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StoryMaker's Profile

StoryMaker's Profile
StoryMaker's avatar
Username StoryMaker Gender Male
Date Joined Location Staten Island,NY
Last Updated Occupation 9th grader
Last visit # Pictures 2
# Comments Given596

Member Info

Member Info
StoryMaker's picture
Things I like: Foamy, comics, video games, anime, cartoons, nintendo, and anime

Age: I ain't tellin' you beitch

Things i dislike: People the hate other people because of their race or Religion (unsure of spelling) or gender. PEOPLE LIKE THAT NEED TO DIE!

My aim is: slowrunna91
 DBZ Story, in 23 days,
Sonic Story in 45 days.


Favorite Pictures (296)


Favorite Artists' Recent Submissions


Comments (114)

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tainted_truffle on February 26, 2007, 11:11:40 AM

tainted_truffle on
tainted_trufflewhats you email?

SSonicSShadow on October 28, 2006, 2:00:13 PM

SSonicSShadow on
SSonicSShadowokay, I let you borrow it, just tell me when will you done and what your story is about.

SSonicSShadow on October 22, 2006, 2:12:52 AM

SSonicSShadow on
SSonicSShadowyou mean, borrow my story or just my monster creature from the story.

tainted_truffle on October 16, 2006, 5:18:58 AM

tainted_truffle on
tainted_trufflelol. i can picture that XD

tainted_truffle on October 13, 2006, 11:59:43 AM

tainted_truffle on
tainted_truffleshure. what would you like me to draw?

jkgoomba89 on October 8, 2006, 1:52:34 AM

jkgoomba89 on
jkgoomba89Srry 4 the chain letter!

TAG YOUR IT!!!! this is so scary. send this to 15 people in the next 143
mins. when you are done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the
screen in big letters. this is scary cuz it works!!!! if you break the chain
you will have problems with relationships for the next 5 years NO SEND

zakuman on October 7, 2006, 1:45:45 AM

zakuman on
zakumanSorry I didn't say anything earlier. Well my day job has a new owner. So I've been working overtime for the past two months. And on my time off (whatever little there has been) I've been playing video games. Trying to get all the achievements on my 360 games. Beyond that.... not much.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 30, 2006, 10:21:56 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogI guess you don't ahve MSN Ebuddy then. my user is Skye hedgie ond Sheezy art.

357 on August 29, 2006, 9:46:31 PM

357 on
357I already sended it as private message :D If you don´t know how to read it... I can send it as comment then

357 on August 29, 2006, 8:44:06 AM

357 on
357It´s probable easier, but I don´t wanna put my e-mail up so everyone can see it... I send it to you as private message :D

SkyetheHedgehog on August 29, 2006, 8:40:05 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogcreepy man... okay, I promise you i will send it soon, I just need to get to a scanner, which is proving very very hard right now. btw, do you have Ebuddy?

357 on August 29, 2006, 3:32:02 AM

357 on
357You can send your request as private message... :D

357 on August 29, 2006, 12:05:00 AM

357 on

You asked if I could do a request. It depends on what the request is of course... :D So tell me what you have in mind...? :D

KM on August 28, 2006, 11:05:30 AM

KM on
KMDon't laugh at this! Just do it!
Start thinkin of a wish. Karannah said your wish'll come true if you do this.



this is cat in da hat. He's here to grant ya one wish. Make a wish wen da coundown is over.











Make a wish!

Send this to 10 peeps within da hour and ur wish'll come true.

If not, it's the opposite

357 on August 28, 2006, 5:31:46 AM

357 on
357Ehh, it´s nice in Finland... Weather is starting to get a bit cold though :D

357 on August 27, 2006, 11:46:42 PM

357 on
357Thanks for commenting!! That fanfic, it´s sonic-harry potter-crossover. I don´t remember the exact name...

SkyetheHedgehog on August 27, 2006, 10:41:20 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogLOL! yeah you do look normal. and the things you do can't be as weird as my friends (in "real" life). jasmine. she's a psycho. really. a manic depressive i think...

zakuman on August 26, 2006, 2:29:32 AM

zakuman on
zakumanUm... sorry, I don't have a my space account. Not my kinda place. If I really gotta kill time, I'll play videogames.

