Chapter 1 - Cast
Submitted June 12, 2007 Updated June 13, 2007 Status Incomplete | ok I know sucky title but this is an avatar fan fic ok
Cartoons » Avatar: The Last Airbender |
Chapter 1 - Cast
Chapter 1 - Cast

Aang, a 12 year old Air Nomad, never wanted to be the Avatar. He just wanted to be a kid who could have a lot of fun. But when you find out that you're the legendary Avatar, nothing stays the same. Though technically he was suppose to have been told of his fate when he turned 16, the five monks of the Southern Air Temple told him early because they feared war was on the horizon. Aang reluctantly accepted, for a while anyway.
But a conflict of interest between the monks resulted in Aang being transferred to the Eastern Air Temple to separate him from his caring guardian, Monk Gyatso. However this was the last straw for Aang, and so one night before he was moved he ran away with Appa, his flying bison. They got caught in a horrible storm and were thrown into the ocean. Their only means of survival was for Aang to encase them both inside a large air pocket, which eventually froze over and became an iceberg. They stayed trapped inside for 100 years, until Katara and Sokka discovered and freed him. He became fast friends with Katara, but it took more effort until Sokka began to trust him. Naturally, Aang remained the same as he was when he was last awake 100 years prior, but his outlook begins to dampen as he adjusts to just how much the world has changed without him. While he was frozen a bloody war between the Fire Nation and the other nations broke out, which is still being waged when he awakens. You can see his attitude slowly begin to change as he sees more of the destruction from the war, and all the people who've suffered because he wasn't there to prevent it.
Traveling with his now good friends Katara and Sokka, along with pets Appa and Momo, Aang is exploring the world in hopes to finish his training and truly become the Avatar. In order to do so, Aang must master Waterbending, Earthbending, and Firebending, along with furthering his Airbending skills. Although because the Avatar is considered a 'great bridge between the natural and spirit worlds', he also has to learn about being the Avatar and using the unique powers that come with that title. Only when he has finished his training and is truly ready will he stand a chance of returning peace to the world and stopping Fire Lord Ozai. But unfortunately for Aang and the other nations, a comet will pass by the world near Summer's end, which will empower Ozai and the other firebenders to unfanthomable levels. Aang better hurry!
Before the iceberg incident, Aang trained at the Southern Air Temple and was raised by monks along with a handful of other airbending boys. He was the pupil of Monk Gyatso, master Airbender and a kind fatherly-like teacher. After Aang was told that he was the Avatar, the other boys basically excluded him, so Gyatso became his only real friend there. In the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, Aang had a friend named Bumi who taught him to always keep his brain open to the possibilities, which is great advice. Aang also had a friend in the Fire Nation, a boy named Kuzon, with whom they always got in and out of trouble.
Aang is energetic, a vegetarian, and loves animals and riding them. He feels horribly guilty almost every time he comes across a place that was destroyed because the Avatar wasn't there to save them; and is always looking for adventure despite his duties as an Avatar-in-training. He's the only known Airbender left in the world as the Fire Nation apparently killed all of the others, and currently knows Airbending and some Waterbending and Firebending. He first learned how to waterbend thanks to Katara, and had training from Jeong Jeong that led him to learn firebending. But because of an accident that burned Katara's hands, Aang is very apprehensive about using his firebending skills.
When Aang's life is threatened, he is able to call upon his Avatar spirit and use the Bending Art that best fits the situation. But doing so requires a lot of energy, and Aang usually collapses afterwards leaving him open for attacks. Good thing he has Katara and Sokka to back him up. Aang has a flying bison named Appa and a winged-lemur named Momo, and together they represent all that is left of the Air Nomads. Aang also has a pretty-big crush on Katara.

