Protesting SOPA and PIPA (read!)
Blog Entry: Protesting SOPA and PIPA (read!)
Blog Entry: Protesting SOPA and PIPA (read!)
Okay, so you all know about SOPA and PIPA, right? As you might know, they're very poorly thought laws that, if they get passed, will destroy the internet we all know and love. Many users on here are Americans (idk how many though!), and we do NOT want SOPA and PIPA to pass, and I'm one of those many Americans who opposes those two laws. Please try to help oppose SOPA and PIPA so they won't get passed! PLEASE!!!
And Wikipedia's down for 24 hours because they're opposing SOPA and PIPA. Thank God I don't look up stuff for papers/essays on that site... But still! Those laws MUST NOT pass!
And Wikipedia's down for 24 hours because they're opposing SOPA and PIPA. Thank God I don't look up stuff for papers/essays on that site... But still! Those laws MUST NOT pass!