Beyond that... not much going on here. I've just been working a whole lot.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 23, 2006, 1:50:36 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehoghow can sumone so self loathing, hate goths? better question, how can sumone so self loathing not BE a goth. *sighs painfuly* put it this way, you are not ugly, but I personaly don't think you're "hot". guys I personaly find to be hot are EMOs, goths (espacialy), and JAPANESE guys *drowns in one's own drool* so you are just normal. plus the chicks that go to your school, are assholes. even I can tell you that. ^_^ happy...... happyish?

SkyetheHedgehog on August 21, 2006, 8:52:15 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogyeah That is what I ment. I touch type, so I often make mistakes. what sort of question is that?!! no, of course you're not.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 20, 2006, 10:45:56 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogI'm sorry. *sniff* i've been stick, and thus away from school, away from teh school computers, away from the inter net away from the school scanners, away from my e-mail. yup. I got it. I need to scan mine, hopefuly it turns out okay. I think Teh scanners at my school are screwed up. I'm not ignoring you, so never ever think I will.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 14, 2006, 8:59:59 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehognooooo! it didn't come through!! I hate hotmail, last time I logged in it started me a new acount, under the same name as I all ready had!! *sulks* okay, if its not too much trouble, could you sent it to:

SkyetheHedgehog on August 13, 2006, 8:57:43 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogyeah, I know how you feel. my computer @ home is stuffed too. My dad's buying me a new one. yay!! ^_^ "freaks" are great. gotta love freaks. jack@$$es are so evil. we should burn them all. *twitch* I need to scan the pics. i chose a manga pic, which is in color. and the realistic one i did fer art class, which is in pencil... so it's gray. hehe. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!!

SkyetheHedgehog on August 10, 2006, 2:23:10 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on is my e-mail. I guess i'm not a jerk like most chicks. no shallow. thats why I adore people who are differant. all my friends at school arer socail misfists, EMOs and phycos. My friend Jas was going to kill her farther last night, for exarmple.
I love homeless people too. so, no I geuss i'm not like most girls.
I would be happy to send you a pic, however i have no photos of myself, my farther whom I don't live with has All of those, and my stupid foster family will not buy me a camera *shakes fist at them*. I have some drawings of myself which I can send to you. ^_^ most are manga, but one was for school, as a realistic sketch. I'll send you those, okay? ^_^

SkyetheHedgehog on August 8, 2006, 10:49:26 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogthank you so much. I love your little MS paint things. their're cute. I don't have a scanner, i have to steal use from the school scanners. a few dententions here and there for doing so, but I don't care.
I still haven't found the reason I was born. maybe it's to cheer people up. not something that socity expects from a 14 year old goth chick.
will you join DeviantART? I will understand if you don't want to.
i'll just miss you is all. miss you so much, cause you're the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 7, 2006, 2:15:37 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog*crying* you are the only person, I ever told about my... wrist cutting... you mean so much to me, and I love you... i am happy you can laugh again. you are the reason i stoped cutting myself. please, i don't want to leave you, will... will you join DeviantART? i'm so godamn selfish, i know, to ask you this, but i love you so much. i don't think i can stand not having you around.... please, just, let me know. i'll wait. i told you, i'll always wait.


SkyetheHedgehog on August 6, 2006, 2:05:11 PM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog*hugs tightly* ....thank you for everything....

yellowcard_punk_gurl on August 3, 2006, 6:50:21 AM

yellowcard_punk_gurl on
yellowcard_punk_gurlI'am Amanda aka Murdoc lovergurl you'll find me.

yellowcard_punk_gurl on August 3, 2006, 6:24:44 AM

yellowcard_punk_gurl on
yellowcard_punk_gurlI can't find you,you can find me i'am ~XxX~Amanda aka Murdoc lovergurl~XxX~

yellowcard_punk_gurl on August 3, 2006, 6:15:48 AM

yellowcard_punk_gurl on
yellowcard_punk_gurlIt's me Murdoc Lovergurl can't remember my password XD.Ugh yea the pic hmmm well...i haven't been on this for awhile ugh u can find me in Myspace that's all i can tell you but i can try to find the pic in my computer because we have an new computer.

SkyetheHedgehog on August 2, 2006, 11:08:38 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog that's my DeviantART page. I will miss you. bye bye. and I'm very Sorry. so god damn sorry for everything I've done. so so so so Sorry. You are one of the best friends I've ever had, and I can never tell you how sorry I am for leaving you. if you ever join DA I'll be there and waiting for you. I will always wait for you. and I will always be sorry.

