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Chapter 3 - silver kiss

It's the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? in not the only thing lurking around the corner, as inu and his mate, kag, will learn. Their new foe has many gifts for them, all wrapped in silver bows.

Chapter 3 - silver kiss

Chapter 3 - silver kiss
Naraku?" Kagome asked slowly, confused and slightly frightened by the furious glint in Inu-Yasha's eyes.

"Yes! NARAKU! WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH HIM?!" her mate growled, leaning forward and smelling her neck with his eyes shut in concentration.

"Stop that!"

"You were all over each other, weren't you?!"


"I'm SURE you didn't want him to be!"

"I *DIDN'T*!" the 'girl' insisted, glaring at the pissed off Inu. "He cornered me in an ally! Sniff my back, you'll be able to smell the brick! And he had me by my arms too, so I couldn't escape!" she told him, showing him her bruised wrists.

"Why didn't you KICK him?!"

Kagome blinked.

Why the hell hadn't she thought of that?!

"I was scared! I wasn't thinking straight!" she cried, banging her fists on Inu's chest in emphasis. "I wasn't cheating on you, I know that's what you're thinking!"

The silver haired wolf stiffened slightly, looking away in outrage and embarrassment.

"Don't you believe me. . .?" Kag pressed sadly.

"Of course I believe you, koi. . ." he finally grumbled. "Besides, you don't even know who Naraku is, do you?"

"No!" the 'girl' glared angrily. "I'd appreciate and explanation! That bastard wouldn't tell me a thing about himself. . ."

"All right, all right," Inu sighed.

He began to take a deep breath to explain, but cut himself off before he had even begun.

"Well?!" Kagome sighed in exasperation.

"Could you take a shower first? You stink of him. . ." her mate growled softly. "I don't like it. . ."

Rolling her eyes, the female stormed off, grabbing a towel as she went.


Stepping through the excess steam of her shower, Kagome sighed and wrapped a fluffy blue towel around herself.

'I have to admit, though,' she sighed, rubbing her neck. 'I do smell bet- ow!'

Hissing in soft surprise, the girl withdrew her fingers from a tender spot on the side of her neck.

Pulling her hair back and looking into the mirror, she found herself gazing at a large, red welt.

As if she had been touched by silver. . .

But the only thing that had touched her there apart from her hair was- - -

Naraku's lips.

But what had he given her?

A silver kiss?!

"How-?" Kagome murmured to herself, quickly applying foundation makeup on the spot to cover it. 'How did that happen?'


A little while later, Kagome and Inu-Yasha sat on the couch, the 'girl' glaring expectantly at the silent 'boy'.

"Well?" Kag finally questioned. "Who is this Naraku?"

The silver haired werewolf sighed. "Way back- okay, so it wasn't really way back. It was a few months before I met you. Anyway, I was going out with Kikyo."

"Kikyo?" Kagome raised an eyebrow.

"Remember? That dead fracking whore-slut-dog who kept threatening you?"

"Oh yeah! Her." Kag shivered slightly. "I didn't like her."

"I don't either. Not any more."

"I hadn't gotten that."

"But moving along- she dumped me for some guy named Naraku, a really rich werewolf from another clan."

"Did you ever see him?"

"No, but I smelt him on her. I heard Kikyo say he was really cool; he had a lot of piercing and liked to wear 'manly' jewelry. She called him a daredevil. But like I said, never saw him myself."

Kagome frowned slightly.

She hadn't seen any jewelry. . .

Then again, all she saw of him was his eyes and his hair.

"Didn't he ever go to the park on the full moon with you?"

"No. Each different werewolf clan has their own park or location to go to on the full moon. Otherwise mortals would get suspicious."

"But what if werewolves of a different clan mated?"

"Then the female would go live in the male's clan. Now are you ever gonna let me finish this story?!"

"Sorry," the ebony haired teen smiled nervously. "Continue."

"Right. Well, after a while, Naraku's money disappeared. He has some sort of weird job- I don't know much about it; but he's either marvelously rich or spectacularly poor."

"Hm. Well, he still has it better then us. We're always spectacularly poor."

"Look, are you gonna let me finish or not?"

"Er- sorry again."

"Thank you. Well, after all his money left him, so did Kikyo."

Kag was silent, waiting for him to continue.

"That's all. You can talk now."

"Okay. Well, can you tell me anything about Naraku from his scent?"

Inu-Yasha raised an eyebrow. "Can *you* tell me? Your nose is probably better then mine."

"No. . ."

"Well, there ya have it."


"Kag-chan, you can't even tell if a man is a werewolf by their scent."

The female wolf looked shocked. "Really?" 'But I suppose now that I think of it, there's nothing outstandingly different between, say, Sango and Ayumi's scents. . .'

"Nope. When dogs smell each other, you think they can tell what type of canine the other is*? You smell the same as you did as a human."

"Then how can you tell if someone is a wolf or not?"

"You can't. That's why werewolves generally only trust those in their packs."

"Oh. . ." the 'girl' murmured, deep in thought.

Inu watched his mate coolly while she pulled her legs to her chest and rested her head atop them.

As her hair tumbled over her shoulders, the male noticed a spot of her neck covered in makeup.

"What's that?" he asked, his brow furrowed as he wiped off the foundation.

"Ow! Don-" she began, but cut herself off with a wince of pain.

Inu-Yasha growled as he saw the welt. "Were you touching silver?!"

"No. That's where. . . he kissed me. . . "

The male's expression became murderous as his growls became louder. "What else did he do?!"

"Well. . . I already told you about how he pushed me against the wall. . .he kissed me. . .and. . .he told me to beware of you and the rest of the wolves. He told me seeing is deceiving."

Her mate was silent for a moment, biting his bottom lip in thought as he pulled Kag into his lap, resting his chin on her hair.

"I think. . ." he said softly, "we need to tell Kouga about this. Something isn't right. . ."


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