Chapter 6 - deadly sweet
Submitted May 17, 2007 Updated May 4, 2008 Status Complete | SEEING IS DECIEVING IS THIS BOOKS SEQUAL! Its really sexual so people under the age of 14 beware!
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 6 - deadly sweet
Chapter 6 - deadly sweet
Kagome was relaxing in her bedroom, listening to her new Evanescence CD, minding her own business. . . when the door bell suddenly rang. It took her a minute to process this turn of events, seeing as how it was almost 7 at night and all her friends had already come to wish her happy birthday. Even Hojo had made his appearance- presenting her with some weird bamboo thing for her health. So who could it be. . . ? Confused, she crawled off of her bed, stopped her CD, and padded quickly downstairs.
`Who. . . ?'
She had gotten half way down the steps when her mother emerged from the kitchen, heading for the door as she wiped her hands on her apron. Kag noted in amusement that her mom had been eating more of her birthday cake, judging by the frosting on her lips. Rolling her eyes, she put on a bit more speed.
"I'll get it, mom!" Kagome sang cheerfully, hopping down the last of the steps and jumping in front of the door before her mother could reach the handle.
"Oh. . . Well, I'll just go back to- uh- cleaning then," her mother smiled, turning around and heading back into the kitchen to "clean up" the rest of the cake.
Laughing quietly, the girl opened the door. "Hel- - - !"
But any laugh that was still left within her instantly died in her throat as she saw who stood on the shrine's welcome mat.
It was a very red, embarrassed, and slightly pissed off Inu-Yasha, who was self-consciously holding a thin pink box under his arm.
"Inu-Ya-?" she began to whisper in confusion, but cut herself off when the boy thrust the box at her, making sure not to make eye contact.
"Here," he grunted, shaking the gift lightly. "Happy birthday."
She was at a loss for words. How did he know about her birthday?
Gingerly taking the box from him, Inu-Yasha couldn't help but notice that Kagome was still staring at him in shock and disbelief. Red in the face, he turned around to go home when-
"Wait!" Kag cried softly, causing him to turn and face her. "Won't you come in?"
He looked her blankly up and down, still making sure not to lock gazes.
She hugged the box of chocolates gently to her body. So she was nervous, too. . .
He wanted to kill himself for causing the crushed look now on her face. But instead, he simply turned around again.
"Please?" she asked once more, her voice soft and hurt.
He made the mistake of glancing back, his eyes finally connecting with hers.
Gods, he had to resist! He could NOT say yes! NO, NO, NO. NO SAYING YES.
"I guess. . ." he muttered, head down as he stepped inside her warm foyer.
. . .
At least he hadn't said `yes'. . .
"Who was at the door?" Kagome's mother called from the kitchen, her voice slightly muffled as if her mouth was full. Which it undoubtedly was.
"Just a friend from school," Kagome replied airily, grabbing Inu-Yasha's hand- much to his shock- and pulling him gently upstairs with her.
`What the hell is she doing?!' he though, fearing that his cheeks were now permanently red as he was tugged through the second floor hallway. He barely had a chance to notice what was going on around him- vaguely taking in the many family pictures on the neatly wallpapered walls as his dirty sneakers stained the vanilla carpet.
After passing a few mahogany doors they emerged in Kagome's room- the one at the very end of the hall- the one which was a soft blue color. With a bed in one corner, pink curtains covering large windows in another, and a desk full of books and papers in a third- it was an average teenager's room.
Except for the fact that one could see the floor.
But credit for that belonged to her mother.
After closing the door behind them, the two stood in the middle of Kag's room for a moment, their hands still clasped.
Until they both realized their hands no longer needed to be, of course.
Jumping apart, Kagome tentatively sat down on her bed again, turning her CD player back on. At least it created a bit of sound. . . White noise, but noise all the same.
Not sure of what to say to each other, the two teens remained silent, Kagome fingering the chocolate box, and Inu-Yasha standing in the middle of the room.
