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NOW I decide to blog here?!

Blog Entry: NOW I decide to blog here?!

Blog Entry: NOW I decide to blog here?!
Posted by: Keiyou
Posted: September 22, 2008, 5:40:48 PM
Updated: September 22, 2008, 5:41:15 PM
Mood: Caffinated
Eating: skittles
Drinking: mocha
Currently: Simming (if that's even a word XP)
Listening To: Room of Angel (Silent Hill 4, The Room)
W00t bloggy!
Man I'm didn't even occure to me that I could leave blog messages on FAC!

(insert epic fail here T__T)

I've been doing most of my blogging on deviant art I guess it's better late than never to start doing it here as well =^^=

In any event, I'm kind of on a mini break from drawing and writing because I've just discovered how to use the body shop program for the Sims 2 and I am in a candy shop kind of heaven where possibilities seem endless, so hopefully I might be able to make myself usefull on the modthesims2 website later...

:envisioning a proper set of Fullmetal Alchemist and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicals later:

Except it might take some time seeing as I'm still learning the whole model mesh thing, it's not as easy as it looks ^^'

And Aerisdragon7, if your reading this I'm letting you know that the pic of you chopping Envy's head off is in it's pencil drawn stage just need to get it scanned is all. Would you mind if I post it as a regular pencil drawing or would you like it colored via paint shop?
Hollar back if you have a prefrence ^^

Okay I think I've ranted enough, hopefully I can get something accomplished without getting a mental overload so I can start writing and drawing again after my fling with the Sims2 dies.

You may go now =^^=