Chapter 3 - A new life
Submitted July 19, 2005 Updated November 15, 2006 Status Incomplete | The Sonic Heroes have went and defeated Eggman once and for all. But now with Eggman gone Sonic got to face up with his past. But their is a new evil just around the corner and is Eggman realy gone.
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 3 - A new life
Chapter 3 - A new life
A new life.
Tikal was just checking over Amy to make sure she didn’t miss anything when healing.
“So, am I going to be ok?” Amy asked looking at the spirit who had her head leaning on her hand thinking.
“From what I can see, yes you’re going to live.” Both girls started laughing, Amy had woken up when Tikal was using her powers to restore Amy’s energy and then started wrapping the wound.
“So what happened Amy? Why were you shot?” Tikal asked as she went and got Amy an apple to eat.
“I saw Eggman holding a gun up at Sonic; he was going to fire it when Sonic had no choice of getting hit by the bullet or to get blown up.” Amy started to say as she looked down at the bandaging Tikal had done around her chest. “So I tried to pull him more into the group but instead got hit my self.”
Tikal nodded as she sat down, she knew how Sonic felt about Amy even if he didn’t know it but she couldn’t tell Amy this.
“Well we better tell everyone you’re ok.” Tikal got up and gave Amy a white top that was hers and a black skirt that she had brought when she went shopping in station squire for some cloths with Rouge.
“You don’t want to go out in you dress, it’s covered in blood.” Amy smiled and thanked Tikal for the cloths as she changed.
Out side every one was all in the same place as they where before. When they heard the door open Tikal came out.
“Is Amy ok Tikal?” Big ask froggy on his head. Tikal smiled and nodded and soon Amy came out smiling at them.
“Hi you miss me.” She asked Cream ran up to the pink hedgehog and gave her a huge hug. “Careful Cream, it still hurts you know.” Every one started laughing.
Amy is 89 healed. Omega said making Rouge and Shadow hit their heads.
“That’s Amy’s ok you dim wit.” Rouge said making Omega look down on her.
I don’t understand.
“Tails we need you to give Omega a personality again.” Rouge said.
“So what are we going to do now?” Espio suddenly said making them all look at the chameleon who had a serious look on his face.
“What do you mean Espio?” Knuckles asked as Espio shock his head.
“Don’t you get it, Eggman’s gone, so there is no need for the Sonic Heroes anymore.” They all just looked at him.
“You know something Espio right. There is no need for all of us to stay together, I mean me Espio and Charmy are going to stay together as we work as detectives.” Vector said.
I have no use now, all Eggman robots have been destroyed except me. Preparing to self destruct. Omega said when Rouge hit him on the head.
“Don’t you dare self destruct. You’re not Eggman’s robot you’re our friend”
“I don’t want to stop being a hero. It gave me the best friends I have ever had.” Cream started crying and Amy brought her into a light cuddle.
“Well we can stop being heroes, but that doesn’t mean we can stop being friends. We can still see and hang out with each other.” Sonic said getting everyone’s attention and bringing a smile to Creams face.
“Who ever said we where friends.” Shadow said having a smirk on his face.
“Well were always going to meet up and see who’s the fastest, which is obliviously me.” Sonic said with his trade mark smirk.
“In you’re dreams.”
“Plus Rouge is always going to come up here and try to steel the master emerald.” Knuckles said making Rouge look at him.
“That Emeralds mien.”
“Plus I’d be going shopping in station squire with Rouge Amy and Cream.” Tikal said this brought an even bigger smile to the young rabbits face.
“Yah but that only connecting team Sonic, Dark and Rose what about team Chaotix.” Vector said.
“Well I can build you stuff that can help you with you’re job.” Tails said Making Charmy fly all about happy.
“So dose this mean we can all stay friends.” Cream asked as everyone nodded this made her jump into the air and start flying with Charmy.
“What about the freedom fighters, their going to want to know who beat Egg head.” Amy said every one looked at her.
“I’m not in the mood for all that, I say we keep it quite.” Rouge said.
“But station squire knows who we all are, if one of them ask a citizen their then what happens is…” Tails started saying when Sonic butted in.
“Well tell them not to say anything; after all they do owe us.”
“Fakers right.”
“I’m not the faker you are, you faker.”
“I’m older you copied me.”
“I was born you copied me.” Every one started laughing as Sonic and Shadow started fighting at who was faster, cooler and better looking then the other.
