Blog Entry: LalalalalalalalalLAAAAAA
Blog Entry: LalalalalalalalalLAAAAAA
Posted by: CryptoTheCat
Posted: March 13, 2008, 4:47:55 PM
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Currently: nothering
Posted: March 13, 2008, 4:47:55 PM
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Currently: nothering
So like, James didn't come to school today. Leaving me, Crypto, all alone and with 10+ cupcakes, an XXL green Monster, and loneliness.
Needless to say, I drank that monster. I drank the HELL out of that monster. I had to piss so bad by the end of lunch. (See, my day goes Math, Gym, Lunch, English, Foods). I started at the beginning of gym, halfway through the can I was shaking. So I was standing in line at lunch with my friend Libby, and this girl named Sarah. Well, I leaned against the table, and a minute later I hear, "STOP frackING SHAKING THE TABLE!!!" Thats how hyper I was. I shook the table just by leaning on it. Either way I have another can in the fridge to give James tomorrow. fracking cupcakes. I gave a cupcake to my dad, Cyndi-Buddy, Rachael, Tyler, and Skye, and obviously some for myself. They all said they were the best fracking cupcakes they ever had.

Needless to say, I drank that monster. I drank the HELL out of that monster. I had to piss so bad by the end of lunch. (See, my day goes Math, Gym, Lunch, English, Foods). I started at the beginning of gym, halfway through the can I was shaking. So I was standing in line at lunch with my friend Libby, and this girl named Sarah. Well, I leaned against the table, and a minute later I hear, "STOP frackING SHAKING THE TABLE!!!" Thats how hyper I was. I shook the table just by leaning on it. Either way I have another can in the fridge to give James tomorrow. fracking cupcakes. I gave a cupcake to my dad, Cyndi-Buddy, Rachael, Tyler, and Skye, and obviously some for myself. They all said they were the best fracking cupcakes they ever had.