~Jenna, aka Skye

breanne on July 31, 2006, 10:42:10 AM

breanne on
breannewhich one do u want me to be

zakuman on July 28, 2006, 2:27:43 AM

zakuman on
zakumanI work two bs jobs, and hang out with friends and stuff on the weekends. So I barely get any me time. Which is when I normally draw. So yeah... it sucks. I'd like to get one decent full time job... so that I don't need a second job. That would free up soooo much time. But yeah, I'm crackin' away at like 3 new entries for this new site. I've already posted 2 new entries there. So I'm doing fairly good I'd say.

Generally the number of submissions is so low, cause I was only posting stuff I thought was up to snuff. And that wasn't much.

zakuman on July 27, 2006, 12:24:06 PM

zakuman on
zakumanI've been alright. Bustin' my @$$ at work. Um... I've only entered a handful at that site, like 14 images. I wanna make new stuff specifically for that site. Um... beyond that, I don't know... I had a long day... I'm a bit out of it.

sword_dragon on June 22, 2006, 6:50:14 PM

sword_dragon on
sword_dragon^^ thanx 4 da faves XD

SkyetheHedgehog on June 15, 2006, 10:25:42 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogwell, I'm afaird thats just too bad. this is for me, not you, or anyone esle. and if you don't want me to LEAVE, persay, then think of it this way, I'm having a break away from FAC, not leaving. I'm still on DeviantART, Sheezy Art and a site called I'll proably be romoving my gallery and stories too.

SkyetheHedgehog on June 13, 2006, 8:51:12 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogit's on my profile, down the bottom. just so you know, i'm leaving FAC.

SkyetheHedgehog on June 6, 2006, 7:34:13 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogwhat's your e-mail?!!

SkyetheHedgehog on June 6, 2006, 7:33:10 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogthat's what ya get for having smart friends! really, your story is there, second to last on your story section. but i'll e-mail to you if you want...

SkyetheHedgehog on June 5, 2006, 11:01:59 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog*laughs* I'm going to your story now, okay? but before I do, I have to point out, "Age: I ain't tellin' you beitch" and then above it says for occupation: 8th grader, people might just be able to nut out your age from that. LOL!! sorry, *hugs* I love you for being so very weird! love ya in a friendly way, of course.

DARK_REIGN on June 4, 2006, 8:05:42 AM

DARK_REIGNAbout my Spider man vs The Green Goblin picture, This is not a scan from a Spider man comic. If you read my comment about the picture, I said I did this with pen and ink and colored pencils. When I scanned the picture, I did a little touch up coloring with my computer. This is picture is not copied from a marvel comic book or any other book. However if you think this was good enough to be from a comic book.......Thank you. This picture is totally original " except for the characters themselves" The poses and the setting are from my head.

Arachne on June 3, 2006, 4:25:49 PM

Arachne on
Arachnethanks for your comment but actually i used a computer program for the colors named Adobe photodeluxe :-), interresting logo B.T.W

SkyetheHedgehog on June 1, 2006, 8:50:45 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehog.....okaaay...... what?

SkyetheHedgehog on May 30, 2006, 8:45:47 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogNo, Story-kun. I have many, many reasons to take my anger out on myself. I don't wish to tell you though, as nobody needs to suffer hearing what I've been through. You don't need to hurt, like I do, just listening to my story. I am nice, I know, but it's my way of saying helping myself recover. I'll never be okay, but I can try make things a bit better. great, now I'm crying. *sigh* and my mascara's running. great. let's just put this behind us, okay? ^_^  

SkyetheHedgehog on May 29, 2006, 8:52:44 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogI am too! have you ever cut yourself, just to hurt? I have.
have you ever wanted to die so badly you take your rage out on yourself? i have.
do you cut yourself off from everyone else, because they don't need to know how much you hurt inside? I have.
Do you paint your nails, your lips, your eyelashes black, so people know how you feel? I do.
you don't think I am because I'm too nice, because you judge everyone that is that type by one person. so there! *pokes tongue out at you* 

Cartoonz on May 28, 2006, 9:17:25 PM

Cartoonz on
CartoonzHiya! Hows your story coming? How are you? =)

SkyetheHedgehog on May 28, 2006, 10:18:44 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogdude. why are you not talking to me? *cries*
can you write some more of your fanfic, because I want to read it.
I can't beleive you don't like goths!!
I'M a goth! with the nail polish and the eye liner and the depressedness, and wish to hurt one's self. and the black clothing.

