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Movie review ranks

Blog Entry: Movie review ranks

Blog Entry: Movie review ranks
Posted by: DestinyPix101
Posted: April 22, 2009, 8:06:59 PM
Mood: disturbed...
Eating: popcorn JellyBeans!
Drinking: Soda and it taste like bugs!
Currently: t-t-t-TYPING!
Listening To: LAlala LOVE SHINE!
Tale of despereaux-7
Night at the museum-6.5
beverly hills chihuahua-6.5
Madagascar 2-6.5
clover feild- -36

If you have any other movies you want me to rate, or see
or if you have any rating suggestions plz comment them with a
vivid description of the film plz or just Title
No rated R movies allowed! Thank you ^^
Ps. any movie rated above five means its a pretty darn good movie! ^^