edd: All systems operational Eddy!!
(Eddy and Edd start playing and it sounds just as bad, if not worse than before)
Nazz: Hey, isn't this the same song as before?
Jonny: I think so....
Kevin: So how come it rocks this time?
(Kids start dancing)
Eddy: Bingo! >:-)
(Ed walks over to the machine that has caused the kids to be fooled into thinking they're listening to good music)
(Ed looks eagerly at the control panel and then recalls what Edd had said earlier "Never touch the machine!")
Ed: Not touching! Just gonna press this button here.... and this button there and that doohicky over there!
(Ed over-writes the old message with a new one)
Rolf: Why is Rolf dancing to the shame of strings?
Kevin: Yeah, why were we dancing to that racket??
Jonny: Beats me....
Kevin: Lets go....
(Kids quickly go away)
Eddy: Now what's wrong?
(Eddy angrily looks at Edd)
Edd: Don't look at me Eddy! The machine must have failed, But I don't know what could have caused....
Eddy: (interupts Edd) Ed!!! >:-o
Ed: Huh?
Eddy: Grrrrr why you.... (approaches)
Ed: Run awaaaaay!
(Eddy chases Ed around the park, smashing into and destroying the stage as they go)
(Edd examines the machine)
Edd: But... the message was changed! Ed? What exactly did you type into this?
Ed: Haven't got a clue smarty pants! ^_^
Edd: (looking at machine and pondering) Oh well, I'm too tired to figure this out. All that racket's given me one mother of a headache Eddy....
Eddy: You said it.... Being a superstar is tiring thankless work.
Ed: A joyful burden!
Eddy: Let's go.. I need a drink.
Edd: I'm up for that Eddy. Coming Ed?
Ed: Who brought the tartar sauce?
(Eds walk back towards Eddy's house)
Eddy: So what do you think Ed put on that machine anyway?
Edd: Oh it's probably nothing.
(Zoom to Rolfs farm where Nazz, Jonny, Kevin and Rolf are)
Rolf: Shoo go away! Leave Rolfs chickens!
Kevin: I never realised how awesome chickens were.
Nazz: Aww they're so cute!
Jonny: Cluck cluck
(Sarah and Jimmy walk by fence)
Jimmy: Why are they acting like Ed?
Sarah: Beats me.... Hey!!!
(The rest of kids look)
Sarah: What the heck are you guys doing???
(silence for a second)
Nazz: What ARE we doing? :-S
(Zoom to the Eds walking back towards Eddy's house)
(Eddy at the front looking ticked off, Edd next looking tired and Ed behind with his headphones on)
Ed: I am dead from the neck up guys!
The End
(Eddy with angry face pacing and looking at floor)
Edd: You know Eddy, it wouldn't hurt to sit down and stop scuffing up the grass
Eddy: If you're gonna complain, do it somewhere else!
Edd: (angry look) he's so stubborn..... >:-(
Eddy: He should have been here over an hour ago!!
Edd: Well his parents took him into town about 3 hours ago so according to my calculations he should arrive home right about....... Now!
(Ed gets out of car and runs in usual style toward the park wearing headphones)
Eddy: It's about time! What took ya?
(Ed completely ignores and dances around)
Eddy: Hey lumpy I'm talkin to you!
Edd: Oh for heavens sake Eddy (walks over to Ed and takes headphones off)
Ed: Quack...
(Edd puts headphones on, then has a disgusted look on his face, then quickly takes them off)
Edd: What in heavens name is this???
Ed: Oo oo! It's the many stylings of Ted the Reaper! Feeder of souls and hunter of green mutants!
(Edd looking shocked and Eddy looking annoyed)
Eddy: OK OK enough with the music already...
Edd: (muttering) as if that filth can be classed as music....
Eddy: Hey, shut up!
(Edd mumbles angrily)
Eddy: Good! Now then, you guys ready to bear witness to the greatest scam in the history of mankind?
Ed: Do tell!
Edd: Oh please!
Eddy: Now then sock-head... Get some tin-foil and lots of tape!
(Edd walks off with Eddy following and Ed also)
Edd: The amount we spend on tape we could've bought a mountain of jawbreakers right now.....
Ed: (with headphones on) Shine ur shoes mister??
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (The usual cul de sac setting with a stall set up by the eds ready to rip the kids off)
Eddy: Come one come all and get your very own robot!