SkyetheHedgehog on May 28, 2006, 10:17:49 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogdude. why are you not talking to me? *cries*
can you write some more of your fanfic, because I want to read it.
I can't beleive you don't like goths!!
I'M a goth! with the nail polish and the eye liner and the depressedness, and wish to hurt one's self. and the black clothing.

silverlum45 on May 14, 2006, 12:43:01 AM

silverlum45 on
silverlum45Twoc=The Wrath of Cortex
Baby T=Baby T-rex in Twoc
Paulie=fan charcter
hope this cleared up any confusion!

Big_Pimpin_Domo on May 13, 2006, 9:00:30 AM

Big_Pimpin_Domo on
Big_Pimpin_Domoah..well thank you! =D

Big_Pimpin_Domo on May 13, 2006, 5:27:47 AM

Big_Pimpin_Domo on
Big_Pimpin_Domowhat i mean is you said my dog's death is in the hands of god now and i totally disagree with that

Big_Pimpin_Domo on May 10, 2006, 5:59:34 AM

Big_Pimpin_Domo on
Big_Pimpin_Domoi'm glad you liked my story...but i am really anti-god>_< thanks though!

FreakyMangaGirl on May 8, 2006, 9:14:09 AM

FreakyMangaGirl on
FreakyMangaGirlOh, I already red that one actually. I even left a comment and EVERYTHING.

heh, it was funny. I like how you used lots of different characters. That was pretty cool- like a skit.

so, yep, just wanted to let you know.


FreakyMangaGirl on May 8, 2006, 4:29:47 AM

FreakyMangaGirl on

*points finger*

YOU'RE a SLOW RUNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!

*face sobers* am I.

FreakyMangaGirl on May 8, 2006, 4:28:23 AM

FreakyMangaGirl on

*nods head*

I SEE. Dude, that SUCKS. I would miss all my friends- but you've probably made new friends right? Still, that must've been hard.

Ummmm- I don't DISLIKE the Legend of Zelda, I know that. I'm not really sure if I like it- I mean, I've heard of it, but I don't know anything about it.



Anyway- I'll talk to you later. BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!!!!!!!!!!

SkyetheHedgehog on May 7, 2006, 9:00:05 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogcourse ya can put her back in!

FreakyMangaGirl on May 6, 2006, 1:44:27 PM

FreakyMangaGirl on
FreakyMangaGirlheh, your welcome.

*cock's head*

Soooooo- you wont tell us your age, eh? Well, you're an 8th grader so that would make you- mmmmmmmm- 13 or 14?

nya, doesn't really matter.

But yeah.


zakuman on May 6, 2006, 1:17:19 AM

zakuman on
zakumanWell I actually took down a fair amount of my hentai work off this site. If you wanna see some, I can e-mail it to you. I just thought things were getting a little out of hand so I cleaned up a bit. Anyway, thanks a whole bunch for all the comments. They're much appreciated. And I do have a few pics of girls getting porked.. even in the bum. So yeah, well thanks again.

Aristea456 on May 6, 2006, 12:56:23 AM

Aristea456 on
Aristea456alright lets go over this chappy thing...

After u uploaded ur chapter on ur account...

K click Story(in the left side of ur screen)

there u see ur stories lined up...

click "edit" (right side of ur story, above preview)

there u will see a list of options that looks like this

Story Edit >> Properties. Content/Chapter. Live Preview

click "Content/Chapter"

there ya go... Kind of gloomy u didnt reply on all my questions before =(

U haven't even told me ur username =( *sigh*

murdoc_lovergurl on May 4, 2006, 3:07:08 PM

murdoc_lovergurl on
murdoc_lovergurlvery good *hug you and gives u a cookie* ^^

murdoc_lovergurl on May 3, 2006, 1:58:57 PM

murdoc_lovergurl on
murdoc_lovergurlchill dude go to the doctor and get one of those chill pill's. XD i"am finish with your request ok. don't worry my scanner is a hooker with my gay computer. well write back homie

SkyetheHedgehog on May 3, 2006, 9:00:20 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogof course you can! duh!
Will you look at my new pics? and I've got more of my new story up, too.

