Chapter 1 - thinking of the past
Submitted June 11, 2005 Updated July 5, 2005 Status Incomplete | Dib's living a nightmare and one filled with sorrow and regret.Is there anything he can do to change the past or will he learn some things are beter left alone.Perhaps there is a way for him to find peace....
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 1 - thinking of the past
Chapter 1 - thinking of the past
Dib sat at the kitchen table swirling his spoon in his cereal and looking down at it blankly.His eyes blood shot from tears and body weak from lack of food and sleep he stared down at his dinner with no intention of eating.Gaz walked in making herself a bowl of cereal and sitting in front of Dib she stared over at him, irritated.
"you need to get over it, dib" gaz said "this is starting to get pathetic not to mention your seriously begining to tick me off"
Dib didn't respond infact he hardly acknowledge that gaz was even in the same room as him.
"you really are pathetic" gaz said "you spoil my apitite"
with that she picked up her bowl of cereal and made her way towards the door once she reached it she turned and looked back at Dib
"sometimes you just have to accept the things you can't change" she said "like me having you for a brother"
Dib stopped stiring his spoon and looked up at Gaz but she didn't wait around for him to say anything and walked out of the room.Dib waited a moment sighed and got up from the table walking into the living room.Gaz sat on the couch eating her cereal and watching tv.
"gaz" dib said his voice low and tired "I..."
"be quiet Dib" gaz interupted rudely "i'm trying to watch TV"
"i....I'm sorry" dib said softly almost as if he were apologizing for so much more than just interupting her show.Gaz hadn't heard him and if she had she didn't care.
Dib walked slowly up the stairs to his room falling onto his bed and planting his face in his pillow. For the past month or so he had stayed in his room alot drowning in his sorrow with only his regrets.
'how can i just accept it' dib thought 'how can i live with myself after what i've done' he turned to lay on his back looking up at the ceiling his walls were bare, hardly any signs that dib was interested in anything especially the paranormal. His walls were blank but papers layed scatter around his room, a mess of folders and documents none of which seemed important to him anymore.
'how can i make things better' dib thought 'i've caused so much pain, i've done nothing worth being proud of.....nothing'
Dib was tired but he couldn't sleep everytime he tried he was plagued by horrible nightmares and would wake up in a cold sweat.He didn't need to sleep for nightmares to come though,for him everyday seemed to be a living nightmare one which would never end.
Dib swallowed hard his throat was soar though he hadn't talked much lately and his eyes burned from being awake so long. he felt slightly nausaus but knew it was probably because he hadn't eaten and he wanted nothing more than to drift into a dreamless sleep.
'I can't stay here any longer' he told himself 'if time won't heal these wounds then distance will have to'
Dib got up he didn't feel like bringing anything with him except what little money he carried. He wasn't sure where he would go or what he would do, all he knew was that he wanted to get away.He was only 16 and probably wouldn't get far,he wouldn't have a place to stay, and would run out of money but the logic of the situation didn't matter to him he only wanted to get away.
Dib walked down stairs gaz was still watching TV but had finished her cereal some time ago. Dib walked past her towards the door opened it and then looked back at her
"gaz" dib said
"what is it" gaz asked sounding annoyed and not bothering to look over in his direction
"i just.. wanted to say that I..." dib hesitated for a moment trying to put the words together in his mind "I don't regret having you as a sister"
Gaz looked up at him questioningly "ooookay" she said slowly "what are you up to"
dib let out a sigh "i'm just sorry i'm such a burden on you" he said turning to walk out the door
"hay Dib" gaz yelled getting his attention "don't be so dramatic"
dib smiled weakly at his sisters response "bye gaz" he said
"whatever" gaz said turning her attention back to the TV screen "i'll see ya later" and with that dib walked out the door.
It was getting dark but a dim light still shone through the windows of one very wierd house in a small nieghborhood not far from where Dib lived. Dib himself had been staring at the house for an hour or so now just staring and thinking.
