Chapter 3 - two ways
Submitted May 17, 2007 Updated May 4, 2008 Status Complete | SEEING IS DECIEVING IS THIS BOOKS SEQUAL! Its really sexual so people under the age of 14 beware!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 3 - two ways
Chapter 3 - two ways
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Blood and Chocolate: Two Ways ( Chapter 3 ) [ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anime/Manga: InuYasha
Genre(s): Romance / Supernatural | Type: Alternate Universe
Author: Maiden of the Moon
Uploaded On: August 11, 2004 16:38 CDT
Pages: 5 | Words: 2862 | Size: 16 KB | Visits: 888 | Status: Completed
The Rule ( Chapter 1 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Serendipity ( Chapter 2 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Two Ways ( Chapter 3 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Poetry ( Chapter 4 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Indecision ( Chapter 5 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Deadly Sweet ( Chapter 6 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Family Lunch ( Chapter 7 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Sing to the Moon ( Chapter 8 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Get Out! ( Chapter 9 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Coincidence ( Chapter 10 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Death ( Chapter 11 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Fighting the Odds ( Chapter 12 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Blood-Stained Knife ( Chapter 13 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Winter's Gentle Snow ( Chapter 14 ) [Aug 11, 2004]
Serendipity ( Chapter 2 ) Poetry ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: Nothing! That is what I own! Not pleasant, but true. . .
Author's Note: The original plan was to just reword a bit of the story- now I seem to be rewriting the whole thing. ^_^; Ah well. I like it more now, anyway. . .
~Chapter Three~
Inu-Yasha sighed as he stared out the large, rectangular window of the library, eyeing the nearby buildings and pedestrians as they passed, their shadows long in the late afternoon sun. He was seated in the far corner of the large white building, completely oblivious to life as his hand ran across his arm, subconsciously touching the bruise that he had received a few nights back from Sessho-Maru when Jaken had tattled about his music.
Actually, he was quite proud of the wound, mostly because he had gotten it for talking back to his elder brother.
Screw him.
But going back to the present. . .
He was now supposed to be doing the homework that had been due a couple of weeks ago, yet it occurred to him that since he had already put it off for so long- what was another day gonna do? Pushing his textbooks away and resting his chin in his hands, he found that he was unable to ignore a small disturbance from one of the closest shelves.
"Kagome, you're insane," sighed a dark haired girl as she strolled out from an aisle of volumes with a bored look on her face. A few moments later, the infamous (in his opinion, anyway) Kagome stepped out from behind her, gesturing to a novel-thick book she had in her hands with a pleading look on her face.
"Eri! It's so interesting! At least listen to this par-"
"Sorry, Kagome-chan. I've got chores," the girl grinned in what she must have thought was an apologetic fashion before starting for the door, not once looking back. A bit rude, wasn't she. . . ?
"But- But. . . .I'll talk to you later, I guess. . ." Kagome sighed in defeat as she put the book under her arm and sadly walked back to her table, which was already decorated with a few precariously placed volumes. Inu's ear twitched from underneath his navy blue hat as he soundlessly observed her.
What was her problem?
So her dinky friend wasn't listening, boo hoo. That was hardly worth his time. Still, for some reason that was unknown even to him- he kept one ear trained on her.
"Why doesn't anyone care about what I have to say? What I'm interested in?" Kagome whispered to herself as she leaned her head against a fist and opened the book. "What's so wrong with being interested in werewolves? Does it make me a bad person?"
The werewolf mentally raised an eyebrow as he turned his second capped ear to face the girl, making sure to keep his eyes out the window so that she wouldn't sense him staring.
Werewolves. . .? What about them?
But it was at that time that the girl began grumbling inaudibly to herself, making Inu-Yasha frustrated. Dammit! How could he eavesdrop on her if he couldn't HEAR her?!
That meant. . . if he wanted to know anything- like why in hell would she be reading about werewolves- he'd have to ask her himself.
As in, talk to her.
But. . . she might have seen something at the apartment. . . What if she had learned something? The whole clan would be in danger!
Yes, he'd have to talk to her. For the clans sake.
Using the stealth of a wolf, Inu-Yasha got up silently and made his way to Kagome's back corner table; sliding gracefully into the seat across from her.
As she slowly glanced up to turn the page, she saw him sitting there and jumped.
"Inu-Yasha?!" she gasped, slamming the book shut on impulse. "What the hell-?"
