Chapter 12 - SHopping and Old Friends
Submitted October 11, 2006 Updated January 1, 2007 Status Incomplete | What happens when a new woman comes to Konohagakure Village? And what will happen when the Hokage makes Kakashi and the woman live together, let alone, she will become a new teacher for team 7? Is Love in the air? Or is it just more trouble for team 7?
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Chapter 12 - SHopping and Old Friends
Chapter 12 - SHopping and Old Friends
It was now April 30th. Kakashi had proposed to Kira 4 months before. They had scheduled their wedding to be on the 5th of June.
“Only 2 more months of waiting,” Sasuke said to Kira, as they were shopping for her dress.
Kira squealed. “EEEEE I know!! I can’t wait!” She jumped in excitement. “But, Sasuke, are you sure you are ok with me marrying Kakashi? I mean, he is your Sensei after all.”
He looked at her. “And so are you. Once you marry him you’ll be our Sensei to. And Kira, like the other billion times I’ve told you, yes its fine! And besides,” He looked at her. “It’s your life, not mine.”
Kira grabbed Sasuke and squeezed him hard in a hug. “Oh thank you little brother!”
“ go! I can’t.....breath...!!!” She let him go.
“Uh, hehe, sorry Sasuke.”
Sasuke grabbed his side and rubbed it so it would stop hurting. “Fin, yeah sure ok,” he looked around to see where they were. “Ok, this better be the last store to find your wedding dress. If it isn’t this will be our 23rd store that we have looked in!”
Kira opened the door and stepped in. “Hey! You can’t blame me for wanting to find the perfect dress can you?” Sasuke only shook his head.
“Hello can I help you?” A lady came from around the corner. She was dressed as if she worked there.
“Yes, well as you can probably see,” Kira started telling her. “We—Or, “I”, am looking for a wedding dress.”
“Is there a certain kind of dress you were looking for?” she asked.
“Yes actually, I know what I want! I just want to find the right one.” Kira told her.
“Ok! Well that will help us out a bunch!” she stepped forward and offered her hand to Kira and Sasuke. Who both shook it. “I’m Shadow by the way. I’ll help you find your dress today.”
‘Shadow...Shadow... I know that name....’ Kira thought. “Wait.... Shadow... Are you, by any chance... Shadow Kinata?”
Shadow blinked. “Why yes I am. Do I know you?”
“Shadow! It’s me! Kira Uchiha!”
Shadow gasped. “No! Kira?! Is that really you?! Oh my gosh!” they both hugged each other. “Its been forever! How are you?!”
“I’m fine! Well,” Kira smiled. “I’m getting married in 2 months!”
“Well yeah! But to who?”
“Hatake Kakashi.” She said.
“No! Really? I never thought Kakashi would ever get married! I never thought he even wanted to get married either.” Shadow told her.
“Well he did! And he is! To me!” Kira smiled again. “Oh Shadow! You remember my little brother Sasuke right?”
“Hi Shadow. Long time no see huh?” he said.
“Well well, it has been a long time! You’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you!” Shadow said. She turned towards Kira. “Wow Kira, you have changed so much. But now is not the time! We will have to find a day to go to lunch together! Now is the time,”she clapped her hands together. “To find you you’re perfect wedding dress! Now what kind did you want?”
“Well,” Kira started, getting pretty tired of explaining the dress she hoped she would get. “I want it white, of course. And with no sleeves.... no sleeves at all. But it cuts up to about,” she put her hand and made a line right on her chest. SO when she wore the dress there would be some cleavage. “You know what I mean? And it has to be long and no filly things. No puffs anywhere.”
Shadow was trying to imagine the dress. “Hmmm. I think I have what your talking about. I’ll be right back.” she headed to the back. Sasuke and Kira looked at each other. After a few minutes of waiting, Shadow came back with a white gown on a hanger. “Well, come on. We’re going to the back to where the dressing rooms are.” she looked at Sasuke. “And there are chairs so you can sit down Sasuke.”
“Yes, finally!” he said. The two girls laughed.
They headed to the back And Shadow opened one of the 2 doors and put the dress on a hanger on the inside of the slightly big changing room. “You ready Kira?”
“Yes!” Kisa said excitedly. She went inside and shut the door. Sasuke sat down in one of the chairs and waited patiently. After about 10 minutes Shadow came out of the room.
“Well?” Sasuke asked. Shadow looked at him then looked at Kira, who had just come out. Sasuke stared at her. “Oh my.... Kira.....”