“Whatca doing down here Sally gal?” Bunny asked coming down to a computer room that Robotnik ones used.
“I’m trying to find out who these heroes are.” Sally said looking throw the files when one caught her attention. ”What’s this?”
“What’s what hun?” Bunny asked coming up to the computer to see the words ultimate life form. “What was Robotnik planning?”
“No Robotnik didn’t create this life form his grandfather did, it say that it was created 50 years ago by Gerald Robotnik to help the world. But a government called gun shut it down fearing the power the life form had. Gerald was in raged at his granddaughters Marries death that he changed the programming to make the life form destroy the planet.” Sally said looking to Bunny who had her hand to her mouth.
“You mean that thing is out their somewhere.” Bunny said shocked over her face.
“Wait theirs more but it something that Robotnik wrote.” Sally said seeing the text on the bottom.
“I thought by realising Shadow I would be unstoppable but he was playing me all along to destroy the planet. My grandfather would destroy anything for Marries even me. The stupid fool even erased all the data on Shadow so I can’t create my own ultimate life form. What’s worse I was being played twice by Rouge the Bat now both of them are proving to be quite annoying as team dark. I will upgrade Metal Sonic so that he can destroy them four teams once and for all.” Sally read out from the computer.
“Sounds like old Robutnik kept a dairy, who knew.” Bunny said looking at the file.
“No I think he was really annoyed at so he might have tried to Wright what he was feeling then destroying his own robots.” Sally said looking throw the files again but then went of it.
“Sally gal does think that they might be part of the hero group.” Bunny asked Sally looked up at her old friend.
“Why do you say that?”
“Well Robotnik seems to really hate them.”
“Robotnik hates every one.”
“Yah but he said they where Team dark, also Rough the bat.” Bunny said making Sally smile at Bunny.
“Bunny if they are this means we have a name and can find out who the others are.” Sally said when Rotor came in.
“Way a head of you sally, Manic found out about some detectives that live in station square called the Chaotix detectives. We think that they might be able to help.” Rotor said showing Sally a flyer with a crocodile, chameleon and a Bee.
“They don’t look very good.” Sally said wondering why detectives would advertise themselves.
“Well we heard they were the best, they might even be able to find Sonic, Tails and Amy as well.” Rotor said as Bunny took the poster to look at.
“I’m going Station square anyway, see some people and make sure their alright. So how bout tomorrow I go and have a word with them while I’m their.” Bunny said looking at the too of them.
“Thanks Bunny that would be great.” Sally said as she shut the computer down and the three of them left the room.
“Charmy were meant to be working now go and get the pizza.” Vector said looking out the window to the see. They had set up the new office near the beach which near the train station. Cream was living with her mum next door which was good for Charmy as he had a friend to play with. Amy was also living close in her beach house and Rouge Shadow and Omega were living down town. Big was living in the Jungle with froggy at the mystic ruins and Tails was at his work shop their too. With Sonic crashing their for a few days. Knuckles Tikal and Chaos was living still on angle Irelands but still, Vector was happy as they all kept in touch.
“Why am I always having to go and get the pizza why can’t Espio I’m tired.”
“You want to get paid don’t you” Vector said as Charmy nodded. “THEN GO AND GET THE PIZZA.”
“Fine, fine I’m going.” Charmy said as he opened the door to be greeted By Bunny.
“Oh hi ya is this the Chaotix detectives agency.” Bunny asked looking at the rabbit standing in front of him.
“Yah I’m Charmy wait just here.” Charmy said a big grin on his face as he flew of in to the back were Bunny could hear him shouting haply.
A few minutes after the shouting had finished Charmy came flying out with a big grin on his face.
“You can go in now.” Nodded to the bee Bunny went into the office that was a real mess.
“Sorry about the mess but we just moved in you see.” Bunny turned to see a crocodile behind the desk and in the corner was a chameleon.
“My name is Vector and this is Espio the bee you meet was Charmy and we are the Chaotix detectives.” Vector said intruding them making Bunny sweat drop. (you know like in an anime when someone dose something stupid)
“Well hi yah I’m Bunny Rabbot and I’m from the freedom fighter group from the great forest.” Bunny said thinking it best to introduce her self to the two detectives.
“What you’re a freedom fighter” Vector was chocking on his own words not expecting this Espio was looking Bunny over quickly.
“Vector I’ll make the phone call.” Espio said walking out the room Bunny looked as the Chameleon left not understanding what was going on.
“Um why he have to make a phone call?” Bunny asked as Vector was quickly stuffing something in his draw.
