Chapter 10 - chapter 10
Submitted July 23, 2007 Updated January 20, 2008 Status Complete | The gang from Konoha High is back, and guess what? Homecoming is fast approaching! Join the Naruto characters as they struggle yet again with classes, grades, friends, enemies, and romance. Note: This is the sequel to Konoha High.
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 10 - chapter 10
Chapter 10 - chapter 10
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto!
“Thanks so much, Sasuke!” TenTen said as the three girls quickly made their way across the large cafeteria.
“Hn.” Sasuke said, to no one in particular.
“Looks like they want you to follow Sakura.” Neji said with a slight smirk.
“No, Neji. They want him to go give the note to Sakura.” Naruto said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And the fact that I just watched TenTen write down the note after reading a text message?” Neji asked.
“She was probably texting Sakura.” Naruto said.
Neji sighed. “Really? What were Hinata and Ino looking at under the table then?”
“He’s right, Naruto. This is one of their crazy schemes.” Shikamaru said in a lazy drawl.
Sasuke stood up and shoved his things into his backpack.
“You’re actually going to bother to go?” Shikamaru asked him.
“Hn. Yea.” Sasuke said as he too left the table, making his way across the cafeteria. Once he exited the room, he started off towards Sakura’s locker.
With Sakura
“I can’t believe there’s more of them.” Sakura groaned as she shoved tem into her backpack. She then grabbed a book that she’d need in her last class. But when she turned around, she was face to face with Rock Lee.
“Oh, hi, Lee. I didn’t know that you were there.” She said, a little bit taken aback.
“I’m sorry if I startled you, my beautiful blossom!” Lee exclaimed.
“Um, it’s ok.” Sakura said. “So, why are you here?”
“I have something that I wanted to ask you!” Lee exclaimed, striking his nice guy pose.
“Um, ok.” Sakura said. “What is it?”
“Sakura, my beautiful blossom, would you go to the homecoming with me?” Lee asked.
‘Go to the homecoming…with Lee?’ Sakura thought. ‘Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go with him. After all, he is the first guy to actually ask me in person. But then, I was really hoping that Sasuke would still ask me…’ Sakura was about to reply to his question when she heard a voice from behind her.
“She can’t go with you, because she’s going with me.” Sakura whipped around to find Sasuke standing there.
“Oh, I’m sorry then, Sakura, for bothering you.” Lee said, looking a little bit upset.
Sakura glared at Sasuke as Lee started to leave. She then said furiously, “Oh really? And when was this decided? I certainly don’t remember you asking me! Maybe you should’ve tried that first!”
“Why would you want to go with him?” Sasuke asked. “You were just going to say no anyways.”
“How do you know that? I do have a mind of my own, you know.” Sakura snapped. She turned around to call after Lee. “Lee, wait a minute! I’d love to go with you!”
Lee turned around. “Really? But what about Sasuke? I thought he said-”
Sakura cut him off. “Sasuke and I were never going together, ok, Lee?”
“Alright.” Lee said.
“Will you walk me to class, Lee?” Sakura asked.
“Of course I will!” Lee exclaimed as Sakura hooked her arm through his. She turned around and gave one final glare to Sasuke before letting Lee escort her to her next class. Sasuke stood there, a little bit shocked, but his eyes flashing red.
When she arrived at the door she turned to Lee. “Thanks, Lee.” She smiled at him before she turned around and walked into her English classroom where her three friends immediately started questioning her. They obviously hadn’t seen Lee walk her to the door.
“So, did anything happen at your locker?” Ino asked her friend expectantly.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, something did. I got a date to homecoming.” Sakura said.
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you!” Ino squealed.
“That’s awesome, Sakura!” TenTen exclaimed in the same pitch as Ino.
“Me, too, Sakura. I know how much you like Sasuke.” Hinata said.
Sakura looked at her friends. “I never said my date was Sasuke.”
Ino and TenTen stopped rejoicing for their friend. “Who else would it be?” Ino asked. This wasn’t good.
“Rock Lee.” Sakura said.