Princess Azula is Zuko's younger sister and is the favored child of Fire Lord Ozai. She is named after her grandfather Azulon, and was considered to be born lucky. She is a Firebending prodigy with powers on par with her father, and has the ability to create and guide powerful lightning attacks. She attended the Royal Fire Academy for Girls, and has been childhood friends with Ty Lee and Mai. She has always been loyal to Ozai, and thinks very little of her uncle Iroh. Growing up, she was often reprimanded by her mother Ursa for the mean and/or disrespectful things that she said.
Azula is manipulative, cold-hearted, vicious and a perfectionist. She is usually calm and in control when with others, but can become enraged instantly. She is the type who will get her way, no matter what. She enjoys seeing others suffer, especially her brother Zuko.
At the end of season one, Fire Lord Ozai gave Azula the task of arresting Zuko and Iroh (who by this time are considered failures/traitors) and bring them back to the Fire Nation. She traveled to the Earth Kingdom in an ornate battle ship with a small army of Firebenders and twin elderly women who may be Azula's instructors. Three weeks or so later (where season two begins), Azula and her entourage track down Zuko and Iroh. She convinced Zuko that their father regretted his banishment, and that Ozai wanted him to come home. Despite Iroh's skepticism, everything was going according to plan until Azula's captain called Zuko and Iroh "prisoners" while they were boarding her ship. >_<; Zuko and Iroh escaped, Azula's captain vanished, and the hunt was back on.
It was soon decided between Azula and the twin elderly women that if Azula was to keep the element of surprise while tracking Zuko and Iroh, she would need to leave the royal procession behind and form a small elite team. She chose her friends from her days at the Fire Academy: Ty Lee, a nimble, free-spirited girl who can attack the body's pressure points that stop it from element bending; and Mai, a dreary, impassive girl who is skilled at throwing blades. Not too long after their reunion, they battle Aang, Katara, and Sokka after a hostage trade fails. The trio escapes, and Azula adds the Avatar to their list of targets.
They have continued to track down the Avatar's group and her fugitive family, using transportation like a mechanical bulldozer/bullet train thing, and giant lizard creatures that can walk on water.

Nicknamed the Dragon of the West, Iroh is a retired general and considered a great hero to the Fire Nation. He is the brother of Fire Lord Ozai, making him Prince Zuko's uncle. While he was still active in the war, he and his army laid siege to the great Earth Kingdom city Ba Sing Se. For 600 days they battled, but when his beloved son Lu Ten died in battle, he was devastated and abandoned the siege.
Iroh is wise, laid-back, clever, enjoys drinking tea, and is not to be underestimated. He may be getting on in his years but he is very strong, a powerful firebender, and always has an ace up his sleeve. He has an amazing balance between being serious and playful, and always knows when to be what.
Because Iroh was the oldest son of Fire Lord Azulon, he was suppose to become the next Fire Lord. But due to his personal tragedy at Ba Sing Se and his brother's thirst for power, a royal conspiracy was had while Iroh was still away, and the crown was given to Ozai when Azulon died.
When Prince Zuko was banished and went to sea to search for the Avatar two years ago, Iroh went with him. He personally trained Zuko in the way of Firebending, and didn't abandon him when the rest of the family and nation did. Iroh, with his patience and wisdom, balances out Zuko's impatience and short-tempered attitude, which is good considering how often Zuko's rage gets them into trouble. Tea is his drink of choice, his favorite being Ginseng. He is also a master bargain hunter, and truly cares for Zuko's wellbeing

Fourteen years old and the only Waterbender in the whole South Pole; Katara had to grow up rather quickly which made her very mature for her age. Her mother was killed in a Fire Nation attack when she was 8, and her father left to fight in the war when she was 12. Raised in a small village in the South Pole with her older brother Sokka, after their father left they were mostly taken care of by their grandmother, Gran Gran. While Sokka was off "playing solider", Katara was cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry. Things haven't been easy, but she never lost hope that it would get better -- that the Avatar would return. It must be fate that she and her brother were the ones to discover Aang frozen in an iceberg during one of their fishing trips gone awry.
Trusting of Aang from the moment they meet, Katara has constantly defended him from angry accusations, misunderstandings, and etc. She's very protective of him, and is always there to give support and a helping hand when he needs it. She also has a lot of faith in his abilities as the Avatar. While it's obvious that she cares for Aang, it's not quite clear if she has a crush on him like he has for her. Many of Katara's responses towards him feels almost motherly (in my opinion), but I'm sure that as time goes by their relationship will become deeper.
In episode 6, while helping an Earth Kingdom mining town rebel against the occupying Fire Nation, Katara lost her necklace. It was found by Prince Zuko, and later in episode 9 he used it as leverage to get her to tell him where Aang was. She refused to tell him though, and later escaped. The necklace was again brought to light in episode 15, where Zuko used the necklace to help Jun and her Shirshu track Katara and co. But during a fight, Aang managed to steal the necklace back from Zuko, and returned it to Katara, earning him a kiss on the cheek.
In episode 16, Katara learned that she had the ability to create healing water after Aang accidentally burned her hands while firebending. According to Jeong Jeong, the ability to heal is rare and found only among great Waterbenders.
Katara is caring, usually responsible, and protective of the downtrodden. She's also mature, wise beyond her years, and is a fighter at heart. When she sees a wrong being committed, she won't hesitate to try set it right. She wears a necklace that once belonged to her mother, and it gives her strength and courage for when the road gets tough. She believes in the Avatar lore and dreams of mastering her Waterbending skills. She travels with Aang and Sokka on their journey to prepare Aang to save the world. More often than not, Katara is the voice of reason in the group. That, however, doesn't make her immune to making stupid mistakes, or bad judgement calls because of cute boys.