"So. . . you've got the Evanescence CD too, huh?" Inu-Yasha cleared his throat, mentally hitting himself for stating something so obvious.
"Yep. . ." Kagome replied timidly, wetting her parched lips.
"Good group," he nodded, hands in his pockets as he began rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Mhm," the girl agreed, still too embarrassed to say much else. Maybe she should have just let him go home. . .
But she had wanted so badly to talk to him again. Still wanted to.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Thank you for the present, Inu-Yasha," she said suddenly, her cheeks still pink.
"You're welcome," he grunted, coloring a bit himself.
"You didn't have to do anything for me. . ."
"Would you have preferred it if I didn't?" he snorted, sounding slightly annoyed.
"No! I'm very glad you did. . . This is the best present I've gotten today," she smiled warmly up at him.
"You must have gotten a whole lot of shoot, then," he grumbled, looking away and ignoring the fact that she hadn't even opened it yet. Well, it was probably pretty obvious what it was, since it still had a sticker from the shop on it and all. . .
"No, silly," she giggled, "It's the best because it's from you."
Both flushed dark red when she said this, Kag feeling like hitting her head against the bed stand for saying something so dumb- and so true. Well, she couldn't take it back now. Might as well continue.
"I missed you."
She noticed that he bit his lip and flushed a little darker at this, but he didn't seem angry- so she pressed on while she had the courage.
"I like you a lot. I can't talk to anyone else like I can you. You listen, and you don't get all freaked out. I- I'm really glad you came over. And that you came inside."
The boy ceased his rocking and glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "I. . . I am too."
She beamed at him, causing him to look quickly away in embarrassment.
He wished he could keep eye contact with her, but if he did-
Argh! How did she do this to him?!
"Um. . . want to split this with me?" Kagome offered, holding up the box of chocolate and waking Inu-Yasha out of his thoughts.
"Nah," Inu grunted with a shrug.
Kag cocked her head in confusion while she opened up the container. "Why not?" she inquired, popping one of the rich candies into her mouth.
"I'm not big into sweets."
"Really?" the girl blinked, setting the box beside her on the bed. "What kind of candies have you tried?"
"Lollipops. When I was little," the werewolf grunted, instantly appalled at himself for admitting this.
Kagome laughed, but he was surprised to notice that it wasn't *at* him. It was just out of amusement.
"Silly, lollipops and chocolate are two entirely different things. I can't believe you've never tried chocolate!"
Taking his hand again, the girl pulled him gently over to her bed. He instinctively sat down as the back of his knees hit the bedspread, and as he did so, he suddenly felt a little more relaxed.
"Try one!" she smiled, offering the box to him, "You'll like it! I swear!"
He shook his head, keeping his smirking lips glued shut as a bit of playfulness found its way into his heart. Odd. . . he hadn't felt like this in years. How did she do it. . . ?
"I'm going to make you try chocolate, if it's the last thing I do," Kag teased, feeling quite a bit more comfortable as well.
"Well then, you'll die disappointed, `cause I ain't trying them," Inu-Yasha grinned, looking haughtily down his nose at her.
"Yes, you will. Please?" the girl practically cooed; innocently batted her eyelashes as she picked up one of the chocolates. Sitting up on her knees and leaning forward slightly, she instinctively brought the sweet to his lips.
Both were startled by the action, to say the least. But neither cared just then. They were too busy registering how close they had gotten, and how they could feel the other's warm breaths on their faces. . .
Slowly opening his mouth, the boy let Kagome place the chocolate inside- just on the tip of his tongue- their eyes forever locked.
Neither could have guessed- or have stopped- what happened next. As suddenly as this whole thing started, the two lunged at the other- pressing their lips together in a needy, almost desperate kiss. Trailing his clawed hands lightly up and down her back, Inu-Yasha felt Kagome attached her hands in his silky hair and pulled him closer, their passionate kiss never ending as she felt him crawl completely onto the bed with her. Both were panting now, through the nose- their overpowering need for each other's soft lips almost ranking over that of needing oxygen.