“What?!” Ino exclaimed. “But what about Sasuke, and the note…and…”
“What note?” Sakura asked her friend, not at all happy to learn that Ino had somehow been involved in this.
“Well, you see, we gave Sasuke a note, and then asked him to take it to you. That way he could ask you to homecoming. But I guess he didn’t get there in time…” Ino said trailing off.
“Oh, he got there in time. In time enough to tell Rock Lee that I couldn’t go to the homecoming with him because I was already his date.” Sakura said, her emerald eyes flashing at the though.
“What?” Ino asked. She couldn’t believe that this had happened. Now Sakura was mad at Sasuke, and was going to the dance with Rock Lee.
“You heard me, Ino.” Sakura said. “I can’t believe he would do that! As if we were going out or he owns me or something. If he wanted me to go with him, he should’ve just asked. But no, he had to get all high and mighty. ‘She’s going with me’ he says.” Sakura continued to rant on until the teacher came in. Ino just looked at TenTen and Hinata. Their plan had really messed up.
That afternoon
As Sakura climbed into the limo, she saw Sasuke sitting next to where she usually sat. She sat at the other end of the limo, and refused to move when her friends entered behind her, making them fill the gap between them. She faced the opposite way and wouldn’t even look at Sasuke. The limo was filled with an eerie silence that no one wanted to break. Well, no one wanted to break it, that is, until Ino turned towards the girl beside her.
“Sakura, this is ridiculous. You’re acting like a three year old.” She said.
“So what if I am?” Sakura snapped. “I don’t care. I have every right to. I don’t want to be treated like I’m somebody’s property and have no mind of my own!”
“But Sakura,” Ino said, “this is stupid. It was a misunderstanding is all.”
“Oh? And I guess I was the one who misunderstood everything!!” Sakura snapped again.
Ino sighed, “Well, if you won’t listen to me, then I guess you aren’t going to listen to anybody.” She turned towards the others in defeat. Sakura was still too angry to be reasoned with at the moment. Luckily, today, Sakura was the first person out of the limo. When she was gone, Ino turned towards Sasuke.
“Why did you have to go and do that?” She asked.
“Hn.” was Sasuke’s only reply. Inside he was thinking about what a complete idiot he had been, but he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone else. He hadn’t thought it through. Heck, he had acted like Naruto.
“Well, you’ve made things a lot harder for al of us.” Ino said.
“Yea, we have to deal with her tonight.” TenTen said.
“I wish you hadn’t of upset her, Sasuke.” Hinata said quietly.
‘Why am I such an idiot?’ rang in Sasuke’s head.
A/N: Please don’t kill me!! Trust me, this had to happen for the goal I want at homecoming! I’ve actually had this scene in my head since chapter one of Konoha high, and trust me, things will work out. Please don’t flame this chapter….>.< I don’t like what happened much, myself, to be honest with you. But I wouldn’t have put anything in if it wasn’t for a good cause, ok? Well, reviews are appreciated, flames are definitely not! *runs and hides behind her couch*
“Thanks so much, Sasuke!” TenTen said as the three girls quickly made their way across the large cafeteria.
“Hn.” Sasuke said, to no one in particular.
“Looks like they want you to follow Sakura.” Neji said with a slight smirk.
“No, Neji. They want him to go give the note to Sakura.” Naruto said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And the fact that I just watched TenTen write down the note after reading a text message?” Neji asked.
“She was probably texting Sakura.” Naruto said.
Neji sighed. “Really? What were Hinata and Ino looking at under the table then?”
“He’s right, Naruto. This is one of their crazy schemes.” Shikamaru said in a lazy drawl.
Sasuke stood up and shoved his things into his backpack.
“You’re actually going to bother to go?” Shikamaru asked him.
“Hn. Yea.” Sasuke said as he too left the table, making his way across the cafeteria. Once he exited the room, he started off towards Sakura’s locker.
With Sakura
“I can’t believe there’s more of them.” Sakura groaned as she shoved tem into her backpack. She then grabbed a book that she’d need in her last class. But when she turned around, she was face to face with Rock Lee.