Kira smiled. Shadow pulled her hand to the bit 3-way mirror that was on the other side of where Sasuke was sitting. Kira went up to it and just kept smiling. On her it looked beautiful. It was just long enough and it was just low enough for Kakashi. Just what Kira was looking for.
“Oh my.... god..... This is.... This is the dress of my dreams!” Kira said. She twirled around; looking at herself in the mirror. She took her hair out of her pony-tail and ran her fingers through it.
“Kira you look..... so beautiful!” Shadow said to her.
Kira turned and looked at Sasuke; who just kept staring. “Well,” she looked down then back up to him. “What do you think?”
“Kira I think...... It’s amazing. I think it’s the perfect dress for you.” he said.
“Good. ‘Cause I think so to!” She looked at Shadow. “I would like to buy this dress please.”
“Oh very good! Now one question: Do you want a veil?”
“Oh, I didn’t even think about that. You have a few I can try?”
“Yes I do. And I think I have one that will go perfectly with the dress.” Shadow went to the back and came back to the; carrying a white veil. She went up to Kira, put it on her head, and stood back. Kira looked at herself again. She put the veil over her eyes; just as it would be before she and Kakashi would kiss. “Ok, can I get out of this? I want to keep it as clean as I can.” They went back and took it off. While coming out, both Shadow and Kira were talking. Kira was doing the talking now.
“I’d like the veil to.”
“You sure?”
She smiled. “Yes, I’m sure. I love the dress and the veil is just beautiful. Can you guys hold it for awhile?”
“Yes we can. When will you pick it up?” Shadow asked.
“Um, tomorrow I can. And I was wondering if you wanted to got to lunch with me and we can go shopping for other stuff I need.”
“Yeah I’d love to! What else do you need?” asked Shadow.
“Well, I want to find a necklace, some nice long gloves that go up my arms, and I need to look for my bride maids dresses.”
“Yeah sure I can help you find all of that. Say tomorrow around, oh... noonish?” Shadow asked.
Kira held up her thumb. “Sounds good to me Shaddy!”
Shadow laughed. “Man I miss you calling me that. Well, I’ll go hang this up and keep it for you. So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yep! Bye Shaddy!” Kira said while her and Sasuke walked out the door.
+ ~ + Kakashi’s House + ~ +
It was now 7:30 and Kakashi and Kira were sitting at the dinning room table eating dinner together.
“So Kira, have you found your dress yet?” Kakashi asked her.
She smiled. “Yes I have!” she giggled.
“What are you giggling for?”
“Cause, it’s the dress of my dreams. And because of the person who helped me find it!”
“Oh? Who helped you?” He took a bite of his food.
“Hmmm, I don’t know if you know her..... Do you know Shadow Kinata?”
“Shadow huh? Yeah I know her. Her father is Dosu... I know both of them. Why? Is she the person who helped you?”
Yes! But I know her because we grew up together! She is only a few months younger than me. I haven’t seen her since I left.....”
“Ohhh...... Were you all surprised?”
“Yes!” Kira said. “Oh my gosh I am seeing so many people I was once knew!”
Kakashi smiled. He took her hand. “Well I’m glad you’re happy Kira.”
She smiled to. “Oh I just remembered! If it’s ok with you, Shadow and I were going to go out together. You know, go get some lunch and go get some other stuff I need.”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. I’m having a meeting with team 7 tomorrow.”
“OH! So I need to be there then?” Kira asked.
“No cause I can fill you in on what’s going on. It’s just a meeting on what we’re going to do and what-not. But the day after tomorrow is when we all need to be there. We have another mission to do. But the Hokage said that after this one we won’t have anymore missions until we come back from our honeymoon. Then we both will be the Sensei’s of Team 7...... And we will also be...” he stared at Kira. “Husband and Wife....”
Kira smiled at the thought. She got out of her chair and sat on Kakashi’s lap; welcomed by his arms wrapping around her. Hers around his neck. She leaned down, lowered his mask, and kissed him. “Yes, Husband and Wife......” She put her forehead on his. She whispered, “I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.... neither can I....” He sighed. “Just a little over a month to go.”
She pulled back and looked down at him. “You excited?”
“I cannot wait..... I never thought the waiting would be this bad.”
“I know baby.... I know.” Kira said to him.
+ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ +
well well well..... I finally got it done... sorry you guys that it took so long but, I’ve had some....issues come up and that has delayed my mind from writing or even reading my books!