Soon Kag felt Inu's tongue push a bit roughly against her lips, begging for access into her mouth. She complied with a moan of approval, allowing the taste of chocolate to mix with their kiss as one of her legs found its way around the boy's hip, and said boy pushed her roughly onto her back; straddling her. All was perfect for a moment- - -
But then it struck Kagome how unfair it was for him to have all the fun. Lightly biting down on his lip, she silently asked for permission to be let inside his mouth in return. He allowed her without a thought, complaint; and so she hungrily explored the caverns of his mouth, every corner and every tooth-
Until she felt her tongue catch on one of his sharp canines, slicing the tip open with a thin, deep incision.
`shoot!' Inu-Yasha's eyes snapped open in concern as he realized what his fangs had done, and he quickly made to pull away- - -
But Kagome only tightened her grip on him in response, pulling him back onto the bed with her.
She liked the taste.
And he found he liked it too.
The exotic taste of blood and chocolate filled their mouths as their heated kiss continued to deepen and their hands roamed the other's body.
Blood and chocolate.
It was the irresistible taste of the richness of life and the essence of death. It was the warm of the warm, and the cold of the cold. And, in Inu-Yasha's mind, it was the perfect way to describe their relationship.
But if the others found out-
"Inu-Yasha," Kagome groaned softly, eventually finding herself on top of the teen; blouse wrinkled and her skirt a mess.
"I lied. I don't like you. I. .
I love you. . ."
He silently gasped, looking up into her wide, honest blue orbs.
Time seemed to stop as the two lay together in each other's arms, eyes locked, and the words of an all-too-familiar poem echoing simultaneously through their minds.
~The first time I saw you, I was afraid to touch you.
The first time I touched you, I was afraid to kiss you.
The first time I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. ~
"I love you, too," Inu-Yasha whispered, claiming her lips again as the two gave into temptation.
~But now I love you and am afraid to lose you.~
my personal favorite (hm i wonder why?)
Kagome was relaxing in her bedroom, listening to her new Evanescence CD, minding her own business. . . when the door bell suddenly rang. It took her a minute to process this turn of events, seeing as how it was almost 7 at night and all her friends had already come to wish her happy birthday. Even Hojo had made his appearance- presenting her with some weird bamboo thing for her health. So who could it be. . . ? Confused, she crawled off of her bed, stopped her CD, and padded quickly downstairs.
`Who. . . ?'
She had gotten half way down the steps when her mother emerged from the kitchen, heading for the door as she wiped her hands on her apron. Kag noted in amusement that her mom had been eating more of her birthday cake, judging by the frosting on her lips. Rolling her eyes, she put on a bit more speed.
"I'll get it, mom!" Kagome sang cheerfully, hopping down the last of the steps and jumping in front of the door before her mother could reach the handle.
"Oh. . . Well, I'll just go back to- uh- cleaning then," her mother smiled, turning around and heading back into the kitchen to "clean up" the rest of the cake.
Laughing quietly, the girl opened the door. "Hel- - - !"
But any laugh that was still left within her instantly died in her throat as she saw who stood on the shrine's welcome mat.
It was a very red, embarrassed, and slightly pissed off Inu-Yasha, who was self-consciously holding a thin pink box under his arm.
"Inu-Ya-?" she began to whisper in confusion, but cut herself off when the boy thrust the box at her, making sure not to make eye contact.
"Here," he grunted, shaking the gift lightly. "Happy birthday."
She was at a loss for words. How did he know about her birthday?
Gingerly taking the box from him, Inu-Yasha couldn't help but notice that Kagome was still staring at him in shock and disbelief. Red in the face, he turned around to go home when-
"Wait!" Kag cried softly, causing him to turn and face her. "Won't you come in?"
He looked her blankly up and down, still making sure not to lock gazes.
She hugged the box of chocolates gently to her body. So she was nervous, too. . .
