Blog Entry: Degloss
Blog Entry: Degloss
Posted by: TallestPurple
Posted: June 27, 2008, 5:57:42 PM
Updated: August 26, 2008, 3:33:30 PM
Mood: Lalalala
Eating: Granola Bars c8
Drinking: None
Currently: >.>
Listening To: Fall Out Boy :o -stabbed again-
Posted: June 27, 2008, 5:57:42 PM
Updated: August 26, 2008, 3:33:30 PM
Mood: Lalalala
Eating: Granola Bars c8
Drinking: None
Currently: >.>
Listening To: Fall Out Boy :o -stabbed again-

Real Name: Degloss
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Date Of Birth: September 23rd 1990
Weight: 118lbs
Height: 5'8 (1/2)
Most Frequent Attire: Dark grey pants, A light green/aqua tank top, and lighter grey shoes.
Hair Color: White blending into black tips.
Eye Color: Bright Aqua
Markings: One under his right eye.
Orientation: Straight
Special Abilities: Bioluminescence.
Weapon of Choice: Uses no weapons
Personality: Degloss is very overprotective.
He'll say or do anything to protect his brother, Tadashi, or his other friends.
He's best friends with Miron, and deeply hates Eleventh.
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