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Stuffs 'bout myself!

Blog Entry: Stuffs 'bout myself!

Blog Entry: Stuffs 'bout myself!
Posted by: Chickibo
Posted: November 27, 2009, 3:11:30 PM
Mood: Peaceful
Eating: Custard Cream Biscuits!
Currently: Feeling sleepy
Listening To: Howl (Florence and the Machine)
Cuz I was bored, and I don't want my profile page to me a mile long!
Name - Georgina!
Nicknames - Errr...George/Georgie
Birthday - 18 May
Hair Color - Brown, lightens up a bit in summer, I dunno why!
Eye Color - Green, somethimes turning grey/blue, again I don't know why!
Height - About 5'11'
Piercings - None, I'm a wuss
Tattoos - Nope, again, big wuss (plus mom would go mental)
Heritage - English/Polish
Personality - Sometimes a little crazy, mostly calm and level headed, I like to go by my gut instinct, it's almost always right!
Left or Right Handed - Right
Handwriting - It WAS tidy, then I left college, stopped writing for a bit, and BAM! It went scruffy!

Food - Oooooh...I'd have to say tomato pasta, I'd class it as 'student food', it looks like a pile of cr*p, has all the nutritional value of a pile of cr*p but bloody hell, does it taste nice!
Drink - Caffeinated beverages please!
Time of Day - Morning/afternoon
Season - Winterrr, I like snow, provided it ACTUALLY snows!
Day of the Week - Monday!
Color - Orange/brown/green
Place in UK- Yorkshire! I LIVE THERE!
Place Outside UK- Err...I'd say Italy/Poland, I have family there!
Magazine - National Geographic (YES, I love Geography!)
Pet - I would love a dog!
Friend - Small group, all currently obsessed with boyfriends...leaving me out a little...:(
Feeling - Content
Show - I'd say...Merlin, I love that show!

Do You...
Shower Daily - Nope, can't be arsed, too much fuss, I do wash though! (I'm not some filthy urchin, I do wash myself, I just don't like my shower, it keeps going cold!)
Brush your Teeth Daily - YES, I can't go downstairs in a morning with dirty teeth!
Sing - Nope
Dance - Nope
Drink - Anything non-alcoholic, preferably caffeinated
Smoke - God, no! It's not big, it doesn't make you look hard, and I won't feel sorry for you when you're dying of lung/heart diseases!
Read Books - Yes, loads
Read Magazines - Yep, educashunal onez!
Have a Religion - Officialy Christian, but I think of myself as more of a Buddhist, I agree with what Buddhism teaches and its beliefs. I don't believe in a Heaven, Hell, God or Satan, therefore I guess that makes me an atheist!
Have a Bf/Gf - Nope, can't be bothered at the moment!
Play an Instrument - I'm thinking of learning to play the guitar...

In the Opposite Sex...
Hair Color - Not bothered
Eye Color - Not bothered
Height - Same height/taller
Tattoos - Again, don't care
Piercings - Nothing stupid please...
Body Type - Average, again not too fussy
Hobbies - Preferably not someone who like going out and getting drunk for the hell of it! A good sense of humour would also be nice!

Do You Believe In...
Ghosts - Nope
Aliens - Yes, the universe is so massive, there just has to be life somewhere out there!
God - No (didn't go down well with mum)
Devil - No
Heaven - No
Hell - No, but if there is one, I think I'm already on my way there!
Afterlife - No
Reincarnation - Yes, I'm a strong believer in karma and it's effect later in your life.

Have You Ever...
Been Arrested - No
Cheated - Nope
Been Cheated On - Nope
Had Your Heart Broken - No, I'm pretty hard to upset or annoy
Broken Someone Else's Heart - No, I'm not that cruel!
Stripped - Lol, NO!
Kissed More Than Two People In One Night - nope
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex - Nope
Gotten Into a Fight - Almost...I was itching to whack someone who bullied me a LOT in high school
Passed out - No
Had a Concussion - No
Stolen Anything - no
Done Something you Regret - Eh...not really, I don't really regret stuff, what's the point? Life goes on regardless!
Been on T.V. - YES!
Been in Love -