SkyetheHedgehog on May 2, 2006, 8:43:37 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogwhy would i be? if i am angry at anyone it is your so called friend that told you to leave! ^_^

rory4231 on April 30, 2006, 4:26:15 AM

rory4231 on
rory4231i am sorry for that wrong grammar but i am dutch you know i didn't make it up myselfs*shame* i got it from a dutch book i lie to translate story's

rory4231 on April 30, 2006, 4:23:07 AM

rory4231 on
rory4231yay you are going to finish it i don't like it i love it it's the greatest story so far it's my fav i will chek and isf i didn't say it thanks

rory4231 on April 30, 2006, 4:21:12 AM

rory4231 on
rory4231thanks for the first comment

murdoc_lovergurl on April 22, 2006, 10:19:02 AM

murdoc_lovergurl on
murdoc_lovergurlhmm ok so u want me to draw sonic and tails fighting who has a better girlfriend ok and then shadow come's in like a surpise. ok now i got an idea ^~ buh bye story maker.

love much.

murdoc_lovergurl on April 22, 2006, 8:03:19 AM

murdoc_lovergurl on
murdoc_lovergurlsup story maker guess who this is it's see-more luv tikal i got a new acounnt now anyways write back and if u have a chance read my story.

Aristea456 on April 21, 2006, 6:12:12 PM

Aristea456 on

click "Documents" (found at the left corner of your screen)

scroll down, there is where you Upload your word documents or stories onto your archive on the site.

Then click "Stories" (below the button "Documents.)

There at the upper right corner of your screen, look for "New Story" (next to "List Stories")

There just follow the steps ^^ I'll let you take care of that part.

Just tell me when u can't figure out how to add chapters in your story ^^ k?

Karibi_MGS on April 21, 2006, 6:12:05 PM

Karibi_MGS on
Karibi_MGSThanks for the comments. I guess. lol

Chapter 2 is up. =D

Aristea456 on April 21, 2006, 6:06:52 PM

Aristea456 on
Aristea456Umm Hello again!!!!!!!!

I figured out how u can find me there ^^

see the big Fanfiction logo on the site? Under it is a list of menus

Just in. C2. search. Forums.


on the Search panel, you can see there is a drop down button. choose = Author by Pen name

Type in Aristea on the With all the word(s) area.

Im Aristea! k? not Aristeas...

Aristea456 on April 21, 2006, 5:59:30 PM

Aristea456 on
Aristea456Hello, how about we add each other there as fave authors so we could stay in touch .

Lolz I was a member 3 years ago I think? So just read My naruto fanfictions, dont read my beyblade fanfics! I wrote it when I was only 11? so Its kind of ya know not good.

My stories:

* Nursing a shattered soul
* Stuttering

Do you watch Naruto??? Cuz thats where I'm currently submitting fanfics in ^^

So What do you think of the site? Read any nice Fanfictions lately?

Username (pen name?): Aristea

Hey whats your user name? or pen name.. Uhh what ever

Cartoonz on April 21, 2006, 7:04:02 AM

Cartoonz on
CartoonzGlad you're back! =^^= though I didn't know that you were gone since i couldn't get on my computer for a week....X__x

BLACK_AND_PUERTORICAN_GURL on April 19, 2006, 6:12:51 AM

BLACK_AND_PUERTORICAN_GURLwat u mean its wrong?frack u

MrGimp on April 18, 2006, 3:50:04 AM

MrGimp on
MrGimpYeah, i've been thinking about a sonic meets past sonic and stuff, but i dont think that will be a complete new story... i think that i'm gonna make a one chapter only story

MrGimp on April 16, 2006, 6:22:17 AM

MrGimp on
MrGimpNo, we dont have the tallest tree's in the world, but we do have some damn good cheese! ^_^

MrGimp on April 15, 2006, 8:56:45 PM

MrGimp on
MrGimpThanks for the comment by the way! ^_^

MrGimp on April 15, 2006, 8:53:10 PM

MrGimp on
MrGimpYeah sure i would like to read your story's, but i'm very busy at the moment, but i'll read them no doubt about it =)

ps, i'm from holland ^_^

Cartoonz on April 12, 2006, 9:35:12 AM

Cartoonz on
CartoonzHello! I have an idea for a story, since you asked me for one. =^^=
So; heres an idea I thought of but will never have the time to write: when Timmy turns 18, becomes an adult, and has to say goodbye to Cosmo & Wanda. What do you think will happen? (I kinda thought since he was able to keep them for so long, he would be allowed to remember them...) So, yeah! XDD

Aristea456 on April 11, 2006, 7:55:03 PM

Aristea456 on
Aristea456Hello! umm my names Aristea but in, you could easily change your pen name ^^

SkyetheHedgehog on April 11, 2006, 8:56:50 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on

SkyetheHedgehog on April 11, 2006, 8:55:46 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogyep, i did read chapter 3, i just didn't have time to comment, srry! glad you don't how anything against me! ~_^
I don't know where I got the idea from... some people think i copy EC's story, but i didn't... i think its because i just wanted to be funny, meh...