Momo is a winged-lemur, a once plentiful (and mischievous) specie that lived with the Air Nomads and was often kept as pets. However since the war, it's believed that most if not all of the Air Nomads and their animals (winged-lemur, flying bison, etc) have died out.
Aang found Momo when he, Katara, and Sokka visited the Southern Air Temple, and is now his pet. Momo's name comes from the fruit it took from Sokka at the end of the episode when it joins the group. (Momo is Japanese for Peach)
As a winged-lemur, Momo has enhanced hearing and smelling, and can sense danger (or food) from far away. Despite the desolate appearance of the Southern Air Temple, for Momo to have still been there gives hope to Aang that his people are still alive.

Princess Yue is the daughter of Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Tribe. She's usually seen sailing through the city in a boat with a servant/helper who takes care of the rowing (via waterbending). She recently turned 16, making her "marrying age" according to her father/Tribe traditions, which helps explain why she is already engaged. However she doesn't seem very happy about it, and even breaks into tears when Katara talks about her Gran-Gran's arranged marriage.
Princess Yue is polite and well mannered, and seems to be a kind person. She falls for Sokka soon after they meet during a banquet for the Avatar's arrival, as well as for her turning 16. While they meet a few times late at night on a bridge, she sends him a lot of mixed messages as one moment she likes him, but then the next she can't be with him. It's not until later that she tells Sokka of her engagement, but not before kissing him.
Her fiancé, Hahn, is a "self-absorbed weasel" as Sokka puts it, and cares more about the points he gains with Chief Arnook than being with Princess Yue. Well aware of the political dynamics of his culture, Hahn is a bit full of himself and is mostly concerned with pushing himself forward in his tribe. He is not a waterbender, but he is a somewhat respected warrior (I guess), considering he leads a secret attack on the Fire Navy's commanding officer when they attack the North Pole. He also cannot remember how to correctly pronounce Admiral Zhao's name (he usually calls him 'Admrial Choi'). Hahn's attack on Zhao ends pathetically, though with Hahn's ego, I doubt he'll be humbled by it and will probably make up some excuse as to why he failed.

Only 16 years old and already he's been banished from his home in the Fire Nation. For two years he has been sailing around the world with his Uncle Iroh and a crew of firebenders in hopes to find and capture the Avatar. Doing so would restore his honor in his father's eyes and give him back his birthright as heir to the Fire Nation throne. Because of this, Prince Zuko is very determined to capture Aang. He is learning firebending from his Uncle Iroh, and is a worthy opponent.
The reason for Zuko's banishment is directly connected to how he got the large scar on his face. When he was 14, Zuko was allowed to attend a war meeting in his father's war chamber. But when he spoke out in defense of a newly recruited battalion that was suggested by a general to be sacrificed as bait for the enemy, his father took the outburst as utter disrespect. The only way to resolve the issue was by an Agni Kai; however because the outburst was in the Fire Lord's war room it was he whom Zuko disrespected, and who he would have to duel.
Yet Zuko, being the loyal son that he is, refused to fight and begged for mercy. Fire Lord Ozai wouldn't hear it though; he said that Zuko would learn respect, and Suffering would be his teacher. (yeah, Ozai is SO going to win the Father of the Year award. -_-') The burn on Zuko's face is the result of their one-sided duel. In addition to being mutilated in front of an audience of hundreds including family, soldiers, and civilians; because Zuko refused to fight him, his father called it a shameful weakness and banished him from the kingdom. The only way he would be accepted back with honor was if he captured the Avatar. Who, at that time, had been missing for a hundred years. Ouch.
However.... Despite this unjustly harsh treatment, Prince Zuko is eager to prove himself to his father, and to some level, honestly believes that he will be accepted back. While it's clear that Zuko idolized his father when he was younger, it's unknown how much of this attitude remains. During a forced conversation with Commander Zhao in ep3, Zuko calls his father a fool for believing that the other tribes would willingly follow him. Not to mention how his time away from home has changed him. And yet, his obsession with getting the Avatar is proof enough that he is still starving for his father's love.
The only person who keeps Zuko from totally losing it is his uncle, Iroh. Iroh has always been looking out for Zuko, even before he was banished. Though Zuko may not always seem respectful of his uncle's support, you know that deep down he does appreciate it, and in the later episodes you can see signs of that. Iroh's wise and laid-back nature balances out Zuko's impatience and rage, making them a great duo and leading to many comedic scenes. ^-^
Prince Zuko is hotheaded, impatient, short-tempered, and determined in everything he does. He's also honorable, sees no need for unnecessary violence and killing (as long as he gets what he wants), and has daddy issues. And while he's obsessed with capturing the Avatar, he's slowly realizing that there are other things more important, like the safety of his family and/or crew. He often meditates alone in his room in front of a large dragon motif; being taught by Iroh that a level head is a sign of a good leader. He has issues with Commander Zhao and clearly dislikes him, although its unclear why (you know, besides their total clash of personalities). Zhao constantly refers to Zuko as a traitor and even questions his loyalty to the Fire Nation, but what caused such remarks is also unknown. In the few flashbacks we see of Zuko, it's clear that he cares for the Fire Nation and its people.