(Eddy points to Edd and Ed who are wrapped in tin foil)
Edd: (looking around) This is so humiliating!
Ed: Boop boop!
(Kevin goes past on bike listening to music. Rolf, Jonny and Nazz also pass by with music playing on headphones)
Eddy: What's with that?
Edd: Seems that hideous music has become rather popular....
Ed: (singing) Squeeze the brain with chains!
(Edd looks scared)
Eddy: So it's music they want is it? (evil grin)
(Eddy runs into his house while Ed is chewing Edds arm)
Edd: Eddyyyy!!!!
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Kids are in the park dancing to the music on headphones)
Rolf: Come! Boogaloo with Rolf!
Kevin: Intense!
Jonny: Woohoo! Feel the rhythm Plank!
Nazz: Awesome!.... Huh?
(Nazz spots something coming over from the lane)
(Everyone else spots it too. Hundreds of pieces of paper floating in their direction)
Kevin: What is this?
(Kids are submerged in small posters)
(Jonny emerges from pile of paper)
Jonny: Right on!
Kevin: (reading the papers) Rock concert? Choice! The dorks came up with something rad for a change.
Nazz: (also reading papers) Starts in one hour down the lane.....
(Kids go off to lane)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Kids are sat in front of big tacky looking stage set up in the cul de sac. Not that only Rolf, Jonny, Kevin and Nazz are present)
Eddy: (voice over loudspeaker) And now! Ladies and gerbils! Give it up for.... The Electric Eeeeeds!!!!!
(From behind curtain, Eddy comes out playing his brothers guitar badly, Edd plays his strange annoying instrument and Ed is head-butting a drum)
(altogether an awful sound)
(Kids look disgusted)
Kevin: Oo maaaan :-S
Nazz: You're giving me a headache dude!!
Rolf: Aaaaah!! Eeeee!!! (staggering around with fingers in ears)
(Kids run off in panic)
Eddy: (still singing and playing with eyes closed) Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah!!!! (opens eyes)
(Eds look left to right puzzled)
Eddy: Where'd they go??
Ed: To sprinkle the fixins'!!! (dumb laugh)
Eddy: (looking angry smacks Ed round the head with guitar)
(Eddy sits and mopes on the edge of the stage. Edd comes over)
Edd: It's hardly surprising this shenanigan failed! How anyone could enjoy this repulsive insult to the art of music is beyond me!
Eddy: (shouting) So fix it already!!!!
Edd: How in the world am I supposed to try and give this hideous musical a new life??
Eddy: Use that big pink mushy thing under that sock of yours!
(Edd sits and starts thinking. Eddy impatiently watches while Ed dances to his music on his CD player)
Eddy: Well??
(Edd runs off back to his house. Eddy follows and Ed is running and singing strange twisted lyrics from the strange twisted song)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Ed and Eddy are stood outside Edds house waiting for him to come out)
Eddy: What the hecks he doin?
Ed: Whatever it is that he does Eddy! ^_^
Eddy: What?
Ed: Organise his books, feed his ant farm and not to mention his sticky notes.... major bore.....
Eddy: Do you ever shut up?
(Edd bursts out of door)
Edd: Subliminal messaging!!!! :-D
Ed: Yes I am!
Eddy: What you talkin about now?
Edd: Subliminal messaging Eddy! Advertisers use this to pursuade their customers to buy only their product!
(Eddy looks unimpressed)...... So?
Edd: We use subliminal messaging in our song which tells the kids that they have to enjoy it!
Ed: Yup! Sure set him straight!
Eddy: No foolin'? Come on! I gotta see this ^_^
(Eddy runs back to the lane. Ed and Edd follow)
Ed: Has anyone seen my orange?
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Behind the stage, Ed, Edd n Eddy standing in front of a huge machine)
Edd: Behold! The audio pitch transmogrifier!!
Eddy: Say what? :-S
Edd: (sighs) The machine that is going to get our music popular Eddy!
Eddy: Sweet! So, how's it work? (looks machine over)
Edd: If I were to tell you how the device works, I'd be here all day (chuckles). All you have to do, is enter the message into this box here. The song will be combined with the message and sent to the ears of the audience! The message cleverly disguised within the song.
