I am the Grand Duke of Games (G. D.o.G.)! The only person to best me is the King of Games (K.o.G.) and is the only person (besides family) that i truly respect. I am a megaman fanatic! I love most anything that has to do with the blue bobmer. My favorite animes are: inu-yasha, full metal alchemist, love hina, vandread, ghost in the shell, trigun, neon genesis eva., and the .hack/SIGN series (original PS2 games too).
wow, it's been 6 years since ive joined, just a sophomore in high school with lovey-dovey fan-fic fantasies. I am currently 22 and serving in the United States Air Force. My love for anime has only grown. I know i only have 2 stories up so far, made by a 16 year old, but leave a comment if you want to see more recent stuff, i need comments to be persuaded to make them. im interested in something of an epilogue for FFVIII for the PS1, more Love Hina and maybe .hack (too bad this site banned explicit stories... sigh)