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A small post... and an apology

Blog Entry: A small post... and an apology

Blog Entry: A small post... and an apology
Posted by: Anime_Ellie
Posted: December 29, 2012, 10:07:12 PM
Updated: December 29, 2012, 2:07:22 PM
Mood: calm...?
Currently: TYPING TYPE TYPE TYPE bwahahahahaha
Listening To: to the air conditionor.
Hello everyone! I'm not dead! Yeah, just letting you guys know...
The reason why I'm not on lately was because of some personal isuues. Not anything huge, though, so you guys don't need to worry about it. (pssst-- it was 3 F's on a report card. The advanced classes and algebra got me...)

So, has anything been up with me? Yeah, a few things. I recently got the 3DS port for Tales of the Abyss and since Chirstmas I've already invested 5 hours into it. And there's another Tales games I'm playing called Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. And I have to say, Emil (main character) is such an adorable wimp. He needs to man up, though. I think he's supposed to later, but I don't know when. And the last game I got was Gungnir, a SRPG game. I had a bit of trouble with it at first, but after I got the hang of it, it was actually kind of fun! (mostly cuz I kicked butt.)

But after this, I probably won't be making a big comeback for a while... the next semester, I'm guessing?
When that time comes, I'll do a massive post dump to make up for my small gallery and my time gone! (Which by the way, I'm honestly sorry about)

So, see you!