Chapter 2 - the start of it all
Submitted July 26, 2006 Updated September 2, 2006 Status Incomplete | sorry they don't have the prolog option so chapter is my prolog and chapter 2 is one and so on but this story contains sex yuri the devil(lucifer)and blastphemy can't spell that but it may not be for every one
Fantasy » Misc. Fantasy |
Chapter 2 - the start of it all
Chapter 2 - the start of it all
The start of it all
chapter one
Well no need to go back to when I was a baby nor a child ,but for a brief moment we should make a pit stop at my pre-teen years. When I was ten I had this traumatizing event occur. Now I had never been any good at drawing ,but it had always been a passion of mine. I had drew this entire little manga book (Japanese comic books) that I was just so proud of. I even had the idea I could get it published and every thing I was so proud. Then when I got the internet for five minuets to look at publishers and self publishers it happened. I went to go get my work when I found my dog Stain chewing up my work pages torn and scattered all around him. I must have been in a state of shock because until he came up to and stated barking everything was black. I knew stain was just a puppy but I still charged him as an adult. I killed him, his stain left a big stain on the rug, and I never believed in go anymore.
My mom and dad tried countless times to drag me to church or convince me it was just a little accident no need to loose my faith. No matter hw hard I tried to convince myself I still believed I'd always find myself dising him. In the back of my head I always did question if something this trivial could break my faith. Did I even believe in him to begin with?
We can fast forward my teen age years, nothing to important there. The real story starts here at age twenty-two. I was a sophomore in college. I want to this little community college called North Statesmen where almost every kid there is hated by their parents or society. I was never a kid to get involved with the law and my parents tolled me countless times they still loved me, but I could always tell they really resented me. Especially when they looked at the stain on the rug or my religion came up. I'll start here August 14,2004 because I don't want to just rush in to it.
Here we are I'll just let my memories take over like a movie you just watch and I'll just narrate. It was 12:32 at night and I had my first day of college classes to start the next day. I really couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep so I decided it wasn't important. I had moved out of my parents house and lived in a little apartment like place by myself, so I was one the internet in nothing but my underwear because I sleep naked. that's when I first learned of the devil, which I like to call Lucifer. I remember saying goddamn it why the frack is this computer so slow god I hate you so much. Then after my page came up so did this little pop up talking about Satanist, I of course just glanced at it and then exed it off. For the longest time I couldn't figure it out why did that pop up come up? The site I was going to was about the Japanese language class I'd be taking. What did that have to do with the class? Any way it was 1:46 am and I getting sleepy so off to bed.
Beep, beep…''I want something else I'm not listening when you say goodbye----- do do do…'' ``no stop the loud noise I'm still tired'' I spat at my alarm clock that got me up a 6:15 am. I'm so not a morning person as you can probably tell. I dragged myself out of bed and started to go through my closet for an appropriate outfit. I wanted something that said I'm not single but I'm still hot. I rummaged through my stuff for about three minuets and it finally hit me. If I wear my little pink butterfly cut skirt and my mid drift tube top that's an off shade of black kind of grey but not. I would just look to sexy. I changed my thong to my Victoria's Secret body fit thong (so you can't see those nasty panty lines when people wear butt panties) and pulled my skirt over it. It took me two minuets to finally find my black strapless lace bra with the hidden push up. I always have a little trouble with the hooking in the back so I hooked it in the front and twisted it around. I looked at the clock 6:28 still had time. I pulled my shirt over my head, adjusted it and pushed my breast up to make them look bigger. Ok I just had make up, shoes, and jewelry. I knew the perfect shoes my stiletto high hills with the double cross lace. Stepping into them I glanced down and decided to go with my big black star shaped earrings and silver necklace with many little star shapes on it. After I fished my make up I glanced at the clock which read 6:52 I had decided to get on the web for a while. I was good I did all that with time to spare. My computer was being a jackass again so I cursed at it. Here I was trying to Google how to draw tigers for my art class I'd be taking and to my surprise that damn pop up came up again. This time I was a little curious as to see what exactly it was about. This is what I remember.
