My Online Family in FAC
Blog Entry: My Online Family in FAC
Blog Entry: My Online Family in FAC
Posted by: HikariYugiYamiAtemu
Posted: January 23, 2008, 2:25:47 AM
Mood: Happy ? XD
Eating: ??
Drinking: ???
Currently: eehhh...dun know
Listening To: English Songs! :P
Posted: January 23, 2008, 2:25:47 AM
Mood: Happy ? XD
Eating: ??
Drinking: ???
Currently: eehhh...dun know
Listening To: English Songs! :P

*My Online Family ( yay! I have a "family" in FAC!!! XD ) :
bloodyfeetwall >> my first adorable and nice younger sister...I like her Yugi picture , and my OC ( Celine and Alex) picture for the story she wrote for me...thank you so much for the pictures and stories! I really really love it! ^^
Princess Wombat >> my second funny and cute younger sister...I like her drawings..especially her colourings! ^^
WhatevaYaoiGal >> my third lovely and sweet younger sister...XD her art is pretty good...and I'm a member of her club ("Element Girlz") ^^
Emiko9 >> my fourth kind and friendly younger sister...she's a nice person to talk to...^^ and she can draw well...;)
ranphasetokelly >> my first sweet and kind cousin! ^^ she likes Seto Kaiba and I like her OC ( ranpha)..XD
jackie4ever >> my fifth friendly and active younger sister! ^^ she likes Atemu/Yami ( just like me! XD ) and she has great stories...:)
ladychaos >> my sixth cool and funny younger sister! ^^ she's great at writing fanfics and drawing pictures. I LOVE her stories because it's funny and it's well-written...;) Besides that, she's a huge fan of Sasuke! XD
kittysan5 >> my seventh sweet and cute younger sister! ^^ she's a quiet person, but her artwork is amazing for a 14 year-old girl! O.O you should check out her gallery...:) besides that, she's a fan of Yami/Atemu !^^
kingtut >> my eighth friendly and charming younger sister! ^^ she's a Seto lover and I like her OC's! :P and I support her pairing! ^^ ( don't worry.I support YOUR pairing too! XD )
KionaKina >> my first kind-hearted sister-in-law ! :D I can't believe I have one in FAC! XD she's kind and friendly too! and she's also a Seto Lover...( wow! many people loves Seto! ) and her drawings are very nice/cute ! ^^
Moon_Princess >> my nineth cute and energetic younger sister! XD she's very good at drawings and edit pictures...:) and she's a huge Yami/Atemu fan! ^^
NAERA >> my tenth cute and youthful younger sister! :D she's quite good at drawing! and she's a Sasuke and Valon fan! :) I support Candice X Valon!! X3
goth4ever >> my eleventh friendly and kind-hearted younger sister! her drawings are very nice! :) and we both hate Maths! ^^; < I'm lazy when it comes to calculations! I'm just not good at that! ( it seems like 'puzzles' to me..o.O ) >
Lilichan >> my twelfth kind and friendly younger sister! :D she's a fan of Malik and I join her club : Mythical Priesteses! ^^ her drawings are good too, you should see her gallery and make friends with her...^^ her OC is cute too! I seldom see their OC wearing spectacles but her OC is one of them! :)
YamiRevea >> my thirteenth cute and hyper younger sister! :) she's a fan of Bakura and Ryou and she has two OCs : Revea and Resha! I have two OCs too! ^^ we are both Asian girls!! *cheers for Asia* :D she's very good at edting pictures and I like her cute drawings! ^^
KhaoticWolf >> my fourteenth sweet and funny younger sister! ^^ she's a fan of Ryou and I support Khaotic Shipping 100% ! :P I like her funny stories and I like her OC's ( Khaos's ) profile! ^^ Khaos sure is a very special character! :)
Selekt >> my first friendly and youthful older sister! ^^ she's a fan of Yami/Atemu! :D she's good at editing pictures and I like her OC! she's also a huge fan of Egypt! just look at her OC and her profile, that's the prove! :D
xlittlexprincessx >> my fifteen adorable and nice younger sister! ^^ she's a fan of Yami/Atemu and her drawings are cute! :D
bookworm369 >> my second funny and kind cousin! ^^ he has a huge online family and I'm part of it! XD he also likes various animes, just like me! :)
Avatar >> my sixteen sweet and charming younger sister! ^^ she's a talented artist and I like her colouring! ;) she also has a cute OC named Kate! ^^ and she's a Yugi fan like me! XD