'how could it have gone so far' dib thought to himself 'how could i have let it go so far'
there was a loud crack of thunder that startled Dib momentarily, it was going to rain soon but he didn't care. His mind was fixated on the house and to the events that had lead up to where he was now
"it started out like any other day' dib thought 'how was i to know it would end so horribly'
It was a typical morning Dib had spied zim waiting for the bell to ring outside the HI SKOOL.He was looking over some of his latest plans with a smile of accoplishment, of course Dib didn't need to wonder what it was about he had figured Zims plan out the night before
"hay zim" dib yelled "i know what your up to and it won't work"
"pathetic earthling" zim replied "my plans are fool-proof there is nothing you can do"
"that's what you think Zim" dib said "you just wait 'til school's out"
"oh i'll wait 'til skools out all right" zim said "after which you will know the true meaning of superior being"
dib sighed 'i know what he meant by superior being' he thought to himself 'and to be honest theres no such thing' Dib looked to the ground where a single flower had began to bloom in front of Zims yard.'it's wrong to think that your life is worth more than someone elses....we are all equal' dib thought 'you were my equal Zim'
skool was out and before Dib knew it he was chasing zim down the street both of them calling the other names as they went. Suddenly they came to an alley it was deserted and so Zim turned to face dib one on one. There was a struggle a long yet pety fight on the concrete ground. Dib pushed zim off and both got to thier feet zim staring at dib with pure hatred.
"soon You will suffer the wrath of the irken army" zim said "i shall destroy all you know and love dib-beast"
"why you..." dib began
"thats not all dib" zim said smiling evilly "when the armada arrives you and the rest of your kind will be destroyed and those that aren't will be made slaves to the irken empire"
Dib felt rage boil up inside him never had zim come right out and told him such things before and he could hardly stand it.
"why did you have to push me" Dib said to himself instantly feeling guilty for blaming zim.
there was another crack of thunder but this time Dib didn't flinch.
Dib reached for the laser gun on his side and brought it up to where it was aimed at zims heart.Zim quickly replaced his fearfull look with a cocky smile
"you don't have what it takes" zim said
dib didn't answer his face stern and serious rage stil flowing through him. Zim quickly took note of this his fearfull expressing returning he turned in slight panic to run.
Dib began to give chase at first close behind but soon zims spider legs emerged and he began to run faster.Dib's mind was racing 'this is it' he thought to himself firing the gun at zim.
Zim screamed in pain almost before it seemed the laser even hit him. He stumbled before falling to the ground flat on his face. Dib rushed over a since of pride in him hearing zim whimper. The enjoyment Dib was getting out of his enemys crys ended quickly as he pushed zim over on his back.
'I didn't think I'd...' dibs train of thought stopped memories still flooding through his mind
Dib sat at the kitchen table swirling his spoon in his cereal and looking down at it blankly.His eyes blood shot from tears and body weak from lack of food and sleep he stared down at his dinner with no intention of eating.Gaz walked in making herself a bowl of cereal and sitting in front of Dib she stared over at him, irritated.
"you need to get over it, dib" gaz said "this is starting to get pathetic not to mention your seriously begining to tick me off"
Dib didn't respond infact he hardly acknowledge that gaz was even in the same room as him.
"you really are pathetic" gaz said "you spoil my apitite"
with that she picked up her bowl of cereal and made her way towards the door once she reached it she turned and looked back at Dib
"sometimes you just have to accept the things you can't change" she said "like me having you for a brother"
Dib stopped stiring his spoon and looked up at Gaz but she didn't wait around for him to say anything and walked out of the room.Dib waited a moment sighed and got up from the table walking into the living room.Gaz sat on the couch eating her cereal and watching tv.
"gaz" dib said his voice low and tired "I..."
"be quiet Dib" gaz interupted rudely "i'm trying to watch TV"
"i....I'm sorry" dib said softly almost as if he were apologizing for so much more than just interupting her show.Gaz hadn't heard him and if she had she didn't care.
Dib walked slowly up the stairs to his room falling onto his bed and planting his face in his pillow. For the past month or so he had stayed in his room alot drowning in his sorrow with only his regrets.
'how can i just accept it' dib thought 'how can i live with myself after what i've done' he turned to lay on his back looking up at the ceiling his walls were bare, hardly any signs that dib was interested in anything especially the paranormal. His walls were blank but papers layed scatter around his room, a mess of folders and documents none of which seemed important to him anymore.
'how can i make things better' dib thought 'i've caused so much pain, i've done nothing worth being proud of.....nothing'
Dib was tired but he couldn't sleep everytime he tried he was plagued by horrible nightmares and would wake up in a cold sweat.He didn't need to sleep for nightmares to come though,for him everyday seemed to be a living nightmare one which would never end.