In praise of Lucifer
Why do you believe in god? Are you looking for a new religion? If you are here are some thing you should think about. Inset you god a bit demanding and don't you think he lies quite much. He says I'll accept you no matter who you are or what you do. Gays are not accepted nor our any other ``sinners''. Now what truly is a ``sinner'' any one who does anything wrong in the lords eyes. What exactly gives him the right to judge, to tell you what your imperfections are? When did he get to tell us if we should have a peaceful life after death or should burn in hell? Who's to hells as bad as god wants us to think. The bible is so one sided told by the christens. What about the Satanists do we have any say in this? No one ever reads hells bible, half of us don't even know it exists. That's because god doesn't want us to know. God ha I laugh at him, now Lucifer he accepts no matter who you are or what you do. He who is all evil according only to god who is so capable of lying as you so clearly saw. Lucifer is the real ``God'' here the pnly one who will truly accept you no, and all the flaws that make you, you.
By: all of us Satanists
There was more but I find I have trouble remembering. Any way I had to be at school at 8:00 and it was already 7:23. I gathered my things and went to my kitchen, got a bagel, toasted it, spread cream cheese on it, and walked out the door. I lived close enough to the college to where I could walk or drive but for some reason I chose to drive to get there today. It was only a five minuet drive and they never play any thing good on the radio during the morning but I wanted to sing. Reaching for the on button I came to a red stop light. It took me a moment to find a station I like and when I did I was blaring the music. ``To close to close I just wanna break you down so badly I just wanna every thing you say I just wanna break you down so badly in the worst wa-------y.'' off was I off pitch but I was lost in the music.
Man I was sitting in calls thinking about what just happened. Can you believe it I got in trouble for my loud music. It was only on for like five minuets at the most. All these teachers got things shoved really far up their asses ,and I don't even think surgery what's up there out. Today was Monday I had three classes my first art(can you believe it art at 8:00 in the morning) my class was two hour long then at 10:30 I had to come back up to the college for my next class.
``My name is Rena Thompson that's r-e-n-a. in my class you will have lot of fun because that's what art is f-u-n.'' I don't even remember his name, Jay it could have been, but his haynes remark got us an hour of lecturing yeah half the class. ``I didn't know we got a spelling lesson in this class to now I can spell fun and your name.'' I look back now and think what a dipshoot. Things continued after her lecture and even though she was really hard on us nobody ,but jay, really disliked her. Our first projected was a self collage. Something she could get to know us by without her having to ask.
I was working good to and then as time came Mrs. Rena(as she doesn't like being called by her last name and I can't just call her Rena it's disrespectful) released us as it was time to leave. I gathered my things, shoved them in my backpack and started to walk out the door. ``um… Miss.Kessinger your collage is quite good and your only half way through correct.'' ``yes mame ``I replied at the comment that made me stop and turn around. ``you seem so happy'' said Mrs. Rena looking down at my work. ``yes mame but remember what one half of you is can be completely different form the other and you need both to be a whole… goodbye now.'' she had a puzzled look on her face when I left but I didn't care cause my cell phone rang distracting me.
cell phone conversation
Karen: hello Karen's phone if I don't know you please hang up
Angel: You better know who I am
K: Angel where are you?