But, well tis the weekend so I hope I get another chapter up here...if not I’ll wait till christmas break so yeah.... hope you guys like this one! Plz tell me what you think! =3
~> Kisa
“Only 2 more months of waiting,” Sasuke said to Kira, as they were shopping for her dress.
Kira squealed. “EEEEE I know!! I can’t wait!” She jumped in excitement. “But, Sasuke, are you sure you are ok with me marrying Kakashi? I mean, he is your Sensei after all.”
He looked at her. “And so are you. Once you marry him you’ll be our Sensei to. And Kira, like the other billion times I’ve told you, yes its fine! And besides,” He looked at her. “It’s your life, not mine.”
Kira grabbed Sasuke and squeezed him hard in a hug. “Oh thank you little brother!”
“ go! I can’t.....breath...!!!” She let him go.
“Uh, hehe, sorry Sasuke.”
Sasuke grabbed his side and rubbed it so it would stop hurting. “Fin, yeah sure ok,” he looked around to see where they were. “Ok, this better be the last store to find your wedding dress. If it isn’t this will be our 23rd store that we have looked in!”
Kira opened the door and stepped in. “Hey! You can’t blame me for wanting to find the perfect dress can you?” Sasuke only shook his head.
“Hello can I help you?” A lady came from around the corner. She was dressed as if she worked there.
“Yes, well as you can probably see,” Kira started telling her. “We—Or, “I”, am looking for a wedding dress.”
“Is there a certain kind of dress you were looking for?” she asked.
“Yes actually, I know what I want! I just want to find the right one.” Kira told her.
“Ok! Well that will help us out a bunch!” she stepped forward and offered her hand to Kira and Sasuke. Who both shook it. “I’m Shadow by the way. I’ll help you find your dress today.”
‘Shadow...Shadow... I know that name....’ Kira thought. “Wait.... Shadow... Are you, by any chance... Shadow Kinata?”
Shadow blinked. “Why yes I am. Do I know you?”
“Shadow! It’s me! Kira Uchiha!”
Shadow gasped. “No! Kira?! Is that really you?! Oh my gosh!” they both hugged each other. “Its been forever! How are you?!”
“I’m fine! Well,” Kira smiled. “I’m getting married in 2 months!”
“Well yeah! But to who?”
“Hatake Kakashi.” She said.
“No! Really? I never thought Kakashi would ever get married! I never thought he even wanted to get married either.” Shadow told her.
“Well he did! And he is! To me!” Kira smiled again. “Oh Shadow! You remember my little brother Sasuke right?”
“Hi Shadow. Long time no see huh?” he said.
“Well well, it has been a long time! You’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you!” Shadow said. She turned towards Kira. “Wow Kira, you have changed so much. But now is not the time! We will have to find a day to go to lunch together! Now is the time,”she clapped her hands together. “To find you you’re perfect wedding dress! Now what kind did you want?”
“Well,” Kira started, getting pretty tired of explaining the dress she hoped she would get. “I want it white, of course. And with no sleeves.... no sleeves at all. But it cuts up to about,” she put her hand and made a line right on her chest. SO when she wore the dress there would be some cleavage. “You know what I mean? And it has to be long and no filly things. No puffs anywhere.”
Shadow was trying to imagine the dress. “Hmmm. I think I have what your talking about. I’ll be right back.” she headed to the back. Sasuke and Kira looked at each other. After a few minutes of waiting, Shadow came back with a white gown on a hanger. “Well, come on. We’re going to the back to where the dressing rooms are.” she looked at Sasuke. “And there are chairs so you can sit down Sasuke.”
“Yes, finally!” he said. The two girls laughed.
They headed to the back And Shadow opened one of the 2 doors and put the dress on a hanger on the inside of the slightly big changing room. “You ready Kira?”
“Yes!” Kisa said excitedly. She went inside and shut the door. Sasuke sat down in one of the chairs and waited patiently. After about 10 minutes Shadow came out of the room.
“Well?” Sasuke asked. Shadow looked at him then looked at Kira, who had just come out. Sasuke stared at her. “Oh my.... Kira.....”
Kira smiled. Shadow pulled her hand to the bit 3-way mirror that was on the other side of where Sasuke was sitting. Kira went up to it and just kept smiling. On her it looked beautiful. It was just long enough and it was just low enough for Kakashi. Just what Kira was looking for.
