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Chapter 1 - Missing Love

 A boy named Rekz lives with his older sister, Haruko, and his mother, who is slowly dying of cancer. He vows to find some way to get the money they need for the operation.

Chapter 1 - Missing Love

Chapter 1 - Missing Love
Missing Love
        A boy sat on a swing set in a large playground, holding a stuffed cat. It was solid black, except for a white patch around its left eye. The boy had messy red hair,and deep green eyes that stared at the children playing around him, purposely ignoring him. He's always had that problem ever since his father passed away when hewas six. He just hasn't been the same since. All the kids make fun of him for carrying around a stuffed cat, but it was a gift from his father that he got on his third birthday. Every time the teachers tried to take it from him, he would yell at them not to touch it. This boy's name is Rekz. He lives with his big sister, Haruko and his mother, who is deathly ill. She grew sick about a year ago, and Rekz knows something is wrong with her, but he doesn't know what. He wants to help her, but heknows that nothing he could do would help her escape her imminent demise. Rekz let out a small sigh, clutching his green coat closer to his body. The weather was very chilly, and he could see his breath every time he exhaled. The dew had frozen on the playground equipment into ice tear drops. It had caused a disturbance with the children, because it made them slide and hurt themselves, so they settled on playing freeze tag; better to suit the weather Rekz decided. A few minutes pass and the children disperse one by one, heading home. Rekz was left sitting there in the setting sun alone. He slowly stands up, making his way quietly out of the park. He finally gets to his house and walks in. The steps were made of wood and cracked slightly in places. Every crack was filled with weeds. On the left side of the building sat a small garden. His mother loved to work in it casually to take a break from her working world, but now it is slowly dying, just like it's owner.Everything else was in tact on the house, from the black roof, to the fake red bricks that make up the foundation. He ambles lazily into the kitchen, going quickly past his mother and Haruko who were doing the dishes in the sink. "Hi, Rekz. How was your time at the park?" His mother asks, as he made his way up the stairs. He ignores her inquiries and goes into his room, slamming the door shut. She stares up after him sadly, and suddenly begins to cough spazmodically, collapsing to the floor. "Mom!" Haruko screams out, racing to her mother's side. She lifts her head up, staring at the blood slowly seeping from her mouth. Rekz sat at the base of his bedroom door, his knees tucked under his chin, his face buried in his knees. He chokes back a sob as he hears his mother's coughing fit, and once everything was Silent once again, he lets his tears flow freely. They splash against his cold arms. After a few minutes, he stands up and plops down on his bed, burying his face in his downy pillows. His conciseness began to fade, and he slipped into a deep sleep. He wakes up at about 2:00 A.M. and sat up. He was feeling thirsty so he made his way down the hall way towards the kitchen. He pauses in front of the bathroom door. The light was on and it was open in a slight crack. Rekz slowly steps towards the door, peering in through the small space. His mother stood in front of the sink, leaning over it, one hand on the sink's rim for support. She grabs a pill bottle from the medicine cabinet over the sink and pours out a lot of pills onto her hand. She pops them into her mouth, swallowing them with a glass of water. She coughs, Crimson blood staining the white marble sink. Rekz claps his hands over his mouth, holding back a sudden gasp. He races down the hall back to his room, closing the door. He slams down on the bed on his back, pressing his hands roughly over his eyes, trying to make himself stop, but the tears kept coming. The next morning, the boy is woken from his sleep by his sister. "Rekz, get up. I need you to go with me to the Pharmacy to get some medicine for Mom." She says, closing his door after she finished speaking. He slowly sat up,       glaring at his door. He jumps out of bed, racing down the stairs. He doesn't bother to fix his hair, or change out of his pajamas. Haruko grabs the keys to he mom's car keys. Rekz always hated those keys. He didn't like the way they jingled when they were driving down the road. Or that little pink kitten key chain they're attached to. It was obnoxiously bright in the sun light. They reach the pharmacy and quickly go inside. Haruko tells Rekz to stay put next to a rack of dietary supplements and weight loss flyers. She walks over tothe counter and begins to speak with a man that worked in the medicine department of this pharmacy. He shook his head after about five minutes, and Haruko turns her head, biting her lower lip. She was obviously distressed about something. She walks back over to Rekz, and he grabs her hand. "Is...mommy going to die?" He inquired, staring up at his older sister with tears in his sad green eyes. Haruko stares down at him, then wraps her arms around him in a tight embrace."I don't know, Rekz....I just don't know." Her voice was shaky, and Rekz could tell she was trying not to cry for his sake. "they didn't have what she needed. Let's go." She grabs his hand, dragging him out of the store. The drive home was a painfully silent one. Rekz desperately wanted to yell out, "I know mom's dying! And I know we can't save her because we don't have enough money!" But something was halting