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Chapter 11 - I know so

It's the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? in not the only thing lurking around the corner, as inu and his mate, kag, will learn. Their new foe has many gifts for them, all wrapped in silver bows.

Chapter 11 - I know so

Chapter 11 - I know so

Naraku smirked at the pair's horror-struck faces as he aimed the loaded weapon.

"Don't even try to run," he whispered, his voice so soft that only the werewolves could hear him. "Because I'll find you. I swear by the Moon Goddess that I'll hunt you down."

Kagome's eyes widened a fraction as a warning growl shook Inu-Yasha's body.

How did he. . .?!

"What kind of lies are you spouting out, Naraku?!" the silver haired boy snapped, his hold on his mate tightening.

"Keh," the hunter chuckled darkly, watching the couple intently.

But he was momentarily distracted by a boy that was pointing at him and whispering to a girl next to him.

As Naraku glared at the two, Inu-Yasha seized the moment.

"Kagome," Inu murmured so quietly that only his mate could hear him as he placed her slowly on the floor. "When I say run, go."


"I think it's time to say good-bye," Naraku grinned smugly, returning his gaze to the wolves; his eyes flashing dangerously as he cocked the gun again.

"Yes, it is!" bellowed a voice from down the hall.

All the students gathered around them scattered in all directions- - -

As the principal ran forward, her eyes blazing with cold furry.

"Run!" Inu-Yasha hissed, pushing his mate into the safety of the pandemonium, where she and her cries for her koi were carried off by the scampering crowd.

"You two!" the principal growled, as she neared the two teen males- now standing alone in the silent hallway. "Into my office. NOW!"


Sango lay in bed, her eyes half lidded in a dream-like state.

"Sango-chan," a soft voice called from the door. "I'm back with the new thermometer. Don't break this one, okay?"

"I'm not promising anything," she grunted as Miroku stepped softly up to her bedside. "Those fracking things are annoying."

"I'm sorry, love," he smiled sympathetically. "But how else are we gonna get your temperature?"

The girl said nothing, looking away and grumbling inaudibly to herself.

Miroku sighed and sat down on a fold-out chair near his mattress- they were still in his room, after all.

Oh well, he was always willing to share with his Sango.

Fishing a new thermometer out of a blue plastic shopping bag, he carefully took it out of it's protective plastic covering.

"Now," he told his mate soothingly, taking a moist washcloth and sponging her clammy forehead, "take this one calmly, all right? No chucking it to the other side of the room when it tickles your tongue."

Sango grunted in response.

"Now open wide."

She grudgingly complied.

Grinning lovingly down at her, Miroku calmly placed the thermometer inside her mouth, moving his fingers before the girl bit them off- he just in time, too.

"'Ow 'ong 'o I 'ave 'oo 'ait?" the brown-haired girl spat out through the plastic stick.

"Just a little longer," he replied gently, resting one leg on top of the another as he checked his watch.

Sango shot him a glare from the corner of her eye but attempted to say nothing else.


Kagome ran worriedly through the halls, fighting against the current of students who were trying to escape the 'crime scene'.

"Inu-Yasha!" she cried.

With a small cry, she was pushed to the ground by the last of the fleeing teens.

"Owww. . ." she mumbled, rubbing her leg.

But wait. . .

Her leg didn't feel bruised-

Damn it- it felt like it was burning!

Digging into the pocket of her skirt, she gasped as she felt her hands connect with a warm handle-

Of a gun.

Retreating her limb, she remembered vaguely that this skirt had a hole in the pocket.

But what could be making her leg- - -

Burn. . .?

'After the shot. . . the remaining flecks of a. . .'"Silver bullet. . ." she whispered, her eyes widening before she quickly raced to her locker to get rid of the weapon.


"Inu-Yasha," the principal hissed quietly, glancing at the silver haired rebel who was purposely ignoring her, his eyes glued on the window. "Naraku," she continued, flicking her icy gaze to the other teen. "I cannot even begin to say how disappointed and disgusted I am in the pair of you."

"Then don't bother starting," Inu-Yasha snarled, his eyes flashing. "I have better things to do."

Naraku nodded once before locking the half-wolf with a murderous glare.

"DON'T YOU TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME!" she roared, slamming her fists on her mahogany desk in emphasis, her name tag- which read 'Miss Selene' and was adorned with a smily face sticker- and small vase of white roses rattling dangerously.

"Then what tone," the hunter retorted smoothly, "would you prefer?"

The woman's pale face flushed angrily, her midnight blue eyes narrowing as her lip curled into a sneer.

"I'd watch it if I were you, Naraku," she whispered, a strand of her pale hair falling from it's bun and curling in front of her face. "You don't want to mess with me. . ."

While she was distracted, Inu-Yasha glanced the principal up and down.

Was she new here?

He hadn't seen her here before and yet. . .there was something. . . oddly familiar. . .

"Inu-Yasha!" she barked, causing the silver haired boy to jump slightly.

"What?" he replied irritably.

"I asked you a question," she replied shortly, her temper obviously getting the better of her. "I asked: Which do you think is a better punishment? Suspension or expulsion?"

"For who?" he sneered. "Me or him?"

"Both of you," she hissed.

"What?!" Inu-Yasha glared. "At least I wasn't waving around a gun!"

"What gun?!" Naraku interrupted in annoyance. "I don't have a gun!"

"Yes, you do! Ask any of those kids in the hall! Don't deny it!"

"I don't have a gun!" he repeated. "You can search my frackin' pockets again!"

"Language!" the principal bellowed. "Both of you- shut your mouths!"

The two grudgingly complied.