"Are you reading?" he finished, grabbing the book from her and letting it fall open in his hands. "Looks like a whole lot of-"
"Nonsense, I know," Kagome grumbled, snatching the volume back from him and hugging it close, looking away. "Stupidity, crap, pointlessness. . . throw something new at me."
"Cool information."
She gave a small start as he spoke, looking confused at his words. Kag slowly lifted her gaze again and glanced him up and down. His calm face hid no trace of a lie. . .
"You really think so?" she murmured softly a few moments later, reverting her stare out the window and shifting the book in her arms.
"Sure," Inu shrugged, leaning comfortably back in his chair. "Werewolves, huh? Not a usual topic of interest for a girl like you."
"What do you mean, a girl like me?!" she snapped. "You some sort of expert on teenage girls?"
"No. You just strike me as more of the unicorn and pink fluffy bunnies kinda person."
"And why do you say that?" She arched an eyebrow, looking him- no, glaring at him- squarely in the eye.
He did a small double take.
She was bolder then he had thought. . . Ruder too, to be honest.
But still nice. . . In the idiotic human way, of course.
He regained his momentarily lost composure and shrugged lazily. "You seem so innocent, I suppose. But seriously- what's with the wolf deal?"
The girl sighed and began to drum her fingers quietly on the table as if trying to think of the best way to word her feelings.
"I guess. . ." she bit her lip and looked down at the book cover, running her fingers over the glossy smooth finish. "I guess when I was younger, I liked the idea of being different. You know? When you're alone or disliked, you'd like to believe it be for a reason. I'm not saying I'm alone or disliked. . . but I just needed- need- someone I can really talk to- someone I really connect with. And so, I guess my little mind came up with all sorts of people who were closer together then just `friends' or even `family.' And one group of those imaginary people were the werewolf clans. Their pack, or whatever. . . They were all so close, and I wanted such closeness. And I guess I still just liked the feeling of being. . . different."
She smiled gently at his face, which was full of slight surprise. "Did that make any sense?"
To his shock. . .
It did.
~ I just needed- need- someone I can really talk to- someone I really connect with.~
Sometimes. . .
He wished the same thing.
But no way in hell would he ever admit that.
"So you've been studying them to find a way to become a werewolf?" Inu-Yasha cleared his throat a few moments later.
"Nah. I just like studying them. Besides," Kagome blew out her cheeks, her small smile still evident, "not possible, right? I mean. . . I'd have to be bitten by one. And it's not like you just sit down and chat with one every day."
Inu chose to ignore that last comment.
"Actually, that's wrong," the werewolf replied, slightly confused to find that he was almost enjoying talking about what he knew best with her. Talking to her in general, even.
And- she cared.
But that wasn't the weirdest thing.
The weirdest thing was that he actually admitted to himself that Sango was right.
She. . . didn't smell that bad. . .
"Being bitten by a werewolf," he continued, taking the book gingerly from her, "would do nothing to you except cause you pain."
Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Mhm. Stupid fairy tale that was derived from the thought of blood, which is important in one of the two ways to become a werewolf." He flipped casually through the book, wondering if it had any true information inside it. Doubtful, but entertaining.
"Really?" Kag asked, hungry to continue this conversation.
It was amazing. He didn't think she was weird or insane or crazy- He knew more then she did! She was talking with someone on her favorite subject and not scaring them away! And he was actually listening to her- and almost seemed to care- she'd like to think- about what she had to say.
Could he- Inu-Yasha, of all people- be the person she was looking for her whole life?
That someone to talk to?
Her `soul mate' so to speak?
. . . Maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself.
But either way, she was damn happy.
"Keh! Of course! It's the vampire that bites for any real reason." The boy slapped the volune down on the table with a thump and leaned closer, as if to tell her a secret.
Which, in all honesty, it actually was.
"The two ways," Inu-Yasha continued at a whisper, so no one in the library apart from the girl in front of him could hear, "are as follows. The first, of course, is to simply be born of two werewolves." `Or one and a human,' he thought bitterly, but carried on.
"The second is. . . the Trial."
Kagome looked confused and slightly doubtful. "There's never been anything on something called "the Trial" in my books-"
"Of course not, you idiot! Stupid humans are so superstitious about getting bitten, they don't bother to think that there might be another way!" he barked, causing Kag to jump slightly.
"What exactly. . ." the girl swallowed, slightly nervous from his outburst, "is the Trial?"
Inu-Yasha pursed his lips and leaned back again. "That. . . is a secret."
