awesome place you got here
Blog Entry: awesome place you got here
Blog Entry: awesome place you got here
Posted by: FrozenPonyPrincess
Posted: May 25, 2014, 12:24:27 PM
Updated: May 25, 2014, 5:32:05 AM
Mood: hyper
Eating: nothing yet hnng
Drinking: I have to think of something I'm thristy
Currently: fanart central
Listening To: katy perry-Roar
Posted: May 25, 2014, 12:24:27 PM
Updated: May 25, 2014, 5:32:05 AM
Mood: hyper
Eating: nothing yet hnng
Drinking: I have to think of something I'm thristy
Currently: fanart central
Listening To: katy perry-Roar
Greetings ponies
my first blog eh? so let's get talking shall we? I have two deviantart accounts which I still submit art to , but the less I get involved with that site the better, no offense but I hate it blugh! I'm thinking of permanently tossing both my accounts away for good.
that site is no picnic IT SUCKS!!!!People there can be such morons>_<
my first blog eh? so let's get talking shall we? I have two deviantart accounts which I still submit art to , but the less I get involved with that site the better, no offense but I hate it blugh! I'm thinking of permanently tossing both my accounts away for good.
that site is no picnic IT SUCKS!!!!People there can be such morons>_<