RockPrincess17 on April 10, 2006, 9:20:39 AM

RockPrincess17 on
RockPrincess17Alright then. ^^

RockPrincess17 on April 10, 2006, 8:43:04 AM

RockPrincess17 on
RockPrincess17And who the frack are you to fracking tell me I shouldn't like porn? Mind your own frackin business its my business what I fave and what I DONT. So back OFF.

all-around-gamer on April 10, 2006, 5:35:40 AM

all-around-gamer on
all-around-gamerUm thanks a lot for the comment and fave on my pic, "Mystic fanservice." I just wish you didn't make the width of it so long. It makes it so that people have to scroll their browers a few pages to the right before they can even see the image.

Aristea456 on April 9, 2006, 9:57:36 PM

Aristea456 on
Aristea456Umm hello! Thank u for the comment on my amateur animation ahehe

I see you like making stories ^^
You should put those up in where a lot "more" people will read and comment on your stories ^^ complete with stats on how your story is doing.

I used to post stories here too... but nobody seems to be interested much in reading fanfics here.

I'm an author and member their too ^^ you can ask me questions if your interested joining in that site... or maybe your already an author soo cool! ^^

I usually write in the anime category ^^

Amadeus on April 8, 2006, 2:02:15 PM

Amadeus on
AmadeusThanks for the comment. Only 83 thumbs up? LOL ^_^

Flyinmonkey1010 on April 8, 2006, 8:54:43 AM

Flyinmonkey1010 on
Flyinmonkey1010I've only watched it 13 and a half times! Thanx for ur comment on the Kenny drawing!

Weirdo on April 7, 2006, 3:37:23 PM

Weirdo on
WeirdoYes, I like that game alot. ^^

Kratosgirl14 on April 7, 2006, 6:34:48 AM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14the way i see it there are too many straight people in the world, it's kinda getting boring XD! thank youz

Weirdo on April 7, 2006, 5:21:46 AM

Weirdo on
WeirdoFinland: Cold place what has long winter and short summer. Much of pines and mooses. (dont know how to spell 'moose' when there's many of them..) Really much of lakes. It's in North Europe.

SkyetheHedgehog on April 6, 2006, 10:29:06 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogI would put DDC in but I've already written the 2nd chapter... plus i said no more chars just before you asked... srry! >_

Karibi_MGS on April 4, 2006, 5:42:00 AM

Karibi_MGS on
Karibi_MGS*flails* You really wanna see chapter 2 of my DBZ story!? lol I'll get to it then. *nods*

SkyetheHedgehog on April 2, 2006, 10:19:43 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogSure! i love your story! and i would love it if you put her in!

sis on March 31, 2006, 10:13:20 PM

sis on
sisI would rether not,I would like to draw more than comment.

sis on March 31, 2006, 1:58:26 AM

sis on
sisHay is that a challenge?X)
Well check out my art and comment please.Maybe you can get to a thousand if you try.XD

MrGimp on March 25, 2006, 7:07:09 AM

MrGimp on
MrGimpHey! Thanks for checking out my crossover story! I'm gonna read yours when i have the time! ^_^

DARK_REIGN on March 23, 2006, 11:51:44 AM

DARK_REIGNThank you for nice comment on my Ironman picture and for putting it in your favorite pics too! You are to kind. Best of luck on getting your stories published!

SkyetheHedgehog on March 23, 2006, 8:36:34 AM

SkyetheHedgehog on
SkyetheHedgehogSure is! i love it here! though i've never lived anywhere else. whats NY like?

Mewlon on March 22, 2006, 7:00:52 AM

Mewlon on
MewlonIt's called Utopia on Earth. ^_^

Mewlon on March 19, 2006, 2:58:43 AM

Mewlon on
MewlonYes, I have thought of becoming a writer. Right now I'm in college trying to earn my degree in animation, since I draw and write. I can do both and all. I'm currently writting a novel.

BobrechaunProductions on March 6, 2006, 6:40:04 AM

BobrechaunProductions on
BobrechaunProductionsSo you ARE a story maker. I see now.
Thanks for the comment.
When I get some time I'm gonna try to read some of your stuff. It looks reallty interesting.

MrGimp on March 4, 2006, 6:07:50 AM

MrGimp on
MrGimpHey, thanks for the comments! ^_^



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