He wanted to kill himself for causing the crushed look now on her face. But instead, he simply turned around again.
"Please?" she asked once more, her voice soft and hurt.
He made the mistake of glancing back, his eyes finally connecting with hers.
Gods, he had to resist! He could NOT say yes! NO, NO, NO. NO SAYING YES.
"I guess. . ." he muttered, head down as he stepped inside her warm foyer.
. . .
At least he hadn't said `yes'. . .
"Who was at the door?" Kagome's mother called from the kitchen, her voice slightly muffled as if her mouth was full. Which it undoubtedly was.
"Just a friend from school," Kagome replied airily, grabbing Inu-Yasha's hand- much to his shock- and pulling him gently upstairs with her.
`What the hell is she doing?!' he though, fearing that his cheeks were now permanently red as he was tugged through the second floor hallway. He barely had a chance to notice what was going on around him- vaguely taking in the many family pictures on the neatly wallpapered walls as his dirty sneakers stained the vanilla carpet.
After passing a few mahogany doors they emerged in Kagome's room- the one at the very end of the hall- the one which was a soft blue color. With a bed in one corner, pink curtains covering large windows in another, and a desk full of books and papers in a third- it was an average teenager's room.
Except for the fact that one could see the floor.
But credit for that belonged to her mother.
After closing the door behind them, the two stood in the middle of Kag's room for a moment, their hands still clasped.
Until they both realized their hands no longer needed to be, of course.
Jumping apart, Kagome tentatively sat down on her bed again, turning her CD player back on. At least it created a bit of sound. . . White noise, but noise all the same.
Not sure of what to say to each other, the two teens remained silent, Kagome fingering the chocolate box, and Inu-Yasha standing in the middle of the room.
"So. . . you've got the Evanescence CD too, huh?" Inu-Yasha cleared his throat, mentally hitting himself for stating something so obvious.
"Yep. . ." Kagome replied timidly, wetting her parched lips.
"Good group," he nodded, hands in his pockets as he began rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Mhm," the girl agreed, still too embarrassed to say much else. Maybe she should have just let him go home. . .
But she had wanted so badly to talk to him again. Still wanted to.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Thank you for the present, Inu-Yasha," she said suddenly, her cheeks still pink.
"You're welcome," he grunted, coloring a bit himself.
"You didn't have to do anything for me. . ."
"Would you have preferred it if I didn't?" he snorted, sounding slightly annoyed.
"No! I'm very glad you did. . . This is the best present I've gotten today," she smiled warmly up at him.
"You must have gotten a whole lot of shoot, then," he grumbled, looking away and ignoring the fact that she hadn't even opened it yet. Well, it was probably pretty obvious what it was, since it still had a sticker from the shop on it and all. . .
"No, silly," she giggled, "It's the best because it's from you."
Both flushed dark red when she said this, Kag feeling like hitting her head against the bed stand for saying something so dumb- and so true. Well, she couldn't take it back now. Might as well continue.
"I missed you."
She noticed that he bit his lip and flushed a little darker at this, but he didn't seem angry- so she pressed on while she had the courage.
"I like you a lot. I can't talk to anyone else like I can you. You listen, and you don't get all freaked out. I- I'm really glad you came over. And that you came inside."
The boy ceased his rocking and glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "I. . . I am too."
She beamed at him, causing him to look quickly away in embarrassment.
He wished he could keep eye contact with her, but if he did-
Argh! How did she do this to him?!
"Um. . . want to split this with me?" Kagome offered, holding up the box of chocolate and waking Inu-Yasha out of his thoughts.
"Nah," Inu grunted with a shrug.
Kag cocked her head in confusion while she opened up the container. "Why not?" she inquired, popping one of the rich candies into her mouth.
"I'm not big into sweets."
"Really?" the girl blinked, setting the box beside her on the bed. "What kind of candies have you tried?"
"Lollipops. When I was little," the werewolf grunted, instantly appalled at himself for admitting this.