A: outside in your truck
K: really I got thirty minuets before I got to go to my next class
A: I got nothing to do all day you want to do something
K: depends on what it is
A: let me spell it out for you we both have nothing to do and I'm horny so get your sexy @$$ over here so I can take my frustration out on you
K: what am I your stress reliever
A: yes all mine so tell what's-her-name to back off
K: you know you're my only frack buddy my one and only true love
A: aw where are you
K: right behind you
Funny how I can remember that it's been years scene I've seen her. Any way we both hung up our cell phones and she hopped out of my truck, came running at me, and threw her arms around my neck. ``I've missed you so much'' she cried. We haven't seen each others in two and a half months and this was our first encounter scene. She looked at me for a good minuet, then drug me to my truck, climbed in, got me in, and we started to get out of the parking lot. ``well I got my own place now you want to go there'' I asked her heading in that direction. ``you did of course!'' she replied and I drove there just listening to her sing
chapter one
Well no need to go back to when I was a baby nor a child ,but for a brief moment we should make a pit stop at my pre-teen years. When I was ten I had this traumatizing event occur. Now I had never been any good at drawing ,but it had always been a passion of mine. I had drew this entire little manga book (Japanese comic books) that I was just so proud of. I even had the idea I could get it published and every thing I was so proud. Then when I got the internet for five minuets to look at publishers and self publishers it happened. I went to go get my work when I found my dog Stain chewing up my work pages torn and scattered all around him. I must have been in a state of shock because until he came up to and stated barking everything was black. I knew stain was just a puppy but I still charged him as an adult. I killed him, his stain left a big stain on the rug, and I never believed in go anymore.
My mom and dad tried countless times to drag me to church or convince me it was just a little accident no need to loose my faith. No matter hw hard I tried to convince myself I still believed I'd always find myself dising him. In the back of my head I always did question if something this trivial could break my faith. Did I even believe in him to begin with?
We can fast forward my teen age years, nothing to important there. The real story starts here at age twenty-two. I was a sophomore in college. I want to this little community college called North Statesmen where almost every kid there is hated by their parents or society. I was never a kid to get involved with the law and my parents tolled me countless times they still loved me, but I could always tell they really resented me. Especially when they looked at the stain on the rug or my religion came up. I'll start here August 14,2004 because I don't want to just rush in to it.
Here we are I'll just let my memories take over like a movie you just watch and I'll just narrate. It was 12:32 at night and I had my first day of college classes to start the next day. I really couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep so I decided it wasn't important. I had moved out of my parents house and lived in a little apartment like place by myself, so I was one the internet in nothing but my underwear because I sleep naked. that's when I first learned of the devil, which I like to call Lucifer. I remember saying goddamn it why the frack is this computer so slow god I hate you so much. Then after my page came up so did this little pop up talking about Satanist, I of course just glanced at it and then exed it off. For the longest time I couldn't figure it out why did that pop up come up? The site I was going to was about the Japanese language class I'd be taking. What did that have to do with the class? Any way it was 1:46 am and I getting sleepy so off to bed.
Beep, beep…''I want something else I'm not listening when you say goodbye----- do do do…'' ``no stop the loud noise I'm still tired'' I spat at my alarm clock that got me up a 6:15 am. I'm so not a morning person as you can probably tell. I dragged myself out of bed and started to go through my closet for an appropriate outfit. I wanted something that said I'm not single but I'm still hot. I rummaged through my stuff for about three minuets and it finally hit me. If I wear my little pink butterfly cut skirt and my mid drift tube top that's an off shade of black kind of grey but not. I would just look to sexy. I changed my thong to my Victoria's Secret body fit thong (so you can't see those nasty panty lines when people wear butt panties) and pulled my skirt over it. It took me two minuets to finally find my black strapless lace bra with the hidden push up. I always have a little trouble with the hooking in the back so I hooked it in the front and twisted it around. I looked at the clock 6:28 still had time. I pulled my shirt over my head, adjusted it and pushed my breast up to make them look bigger. Ok I just had make up, shoes, and jewelry. I knew the perfect shoes my stiletto high hills with the double cross lace. Stepping into them I glanced down and decided to go with my big black star shaped earrings and silver necklace with many little star shapes on it. After I fished my make up I glanced at the clock which read 6:52 I had decided to get on the web for a while. I was good I did all that with time to spare. My computer was being a jackass again so I cursed at it. Here I was trying to Google how to draw tigers for my art class I'd be taking and to my surprise that damn pop up came up again. This time I was a little curious as to see what exactly it was about. This is what I remember.
