Chapter 1 - Meet the us!!!!!
Submitted October 30, 2005 Updated November 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | this has me,eyumi (erushi-hime) and one of my best friends Sotashiin it!!!!!! so um READ****runs away and eats cookie****
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Chapter 1 - Meet the us!!!!!
Chapter 1 - Meet the us!!!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own witch-whatever-blar- even though I will quote from the book
Okay um…I suck at writing fanfics so prepare to die of something I cant think of. I'm also always hyper so um…blar… I also talk quite weird (I think I picked it up from needier ¬_¬') and please if you read my fic tell me which parts were you favourite and where I can improve okay?
If stuff is in this…
~It means it's like a flashback thingy or something in the past~
*Means it's a vision thing in the future*
In Tokyo (sorry Eyu I don't know if Eyumi is from Osaka or Tokyo or where ever so its Tokyo because that's where I'm from kay?) high school was just starting as two girls skidded round two different corners.
-I wont describe the outfit's coz there wearing school uniform-
One with big brown almond shaped eyes and long brown hair tied up in a high ponytail and a plait coming down from behind her right ear. The plait was brown with black lowlights and blond highlights and it was fastened with a purple hair bobble with a plastic heart-with-wings on it. She was wearing purple, red and green (my fav colours!) bangles on one arm and a fish-net glove that had no fingers but went round her middle finger (I have these in real life they are so cool) and also a necklace with a silver lotus flower with a purple jewel studded in the middle. She had clompy shoes that could turn into roller blades but were covered by her baggy socks (school uniform thingies you get in Japan, I love mine!).
The other girl had short brownish-red hair with side bangs curving round her face. She had dark green sparkly eyes and she was slightly shorter than the first girl. She didn't have as many bracelets either (I wore like…um…none on my first day of school hehe) but she did have a pretty green bracelet that matched her eyes and said ai onna (love girl) on it. She wasn't wearing a necklace either but she had really ramock (ramock means cool) ballet pumps with hearts all over them.
“Moshi moshi watashi wa Hay Lin-chan, I've never seen you before but whatever, are you late too?” said the girl with all the bracelets who was skating down the corridor on roller blades.
“Yes and I'm new, this is my first day” said the girls with the sparkly eyes.
“I'm Eyumi by the way”
“Nice to meet you Eyumi, well see ya here's my maths class bye!”
“By the way come find me at lunch, you can sit at our table if you want”
“Thanks!” but Hay Lin had just crashed into her classroom door
“Itami,” she muttered, “dam these roller blades, so much for sneaking in un-noticed”
Eyumi couldn't help but giggle `that girl, Hay Lin is weird but I already like her she's cool' she thought as she turned round a corner and realised she had no idea where she was going…
Mean while in Heather field…
Yan Lin: What's more important is that you'll be keeping it now! This is the Heart of Kandracar and you are the new Guardians!
Hay Lin (the not me one XD from now the NOT me Hay Lin will NOT have a capital L at the start of Lin and I will so she will be Hay lin…okay…continuing): Wh-what are you talking about?
Yan Lin: Let me tell you a story girls- a story as old as time…
Back in Hay Lin's math class
Please don't be angry Please don't be angry Hay Lin thought as she entered the room, she kept on thinking this…willing it to be true,
“Sorry I'm late Mr.Taikashi-San (My maths teacher in Japan HES EVIL) um…I couldn't…find my ba~…There was traffic?” she closed her eyes waiting for him to start yelling…nothing…she cracked open an eye. Mr.Taikashi was sitting at his desk smiling
“That's okay Hay Lin now sit down and take out your textbook and jotter”
Hay Lin was staring at him like this O.o “Okay?” she went and took her seat next to Sotashi (My best friend! a.k.a Elyon)
“That…was weird,” she whispered to Hay Lin
“Oh…My…God…I know” Hay Lin replied still shocked
Elyon (Sotashi) giggled and both of you got on with your work.
Weeeeeeee Lunch Break!!!!!!
Hay Lin, Sotashi and a few more of my friends were sitting at their usual table and as usual one seat was empty, Hay Lin saw Eyumi coming out of the lunch queue so she stood up and waved
“EYUMI” she shouted and kept waving, a few people turned to stare at her, but most of the school already knew Hay Lin was weird, totally popular, but totally weird. Eyumi cam over blushing as everybody turned to look at the new girl coming to sit with Hay Lin (the people on our table are uber popular see XD)
“Um…hi” she said, “do I sit there?” she asked pointing to the seat that was always empty
“No you can sit next to me, Elyon (Sotashi actually I'm going to stop writhing Sotashi, so if the evil Elyon is there I will call this Elyon Sotashi but she prefers Elyon) will you move”
“NANI?!” Elyon exclaimed (she ALLWAYS sits next to me ALLWAY ALWAYS ALLWAYS) “but Hayku…”
“Come on Sotasku shes new just for today” Hay Lin said
“Domo Arigato” Eyumi said
Elyon moved reluctantly and gave Eyumi a steely glare, luckily nobody saw.
