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Usless trivia 'bout myself

Blog Entry: Usless trivia 'bout myself

Blog Entry: Usless trivia 'bout myself
Posted by: Chickibo
Posted: December 17, 2009, 2:18:21 PM
Updated: December 17, 2009, 2:19:37 PM
Mood: High
Eating: Custard Cream Biscuits!
Drinking: Coffee!
Currently: Entertaining You-uuuuu
Listening To: Let Me Entartain You- Robbie Williams
1.What does your FAC name mean and why did you join this site?
Me and a friend think it would be the name of a baby chocobo when I joined FAC...back in my FF obsessed days

2. What were you obsessed with when you joined and what are you into now?
DBZ->FF->Rurouni Kenshin->Naruto->Anything with demons in it
3. How many watchers do you have now?
almost 30...I think

4. Name 4 of your favorite artists on FAC
Rubius-> A really nice person, and does some really great pics!
SuziDragonLady-> Awesome dragon pics!
Snake Eyes-> Pictures were made of serious WIN
SeanHalnais-> Does some awesome comics

5. Do you comment, fav, or both?
Always comment, sometimes fave if I like the pic alot!

6. Do you participate in clubs' contests here on FAC?

7. What are your most popular submissions?
-Okami painting (I'm not overkeen on it, but it is popular!)
-Okami shiranui pencil drawing, slaved over it for hours!
-Kugaa/Mike (dog) pic, honestly dunno why it it popular, but Kugaa seems to have a bit of a fanbase!
-Shenlong pic (seriously ancient)
-Random demon Halloween picture, again not very good, but seems to be a hit!

8. What are you favorite non-anime TV shows?
Merlin (nearly end of the series! NUUUUUU)
Dr. Who (David Tennant isn't playing the Doctor anymore! NUUUUUUUUUUUUU)
Life (documentary series)
Family Guy/South Park/American Dad/The Simpsons/Fututama

9. What are the things you wish you could draw better?
Hands...feet...animal anatomy...

10. Summer or winter?
Winter! SNOW!

11. Rain or Sun?
Rain, heavy rain!

12. What's your favorite type of music?
Rock (not screamy rock though)

13. PC or Mac?

14. Anime or Manga?
Prefer manga, no filler!

15. Coke or Pepsi?
FANTA (I hate cola)

16. Read or TV?
Both. Depends on my mood

17. How many hours a day do you spend on FAC?
About an hour

18. Name a hidden talent
Eh....I make a killer mocha?

19. Flash or traditional cartoons?
Never used flash, sooooo...trad all the way!

20. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Pizza Hut!

21. What are top 3 favorite books?
Eragon, Harry Potter (Order of the Phoenix), The book of bunny suicides (srsly funny)

22. Wii or Playstation?

23. Name 4 of your favorite bands
Shinedown, Nickleback...err....that's it... :/

24. Are you a fast, slow, or medium typer?
Medium-Fast (all those essays!)

25. Do you like Denny's?
The frack?

26. What is your favorite emoticon?
XD, :3, :D

27. What is your favorite type of pie?
Mince Beef (preferably M&S Aberdeen angus pie, aren't I picky?)

28. Have you ever stayed up for 24 hours?
Nope...caffeine ran out...

29. Do you go on YouTube alot?
Just for music

30. Are you a member on any other sites besides FAC?
Steam (games for PC) DA, though a little inactive

31. Do you cosplay?
Can't be arsed

32. Fruits or sweets?
Fruity sweets

33. Name 3 artists you admire
I like 'em all!

34. Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn?

35. Have you skipped school?
Yes. *hangs head in shame*

36. Have you been on a plane?
yup, once

37. Have you swum in an ocean?
Yeah...wasn't very clean though! (Blackpool=Cesspool)

38. Have you been iceskating?
Yes, not very good though

39. Favorite vacation spot
The Lake District in Cumbria.

40. Ever been on tv?
Yes, can't remember why though

41. Favorite salad dressing?
No thanks

42. What do you do to relax?
Draw, listen to music, read books, play on PC....

43. What is the last film you saw in the theaters?
Ooooh...The latest Harry Potter I think!

44. Favorite Sandwich
Tuna/cheese panini

45. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I have no idea....most likely somewhere unspoilt by mass tourism

46. Favorite time of the day?

47. What did you want to be when you were little?
I can't remember

48. What do you want to be now?
Pilot (not necessarily professional though)

49. If you could eat with one person, who would it be?
GORDON BROWN. It would be epic

50. What character would you hate to be stuck in a room with?

51. When is your birthday?
May 18

52. Favorite type of ice cream?
Chocolate, the moar chocolate the better!

53. Last book you read?
Magician's guild

54. Which store would you max out a credit card at?
Game or....AMAZON

55. Do you buy / sell / both on ebay?
Not really...

56. What is the most annoying thing people ask you?
After asking for whole milk in their coffee: "I WANTED SKIMMED MILK"

57. Favorite all time tv show?
The Simpsons, simple as.

58. What was your favorite show as a kid?
The Simpsons, always loved it!

59. What are you listening to right now?
Let Me Entertain You- Robbie Williams

60. What is the last thing you ate?
A tuna melt panini!

61. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
Orange or green

62. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Teeth- if they are clean and looked after

63. Favorite sport to play?
I don't like sport...

64. Favorite Day of the Year?
Boxing Day- no more Christmas for 364 days! Yes. I'm a Scrooge. Deal with it.

65. Hugs or Kisses?
Eh...don't really like either, I'm not very affectionate

66. Chocolate or vanilla?
Oooooh....*head explodes*

67. Favorite Board Game?
Checkers/Draughts (I win EVERY time)

68. Favorite smells?
Vanilla or something sweet

69. What inspires you?
Life in general

70. Do you have any piercings?
No, I'm a coward

71. How many siblings do you have?

72. Bacon Bits or croutons?
Ugh, neither

73. Favorite Day of the Week?

74. Favorite phrase
"We are Not Amused"- Queen is just WIN

75. Favorite Restaurant?
Pizza Hut

76. Favorite animal?
Fruit bats

77. Favorite thing to do outside
Go to work! Or do some photography!

78. Favorite thing to do when it's raining?
Run around and get really, really wet

79. Favorite Disney character

80. Do you like coffee? If so, what is your favorite brand?
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! I like the blend used by Costa, not too strong, but packs a punch!

81. Tag six people