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Chapter 1 - guns shots and sirens

this story is about a girl that starts to hang out with a guy and later finds out that he is a vampire, and he has to protect her, and to defeat the werewolve clan.

Chapter 1 - guns shots and sirens

Chapter 1 - guns shots and sirens



"Lilly can you hear me?" a boys voice called out. I....I don’t remember what happened. It's dark, cold, and quiet, but all I hear is that boys voice. All I remember is, I’m standing in my class room and then a sharp pain coming from the side of my neck, then it got black. I think I fell on the ground. Now I hear sirens. Finally my eyes opened. Theirs the boy that was calling my name. Valo, that’s his name. He's being questioned by the police. Why is everybody crying?

But what happened. Now I’m being put into an ambulance. "What’s going on?" I asked. "Calm down Lilly,

you where just shot."a paramedic told me. "What do you mean?" I said . "We’ll explain later, for now just calm down."he replied as he shut the car doors. I had enough strength to lift up my upper body to see the outside. Theirs a boy going in a cop car, with handcuffs , he looks like a person I know, named jimmy. He must have shot me, but why? Some ones coming, so I quickly shot back down. The paramedic man opened up the door. "Lilly some ones gonna ride in the back to keep a close eye on you O.K.?" "Uhhh..." I mumbled

at him. Even though I was O.K. "Hey Lilly it’s me Valo, they told me to keep an eye on you back here."

But I couldn’t hear him because, I had fallen asleep, so I didn’t know he was back here with me. Then when I woke up I was in the hospital, and right beside me was a tall pale short black haired kid reading a book.

I asked him who he was. And it was Valo, I had almost forgot what he’d looked like. I’m so stupid. "Hey Lilly, how are you feeling ?" a girl said in a concerned way. " I’m fine, O.K." I said trying to make it sound like nothing was wrong with me. Then my mom rushed in the room. "Lilly, honey are you O.K.?" she panicked. "Mom.... mom....Lois!" I tried to get her attention because she was yelling at the doctor. "Yes Lilly?" she answered. " mom I’m fine O.K. you can go in the waiting room I need to be alone. O.K.?"

I said hoping she would listen to me and go. "O.K. Lilly I’ll go." Lois said as she scurried out the door.

"Now Valo tell me, what happened?" I said. "Well, you where standing there in the class room then jimmy pulled out a gun and shot you for no apparent reason, I guess? He was very troubled, and sick minded."

Valo said trying to clear things up a bit. "But what really triggered him from shooting is when he found out his girlfriend was seeing other people and broke up with him, I think he was just upset to where he thought that you were her and shot you, but any way some one was getting shot because he started to shoot at other people, so you aren’t the only one in here." he added. "Oh, O.K. but what I don’t understand is why are you here? You’re a loner you usually don’t talk to me or any body as a matter of fact, your always in that group of yours with the others?" I questioned. "Well excuse me for showing some sympathy, I got to go now I’ll see you at school, I guess?" he tried to say politely without letting the anger out. Then the doctor came in right as Valo opened the door to leave. "Ms. Lilly your free to go the bullet came right through you and didn’t hit any thing important, thankfully. And we sewed you up with stitches while you were unconscious

so your fine because we also checked x-rays too." he said. I shot right up and walked right out the door without hesitating. As me and my mom walked down the hall way we passed Valo, he looks different, his eyes are a dark black, and his skin looks paler than what it was. But as we passed each other he didn’t look at me as if I wasn’t there, as if any one was there. That’s very odd. That night I couldn’t sleep just thinking about what happened today and the look on Valo’s face when I passed him in the hallway. Then at 2:00 in the morning I finally fell asleep I had a weird dream. It was a play back of today, of what had happened at school but something was different but I couldn’t figure out what. then as jimmy pulled the trigger I woke up screaming, I finally got to my senses and got dressed went down stairs and my mom was cooking breakfast while watching the today show on how to dress with the hottest new fashion. It was my moms specialty runny eggs with potatoes, Lois was never much of a cook, dad always said. I passed on the eggs and ate cereal instead of moms concoction. I drove to school in my moms Lexus instead of my Honda.

It was raining that day, that’s why I had made my decision to go classy today instead of crummy. Life was slow, more slower than what it usually was. Valo was absent for the first half of school but at lunch he sat alone he was staring at me with those deep, dark, and mysterious eyes. My friend Hillary poked me to get my attention and said, " look, look, look, Valo’s looking dead at you!!!!" "I know that, but why is he looking?" I asked. "I don’t know, but maybe he’s looking at you because of what had happened yesterday he was very concerned about you, I took pity on him yesterday for him acting like that, he wasn’t himself at all." Hillary said giggling. " shut up he might hear us talking!!!" I said in an angry tone. "Well I think he did hear us because signing me to tell you to turn around." she said in a whisper. "O.K. I’ll turn around." I said.

He pointing at me, now he’s signing me to come over, so I turned back around to ask Hillary. "What should I do? Should I go over there?" "Of course you do silly!!" Hillary said as she patted me on the shoulder. "Now go over there and see what he wants!!" she said as she pushed me towards his table. "Uh Valo what do you want?" I asked in a whisper. "Sit down." he asked politely. as I sat down he stared at me with those dark eyes of his. "Now valo, what do you want?" I asked again. "Oh, I just want to talk. See how you feel." he said. "Well what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Well your friend is really bugging me to start with, she keeps on staring at me." Valo said in a whisper so Hillary doesn’t hear. "She really creeps me out!!!" he added. "Well that’s Hillary for you." I said trying to make a joke out of it, but he wasn’t laughing.

