ALL of my friend codes
Blog Entry: ALL of my friend codes
Blog Entry: ALL of my friend codes
Because I'm too lazy to make another blog post for DS games.
If you want to be just a Wii friend, go to the Wii Menu and click the button in the bottom right, then click Create Message. Choose the thing at the far right (Address Book). Now click Register, then click Wii and type in my Wii Friend code.
Go to Brawl and in the Wi-Fi menu, choose With Friends, then choose Friend Roster. Select ENTER FRIEND CODE and type in my Brawl code.
You probably are a LOT better at Sonic Rush Adventure than me, so expect to win on Pirate's Island and other hard stages.
If you come to my town, please don't hurt it.
If you want to send me a message from your computer, here's the link (you'll become Wii Friends with me):
You can send an E-mail to any console you know the friend code of. I THINK the formula is:
w + friend code without hyphens or spaces +
Wii Friend code:
2286 - 5437 - 3031 - 9329
Brawl Friend code:
4725 - 9900 - 5662
Sonic Rush Adventure friend code:
Animal Crossing: Wild World friend code:
2286 - 5437 - 3031 - 9329
Brawl Friend code:
4725 - 9900 - 5662
Sonic Rush Adventure friend code:
Animal Crossing: Wild World friend code:
If you want to be just a Wii friend, go to the Wii Menu and click the button in the bottom right, then click Create Message. Choose the thing at the far right (Address Book). Now click Register, then click Wii and type in my Wii Friend code.
Go to Brawl and in the Wi-Fi menu, choose With Friends, then choose Friend Roster. Select ENTER FRIEND CODE and type in my Brawl code.
You probably are a LOT better at Sonic Rush Adventure than me, so expect to win on Pirate's Island and other hard stages.
If you come to my town, please don't hurt it.
If you want to send me a message from your computer, here's the link (you'll become Wii Friends with me):
You can send an E-mail to any console you know the friend code of. I THINK the formula is:
w + friend code without hyphens or spaces +