Woop, new movie!
Blog Entry: Woop, new movie!
Blog Entry: Woop, new movie!
Posted by: Chickibo
Posted: July 4, 2008, 4:53:47 AM
Mood: happy happy happy!
Eating: cake (yum)
Drinking: guess....COFFEEEEE!
Currently: watching movies!
Posted: July 4, 2008, 4:53:47 AM
Mood: happy happy happy!
Eating: cake (yum)
Drinking: guess....COFFEEEEE!
Currently: watching movies!
I've just stumbled across a Korean movie called Yobi the Five Tailed Fox, and normally, I don't watch movies in other languages, don't like subtitles! I'm glad I'm watching this one though, as it has turned out to be really good, even though I'm only 20 mins into it! I think I will be doing fanart for this now!