“Oh my.... god..... This is.... This is the dress of my dreams!” Kira said. She twirled around; looking at herself in the mirror. She took her hair out of her pony-tail and ran her fingers through it.
“Kira you look..... so beautiful!” Shadow said to her.
Kira turned and looked at Sasuke; who just kept staring. “Well,” she looked down then back up to him. “What do you think?”
“Kira I think...... It’s amazing. I think it’s the perfect dress for you.” he said.
“Good. ‘Cause I think so to!” She looked at Shadow. “I would like to buy this dress please.”
“Oh very good! Now one question: Do you want a veil?”
“Oh, I didn’t even think about that. You have a few I can try?”
“Yes I do. And I think I have one that will go perfectly with the dress.” Shadow went to the back and came back to the; carrying a white veil. She went up to Kira, put it on her head, and stood back. Kira looked at herself again. She put the veil over her eyes; just as it would be before she and Kakashi would kiss. “Ok, can I get out of this? I want to keep it as clean as I can.” They went back and took it off. While coming out, both Shadow and Kira were talking. Kira was doing the talking now.
“I’d like the veil to.”
“You sure?”
She smiled. “Yes, I’m sure. I love the dress and the veil is just beautiful. Can you guys hold it for awhile?”
“Yes we can. When will you pick it up?” Shadow asked.
“Um, tomorrow I can. And I was wondering if you wanted to got to lunch with me and we can go shopping for other stuff I need.”
“Yeah I’d love to! What else do you need?” asked Shadow.
“Well, I want to find a necklace, some nice long gloves that go up my arms, and I need to look for my bride maids dresses.”
“Yeah sure I can help you find all of that. Say tomorrow around, oh... noonish?” Shadow asked.
Kira held up her thumb. “Sounds good to me Shaddy!”
Shadow laughed. “Man I miss you calling me that. Well, I’ll go hang this up and keep it for you. So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yep! Bye Shaddy!” Kira said while her and Sasuke walked out the door.
+ ~ + Kakashi’s House + ~ +
It was now 7:30 and Kakashi and Kira were sitting at the dinning room table eating dinner together.
“So Kira, have you found your dress yet?” Kakashi asked her.
She smiled. “Yes I have!” she giggled.
“What are you giggling for?”
“Cause, it’s the dress of my dreams. And because of the person who helped me find it!”
“Oh? Who helped you?” He took a bite of his food.
“Hmmm, I don’t know if you know her..... Do you know Shadow Kinata?”
“Shadow huh? Yeah I know her. Her father is Dosu... I know both of them. Why? Is she the person who helped you?”
Yes! But I know her because we grew up together! She is only a few months younger than me. I haven’t seen her since I left.....”
“Ohhh...... Were you all surprised?”
“Yes!” Kira said. “Oh my gosh I am seeing so many people I was once knew!”
Kakashi smiled. He took her hand. “Well I’m glad you’re happy Kira.”
She smiled to. “Oh I just remembered! If it’s ok with you, Shadow and I were going to go out together. You know, go get some lunch and go get some other stuff I need.”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. I’m having a meeting with team 7 tomorrow.”
“OH! So I need to be there then?” Kira asked.
“No cause I can fill you in on what’s going on. It’s just a meeting on what we’re going to do and what-not. But the day after tomorrow is when we all need to be there. We have another mission to do. But the Hokage said that after this one we won’t have anymore missions until we come back from our honeymoon. Then we both will be the Sensei’s of Team 7...... And we will also be...” he stared at Kira. “Husband and Wife....”
Kira smiled at the thought. She got out of her chair and sat on Kakashi’s lap; welcomed by his arms wrapping around her. Hers around his neck. She leaned down, lowered his mask, and kissed him. “Yes, Husband and Wife......” She put her forehead on his. She whispered, “I can’t wait.”
“Neither can I.... neither can I....” He sighed. “Just a little over a month to go.”
She pulled back and looked down at him. “You excited?”
“I cannot wait..... I never thought the waiting would be this bad.”
“I know baby.... I know.” Kira said to him.
+ ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ +
well well well..... I finally got it done... sorry you guys that it took so long but, I’ve had some....issues come up and that has delayed my mind from writing or even reading my books!
But, well tis the weekend so I hope I get another chapter up here...if not I’ll wait till christmas break so yeah.... hope you guys like this one! Plz tell me what you think! =3
~> Kisa
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ShadowsGirl101 on December 8, 2006, 1:55:07 PM