" I got a question for you Valo." I said. "What is it Lilly?" he asked. "When I passed you in the hallway at the hospital you looked really different, why is that?" I told him. "Well I don’t really feel comfortable telling you the answer to that question, all I can say is when you see me like that it is best for you to just stay away, trust me." he said whispering it in my ear. "Lunch is over Lilly!!!" Hilary said interrupting me and Valo’s conversation. "Oh thanks Hillary for reminding me." I replied. "Oh thanks Hillary!!"Valo said sarcastically.

Hillary smirked at Valo and walked off right beside me to the next class. "Hey Lilly did you know that Friday is the valentines day dance, do you know who you are going with?" Hillary said as we walk into class. We both got into our separate seats. I looked back at Hillary to see her talking to a guy named nick, she probably is asking him to go. Then she looked at me an squealed in excitement and then winked at me.

Then the teacher Mr. Barker said. "O.K. class after our little incident yesterday we are a lesson behind, so instead of the pop quiz I was gonna give you, we will have an extra study hall so you can study the notes I’m passing out, which is yesterdays notes. You will have to study them until the end of English class today, and then tomorrow we will have our little quiz." instead of studying I was passing notes to Hillary. I wrote ,

hey hillary, did you ask nick to the dance?^_^
and Hillary replied, I did ask him and he said YES!!!!!
I said, wow that’s great hillary!!!
The class was over just like that. the rest of the school day actually flew by quick. Then at the end of the day as I walked to my car Valo came up to me and said. "You know that there’s a social gathering at the school on Friday?" "Yes I know. Why?" I asked. "Just thought you should know." he said as he went into his Hummer. I just stood therefor a moment right beside my moms Lexus, and then went inside and shut the door. As I pulled Into the driveway my Honda was gone so I was assuming my mom went shopping with my car. I opened the front door and saw a note on the table it said, Lilly next time you take my car let me know, please. P.S. im going shopping! Love, mom. . Later that day I was watching something on the history channel about vampires and how they may or may not exist. Then I remembered I forgot to call Valo! Then when I dialed the phone it was to late he must have turned it off. "Crap!!! it’s off! I should have called earlier!" I said trying not to wake my mom up because it was 1:00 in the morning. The next day jimmy came out of jail cause he was back at school. As I was walking into the building jimmy came up to me and said. "Hey, I’m sorry of what happened, are you O.K.?" " Yeah, I’m fine no hard feelings O.K.?" I said trying to make him feel better. "I heard you where hanging out with that Valo kid, all I’ve gotta say about that is the Lockhart family is known of vampires and I bet Valo’s one of them!" he said in a concerned way. "But I bet you don’t believe me."he continued. "Uhhh, I’ll keep a close eye on that ."I said stammering.


Later that day I notice that Alice was staring at me at lunch. Then she whispered "Lilly, come here." so I walked over there and I asked. "What is it Alice?" "Don’t you wanna sit with us?" she said as I sat down next to Damien. He was eyeballing me the whole time me and Alice where talking then Valo came and sat down on the left side of me and said. "Lilly did you forget to call me last night?" "Oh I’m so sorry!" I said trying to sound like I didn’t know. "Well all is forgiven, right?" he asked with a little smile peeking out. Then Damien whispered in my ear. " if you hear any rumors about us don’t listen, there just lies." then I said."O.K. I won’t."then a boy named henry came up to the table and said. "Hey Lilly are you going to the dance?" I said. "No, why?" "Oh cause I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go." he said in disappointment.

"I’m sorry." I said trying to sound sorry. "Oh well, it’s O.K. I was gonna ask Mandy barker, Mr. Barker’s daughter."he said in a confident tone. Then I said "that’s the spirit!" then he walked off. The lockhart family started laughing."What! What’s so funny?" I asked. "Oh nothing."Emily giggled. "What’s your middle name Valo?" I asked. " it’s RavenWolf, why?"he said in suspicion. "Wow that’s a beautiful name, Valo RavenWolf lockhart." I said in a mystified tone. "Well I think its to much."Alice said arguing. "Well at least my middle name isn’t Tabitha!!"Valo said trying to defend himself. "Calm down valo." Damien said as he turned around to see if any one was watching them argue. "Uhhh, valo can I talk to you in private please?" I said hoping to get his attention. "Of corse, I need some alone time from my family anyway." he said with a sigh of relief. then we sat down at the nearest table that wasn’t taken by some one. "Hey Lilly, how come your not going to the social gathering?"his eyes locked into mine, I was caught like a zebra and the lion was stalking me down in a dark corner, where I belong. I was the pathetic zebra, as always! " I can’t tell you!" I said panicky. "Why not? Is it because I wont tell you my secret?" he said trying to persuade me. I shook my head and crossed my arms real tight. "Your lying to me, I can tell by the way your trying not to smile by biting your lip!" he chuckled darkly."I’m the zebra!" I said as I started to bust out laughing. " you amuse me very much, but some times I don’t understand you?" he said in an entertained toned."like right now for instance I don’t know want you mean by you are the zebra, but at least you know." he said with a grin. " I can’t dance!"I said smacking my hand against my head. "So, there’s other stuff besides dancing?" he said in a confused tone. his body drew closer across the table towards me, then his eyes met mine. Oh now lock down again! Zebra and the lion phase again! But I can’t help looking at those golden eyes."Uhhh, um ,uhhh, I don’t know?" I said trying to resists his charm. then Hillary told me lunch was over.



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