"It just is!"
Kagome looked down at her feet, which were shuffling slightly. "Oh. . ."
A silence passed between them, and even Inu-Yasha had to admit he had liked talking better then sitting in this enveloping quiet.
"So. . . how do you know all this stuff?" Kag asked a few minutes later, unable to stand the pause any longer.
The boy shrugged boredly. "Oh, here and there."
". . . Would you tell me some more of what you know? It's really cool and interesting and. . ." she muttered, her voice trailing off as she kept her eyes on her feet.
Inu regarded her in mild bewilderment. "You want to talk to me?"
He was surprised, to say the least, at such a forward answer. He acted nothing less then a jackass towards her, yet here she was, basically asking if she could hang out with him.
He wasn't sure whether he should be flattered or disgusted. She was a HUMAN, after all.
But. . . she wasn't bad. . . as humans went.
She listened to him, and didn't shun him. Or pester him about his hat. And she had good taste. Werewolves are damn cool.
Er- not that he liked her or anything.
He still hated her.
But if he hated her so much, why didn't he mind sitting there with her?
"Maybe," he grunted, pushing his chair out with a clatter as he stood.
She smiled warmly at him while gathering up her other books. Most of them appeared to be about werewolves, but one seemed to be a poetry book of some kind.
But why did he care?
He didn't. . .
Gods, she had a beautiful smile-
What the hell was he thinking?!
"All right, then," the girl beamed cheerfully, hugging her bag. "Well, say hi to Sango and Miroku for me. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Whatever," he grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and quickly walking out of the library, forgetting about his homework as he tried to forget about her. But. . .
He had just reached the door when he chanced a glance back, just to make sure she really was there and he hadn't been spacing out. That had been prone to happen to him. . .
But as it turned out he hadn't. There she was, real- watching him leave with mixed emotions on her pink face. Then a boy from their school- Hobo, or something- walked up behind her and started chatting away. Sorta like what he had been doing with her moments earlier, now that he thought of it.
And as that realization hit him the werewolf felt, from somewhere deep inside, a sharp stab.
Was it jealousy. . .?
`Of course not,' Inu-Yasha reminded himself darkly as he stomped out of the library, `I hate her. Why the frack would I be jealous?!'
Why indeed. . .
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Blood and Chocolate: Two Ways ( Chapter 3 ) [ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anime/Manga: InuYasha
Genre(s): Romance / Supernatural | Type: Alternate Universe
Author: Maiden of the Moon
Uploaded On: August 11, 2004 16:38 CDT
Pages: 5 | Words: 2862 | Size: 16 KB | Visits: 888 | Status: Completed
The Rule ( Chapter 1 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Serendipity ( Chapter 2 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Two Ways ( Chapter 3 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Poetry ( Chapter 4 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Indecision ( Chapter 5 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Deadly Sweet ( Chapter 6 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Family Lunch ( Chapter 7 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Sing to the Moon ( Chapter 8 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Get Out! ( Chapter 9 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Coincidence ( Chapter 10 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Death ( Chapter 11 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Fighting the Odds ( Chapter 12 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Blood-Stained Knife ( Chapter 13 ) [Aug 11, 2004]Winter's Gentle Snow ( Chapter 14 ) [Aug 11, 2004]
Serendipity ( Chapter 2 ) Poetry ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: Nothing! That is what I own! Not pleasant, but true. . .
Author's Note: The original plan was to just reword a bit of the story- now I seem to be rewriting the whole thing. ^_^; Ah well. I like it more now, anyway. . .
~Chapter Three~
Inu-Yasha sighed as he stared out the large, rectangular window of the library, eyeing the nearby buildings and pedestrians as they passed, their shadows long in the late afternoon sun. He was seated in the far corner of the large white building, completely oblivious to life as his hand ran across his arm, subconsciously touching the bruise that he had received a few nights back from Sessho-Maru when Jaken had tattled about his music.
Actually, he was quite proud of the wound, mostly because he had gotten it for talking back to his elder brother.
Screw him.
But going back to the present. . .
He was now supposed to be doing the homework that had been due a couple of weeks ago, yet it occurred to him that since he had already put it off for so long- what was another day gonna do? Pushing his textbooks away and resting his chin in his hands, he found that he was unable to ignore a small disturbance from one of the closest shelves.