Dib swallowed hard his throat was soar though he hadn't talked much lately and his eyes burned from being awake so long. he felt slightly nausaus but knew it was probably because he hadn't eaten and he wanted nothing more than to drift into a dreamless sleep.
'I can't stay here any longer' he told himself 'if time won't heal these wounds then distance will have to'
Dib got up he didn't feel like bringing anything with him except what little money he carried. He wasn't sure where he would go or what he would do, all he knew was that he wanted to get away.He was only 16 and probably wouldn't get far,he wouldn't have a place to stay, and would run out of money but the logic of the situation didn't matter to him he only wanted to get away.
Dib walked down stairs gaz was still watching TV but had finished her cereal some time ago. Dib walked past her towards the door opened it and then looked back at her
"gaz" dib said
"what is it" gaz asked sounding annoyed and not bothering to look over in his direction
"i just.. wanted to say that I..." dib hesitated for a moment trying to put the words together in his mind "I don't regret having you as a sister"
Gaz looked up at him questioningly "ooookay" she said slowly "what are you up to"
dib let out a sigh "i'm just sorry i'm such a burden on you" he said turning to walk out the door
"hay Dib" gaz yelled getting his attention "don't be so dramatic"
dib smiled weakly at his sisters response "bye gaz" he said
"whatever" gaz said turning her attention back to the TV screen "i'll see ya later" and with that dib walked out the door.
It was getting dark but a dim light still shone through the windows of one very wierd house in a small nieghborhood not far from where Dib lived. Dib himself had been staring at the house for an hour or so now just staring and thinking.
'how could it have gone so far' dib thought to himself 'how could i have let it go so far'
there was a loud crack of thunder that startled Dib momentarily, it was going to rain soon but he didn't care. His mind was fixated on the house and to the events that had lead up to where he was now
"it started out like any other day' dib thought 'how was i to know it would end so horribly'
It was a typical morning Dib had spied zim waiting for the bell to ring outside the HI SKOOL.He was looking over some of his latest plans with a smile of accoplishment, of course Dib didn't need to wonder what it was about he had figured Zims plan out the night before
"hay zim" dib yelled "i know what your up to and it won't work"
"pathetic earthling" zim replied "my plans are fool-proof there is nothing you can do"
"that's what you think Zim" dib said "you just wait 'til school's out"
"oh i'll wait 'til skools out all right" zim said "after which you will know the true meaning of superior being"
dib sighed 'i know what he meant by superior being' he thought to himself 'and to be honest theres no such thing' Dib looked to the ground where a single flower had began to bloom in front of Zims yard.'it's wrong to think that your life is worth more than someone elses....we are all equal' dib thought 'you were my equal Zim'
skool was out and before Dib knew it he was chasing zim down the street both of them calling the other names as they went. Suddenly they came to an alley it was deserted and so Zim turned to face dib one on one. There was a struggle a long yet pety fight on the concrete ground. Dib pushed zim off and both got to thier feet zim staring at dib with pure hatred.
"soon You will suffer the wrath of the irken army" zim said "i shall destroy all you know and love dib-beast"
"why you..." dib began
"thats not all dib" zim said smiling evilly "when the armada arrives you and the rest of your kind will be destroyed and those that aren't will be made slaves to the irken empire"
Dib felt rage boil up inside him never had zim come right out and told him such things before and he could hardly stand it.
"why did you have to push me" Dib said to himself instantly feeling guilty for blaming zim.
there was another crack of thunder but this time Dib didn't flinch.
Dib reached for the laser gun on his side and brought it up to where it was aimed at zims heart.Zim quickly replaced his fearfull look with a cocky smile
"you don't have what it takes" zim said
dib didn't answer his face stern and serious rage stil flowing through him. Zim quickly took note of this his fearfull expressing returning he turned in slight panic to run.
Dib began to give chase at first close behind but soon zims spider legs emerged and he began to run faster.Dib's mind was racing 'this is it' he thought to himself firing the gun at zim.
Zim screamed in pain almost before it seemed the laser even hit him. He stumbled before falling to the ground flat on his face. Dib rushed over a since of pride in him hearing zim whimper. The enjoyment Dib was getting out of his enemys crys ended quickly as he pushed zim over on his back.
'I didn't think I'd...' dibs train of thought stopped memories still flooding through his mind
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Sam400 on November 5, 2005, 12:55:21 AM
Sam400 on