“Oh… um Freedom fighters…get…special deals with us.” Vector finale said as Bunny just stared at him.
“So what is it we can do for you miss Rabbot?” Vector asked trying to make him self seem important again.
“Oh you can just call me Bunny, the reason that I’m here is because I want to know if you can find out about the Hero group that defeated Robotnik.” Bunny asked looking at Vector who was now pale white.
‘Great she wants us to find our selves.’ Vector thought when Espio came back into the room.
“That group is hard to find out about. Some one asked us before to research into them but we couldn’t come up with anything.” Vector was grateful that Espio was able to think on his feet. But what he didn’t like was the smile Bunny had on her face.
“Well what if I give you’ll some little information I have right now.” Bunny said folding her arms. Vector and Espio were trying to think what she could know.
“Tell us the information and we will see if we can find anything else.” Vector finale said.
“Ok I we all know back at the great forest that there are four teams. Also the only thing we know about this is that one team is called Team Dark.” Bunny was saying now seeing Espio stop breathing and staring at her. “We found out on one of old Robutnik computers is that their are two mobian’s in Team Dark called Rouge the Bat and Shadow. It you’ll can find out about them I’m sure you’ll be able to find out about the rest.”
“Um sure well get right on that miss Bunny.” Vector was so pale he was surprised that he was able to talk.
“Thank you’ll now, well I gotta get going I need to check and see if some friends of mine are ok.” Bunny said when Espio had just came in front of her.
‘He’s fast.’
“Listen were going to need to know where you’re going to be staying in station square so we can get in contact with you.”
“Oh that’s easy next door with my ant and cousin.” And with that the Rabbit was out the door Espio turned to look at Vector.
“Now what are we going to do they know about Rouge and Shadow, and I’ll bet my life she suspects something now.” Espio said looking at Vector who opened his desk draw to revile a small emblem.
“I don’t know, them freedom fighters don’t know how close they are to finding out about all of us. Plus if that rabbit is staying with Cream” Vector said knowing how the little rabbit had said she would look after a lot of their stuff until they had sorted out the pest problem because thier new home was filled with bugs. Quite a lot of that stuff was to do with the Sonic heroes.
“Pizza here.” Charmy all of a sudden said flying into the building with about 15 boxes of Pizza.
“Hi this is Sonia.” Sonia said as she answered her phone that was ringing.
“Hi Sonia this is Bunny I think the Chaotix detectives know more then their willing to tell.” Bunny said on the other line.
“Really why?”
“They didn’t seem to keen on this, plus when I mentioned Team Dark Rouge and Shadow they went white in the face.” Bunny said which made Sonia think.
“We’ll see what they come up with until then try and keep a look out ok.” Sonia said saying good bye as well.
‘Were getting so close to finding out who they are.’ Sonia thought as she went to go and sit down on her chair in front of her dresser. Picking up a small blue box Sonia opened it to reveal a guitar like medallion.
“You miss him don’t you Sonia.” Getting a surprise Sonia turned around to see Sally at the door way.
“Yah I guess, he’s my brother and because of me he ran out on the freedom fighter groups.” Sonia said taking the medallion out of the box.
“You shouldn’t blame you’re self that brother of you’re could never sit still. He was always running every where properly because nothing could beat him.” Sally said remembering Sonic always being so cocky about everything.
“Yah you’re right I just wish I knew where he was I mean is he ok.” Sonia said putting the medallion back down.
“Yah I want to know that too. I worry about him a Tails and Amy but then I think that their Sonic and Tails are properly just stuffing their faces with chilly dogs and Amy has to watch it.” Both girls started to laugh at this but it was only for a second.
“Sonic why the heck are you stuffing you’re face with chilly dogs it’s gross watching you eat.” Amy yelled as her Sonic Tails Cream and Cheese were all in Tails work shop hanging out but the two girls got caught having to watch the boys eat chilly dogs.
“Why what’s wrong with the way I eat.” Sonic asked with his mouth full.
‘That’s what’s wrong you have no table manners.’
“Chou Chou Chou”
Ok I understand that I can not write properly for Bunny and trust me Antoine is going to be worse so if you can just imagine their voices when their talking in this it would actual be ok other then that I’m trying.
Oh yah pleases review and thanks for the idea Random Chao About Cream Being Bunny cousin. If anyone else has any other ideas pleases send them in.
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Forestdahedgehog on March 11, 2008, 6:38:28 AM