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Equestria Girls

Blog Entry: Equestria Girls

Blog Entry: Equestria Girls
Posted by: AzureMikari
Posted: June 30, 2013, 8:42:37 PM
I just watched Equestria Girls on You Tube. I'll share my thoughts since I know a few (or a lot) of people on my Twitter were planning to watch it. Obviously this means it's a spoiler alert and also a "this is only my opinion" warning. Also, if you do decide to read, I suggest reading it to the end so that you can get both the negative and the positive.

I started the movie not known what exactly to expect. The robbery of the crown felt sudden and linear, but that's not a big issue really. I didn't like the concept of the movie having carbon copies of the main characters with Twilight (and Spike) being the only originals, but I set that aside too. In other words, I set aside all the things I could think of that would prevent me from enjoying the movie. In its favor I can say it had its share of funny moments, though in the end when it comes to high school drama, I just don't care. I like magic and legends and how that's all a part of Equestria, making slice of life episodes feel interesting, because it's not the same old boring slice I get in my own life.

Granted high school dramas exaggerate things, but they are utterly unepic. They deal with little things like dates and proms, rather than explosions and the fate of the world. None the less, the novelty of seeing the characters in human form was enough to entertain me for a short while. Then, after a few minutes into the human world, I got bored. I kept waiting for something to happen, but everything that happened was ever so mundane was bored. Then finally at the very end of the movie, there was magic at last. It didn't last, it was kind of cliche, predictable and felt like a rushed simple solution, but those few minutes were much more enjoyable than the rest of the movie. The one epic thing about it: magic girl transformations! I wish this had been a magic girl movie rather than a magicless (boring) teen movie. That footage along make it feel like it wasn't a waste a of time though I'll probably swiftly forget the rest of the movie save for that golden bit. My one complaint is that the unicorns should have gotten horns since the pegasus got wings, but I guess that's just a detail.

So yeah, overall, super boring, with a little piece of true gold at the end, may the fandom be well fed by it. But then, I've always liked the fandom more than the show anyway. I didn't become interested in the fandom because of the show, but rather I watched the show to better understand the amazing fandom after seeing all sorts of fanworks on You Tube, Deviant Art and other such sites. Thus The movie doesn't matter to me as long as it feeds the fandom because that's the main event for me in this case.

The other thing I didn't like, aside from the boring mundane high school pot and the lack of magic for most of the film, was how unepic Luna was. She's awesome, she's my favorite, how can she be so ordinary? Rarity, Fluttershy, Raindow and Applejack's carbon copies all felt very them. I can't picture them losing their friendship over simple misunderstandings that would have been solved if they had talked (or even argued) rather than giving each other the silent treatment, but other than that the atmosphere around them fit. Yet Luna wasn't mysterious at all, so I couldn't picture that woman as being an alternate version of Luna, I couldn't picture them being remotely related at all. Celestia and Luna as heirs to a corporate empire with Luna's Nightmare Moon time involving her temporarily joining the mafia would have been much cooler.

Another note about the misunderstandings... is Sunset Shimmer a super hacker? She must be, because somehow she's hijacked everyone's phone number and email accounts to send false messages and cause misunderstandings... I mean really, who would believe that this massage is from this person if they don't come from their number or email address? And if the girls were such good friends before, they certainly would know what their numbers and emails are and possible even have personalized ring tones for each other. How could they be tricked? Like I said, the only explanation that I can honestly come up with is that they neglected to mention that Sunset is indeed a super hacker.

Twilight's light crush on Flash might leave people with a lot to talk about. Honestly I didn't mind it. I'm not a fan of romance, but it wasn't over the top so I don't think it even was romance, more like the beginning stages of attraction and I'm glad they didn't rush it into being more... Except for one little detail... Just how easily can one be attracted to a member of a different species? Let's not forget that not too long ago Twilight was screaming because she didn't know what she was. So when did she go from finding humans to be weird to thinking they might be cute? Oh well, it's still not a big deal because it was kept light enough not to feel forced.

Other than the whole magical girl transformation thing, another thing I liked was Mac. He is adorable! He barely gets any screen time, which is just too bad, but he's just so adorable. Makes me want to see a human version of Braeburn and Shining Armor, but I wasn't actually expecting it so no real disappointment there, in fact I wasn't even expecting Mac.

One detail that was well placed was mentioning a girl from the city who looks just like Twilight, because it wouldn't make sense that even Celestia has a human equivalent and Twilight doesn't, so yeah, there is one, she just goes to a different school apparently. Who knows, maybe she's destined to transfer... That would mean there should be another Sunset Shimmer too, but really, if they make a whole new series, I'm not going to care, I'm not into high school series so I'll just ignore it and wish for a show about epic unicorn duels (I really want to see the Celestia vs Luna fight from 1000 years ago one day, though I'm not actually expecting it.)

None of the sons caught my attention, though I did very much like This Day Aria and a few others, maybe the movie songs need awesome fan remixes to grow on me since thus far I have liked the fanmade stuff more than the original sound anyway...

The last point I'll mention (for now? can't think of anything else to say...) is that I have a new found respect for Pinkie Pie. I used to find her annoying and mostly ignored her existence or else I would probably evolve into Rapidash like Twilight did. I specially hate how she wants to be everyone's friend because I find real life people like that to be both annoying and pathetic. Don't you know the meaning of "not interested in your existance?!" But in that utterly boring and magicless high school world, good old Pinkie Pie (or rather her alternate copy) brightened the mood with her randomness. Then the pony version repeated the human's feat by also knowing exactly what happened before Twilight could reveal it. That's just it, magic, or rather the supernatural psychic breaking of the forth wall that interrupted the mundane slice of life junk. That tiny dose of theory material that made me actually think, woke my brain from its numbness as I considered the possibility of Pinkie really being psychic or having some other form of supernatural ability beyond the Pinkie sense, that I didn't care about before that moment. I guess I was more positively receptive to Pinkie because she was the one who made me theorize and there was little else to theorize about that felt fantasy-like

For the most part? I didn't like it. Albeit I haven't like any high school setting lacking in magic before (as it didn't happen until the very end) so it's to be expected I was bored, because slice of life without the peculiarities of scifi or fantasy is something far too ordinary to catch my attention. However, I can sincerely say that I am very glad that it was made. Human Mac and the magical girl style transformations saved it from being a disaster. I dare say that the movie will be a wonderful event if, despite it not catching my interest on its own, it sets the stage for the creation of something that does. A classic magic girl story with the mane six. That sequence at the end screamed "somebody please make an MLP Sailor Moon style ('style' not 'rip off') story!" and if someone actually does, I would say this movie accomplished its purpose. In fact, if it inspires a few fanservicy human Mac fanarts to popup on the net, that would be enough too. It's not about the movie, it's about the ideas and possibilities, the inspiration to take it and turn it into something so much better via fanworks, and if it inspires that, then I do indeed call it good.