Ed: Look at all the buttons! (reaches out to press one)
Edd: Stop right there mister!!! (slaps Eds hand away from machine). Never touch the machine! Why, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, people will be told to do things that are too awful to imagine!
Eddy: Yeah yeah yeah, let's get this show on the road. Ed! Lift!
Ed: Oki Doki Smokey! (Ed lifts the entire stage)
Eddy: To the park!
Ed: Hup hup hup.
Edd: Oh my!
(Ed carries the stage with Edd, Eddy and the machine away to the park)
(Fade out)
(Opening scene) (Jonny, Rolf, Kevin and Nazz are playing in park)
Kevin: (Notices the stage heading towards the park) What the? 0.0
(Ed drops the stage in front of the kids)
Ed: Come again!
Eddy: We're gonna be so popular and rich (drools)
Edd: (wipes Eddy's mouth with a tissue) Now now Eddy, first we need to set up the machine.
Eddy: Right right (walks over to the machine). Let's see... (types in on the keyboard "enjoy this song")
(Eddy laughs evilly)
Eddy: Let's get this show on the road boys.
(Kids watch)
Nazz: Um...
Rolf: Not again!!!
(The Eds come out on stage like last time)
Eddy: Now we got a song we think you're going to love!
Kevin: Would that happen to be the sound of silence?
Eddy: (Irritated) Grrrrr.....
Ed: (walks over to Eddy) Is it my turn to play the loud strings Eddy??
Eddy: Make yourself useful and stand over there ready to take out earnings >:-)
Ed: (sulks and walks to the back of the stage)
Edd: All systems operational Eddy!!
(Eddy and Edd start playing and it sounds just as bad, if not worse than before)
Nazz: Hey, isn't this the same song as before?
Jonny: I think so....
Kevin: So how come it rocks this time?
(Kids start dancing)
Eddy: Bingo! >:-)
(Ed walks over to the machine that has caused the kids to be fooled into thinking they're listening to good music)
(Ed looks eagerly at the control panel and then recalls what Edd had said earlier "Never touch the machine!")
Ed: Not touching! Just gonna press this button here.... and this button there and that doohicky over there!
(Ed over-writes the old message with a new one)
Rolf: Why is Rolf dancing to the shame of strings?
Kevin: Yeah, why were we dancing to that racket??
Jonny: Beats me....
Kevin: Lets go....
(Kids quickly go away)
Eddy: Now what's wrong?
(Eddy angrily looks at Edd)
Edd: Don't look at me Eddy! The machine must have failed, But I don't know what could have caused....
Eddy: (interupts Edd) Ed!!! >:-o
Ed: Huh?
Eddy: Grrrrr why you.... (approaches)
Ed: Run awaaaaay!
(Eddy chases Ed around the park, smashing into and destroying the stage as they go)
(Edd examines the machine)
Edd: But... the message was changed! Ed? What exactly did you type into this?
Ed: Haven't got a clue smarty pants! ^_^
Edd: (looking at machine and pondering) Oh well, I'm too tired to figure this out. All that racket's given me one mother of a headache Eddy....
Eddy: You said it.... Being a superstar is tiring thankless work.
Ed: A joyful burden!
Eddy: Let's go.. I need a drink.
Edd: I'm up for that Eddy. Coming Ed?
Ed: Who brought the tartar sauce?
(Eds walk back towards Eddy's house)
Eddy: So what do you think Ed put on that machine anyway?
Edd: Oh it's probably nothing.
(Zoom to Rolfs farm where Nazz, Jonny, Kevin and Rolf are)
Rolf: Shoo go away! Leave Rolfs chickens!
Kevin: I never realised how awesome chickens were.
Nazz: Aww they're so cute!
Jonny: Cluck cluck
(Sarah and Jimmy walk by fence)
Jimmy: Why are they acting like Ed?
Sarah: Beats me.... Hey!!!
(The rest of kids look)
Sarah: What the heck are you guys doing???
(silence for a second)
Nazz: What ARE we doing? :-S
(Zoom to the Eds walking back towards Eddy's house)
(Eddy at the front looking ticked off, Edd next looking tired and Ed behind with his headphones on)
Ed: I am dead from the neck up guys!
The End
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dreaming_of_U on December 12, 2006, 9:34:32 PM

MechaSonic43 on October 13, 2005, 7:25:22 AM
MechaSonic43 on
SonicManiac on June 27, 2004, 5:00:19 AM
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