Toph is an in-your-face, snarky 12-year old, and a master Earthbender. She was born blind, but can "see" with her feet by feeling the vibrations on the ground. She is the only daughter of the Bei Fong family, who are extremely wealthy. However, her parents believed her to be fragile, tiny, and helpless, so they hid her from the world. Most of the people in town did not even know she existed, except for Master Yu the local Earthbending teacher. Toph had private lessons for years where she was only taught basic Earthbending forms and breathing exercises. But Toph was stronger than that and trained on her own.
In secret she went into town and joined the Earth Rumble 6, an Earthbending wrestling tournament, under the name The Blind Bandit. She's done extremely well, and eventually became the undefeated champion. Her record stands at 42 wins and 1 loss -- that loss being from Aang, who used airbending to win. She later repaid him back.
Toph's fighting style is different from most Earthbenders because where they use forms based on the Hung Gar martial arts, Toph uses the Southern Praying Mantis style. She is also an expert at neutral jing -- waiting and listening before attacking -- and often uses the opponent's momentum against them.
When Aang found Toph he asked her to be his Earthbending teacher, convinced it was meant to be because of a vision he had while in a mystical Swamp. Toph was against the idea at first because of the circumstances in her life. But after her secret life was revealed to her parents due to being kidnapped by the Earth Rumble 6 group (where she proceeded to kick their butts), her parents ordered that she be guarded 24/7. Aang became her only route to freedom, and she took it. Her father convinced that the Avatar kidnapped Toph, offered Master Yu and Xin Fu (leader of Earth Rumble 6) a chest full of gold pieces to bring his daughter home.
Toph now travels with Aang, Katara, and Sokka on Appa, and is teaching Aang earthbending. Her teaching style is rough and direct like a drill sergeant, which is good since Earthbending is very straightforward. (Though it does take Aang some time to get use to it). Her social skills aren't that great though at first, and she and Katara get into a couple of "conflicts". Determined to show that she can take care of herself, she doesn't help out much around camp and barely accepts help from others. However, a chat with Iroh helps her see a different perspective on the matter, which brings more harmony to the group.

Ty Lee, the daughter of a nobleman, is a childhood friend of Princess Azula and Mai. The three of them attended the Royal Fire Nation Academy for Girls together, however sometime later Ty Lee ran off to join the circus. She's been skilled in acrobatics from a young age, and really felt like the circus was her calling.
Sometime later, Azula reunited with Ty Lee in order to ask her to join the mission to track down Zuko and Iroh. However, Ty Lee was the star attraction of the circus show, and was very happy there. She told Azula that her aura had never been pinker, and didn't want to join the mission. But Azula went to Ty Lee's next show, where she ordered the safety net to be set on fire, and the release of all of the circus' dangerous and exotic animals "to make things more interesting". After the show, Ty Lee agreed to join Azula's mission, saying the Universe was giving strong hints for a career change. Ty Lee now travels with Azula and Mai on their hunt for Zuko and Iroh in the Earth Kingdom.
Ty Lee is a cheerful and spirited girl, but is not to be underestimated in battle. She can move very quickly, and her acrobatic skills and knowledge of pressure points to disable Bending and regular movement makes her a potent threat. However, she remembers Iroh as being "really funny", and after the second confrontation with the heroes, she thinks Sokka is "kinda cute."