Kagome laughed, but he was surprised to notice that it wasn't *at* him. It was just out of amusement.
"Silly, lollipops and chocolate are two entirely different things. I can't believe you've never tried chocolate!"
Taking his hand again, the girl pulled him gently over to her bed. He instinctively sat down as the back of his knees hit the bedspread, and as he did so, he suddenly felt a little more relaxed.
"Try one!" she smiled, offering the box to him, "You'll like it! I swear!"
He shook his head, keeping his smirking lips glued shut as a bit of playfulness found its way into his heart. Odd. . . he hadn't felt like this in years. How did she do it. . . ?
"I'm going to make you try chocolate, if it's the last thing I do," Kag teased, feeling quite a bit more comfortable as well.
"Well then, you'll die disappointed, `cause I ain't trying them," Inu-Yasha grinned, looking haughtily down his nose at her.
"Yes, you will. Please?" the girl practically cooed; innocently batted her eyelashes as she picked up one of the chocolates. Sitting up on her knees and leaning forward slightly, she instinctively brought the sweet to his lips.
Both were startled by the action, to say the least. But neither cared just then. They were too busy registering how close they had gotten, and how they could feel the other's warm breaths on their faces. . .
Slowly opening his mouth, the boy let Kagome place the chocolate inside- just on the tip of his tongue- their eyes forever locked.
Neither could have guessed- or have stopped- what happened next. As suddenly as this whole thing started, the two lunged at the other- pressing their lips together in a needy, almost desperate kiss. Trailing his clawed hands lightly up and down her back, Inu-Yasha felt Kagome attached her hands in his silky hair and pulled him closer, their passionate kiss never ending as she felt him crawl completely onto the bed with her. Both were panting now, through the nose- their overpowering need for each other's soft lips almost ranking over that of needing oxygen.
Soon Kag felt Inu's tongue push a bit roughly against her lips, begging for access into her mouth. She complied with a moan of approval, allowing the taste of chocolate to mix with their kiss as one of her legs found its way around the boy's hip, and said boy pushed her roughly onto her back; straddling her. All was perfect for a moment- - -
But then it struck Kagome how unfair it was for him to have all the fun. Lightly biting down on his lip, she silently asked for permission to be let inside his mouth in return. He allowed her without a thought, complaint; and so she hungrily explored the caverns of his mouth, every corner and every tooth-
Until she felt her tongue catch on one of his sharp canines, slicing the tip open with a thin, deep incision.
`shoot!' Inu-Yasha's eyes snapped open in concern as he realized what his fangs had done, and he quickly made to pull away- - -
But Kagome only tightened her grip on him in response, pulling him back onto the bed with her.
She liked the taste.
And he found he liked it too.
The exotic taste of blood and chocolate filled their mouths as their heated kiss continued to deepen and their hands roamed the other's body.
Blood and chocolate.
It was the irresistible taste of the richness of life and the essence of death. It was the warm of the warm, and the cold of the cold. And, in Inu-Yasha's mind, it was the perfect way to describe their relationship.
But if the others found out-
"Inu-Yasha," Kagome groaned softly, eventually finding herself on top of the teen; blouse wrinkled and her skirt a mess.
"I lied. I don't like you. I. .
I love you. . ."
He silently gasped, looking up into her wide, honest blue orbs.
Time seemed to stop as the two lay together in each other's arms, eyes locked, and the words of an all-too-familiar poem echoing simultaneously through their minds.
~The first time I saw you, I was afraid to touch you.
The first time I touched you, I was afraid to kiss you.
The first time I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. ~
"I love you, too," Inu-Yasha whispered, claiming her lips again as the two gave into temptation.
~But now I love you and am afraid to lose you.~
my personal favorite (hm i wonder why?)
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inuchibi on August 16, 2007, 3:06:28 PM
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inuchibi on August 13, 2007, 6:25:57 AM
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inuchibi on August 12, 2007, 5:03:00 AM
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inuchibi on August 12, 2007, 5:02:59 AM
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