“Oh, hi, Lee. I didn’t know that you were there.” She said, a little bit taken aback.
“I’m sorry if I startled you, my beautiful blossom!” Lee exclaimed.
“Um, it’s ok.” Sakura said. “So, why are you here?”
“I have something that I wanted to ask you!” Lee exclaimed, striking his nice guy pose.
“Um, ok.” Sakura said. “What is it?”
“Sakura, my beautiful blossom, would you go to the homecoming with me?” Lee asked.
‘Go to the homecoming…with Lee?’ Sakura thought. ‘Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go with him. After all, he is the first guy to actually ask me in person. But then, I was really hoping that Sasuke would still ask me…’ Sakura was about to reply to his question when she heard a voice from behind her.
“She can’t go with you, because she’s going with me.” Sakura whipped around to find Sasuke standing there.
“Oh, I’m sorry then, Sakura, for bothering you.” Lee said, looking a little bit upset.
Sakura glared at Sasuke as Lee started to leave. She then said furiously, “Oh really? And when was this decided? I certainly don’t remember you asking me! Maybe you should’ve tried that first!”
“Why would you want to go with him?” Sasuke asked. “You were just going to say no anyways.”
“How do you know that? I do have a mind of my own, you know.” Sakura snapped. She turned around to call after Lee. “Lee, wait a minute! I’d love to go with you!”
Lee turned around. “Really? But what about Sasuke? I thought he said-”
Sakura cut him off. “Sasuke and I were never going together, ok, Lee?”
“Alright.” Lee said.
“Will you walk me to class, Lee?” Sakura asked.
“Of course I will!” Lee exclaimed as Sakura hooked her arm through his. She turned around and gave one final glare to Sasuke before letting Lee escort her to her next class. Sasuke stood there, a little bit shocked, but his eyes flashing red.
When she arrived at the door she turned to Lee. “Thanks, Lee.” She smiled at him before she turned around and walked into her English classroom where her three friends immediately started questioning her. They obviously hadn’t seen Lee walk her to the door.
“So, did anything happen at your locker?” Ino asked her friend expectantly.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, something did. I got a date to homecoming.” Sakura said.
“Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you!” Ino squealed.
“That’s awesome, Sakura!” TenTen exclaimed in the same pitch as Ino.
“Me, too, Sakura. I know how much you like Sasuke.” Hinata said.
Sakura looked at her friends. “I never said my date was Sasuke.”
Ino and TenTen stopped rejoicing for their friend. “Who else would it be?” Ino asked. This wasn’t good.
“Rock Lee.” Sakura said.
“What?!” Ino exclaimed. “But what about Sasuke, and the note…and…”
“What note?” Sakura asked her friend, not at all happy to learn that Ino had somehow been involved in this.
“Well, you see, we gave Sasuke a note, and then asked him to take it to you. That way he could ask you to homecoming. But I guess he didn’t get there in time…” Ino said trailing off.
“Oh, he got there in time. In time enough to tell Rock Lee that I couldn’t go to the homecoming with him because I was already his date.” Sakura said, her emerald eyes flashing at the though.
“What?” Ino asked. She couldn’t believe that this had happened. Now Sakura was mad at Sasuke, and was going to the dance with Rock Lee.
“You heard me, Ino.” Sakura said. “I can’t believe he would do that! As if we were going out or he owns me or something. If he wanted me to go with him, he should’ve just asked. But no, he had to get all high and mighty. ‘She’s going with me’ he says.” Sakura continued to rant on until the teacher came in. Ino just looked at TenTen and Hinata. Their plan had really messed up.
That afternoon
As Sakura climbed into the limo, she saw Sasuke sitting next to where she usually sat. She sat at the other end of the limo, and refused to move when her friends entered behind her, making them fill the gap between them. She faced the opposite way and wouldn’t even look at Sasuke. The limo was filled with an eerie silence that no one wanted to break. Well, no one wanted to break it, that is, until Ino turned towards the girl beside her.
“Sakura, this is ridiculous. You’re acting like a three year old.” She said.