"Kagome, you're insane," sighed a dark haired girl as she strolled out from an aisle of volumes with a bored look on her face. A few moments later, the infamous (in his opinion, anyway) Kagome stepped out from behind her, gesturing to a novel-thick book she had in her hands with a pleading look on her face.
"Eri! It's so interesting! At least listen to this par-"
"Sorry, Kagome-chan. I've got chores," the girl grinned in what she must have thought was an apologetic fashion before starting for the door, not once looking back. A bit rude, wasn't she. . . ?
"But- But. . . .I'll talk to you later, I guess. . ." Kagome sighed in defeat as she put the book under her arm and sadly walked back to her table, which was already decorated with a few precariously placed volumes. Inu's ear twitched from underneath his navy blue hat as he soundlessly observed her.
What was her problem?
So her dinky friend wasn't listening, boo hoo. That was hardly worth his time. Still, for some reason that was unknown even to him- he kept one ear trained on her.
"Why doesn't anyone care about what I have to say? What I'm interested in?" Kagome whispered to herself as she leaned her head against a fist and opened the book. "What's so wrong with being interested in werewolves? Does it make me a bad person?"
The werewolf mentally raised an eyebrow as he turned his second capped ear to face the girl, making sure to keep his eyes out the window so that she wouldn't sense him staring.
Werewolves. . .? What about them?
But it was at that time that the girl began grumbling inaudibly to herself, making Inu-Yasha frustrated. Dammit! How could he eavesdrop on her if he couldn't HEAR her?!
That meant. . . if he wanted to know anything- like why in hell would she be reading about werewolves- he'd have to ask her himself.
As in, talk to her.
But. . . she might have seen something at the apartment. . . What if she had learned something? The whole clan would be in danger!
Yes, he'd have to talk to her. For the clans sake.
Using the stealth of a wolf, Inu-Yasha got up silently and made his way to Kagome's back corner table; sliding gracefully into the seat across from her.
As she slowly glanced up to turn the page, she saw him sitting there and jumped.
"Inu-Yasha?!" she gasped, slamming the book shut on impulse. "What the hell-?"
"Are you reading?" he finished, grabbing the book from her and letting it fall open in his hands. "Looks like a whole lot of-"
"Nonsense, I know," Kagome grumbled, snatching the volume back from him and hugging it close, looking away. "Stupidity, crap, pointlessness. . . throw something new at me."
"Cool information."
She gave a small start as he spoke, looking confused at his words. Kag slowly lifted her gaze again and glanced him up and down. His calm face hid no trace of a lie. . .
"You really think so?" she murmured softly a few moments later, reverting her stare out the window and shifting the book in her arms.
"Sure," Inu shrugged, leaning comfortably back in his chair. "Werewolves, huh? Not a usual topic of interest for a girl like you."
"What do you mean, a girl like me?!" she snapped. "You some sort of expert on teenage girls?"
"No. You just strike me as more of the unicorn and pink fluffy bunnies kinda person."
"And why do you say that?" She arched an eyebrow, looking him- no, glaring at him- squarely in the eye.
He did a small double take.
She was bolder then he had thought. . . Ruder too, to be honest.
But still nice. . . In the idiotic human way, of course.
He regained his momentarily lost composure and shrugged lazily. "You seem so innocent, I suppose. But seriously- what's with the wolf deal?"
The girl sighed and began to drum her fingers quietly on the table as if trying to think of the best way to word her feelings.
"I guess. . ." she bit her lip and looked down at the book cover, running her fingers over the glossy smooth finish. "I guess when I was younger, I liked the idea of being different. You know? When you're alone or disliked, you'd like to believe it be for a reason. I'm not saying I'm alone or disliked. . . but I just needed- need- someone I can really talk to- someone I really connect with. And so, I guess my little mind came up with all sorts of people who were closer together then just `friends' or even `family.' And one group of those imaginary people were the werewolf clans. Their pack, or whatever. . . They were all so close, and I wanted such closeness. And I guess I still just liked the feeling of being. . . different."
She smiled gently at his face, which was full of slight surprise. "Did that make any sense?"
To his shock. . .
It did.
~ I just needed- need- someone I can really talk to- someone I really connect with.~
Sometimes. . .
He wished the same thing.
But no way in hell would he ever admit that.
"So you've been studying them to find a way to become a werewolf?" Inu-Yasha cleared his throat a few moments later.
"Nah. I just like studying them. Besides," Kagome blew out her cheeks, her small smile still evident, "not possible, right? I mean. . . I'd have to be bitten by one. And it's not like you just sit down and chat with one every day."
