My Neighbors Must Think Im a Weirdo....
Blog Entry: My Neighbors Must Think Im a Weirdo....
Blog Entry: My Neighbors Must Think Im a Weirdo....
Posted by: MitchieSan1023
Posted: April 10, 2010, 10:08:45 PM
Currently: Watching the best movie ever made (original Disney Alice in Wonderland)
Posted: April 10, 2010, 10:08:45 PM
Currently: Watching the best movie ever made (original Disney Alice in Wonderland)
Haha, really, they probably do after today. So my bestest buddeh, TotalWeirdo666 got me this awesome Mad Hatter hat, which I wore aaaaaall day long. So when I was on my way home I was happily skipping along in my hat, swinging my bag and singing the Un-Birthday song. When the guy looked at me I waved and said ''howdy'' and continued to skip along the path. He gave me the weirdest look, as if he thought I had gone insane. XD Well, thats all I really need to say.