“So what if I am?” Sakura snapped. “I don’t care. I have every right to. I don’t want to be treated like I’m somebody’s property and have no mind of my own!”
“But Sakura,” Ino said, “this is stupid. It was a misunderstanding is all.”
“Oh? And I guess I was the one who misunderstood everything!!” Sakura snapped again.
Ino sighed, “Well, if you won’t listen to me, then I guess you aren’t going to listen to anybody.” She turned towards the others in defeat. Sakura was still too angry to be reasoned with at the moment. Luckily, today, Sakura was the first person out of the limo. When she was gone, Ino turned towards Sasuke.
“Why did you have to go and do that?” She asked.
“Hn.” was Sasuke’s only reply. Inside he was thinking about what a complete idiot he had been, but he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone else. He hadn’t thought it through. Heck, he had acted like Naruto.
“Well, you’ve made things a lot harder for al of us.” Ino said.
“Yea, we have to deal with her tonight.” TenTen said.
“I wish you hadn’t of upset her, Sasuke.” Hinata said quietly.
‘Why am I such an idiot?’ rang in Sasuke’s head.
A/N: Please don’t kill me!! Trust me, this had to happen for the goal I want at homecoming! I’ve actually had this scene in my head since chapter one of Konoha high, and trust me, things will work out. Please don’t flame this chapter….>.< I don’t like what happened much, myself, to be honest with you. But I wouldn’t have put anything in if it wasn’t for a good cause, ok? Well, reviews are appreciated, flames are definitely not! *runs and hides behind her couch*
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kogalover2013 on October 29, 2007, 9:05:33 AM

winxgirl21 on October 29, 2007, 9:16:29 AM
winxgirl21 on
kogalover2013 on October 29, 2007, 9:00:52 AM
winxgirl21 on October 29, 2007, 9:15:28 AM
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uchihacrimson on September 20, 2007, 3:35:16 AM
winxgirl21 on September 20, 2007, 5:49:51 AM
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kagome99 on September 18, 2007, 5:19:26 AM
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winxgirl21 on September 18, 2007, 7:22:17 AM
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nextguardian on September 17, 2007, 4:24:59 PM
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winxgirl21 on September 18, 2007, 7:07:10 AM
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zerotimberwolf on September 16, 2007, 8:10:06 AM
winxgirl21 on September 16, 2007, 8:23:57 AM
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zerotimberwolf on September 17, 2007, 5:16:31 AM
winxgirl21 on September 17, 2007, 7:07:45 AM
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Gaarafangirl7789 on September 16, 2007, 3:18:40 AM
winxgirl21 on September 16, 2007, 7:34:10 AM
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Gaarafangirl7789 on September 21, 2007, 12:41:39 PM
waterbender00 on September 15, 2007, 1:42:46 PM
winxgirl21 on September 16, 2007, 2:00:58 AM
winxgirl21 on
gaaralover1 on September 15, 2007, 9:30:44 AM
gaaralover1 on

Apologizing for this now.. I have bad mood swings I'm so depressed.
Also in teh last chapter.... Poor guy... And I dun even know what the hell a homecoming is... Heck I haven't even gone through grad yet and I'm freaking over it..
winxgirl21 on September 16, 2007, 1:57:12 AM
winxgirl21 on

A Homecoming is a formal dance that normally takes pace in the fall. It's also normally when a highschool's football team has a home game. hence the dance being called a Homecoming...
sasukeXsakuraforever on September 14, 2007, 1:02:11 PM
AnimeAngel87 on September 15, 2007, 3:07:51 AM
AnimeAngel87 on
winxgirl21 on September 14, 2007, 11:57:51 PM
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AnimeAngel87 on September 14, 2007, 11:21:52 AM
AnimeAngel87 on
winxgirl21 on September 14, 2007, 11:55:49 PM
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Symphoniaprincess101 on September 14, 2007, 9:42:36 AM
winxgirl21 on September 14, 2007, 11:50:55 PM
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rffraff05 on September 14, 2007, 8:47:33 AM
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winxgirl21 on September 14, 2007, 8:53:07 AM
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