the words in his throat,making him slip into a dry sob. They finally reach home, and Rekz bolts up the stairs, racing into his room. Haruko steps over to her mother sitting at the table with her face buried in her hands. "Mom...they had it, but it's way to expensive. There's no way we can afford it now." She sits next to her Mom, who hasn't moved yet. "I got a call from the doctor today....shortly after you left. He said I have a rare case of cancer." Haruko stares at her, shocked. "but...there is a cure fore it. I will have to undergo surgery." She looks up from her hands. It was obvious she had been crying. "Mom.....We have to get you the money you need for that surgery! There's no way we can just sit here and watch you die with a cure for you right in front of us!" Haruko says, throwing out her hand in an expression of anger and frustration as she rose from her seat. Rekz stood in front of his bed room door. He stared, wide eyed at the wooden frame. Did he just hear Haruko saying Mom had cancer? She had to be kidding. There's no way she could get something like that. Right? All these thoughts and more swam through his head as he laid on his bed, snuggling under his warm blankets. But now, he doesn't seem to take any comfort at all from his bed. It normally brought him so much joy when he came in tired and exhausted, to just lay on the bed and sleep. Now he wishes he could fall asleep and never wake up. He finally drifts off into sleep, after he calmed himself down long enough. Rekz awoke in a dimly lit room. The carpet he is lying on is colored a darkened violet. The walls were simply painted black. He attempts to sit up, but quickly notes that he is paralyzed from the neck down. Suddenly, a door opens to his left, filling his eyes with light. He sees his Mom walking over to a sink, holding a bottle of pills. "...Mom?" He whispers, barely audible to even him. She didn't seem to hear him, because she opened the bottle, tossing the cap over her shoulder. She quickly downs several pills. Suddenly, her body grows limp and her lifeless form crashes to the floor. Rekz attempted to yell her name to get her to wake up, but nothing worked. He watched his mother die right in front of him.    A blood curdling scream of terror echoed through the house. The door to Rekz's room slams open, and his mother had her arms wrapped around his shaking body. "Rekz? Are you OK?" She questioned him, rubbing his besheveled hair. He pauses, staring at her, then nods."It was just a nightmare. I'm fine." He said, looking away. She nods, walking back to her room. He stares after her, then looks away. "I have to get that money for her somehow..." He thought to himself, laying back down and falling asleep shortly after. The next morning, he got out of bed late. He brushed his hair for once, and went for a walk. Why is this happening to us? Rekz stuffed his hands in his pockets, turning his face down against the wind. He opens his eyes once the turrets calmed, and saw a small sheet of paper that was red and green in color. He bends down to pick it up, and took notice of it being a Lottery Ticket. "that's it! That's how I'll get Mom the money!" He turns back around, racing into his home, running up to Haruko. "Sis! Hey, sis!!" He sprints to her side, holding up the ticket to her. "if we win, we'll have more than enough to pay for mother's surgery." He states happily, after she takes it. Haruko skims it over, and her eyes widen. "200,000?! There's no way we'd win!" She says, shaking her head. Rekz looks at her sadly. "I know we will. Mom's not going to die." He declares, holding up his clenched fist. He stares up at her with a fierce expression of strong belief. "I'm not going to just sit here and watch her die when her cure is right in front of me." He says, grabbing the ticket from his sister and turning around. Haruko grabs his shoulder, turning him back around and hugging him tightly."You're right. We can't just stand idly by and let her go. We'll use this to get her that operation." She said, taking the ticket from him, and putting it in her coat pocket. Rekz smiles at her, and dashes up to his room, happily plopping down on his bed, grinning. The two spend the next few days tensely listening to the radio every chance they got. Finally, a week later, they announced the winning number for the lottery ticket. Their mother had gotten a job recently, and she was at work so she couldn't be there. They would surprise her when she got home. "the lucky lottery number is....72. 56. 85. 9. 7." The radio stated loudly. "oh my God...." Haruko mutters, staring down at the wrinkly sheet of green with red lettering."we....we actually won!" She cried out happily, holding the ticket up like a treasure. She grabs Rekz, pulling him into a hug as she lifts him off the ground."Now we can get Mom that operation she needed!" Rekz yells happily, throwing his arms up with extreme joy. Suddenly, the phone rang, and jolted the two from their joyous celebration. Haruko walks over, picking up the phone. "Hello?" She answered, waiting for the person's response. Suddenly, the smile on her face disappears completely, and she sets the phone down slowly as tears form in her eyes."Haruko...? What is it?" Rekz questioned her as she walks to the table and sits down. "It's Mom..." Rekz stared at her, as he felt all the peace and happiness in his body slowly drain out like some one pulled the plug in a sink, only to be replaced by intense anxiety as a knot began to form in his stomach like a bed of writhing snakes.                                                                                                              


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