Chapter 2 - Portal
Submitted October 30, 2005 Updated November 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | this has me,eyumi (erushi-hime) and one of my best friends Sotashiin it!!!!!! so um READ****runs away and eats cookie****
Books » By Title » W.i.t.c.h. |
Chapter 2 - Portal
Chapter 2 - Portal
Disclaimer: I don't own witch-whatever-blar- even though I will quote from the book
Okay um…I suck at writing fanfics so prepare to die of something I cant think of. I'm also always hyper so um…blar… I also talk quite weird (I think I picked it up from needie ¬_¬') and please if you read my fic tell me which parts were you favourite and where I can improve okay?
If stuff is in this…
~It means it's like a flashback thingy or something in the past~
*Means it's a vision thing in the future*
And MY name is Hay Lin my uncle (called Steve lol) is the art editor and contributed towards W.I.T.C.H. character design and put a character based on me, a character based on my best friend and one based on my second cousin (his daughter) so if you were getting confused there you go!
Okay it's Saturday and Hay Lin and Elyon were the outside of Eyumi's house (Eyu I'm making it so that Eyumi has just moved house, not from Britain or nothing but from a different house or city)
“Is this the place?” asked Elyon
“Yeah, unless that smudged bit is a six and not a five,” replied Hay Lin looking at the street name and house/flat number she had written on her hand
They walked up the steps to the flats door and rang the bell
“What if its not her house” worried Elyon
But before Hay Lin could answer the door opened “Hey guys! Totally glad you could come ^^ by the way I love your outfits!”
“Awwwwww thanks Eyu,” said Hay Lin giving her a quick hug “yours is cool too and thanks for inviting us!”
Hay Lin's outfit: A fucia pink top with a white logo of a smiley face that said `Chibi' on It (I have it tiz uber cool), over that a Domo-Kun hoodie that was 2 sizes to big for her, A pair of hot pants but with a black tutu (not sticky out so just flopping down like a gypsy skirt but…um…made of tutu) over it and blue boots with green beads and an expensive looking silver bracelet that said `Tenshi' on (even though you couldn't see for the hoodie).
Eyumi's outfit: A white shirt (plain) with the sleeves ripped off with a fish net pink vest over it, A black mini skirt with a tartan belt with safety pins through it, some orange baseball boots with black skulls along the bottom, A ton of big plastic rings and bracelets/bangles.
Elyon's outfit: A black sleeveless mini dress with whit (fake) fur at the rim on the bottom of it, black tights, green strappy platforms, one red ring, and a big white feather boa.
“We haven't really unpacked properly yet, from the move so do you guys wanna go some where, Theres an abandoned construction site a few blocks away we could go and do our magic stuff!” said Eyumi eagerly
“Or we could go to the mall?” suggested Elyon, who was a little reluctant to all the magic
“Or how about we do both?” Hay Lin asked, “Magic first though!”
“Sure sounds good to me, MUM IM GOING OUT!!” yelled Eyumi “come on lets go!”
So they went to the abandoned construction site and Hay Lin closed her eyes.
“What's she doing Elyo~” Eyumi was interrupted as a burst of purple light shot out of Hay Lins right hand
“Hehe its warm!” giggled Hay Lin.
She gradually forced her hand open and floating just above her palm was the necklace, the Jewel of Kandracar! “Eyumi, Elyon!” Hay Lin shouted as the Jewel morphed before their eyes into three “Light, Shadow!” as the yellow and black tinted teardrop shaped jewels flew of towards Eyumi and Elyon.
The yellow tinted teardrop suddenly became pure white light and circled around Eyumi leaving a trail of sparkles (like a sparkler you get on guy fox night) while the black tinted teardrop missile wrapped round Elyon covering her in darkness. Hay Lin glanced at her own vibrating teardrop, purple and subarashii, then suddenly it whizzed towards her wrapping her in an invisible ribbon, it also seemed to make the three girls float. Out the corner of her eye Hay Lin saw Eyumi giggle as her hair stood on end and her eyes turned mischievous while Elyons lips went pouty and both of there clothes melted away and wispy wings unfurled from their backs. And that's when Hay Lin stopped looking at her friends because she was going through her own transformation. Her back arched and her body shook as if she was having a seizure. Hay Lin felt the magic in her veins becoming stronger. It filled her body until it seemed like her real self must have disappeared leaving behind only a soul. But that wassent possible because Hay Lin suddenly hunched falward, hugging her knees, curling into a ball. Then she felt a tugging on her back and she realised she was growing wings, just as her best friends had. She was becoming the suteki girl she had seen in the vision. She could feel her muscles becoming lean and strong. Hay Lin, Eyumi and Elyon all had grins plastered over their faces as they broke from there coiled positions.