"There is no doubt," the woman began softly as the two fell silent, "that there was a gun. However, as you lost yourself in day dreams, Inu-Yasha, I examined Naraku's pockets- and he held no weapon. And neither, I take it," she continued, glancing briefly down the amber eyed teen's skin tight black outfit, "neither do you. I have authorities searching the halls for any trace of the revolver, and should they find it, it shall be instantly disposed of."

She took a moment's pause here, to take a long breath.

"Now. Let's get right to the point- no more dawdling."

Taking a seat behind her desk, she steepled her fingers and glared at the boys.

"Both of you shall be suspended until the end of Winter Break. After which you shall be put on yearly probation- meaning you shall be constantly followed by at least one teacher during the day. No loitering in the halls, no going off on your own- and after a daily two hour detention, you will go straight home. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Transparently so," Naraku hissed, fiddling with one of his studded bracelets but not once losing eye contact with the woman.

"If anything else like this happens again," the principal murmured softly, rising to her feet with a quiet clatter, "I shall be forced to expel you and send you to the police. You're lucky I'm not doing that now. But as I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. . ." she trailed off, momentarily looking out the window at the softly falling snow. "I'm not going to do any more then this for now. Both of you- leave. And I don't mean for your class. I mean go home."

"Yes, ma'am," the hunter replied curtly, standing up in a leisurely manner before striding out of the room.

However, as Inu-Yasha stood, her felt the woman tap his shoulder gently.

"What do you want?" he snarled, spinning to face her.

But to his surprise, she wasn't glaring any more.

She was smiling.

Leaning forward, she uncapped his head and whispered into his ear: "I'll keep in touch, Inu-Yasha. Say hello to Kagome for me."

The half wolf stood in shock, staring blankly at the grinning woman as she backed away, laughed melodically as another lock of her hair broke free of it's bun, showing off jet black roots.

But then Inu blinked-

And she was gone; leaving nothing but the sweet scent of roses in the spot she had been standing.


"So what is it?" Sango grunted as her mate took the thermometer out of her mouth.

He clucked his tongue softly. "101, sweetie. You're very sick."

"Gee, had you not said anything, I might not have noticed," she replied dryly. But the effect of her sarcasm was lost as she suddenly began fumbling for the 'puke bucket' Kagome had left near her bedside table.

Shaking his head and waiting for her stomach wrenching gags to subside, Miroku casually reached into his shopping bag and pulled out a bottle of liquid medicine and a spoon.

"I thought we'd be needing this," he told his koi calmly, unscrewing the top.

"I won't drink it," Sango stated, her voice cracking.

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't," she responded again, slightly firmer this time. "You can't make me."

"No, I suppose I can't," he sighed cheerfully. "But I can sure try."

Slowly pouring a spoonful of the syrup, he beamed at his mate as she watched his suspiciously.

"What are you plani- PERVE-!" she began to scream, moving so as to slap his hand as he groped her @$$.

But as soon as she opened up to yell, Miroku poured the medicine inside and closed her mouth, giving her no alternative way to get rid of the disgusting substance other than swallow it.

"I hate you," she told him weakly as she flopped back in the bed.

"I know," he smiled, mopping her sweating brow with a clean cloth before kissing her forehead. "Now rest."


Inu-Yasha trekked home slowly that night, dragging his feet through the piles of fresh snow blanketing the city.

As soon as he left school he searched the whole city for the hunter-

Yet there was no sign of Naraku anywhere.

And that made him more nervous then anything.

'I almost wish he'd just show his face so I could get this battle over with,' he thought dryly as he reached the apartment, his numb hand grasping the door handle.

But before he entered the house completely, he looked up at the velvety, overcast sky.

Through the dark gray clouds, a single ray of moonlight shone.

Though one couldn't see it, it was the night before the full moon.

Never had he dreaded it so much.

With Naraku around. . .

Suppressing a shiver from the cold wind, Inu-Yasha slowly turned around and headed inside.


"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome gasped in relief as soon as he walked though the door. The male couldn't help but gasp in surprise as his mate launching herself at his chest and refused to let go of his shirt. "Oh gods, are you okay?!"

"I'm fine," he replied tiredly.

"What happened?!" his koi gasped, rubbing her nose against his rosy red one before nuzzling his neck in a concerned fashion.

"I was suspended," he grunted, quelling a blush. "And then put on probation when I return- but who the hell cares? It's only school. . ."

He pushed past his worried mate and dumped his jacket on the floor, flopping down on the couch facing the window; watching the snow fall.

Kagome stood silently at the door for a moment, her hand clenched above her heart.

Then she slowly walked over and sat next to Inu, picking up a ribbon from the table as she went.

"Hey," she whispered playfully, trying to distract the half-wolf as she tied the bright colored string into his hair. "Wanna help me wrap presents?"

"You can't be serious," he replied blankly, his eyes still locked on the window.

"I am."

"Don't you get what's going on, Kagome?!" he barked, spinning around to glare at his mate. "We're all in danger here! We could all die!"

A long, echoing silence enveloped the house.

"I know that," the girl finally whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "And it scares me to death. But. . . for the moment. . ."

She graced her mate with a watery smile. "We can't do anything, can we. . .?"

"Kagome. . ."

"I'm sorry, Inu-Yasha, I'm just trying to make you feel better. . . !"

Inu-Yasha sighed in defeat before slowly wrapping his arms around his now crying koi.

"Oh, love, my Kag-chan. . ." he whispered, nuzzling her cheek and kissing her neck. "I know. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm just so afraid I'll lose you. . ."

He sighed again and rested his head on top of her's. "I just love you so much, it hurts sometimes. . ."

Kagome buried her face into Inu's chest, holding him as close as she could. "I love you too," she murmured, sparkling tears still spilling down her cheeks. "Don't worry, Inu-chan. We'll be together forever. . ."

"I hope so," he replied, tightening his arms around her as she kissed him.

"I know so."



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