A warrior-to-be, 15 year old Sokka is a very physical type of person. He prefers weapons to Bending, and even if he could waterbend he probably wouldn't change his mind on it being weird. Not much of a believer, he's quick to judge others and can often be a little cynical until proven wrong (like Appa's ability to fly). He trusts his instincts first, but when he makes a mistake he isn't afraid to admit it. He's also been known to be a bit sexist, especially when it comes to gender roles. Although he's learned better, with help from Suki. He's very protective of his younger sister Katara, and treasures the boomerang given to him by their father.
On Kyoshi Island he suffered a crushing defeat from Suki and the other female warriors, but in a true show of character and integrity, Sokka humbly asked for her to train him. Although his training was only for a day or two, he learned enough basics to be able to stand up against Suki and defend against Prince Zuko, if only for a moment. He still has far to go though, but he's getting better. Also on Kyoshi Island, he received his first kiss (did you see the way he blushed? Had to have been one of his first few) from Suki at the end of ep4.
While traveling through the Earth Kingdom with Aang and Katara, they came across an old friend of their father's, Bato. While they reminince about the past, Bato reveals that he is awaiting a map from his comrades that will show the Water Tribe's rondezvous point, which is where their father is. While the two are eager to see their father again, they realize that they are most needed with Aang, and helping him get to the North Pole. They hang on to the map though for future reference.
Still with Bato, he takes Sokka out to Ice Dodge - a rite of passage for Water tribesmen when they turn 14, that tests one's wisdom, bravery, and trust. Since Sokka was too young before his father left for the war, he never had a chance to. Although since they're not in the arctic, instead of weaving a boat between icebergs, they must dodge giant rocks jutting out of the water. Sokka was in charge of steering and calling the shots. With his judgement calls on which way the boat should go and what actions Katara and Aang took to make it happen, Sokka earned the mark of the Wise, which was the same mark his father earned.
Back in the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka became his tribe's last defense when his father left with the other men to fight in the war. He took the task very seriously, and even built a number of snow watchtowers around the village. Although Sokka has the spirit of a solider and the courage to stand up to any enemy, he lacked the skills and technique that would make him a formidable opponent. That won't stop him from trying though, especially if his friends need help. And now, thanks to more training and his experiences while traveling, Sokka has become a much better fighter. Not great, but he's getting there.
Sokka was wary of Aang at first, but he has grown to trust him and is now rather protective of him as well. Although because of certain foolish mistakes on Aang's part, Sokka does not entirely trust him, and his loyalties are always to his sister first. Sokka despises the Fire Nation through and through and is eager to kick their butt whenever given the opportunity. Traveling along with Katara and Aang, Sokka brings dry humor to the group and always gets the best lines. XD
Mai (pronounced "May") is a teenage girl who lived in the Fire Nation until her father was appointed by Fire Lord Ozai to be Governor of the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu. She had been living in Omashu with her family ever since, until Princess Azula showed up. Azula was forming a small elite team to hunt down Zuko and Iroh, and she wanted Mai to be a part of it. Mai instantly agreed, partially because she hated being in Omashu.
Mai is very unemotional (even when a family member is in danger), and finds almost everything dull and boring. She enjoys fighting though, and is quite skilled at throwing blades. She also has a small, machine-like weapon holder strapped around each of her wrists and ankles that shoots small arrows.
Mai is a childhood friend of Azula and Ty Lee, and they attended the Royal Fire Nation Academy for Girls together. She's had a slight crush on Zuko since she was little, which Ty Lee and Azula are aware of, and have occasionally teased her about it (both when they were little and older)
Appa is Aang's flying bison and his spirit animal guide. It's also quite possible that Appa is the last living creature of his specie. He was with Aang when they fell into the ocean during a terrible storm 100 years ago, and Aang formed the iceberg that saved them both from drowning.
Appa transports Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Momo around the world in their quest to stop the war. He seems pretty content, but if he needs or wants something, he makes himself known. He comes on command when Aang blows on his bison whistle, which is at a frequency that only flying bisons can hear it. Appa has also proven himself to be quite the useful fighter. His large size and strength is intimidating enough, but by slamming his tail to the ground he can create a huge gust of wind that can blow a dozen men away. He also can be fiercely defensive if Aang is in trouble, and without warning will attack whoever is causing him harm.
Appa, as are most flying bisons, are very large and have long white fluffy fur with tannish arrows and stripes. They also have six legs, five stomaches, and weigh around 10 tons. Their diet contains mostly vegetation, as you can tell by their flat teeth. Flying Bisons naturally have airbending abilities, and are considered sacred by Air Nomads. It is said that Air Nomads first learned how to airbend from flying bisons, and even borrowed their arrow tattoo design.
her past is unknown but Aimi is the daughter of the Fire nation Admiral Zhao and possibly in the future the mother of zuko's child(ren)
her past is unknown and she belongs to KionaKina. She is one of aimi's best friends. is rummoured to be the child of zuko and aimi from the future.she belongs to Kouni. she's strong and indapendant
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