So Hay Lin introduced Eyumi to everyone and you got talking.
Hay Lin: Who are your favourite singers Eyu?
Eyumi: Ayumi Hamasaki, Puffy AmiYumi, Megumi Hayashibara you know peolple like that.
Elyon (who had now cheered up): I LOVE PUFFY AMIYUMI!!!!!!!!
Hay Lin: Yeah me too, its like i've known you all my life Eyu…creepy!
Eyumi: Me too…bizzaro
Elyon (getting a little jealous): I always think IVE known Hay Lin forever too!
Hay Lin: Elyon…
Elyon: Yeah
Hay Lin: you have known me forever
Elyon blushed and you all went out on the lawns for a bit then class started again
On the way to class
“Guys wanna come to my house after school?” Hay Lin asked
“Yeah, I'm there,” said Elyon
“Well…I might have to phone my Mom first seeing as it is my first day
But yeah sure!”
“YAY, were being picked up in one of my cars!”(In this fic I'm being like…um rich, if you watch Xiaolin Showdown its like Kimiko)
“One of them?” asked Eyumi
“Yeah she is uber rich, is it the pink one?” Elyon said
“Here I think it's the pink one,” grinned Hay Lin “So what classes have you guys got next?”
“Umm…” said Elyon trying to remember
“I have art,” said Hay Lin
“I have art too, with Miss.Yukiia (she is like the nicest teacher EVER)” said Eyumi looking at her timetable
“Funky, Ill sit next to you then!” said Hay Lin
“I have music,” said Elyon remembering
“Okay…should we meet you some where after so we can go to Linnies house…that is if my mom lets me”
“Good Idea Eyu! Um…we can meet out side your music class what room number?”
“Its 403”
“Eyu do you have a pen? Cool 4…0…3” Hay Lin scrawled on her hand “well better get going, come on Eyu!” Hay Lin clicked out her roller blade wheels
“aghhhhh, slow down Linnie!” said Eyumi running after Hay Lin.
So they went to class and finished class and met Elyon and went to Hay Lins house (Weeeeeeee Eyumi could go!)At the front Hay Lins house
“YOUR HOUSE IS HUGE!” said Eyumi
“^^' Yea I geuss, so what you guys wanna do?”
“RAID THE FRIDGE!” yelled Elyon
“Okay, I think we have fortune cookies!”
Eyumis fortune: A turn in your life will leave you will many friends (she guessed that was coming to the new school)
Elyons fortune: Something will leave you felling strange but stick at it!
Hay Lins fortune: You will show leadership in the next few days
SUDENLY all three girls felt quite dizzy and saw a strange vision *the three girls were standing there except they were older looking; their hair was longer and glossier. Where the normal girls had angles they had curves, their faces were full of wisdom and they all had pouty lips and they were wearing the coolest clothes and they had…wings! The older Hay Lin was holding some thing…some sort of necklace thing*
“Did you guys se that?” asked Eyumi
“The older me was holding some sort of pendant…”
“Yeah I saw that” said Eyumi “so…”
“I know where that pendant is!” screeched Hay Lin starting to walk out of the kitchen
The other two girls followed Hay Lin, who seemed to be in a daze, they followed her through corridors and up stairs till they were in her attic. Hay Lin walked over to a box
“This was my Grandmas, Yu Lin, stuff before she died that she said she would leave to me” she said opening the box and rummaging for a bit. The other two girls were commpleatly silent during all of this when Hay Lin broke the silense
“here it is” she said pulling up a little glass crystal on a chain. The crystal was held in place by silver meatal. Hay Lin placed it in her palm and a strange thing happened, purple light streamed out of the crystal. Hay Lin opened her eyes…WIDE
“this is the Jewel of Kandrar, I understand now!” Elyon and Eyumi were like O.o “Eyumi you have power over light and Elyon you have power over Darkness and Im Ying-Yang”
So Hay Lin explained about the portals and other stuff blah blah blah
“So we are magical?” asked Eyumi
“I think so if what Hay Lin says is true” answeed Elyon
“Guys,” Hay Lin said taking Eyumi and Elyons hands “This is just the start of our journey!”
To be continued
Lanugage index
Nani - what
Moshi Mosi - hi
Watashi wa …- my name is …
…-chan - un formal ending of names you can put on your friends names
…-san - formal ending of names
…ku - replace last two letters of name with this for girls that are your friends eg. Sotaku
Itami - pain
Domo Arigato - thank you (can be shortened to arigato)
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needler on November 4, 2005, 2:52:19 PM
needler on
Erushi-Hime on October 31, 2005, 5:53:19 AM
Erushi-Hime on
Erushi-Hime on October 30, 2005, 5:17:08 PM
Erushi-Hime on
Erushi-Hime on October 29, 2005, 9:52:53 PM
Erushi-Hime on

(I started school only a few weeks ago after being home educated for a year and a half and luckily I did make loads of new friends! XD)
The needler would like to apologise very mightily in the sence that she did not comment earlier,and stresses utter sorriness and sorrow...