“This is incredible!” said Eyumi staring at her funky pink top and sleeves and blue skirt (soz I changed it but one has to be blue!)
“Sugoi !” cried Hay Lin
“I know!” said Elyon “We have wings! But I still don't really understand what it is we have to do..”
“If Im right there is a veil that separates our world from an evil one but there are holes in the veil so we have to close them but anyway, lets try to fly!” said Eyumi who then bit her lip in concentration
Elyons wings flapped and…nothing. Eyumi's wings flapped and…she lifted slightly of the ground, she was a little wobbly. Hay Lin's wings flapped and…she bolted up into the air!
“This is sooo much fun!!!!!” she squealed grabbing one one of Eyumis hands and spinning her round in the air
“Hahaha” they both laughed grinning stupidly at each other
“Um…guys,” said Elyon
“Yea El…y…o…n” gawped Eyumi staring at the portal behind Elyon
“WHAT DO WE DO?!” screamed Eyumi crashing to the ground
“I don't know,” said Hay Lin landing softly “um…on three fire”
Eyumi, Hay Lin, and Elyon raised their hands
Hay Lin glanced to Eyumi, who looked uber determined, and then to Elyon, who looked scared
The noise was like a thunderstorm; the beams of concentrated magic zoomed through the air and struck the portal, hard. The three girls were blown backwards. Hay Lin stood up. Elyon and Eyumi were transformed back into their regular selves, so was she.
“Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy” said Hay Lin
Eyumi moaned “Owwwww”
“Can we please go to the Mall now? I seriously need a shopping spree!” said Elyon, They giggled, linked arms and headed off to the biggest and best shopping mall in that area.
After about an hour and a half the stooped for lunch at a sushi bar.
“So what did you guys get?” asked Eyumi
Hay Lin bought: 5 tops, 3 pairs of hot pants, 2 pairs of combats, a new school bag with a heart with wings symbol on the back and wings that weren't really sewn on so they flapped, some baggy socks, a skirt, some more roller blade shoes, about twenty-bazillion CDs (albums NOT singles hehe I'm strange ^_~), a few posters, some new dance leotards and a purple belly button stud.
Eyumi bough: Tons of big plastic rings, a grey mini dress with pink sleeves, fingerless gloves, some ribbon, some CDs and posters and a green pogo-stick (for randomness XD) and a pair of pink heart earrings and a Howls Moving Castle and Spirited away box set thing.
Elyon bought: A UBER cute Pucca bag and hair brush, hello kitty lamp shade, 3 tops, pink tights, green baseball shoes, The CD of Wonderland by Ayumi Hamaski and a poster of Miffy.
So they ate their sushi and drank their tea and went back to Hay Lins and dumped her new stuff and picked up and over night bag, then the went to Elyons to do the same thing. Then they went to Eyumis and stayed up late eating sweets, talking about stuff and watching DVDs and TV. Then they went to sleep and had dreams
((Hehe soz for copying Eyu =3 but it rocks my socks XD))
Hay Lin: Winning a cheerleading competition and getting a BIG shiny trophy!!!
Elyon: Singing a random song ` I like pizza, I like bagels, I like hotdogs and mustard and cheese!!!!!'(I think is from Simpsons ^^)
Eyumi:* she was standing out side a building with Hay Lin and Eyumi the building had a sign saying shefield instutute…*
The next morning Eyumi told the girls all about her freaky dream and they decided to ask the Jewl of Kandrakar. They discovered that they had to go to heatherfeild so they made Astral (Star) Drops of themselves and transformed and flew off to heatherfield (they didn't fly but Eyumi used her um…light-full-ness to zap themthere or what ever XD).They landed somewhere under a bridge.
“Guys we better un-transform quick!” said Hay Lin just as five girls came round the corner…
((soz for the shortness but I have been really busy. EYU GEUSS WHAT? Singing in next chapt XD well that's it from me bet wait here for next chapter…or else!))
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Erushi-Hime on November 18, 2005, 7:27:03 PM
Erushi-Hime on