Inu chose to ignore that last comment.
"Actually, that's wrong," the werewolf replied, slightly confused to find that he was almost enjoying talking about what he knew best with her. Talking to her in general, even.
And- she cared.
But that wasn't the weirdest thing.
The weirdest thing was that he actually admitted to himself that Sango was right.
She. . . didn't smell that bad. . .
"Being bitten by a werewolf," he continued, taking the book gingerly from her, "would do nothing to you except cause you pain."
Kagome raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
"Mhm. Stupid fairy tale that was derived from the thought of blood, which is important in one of the two ways to become a werewolf." He flipped casually through the book, wondering if it had any true information inside it. Doubtful, but entertaining.
"Really?" Kag asked, hungry to continue this conversation.
It was amazing. He didn't think she was weird or insane or crazy- He knew more then she did! She was talking with someone on her favorite subject and not scaring them away! And he was actually listening to her- and almost seemed to care- she'd like to think- about what she had to say.
Could he- Inu-Yasha, of all people- be the person she was looking for her whole life?
That someone to talk to?
Her `soul mate' so to speak?
. . . Maybe she was getting a little ahead of herself.
But either way, she was damn happy.
"Keh! Of course! It's the vampire that bites for any real reason." The boy slapped the volune down on the table with a thump and leaned closer, as if to tell her a secret.
Which, in all honesty, it actually was.
"The two ways," Inu-Yasha continued at a whisper, so no one in the library apart from the girl in front of him could hear, "are as follows. The first, of course, is to simply be born of two werewolves." `Or one and a human,' he thought bitterly, but carried on.
"The second is. . . the Trial."
Kagome looked confused and slightly doubtful. "There's never been anything on something called "the Trial" in my books-"
"Of course not, you idiot! Stupid humans are so superstitious about getting bitten, they don't bother to think that there might be another way!" he barked, causing Kag to jump slightly.
"What exactly. . ." the girl swallowed, slightly nervous from his outburst, "is the Trial?"
Inu-Yasha pursed his lips and leaned back again. "That. . . is a secret."
"It just is!"
Kagome looked down at her feet, which were shuffling slightly. "Oh. . ."
A silence passed between them, and even Inu-Yasha had to admit he had liked talking better then sitting in this enveloping quiet.
"So. . . how do you know all this stuff?" Kag asked a few minutes later, unable to stand the pause any longer.
The boy shrugged boredly. "Oh, here and there."
". . . Would you tell me some more of what you know? It's really cool and interesting and. . ." she muttered, her voice trailing off as she kept her eyes on her feet.
Inu regarded her in mild bewilderment. "You want to talk to me?"
He was surprised, to say the least, at such a forward answer. He acted nothing less then a jackass towards her, yet here she was, basically asking if she could hang out with him.
He wasn't sure whether he should be flattered or disgusted. She was a HUMAN, after all.
But. . . she wasn't bad. . . as humans went.
She listened to him, and didn't shun him. Or pester him about his hat. And she had good taste. Werewolves are damn cool.
Er- not that he liked her or anything.
He still hated her.
But if he hated her so much, why didn't he mind sitting there with her?
"Maybe," he grunted, pushing his chair out with a clatter as he stood.
She smiled warmly at him while gathering up her other books. Most of them appeared to be about werewolves, but one seemed to be a poetry book of some kind.
But why did he care?
He didn't. . .
Gods, she had a beautiful smile-
What the hell was he thinking?!
"All right, then," the girl beamed cheerfully, hugging her bag. "Well, say hi to Sango and Miroku for me. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Whatever," he grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and quickly walking out of the library, forgetting about his homework as he tried to forget about her. But. . .
He had just reached the door when he chanced a glance back, just to make sure she really was there and he hadn't been spacing out. That had been prone to happen to him. . .
But as it turned out he hadn't. There she was, real- watching him leave with mixed emotions on her pink face. Then a boy from their school- Hobo, or something- walked up behind her and started chatting away. Sorta like what he had been doing with her moments earlier, now that he thought of it.
And as that realization hit him the werewolf felt, from somewhere deep inside, a sharp stab.
Was it jealousy. . .?
`Of course not,' Inu-Yasha reminded himself darkly as he stomped out of the library, `I hate her. Why the frack would I be jealous?!'
Why indeed. . .
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inukag12345 on December 22, 2007, 5:33:33 AM
inukag12345 on