In praise of Lucifer
Why do you believe in god? Are you looking for a new religion? If you are here are some thing you should think about. Inset you god a bit demanding and don't you think he lies quite much. He says I'll accept you no matter who you are or what you do. Gays are not accepted nor our any other ``sinners''. Now what truly is a ``sinner'' any one who does anything wrong in the lords eyes. What exactly gives him the right to judge, to tell you what your imperfections are? When did he get to tell us if we should have a peaceful life after death or should burn in hell? Who's to hells as bad as god wants us to think. The bible is so one sided told by the christens. What about the Satanists do we have any say in this? No one ever reads hells bible, half of us don't even know it exists. That's because god doesn't want us to know. God ha I laugh at him, now Lucifer he accepts no matter who you are or what you do. He who is all evil according only to god who is so capable of lying as you so clearly saw. Lucifer is the real ``God'' here the pnly one who will truly accept you no, and all the flaws that make you, you.
By: all of us Satanists
There was more but I find I have trouble remembering. Any way I had to be at school at 8:00 and it was already 7:23. I gathered my things and went to my kitchen, got a bagel, toasted it, spread cream cheese on it, and walked out the door. I lived close enough to the college to where I could walk or drive but for some reason I chose to drive to get there today. It was only a five minuet drive and they never play any thing good on the radio during the morning but I wanted to sing. Reaching for the on button I came to a red stop light. It took me a moment to find a station I like and when I did I was blaring the music. ``To close to close I just wanna break you down so badly I just wanna every thing you say I just wanna break you down so badly in the worst wa-------y.'' off was I off pitch but I was lost in the music.
Man I was sitting in calls thinking about what just happened. Can you believe it I got in trouble for my loud music. It was only on for like five minuets at the most. All these teachers got things shoved really far up their asses ,and I don't even think surgery what's up there out. Today was Monday I had three classes my first art(can you believe it art at 8:00 in the morning) my class was two hour long then at 10:30 I had to come back up to the college for my next class.
``My name is Rena Thompson that's r-e-n-a. in my class you will have lot of fun because that's what art is f-u-n.'' I don't even remember his name, Jay it could have been, but his haynes remark got us an hour of lecturing yeah half the class. ``I didn't know we got a spelling lesson in this class to now I can spell fun and your name.'' I look back now and think what a dipshoot. Things continued after her lecture and even though she was really hard on us nobody ,but jay, really disliked her. Our first projected was a self collage. Something she could get to know us by without her having to ask.
I was working good to and then as time came Mrs. Rena(as she doesn't like being called by her last name and I can't just call her Rena it's disrespectful) released us as it was time to leave. I gathered my things, shoved them in my backpack and started to walk out the door. ``um… Miss.Kessinger your collage is quite good and your only half way through correct.'' ``yes mame ``I replied at the comment that made me stop and turn around. ``you seem so happy'' said Mrs. Rena looking down at my work. ``yes mame but remember what one half of you is can be completely different form the other and you need both to be a whole… goodbye now.'' she had a puzzled look on her face when I left but I didn't care cause my cell phone rang distracting me.
cell phone conversation
Karen: hello Karen's phone if I don't know you please hang up
Angel: You better know who I am
K: Angel where are you?
A: outside in your truck
K: really I got thirty minuets before I got to go to my next class
A: I got nothing to do all day you want to do something
K: depends on what it is
A: let me spell it out for you we both have nothing to do and I'm horny so get your sexy @$$ over here so I can take my frustration out on you
K: what am I your stress reliever
A: yes all mine so tell what's-her-name to back off
K: you know you're my only frack buddy my one and only true love
A: aw where are you
K: right behind you
Funny how I can remember that it's been years scene I've seen her. Any way we both hung up our cell phones and she hopped out of my truck, came running at me, and threw her arms around my neck. ``I've missed you so much'' she cried. We haven't seen each others in two and a half months and this was our first encounter scene. She looked at me for a good minuet, then drug me to my truck, climbed in, got me in, and we started to get out of the parking lot. ``well I got my own place now you want to go there'' I asked her heading in that direction. ``you did of course!'' she replied and I drove there just listening to her sing
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espiofangirl1 on September 3, 2006, 11:56:47 AM